Meta-PokéBase Q&A
11 votes

I'm basing this idea of the Oscars, Grammies, etc.
Also this post.

I was thinking on the DB we could do stuff such Nicest User, Best [blah blah blah], etc.
Every 2 months, we host an "award ceremony" for all kinds of stuff.
The first month, we do battling wise awards. Best [tier] battler, that kind of stuff.
Skip a month.
On the second month, we do community awards. Best question 'answerer' for [PokeBase,Meta,RMT], Nicest user on [Chat. DBserver], that kind of stuff.
Skip a month.
[Insert idea here]

You would be allowed to vote for anyone on the DB who has add activity within the week/2 weeks.

PokeMaster said he approves of this, but he wanted to do a poll like thing. It's been a while, and I wanted to bring this up again.
A format for the voting could be like the following:
Nicest User: [User here]
-Runner Up: [User here]

And so on. No spamming users, you can only vote for a particular user 3 times total during the voting season.
There will be a special 4 day long "nominee days" For people to comment on possible nominees.
Awards would be for people who constantly lose tourneys, and/or just want to win something. Obviously, they wouldn't win a battling award, but this would promote more helpful users, better answers, and an overall better community.

Most Creative Battler:

1. Mewderator

2. Hex

Most Creative Team-Builder:

1. Hex

2. ψPsychic.* / Dr.Flame / Mew

Nicest User on DB Chat:

1. ~~Will~~

2. DarkTyphlosion

Nicest user on DB Server:

1. Aeternis

2. Hex

Best Registered User:

1. i suck qq

2. Erapidash

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the most n00b battler (me)
*hands out Vote Poke'slash! signs* I knew I would need these again. Vote Poke'/ for least improved battler!
Im never ever ever getting voted forever

oh wait nevermind no most annoying user...

I didn't get voted once. How offended am I? :( xD
Nvm good job to the winners and all that sappy stuff. :3

19 Answers

1 vote

HaunterTheGhost's Votes

Most creative battler

I vote for NonePiece.

If you see him battle it is guaranteed a pretty good battle. He has used some original but effective techniques.

Second Place: Mewderator.

Who didn't vote for Mew o_O
Same reason as above, but he is pretty risky :P Mostly it pays off though...

Most improved battled from one year ago

'Fraid I wasn't around this site a year ago...

Nicest Battler

I vote for Hex.

Even if he loses against someone with a haxy and annoying team, he still says GG. Also, if he 6-0's you in 6 turns, he doesn't go round saying "Haha you suck what a n00b" If you get what I mean.

Second Place: Sempiternus.

Nice in general, but occaisionally like "Omg n00b". That's only in the heat of battle obviously :P

Most creative team builder

I vote for NonePiece again.

Got 8 upvotes on his flying monotype team! Again, he uses original strategies and sets.

Second Place: Psychic.

Posts regular teams, and is real creative. Unfortunately, NonePiece popped Psychic to the post, but no doubt this was one of the closest awards!

Nicest user on DB chat

I vote for Will.

If you ask him to add you on 3DS, he will. If you ask him why he hid your answer he will answer politely. If you are a troll, he will kick you. An all around nice user that is fun to talk to.

Second place: Recoded.

He may not agree with this, but imo he is a pretty nice guy. Although not as active as Will, he helps out and can chat to most people.

Nicest user on DB Server

I vote for Sempiternus.

He always says hai and plays hangman. Jokes aside, he is a great help when asking random questions and is awesome :D!

Second Place: Aeternis.

Pretty much the same reason as above, but I don't see him much D: Again he helps out and is awesome :D!

Best registered user

I vote for Dr_Dude_Of_Bananas.

Although he probably will not be getting there very soon, he is trying to go for expert. But unlike some people, he isn't 100% Point-Focused and is always kind.

Second Place: TechnoBlastBoy.

Quote from his profile:

>There's nothing much to say about me, except that I'm pretty dang cool :P

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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I ab00se pika 24/7 :>
Pika = phat

So it don't matter :D?
You spelled ugliest wrong.
Wow If you play Hangman you are pretty damn awesome :P
Hangman is fun dough :3
Lol but everyone ab00ses pika 24/7 sempi.
Actually in the heat of battle, I just enjoy taking pleasure in other people's misfortunes rather than "omg noob" <3

Wow I'm such a sadist.
I get second place :]
1 vote

Nicest user on DB chat: Will
Nicest user on server: Aeternis
Most Creative Battler: Mew
Most Improved Battler: Idk
Best Registered user: Once hands down (I suck qq)
By "Nicest" battler what do you mean?
Best should be there, which is mew
Most Creative Team builder: Doctor flame

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I believe the nominations have to be split up so people can vote on them, but Doc will let you know for sure.
And +1 to Will.
No, it says in the answer an example of what you should do.
Ah my bad then. I wasn't planning on nominating anyway so I kinda skimmed over it :p
Yeah.. my bad sorry.
ily2 taxxie <3
1 vote

Nicest User on Db chat Will FTW!!
will is amazing and i vote him for the nicest user
I vote Hex For the second nicest user

0 votes

Heres my vote!

Nicest User on DB-DanH1995

He helped me love this website again. Also, he answers most of the questions I ask.

Nicest User on DB -2nd Place-Recoded

Unlike most Experts/Editors/Mods, he gives a reason before hiding something, or he just tells us what we should do to fix the question, giving us time to edit it or hide it ourselves.

(BTW, I don't mean to offend any of you Mods/Editors/Experts by saying you don't give a reason for hiding stuff, maybe , you've never hid my question/answer. Just saying just in case someone is getting offended).

Nicest user on DB Chat not DB :P
Those last two statements don't even make sense together. XD
Why am I even close to second? xD. Plus I can't hide stuff :P
Lol PX.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sorry Recoded, must have mixed you up with some other guy
0 votes

Nicest user on DB Chat
I vote for Candy- All the great hugs <3, and candy is also really super awesomely nice for a few other things..

Candy is cool but a bit too violent and caps spammy at times imo
She just does that to show affection :P
0 votes

Best Registered user
i suck qq
Second place: Will

How am I not the best registered user? What is this?!
Well, dang. Btw, Will is not a reg'd user :|
waitwhut? .-. i thought Will was regular? lol
0 votes

Even though I was very, very Nay to this...

Most Creative Battler
1st: Sempiternus | Sempi pulls out strategies that I would never think of and I have even applied into my NU teams.
2nd: Mewderator | Mew for same reasons as above. Comes a bit short, however.

Most improved battler since 1 year ago
I've only been here for four months.

Nicest battler
1st: Hex | Hex will apologize. Hex will feel your sympathy. Hex, when he has hax on his side, will even write eulogies. Nicest person I can think of for this.
2nd: Sempiternus | Same reasons as above, but he can be a huge großen haufen scheiße sometimes.

Most creative team builder
1st: Mewderator | He makes creative teams. He has over 100, actually. Cool stuff.
2nd: Dr.Flame | Again, he makes creative teams.

Nicest user on DB Chat
1st: ~-~WILL~-~ | Will shows great care in chat, being generous with warnings (unless trolls) and is overall a very funny guy. Cheers everyone else up in chat.
2nd: DarkTyphlosion | I was actually very torn on this one. Will barely beat DT because he is more active than DT (when I'm on, at least). Has the same qualities as Will, and they are both great people! :D

Nicest user on DB Server
1st: Hex | Again with the nice qualities. Can we go somewhere else? Exhibits the same qualities as every other nice nominee.
2nd: Trust & Betrayal | ^^^^^

Best registered user

1st: MeloettaMelody | The single best answerer ? on the DB. His answers are always comprehensive, full of detail, and a good chunk of them are Best Answers. 0 downvotes can't be too bad, right?
2nd: i suck qq | An active, good user that doesn't deserve anything due to phatness deserves to be ranked higher. Trustworthy. Good. Paint in a can.

lmao, T&B? Nice? But thanks for more support <3
T&B is actually very nice :P
Whenever you say nay I think of someone a Scrafty on all fours going nay...
T&B is nice but trolly lmao xD
0 votes

Ok so, some of these aren't even a contest lol...

Most creative Battler:

Hexy: Because he can lose 1-0 to a standard MPinsir + Talonflame team (scary!), and not complain that he was using almost all lower tier pokemons (Like Specs Sceptile, and his signature Crawdaunt), or complain of the broken abiility to sweep that Pinsir has. Imo, creative falls short when describing Hexy's ability to battle.

Mew: Unlike other battlers, Mew has some Balls of Steel. Oh, I just switched my Talonflame on his Mega Pinsir at +2? THE DUDE GOES TOTALLY ALL OUT, RISKING HIS FREAKIN PINSIR BECAUSE TALONFLAME MIGHT U-TURN.
Definitely ballsy, creative, and unarguably great at battling.

Creative Teambuilder

Mike: Anyone who didn't vote for Mike SERIOUSLY needs to reconsider. Lemme just list a few of his great achievements...

  • A Succesful AV Metagross (without some crappy EV spread)
  • Hidden Power Rock Landorus (I lol'd at this one; SURPRISE)
  • Rotom-C in OU (what is Talonflame Rotom counters?)
  • Max Speed Crawdaunt (Him and Hexy ran this in the Collab tour)
    Point proven, no?

Hex: He used a motherfreaking Specs Sceptile in OU, and showed people who's boss. Also the first person to make me fear Crawdaunt.

Nicest User On DB Server

JackZero: I rarely know the guy, but he's won this section on my list. He's constantly at the server, doesn't burst out with random and/or stupid crap, and helps people a lot. gg wp Jack

Hex: A very close second, and only second because he's been on every other award section I have done so far lol (P;>). Also, I'd say he's the most calm Auth we have, as well as the most active.

Best Registered User

JackZero: Yolo, he just is.

Hotcakes/i suck qq: Honestly, people give him too much crap for having fun with other server users (by talking in a silly or "offensive", but jokingly manner), and consider him a child. He's probably more fun than all the pissed off little pricks who bash on his behavior, and actually has a sense of humor (OMG WHAT? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY YOU SPEAK OF KNOWN AS HUMOR????) Also, he about the only scrub who's taken this long to get expert, so gj on second.
Also, bc he da bae.

(last): Gligurr. He r loser.
(the actual last): Pika. Too Phat Imo.

Notice how all of these users can take a joke and have a sense of humor??

I took even longer than that scrub to get expert, I still don't have 6000 :P but your right
Only person who understood what "Most Creative Team Builder" meant.
Maybe because you're not a scrub Pee Ex?
lol the end is a lie, he is just hiding his true feelings
The only thing that is a lie is the cake imo
0 votes

Mai reasons suk, 1 second creations

Most Creative Battler

Hexy hands down. Crawdaunt shud die. >:C
M00, plz when we need a set, we turn to him

Most creative Team Builder

M00, too many teams, too gud as well. 100+ XC
Dr Dude, a wierd choice to most of you. You'll be like LOL WTF WHERE'S HEXY OR MIKE OR SOMEONE LIEK THAT. Dr Dude uses interesting sets on his teams, and interesting teams, especially in the NU tier. I like that. It works pretty well too.

Nicest user in DB Chat

Will Pretty funny guy, and everyone has a blast with him
DT I swear everytime you talk to DT, it becomes lecture of some sort. And he has an evil plan to make the world talk in grammar and punctuation la di da di da. I think. Nice guy tho.

Nicest user on DB server

Hexy. Hexy will always tolerate you no matter how much of a n00b you are, and he will always apologize and stuff. C:. Well he could be a heartless robot programmed to do so but meh.
Aeternis Gud guy c; always supportive and all C:!

Best registered User

i suck qq. Wunce. He r jurk and scrub. Which is why he r gud. Not sure how that makes any sense, but wunce is actually pretty funny and nice. Sometimes. I think. I could just have a really bad sense of humor.

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I'm Expert Moron :P
0 votes

Nicest user on DB Chat

1st. ~-~WILL~-~

I look forward to my chat sessions with him every time. Whenever he's on chat, I'm like 'yaaaaaay my li'l Willverine is on chat' and shtuff. So yeah.

2nd. MrKijani

He's just as good as Williboo but I never see him enough. So sowwy D:<

Best registered user

1st. Erapidash

She's nice. I'd come up with a full on lecture but I'm not bothered so yeah. :D :D :D

2nd. i suck qq

He definitely deserves my vote, but he comes second simply because I think he hates me but I assume he's not the only one. I never see him enough! :s

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I don't hate you D: I hate everyone! :D
I love you too <3
0 votes

Best registered user:


I'll do the rest later.

0 votes

My opinions for theh voting:
1st for the nicest user on the realm of Chat: Mr. Kijani (this guy is great to chat to, and is seriously nice that way. He is always there to help!)
2nd: Sassy_Little_Mawile (this gal is so fun to chat to, and supports everyone in chat positively!)

0 votes

Fine lezgo

Most Creative Battler: Doctor Flame

Reason - Experience with him. He saks

2nd: Sempi

Reason - Again, he saks. Turns bad starts into good ones and haxes wins. GG

Nicest User on DB Chat - Will

Reason: Very fun, supportive and calm

2nd: DT

Same as Will, just slightly less so. Very epic still :P

Most improved Battler: I wanted to say me, but i still suck right now XD

Is Jojo still a valid choice? If so Aeternis

Second: tazzie or Hex cough I mean I dunno maybe DanH?

Nicest User on DB server: MrKijani

Reason - an Epic friend and loves to help people and be nice.
Opposite to me ofc

2nd: Scizor

Help made the place, is very approachable and freindly to us :P

0 votes

My Votes.

Most Creative Battler:

Hex by far.

Most Improved Battler:

I gotta say JCM here, sorry.

Most Creative Team Builder:

I'd vote myself if I could, hell I was the first one to use Encore Alakazam...... & idk why people are voting Flame >-<. If I'd take a pick, it'd be Ionization hands down. Ion really takes a Team and adds originality and mostly good(st00pid) stuff. Ionization has my vote here over anyone. This category should be based on originality, not standard crap. Which is where Mew and Flame fall.

2nd: Flafpert.

Nicest User on DB server:

DanH1995 without question. Even though I just recently met him, he's shown traits that no one else had on the server really. He's gained my respect as a person, by far the nicest i've seen.

2nd: Aeternis.

Best Registered User:

Battling Wise?? Or on here??

Best Battler:

Edit, this'll get intense. I have multiple people I want for this one. But no given places or anything.

FUNNEST PERSON TO TROLL=IONIZATION!!!!!! I do it for amusement myself xD

St00pid logon server broke v.v
3rd day in a row too ;-;
I upvoted, why was this downvoted?
Yourself LOL for Most Creative Battler. Level 1000 Roar Of Time Caterpie? Handsdown.
Btw, best registered user is basically one that contributes a lot or is nice.

You better vote for me P:>?
0 votes

I guess we're voting? I think this should be more like nominating then we vote, but whatever. Time for u sak q x2 votes :0!

Most Creative Battler
1st: Mewderator | Only because I just don't know what the hell with him and his "strategies" anymore. Seriously, I play him and when any other scrub on this planet is in the same situation as him and does the normal thing, he does the stupidest crap ever and you lose the game because of it. You'd be better off consulting a Magic 8 Ball than trying to figure him out for yourself.

2nd: Hex | Pretty much just like Mew, but you don't scream at your neighbor's cat as often when he pulls a "haha, eff u" move.

Also, I feel like this is a good award in the one people are making it sound like it is, but a bad name. I think just straight up "Best Battler" should replace this.

Most Improved Battler Since 1 Year Ago
1st: Pikamaster | Also the winner of the scrubbiest user, I've looked through some of Pika's RMTs and they look like something I tried to make when I got into competitive about 3 or so years ago when I thought Volbeat should be a force to be reckoned with in OU. Now he is a formidable opponent in Monotype, OU, UU, and apparently RU?

2nd: tazzie | I actually remember back in October how scrubby tazzie was, but he has turned out to be a decent player and is probably the best LC player on the site right now (like 30 or so on the ladder). Pika beats him as tazzie wasn't on the site a year ago.

Nicest Battler
1st. Hex | Because Hex is just the calmest user ever and isn't Flame*. Gives no effs about losing or getting haxed and just wants to battle and is ready to battle almost always.

2nd. Vast White Warrior | I don't get to battle him much, but he is the one who put in perspective on what "hax" really is and knows that every game is a gg.

*Just some things Flame says when a crit that doesn't matter happens: "r u srs", "omg srsly", "r00d", "....", "hackx", the list is long asf, but there is an 8000 character limit.

Most Creative Team Builder
1st. Hex | Not only does he spam Crawdaunt on every team, he also uses Sceptile, Clawitzer, Archeops, and Yawnmega. And he actually performs.

2nd. ψPsychic.* | Or Mike, whatever. I don't know who started Crawdaunt up first, but the first time I faced it was vs. Mike. He also used that freaking AV Metagross who just tanked and tanked, blew crap up like a tank, and made you want to throw yourself in front of a tank.

Mew is last because every team he uses has Mega Pinsir.

Nicest User on DB Chat
1st. ~-~WILL~-~ | I'm not always on or interacting in the DB Chat, but I've seen Will on ther at least once a day or so and I can see the impact he has on the other users and the respect he has gained from newer users as well as old.

2nd. Pokenubz | Everyone else would be voting for him if he would get his Internet back already. Although most users who found a place and made it their own on the Server, Kyron still stayed behind and communicated with users often trading with the new ones and advising them on what they should do or do next.

Nicest User On DB Server
1st. Hex | Because he is just the coolest of the cool and everyone knows it, not because he is an arrogant jerk, but because he makes everyone feel good and is just the epitome of a nice person. He must have a nickname for everyone and will make you giggle with his smileys. One of the best users on this site who I have had the pleasure of meeting, if not the best.

2nd. Aeternis | aka my man-crush. Its kind of hard to explain how someone is so nice, but seriously, he is just so kind to everyone entering the server and, like Hex, those smileys make you feel at peace.

Best Registered User
1st. Erapidash | Had to go with Indigo on this one (also because I can't choose myself x3x). A fantastic and well liked user on Chat who has activity everyday, easily fits in to discussions, and is very respectful. Another one of my favorite users.

2nd. Vast White Warrior | Damn fine battler and a damn fine cadet. Always knows what hes talking about and the consolation and advice he gives to other users is what makes him a stand out user. If only he would log on more. :/

FInally a nomination for Erick.

....Now I have no reason to answer :/
0 votes

still nay on this one. however, i have some stuff

nicest user on DB server

  1. DanH1995
  2. Aeternis

    most creative battler

1. NonePiece
2. Mewderator

Most creative team builder

1. Ionization
2. Mew

edited by
Js, It's I, not L, or was this a troll .-.?
Also, thanks for the nomination :D
ok, wait. is it "I" like big i or "l" like small L? they look the same ;-;    "I" and "l". tbh, i have always pronounced it as "Lozination" :P
Big "i" lol xP
0 votes

Nicest user on DB chat:

Dark Typhlosion:

I like to think that I am fairly civilized when compared to a large amount of the internet. Well, next to DT, I look quite immature. I've never seen this guy lose his cool, only ever being harsh to people when they are well deserving of it and only then after he has tried his best to defuse the situation.

He's very smart, and is able to debate incredibly well. Even if we are on different sides of an argument, I always have a blast when debating with DT. He's also very witty, and doesn't rely as much on puerile humor as I do.

I often seeing him take the time to help out people, be it a new user to the site, or one of the site's most prominent members who is having some difficulty coping with an element of life that they are finding to be incredibly stressful.

While there are many people on the chat who are nice, very few of them can support their kindness with constantly useful advice, which is why I'm nominating DT for "Nicest User on DB Chat".

Best Registered User:

Winner: trachy

Runner-Up: Rio

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Very subtle, trachy.
Subtle as a brick.
0 votes

Nicest user on chat:
1st.Sempiternus.Three words can describe him: Awesome,awesome and awesome.However,if you break rules on DB,he'll come at you with all guns blazin'. Much like DT.
2nd.Candy.Really fun to talk to and and amazing gal :P

Best user on DB:
1st.Le scraf.His answers are really detailed and you can tell by looking at them that he has put a lot of thought in answering them.

Nicest user on server:
1st.Scizornician:He'll always say hi to you and is always nice to all of us.

2nd.Hex.Like everyone said,he will tolerate no matter how idiotic you are.

0 votes

Jofly's Votes ^_^


>This is so easy to answer in my opinion. Just take a look at the DB there is one user who shines above all others. His name is TheWonderful Kyurem. Of course I am joking. It was very difficult for me to answer this since there are so many great users on this site.

Most creative battler

I nominate AlphaDraconis for this one. He is mainly playing doubles which needs more strategy than singles. He has done some very good teams like this one. The runner-up is going to be a guy I haven't seen in a while. His name is Ben or |SentByRavens|
Most creative battler: AlphaDraconis
Runner-up: |SentByRavens|

Most improved battler since 1 year ago

Will be answered later.

Nicest battler

I nominate a viking friend of mine for this one. Hex. He is just funny to talk to during a battle also a very great battler I've had many good battles with him in generation 5. Runner-up will be Aeternis who is funny to play against and build teams with.

Nicest battler: Hex
Runner-up: Aeternis

Most creative team builder

Isnt this the same as "Most creative battler" or have I understood the question wrong?

Nicest user on DB Chat

Here I nominate DarkTyphlosion, this guy is really funny and he knows very much about video games. Funny to talk to aswell.

Nicest user on DB Chat: DarkTyphlosion
Runner-up: Not sure yet.

Nicest user on DB server

I nominate Flafpert aka "Flaf the Pert". Flafpert is friendly and he almost always helps you with testing teams if you ask him. It is fun to talk about games with him aswell. Runner-up Scizornician aka "The Scyther Hater #1" He is very active on the DB Ps! server and he is always saying "Hi" to you when you join :P

Nicest user on DB server: Flafpert
Runner-up: Scizornician

Best registered user (No experts up)

Here I'm nominating Recoded. It feels like a he an Expert but he isn't. He has been around here for a long time now and i'm quite sure that he will acquire his expert rank soon. Runner-up will be Rio who is really kind. Both of them are answering questions great.

Best registered user (No experts up): Recoded
Runner-up: Rio

The reason why he feels like an expert is because he is an expert:
Whut? He does not have 6k points.
Like I need them :D
U can change to me if u want