So I created, am hosting and am playing in this one? Time to abuse my power! Ahem, anyway, welcome to the I'll Follow You Tournament! This is also the first of the new Seasonal Format, so there won't be another one until the latter half of Summer.
You start off with a Pokemon of your choice, but it must be dual type'd. The second Pokemon's Primary Typing must then match the Secondary typing of the former Pokemon. I'll give an example:
Venusaur here is Grass/Poison. The following Pokemon must then start as Poison type.

Drapion's Primary type is poison, and secondary is dark. The next Pokemon' primary type would then be dark and so forth.
The last Pokemon can be dual type'd, contrary to the original post.
Pokemon don't need to be switched in through this order, once in battle it's just a normal battle. But please order the team in this way in the team builder.
A team only needs to fit the type restrictions in team builder, so if Pokemon change type mid battle (such as mega evolving), that's fine.
The base Pokemon is what is considered for the team building. Mega Sceptile is considered pure grass type, Mega Gyarados is still considered Water/Flying etc
Basic rules that will be forever reiterated:
- Smogon OU Clauses
- Single elimination best of one brackets
- Battles are to be held on the Pokemon DB Showdown! server
- Spectators cannot influence player's descions, and players cannot accept outside help. If you break this rule
you may not be allowed to compete in the future.
- You can use a different team every match if you wish
How to participate
Signing up means committing to playing. If you sign up, you must be prepared to play each of your games. Failure to do so results in disqualification. Check this thread regularly, at least once a week. This tour will progress quickly.
Communicate with your matched opponent through comments on this thread and on each other's walls. If a game is not played whoever made the most attempt to play the game is given the win. If neither can be said to make effort, both will be disqualified
Sign up by posting an answer in this thread! Feel free to make it look nice and be witty, but include the following information: Pokemon Showdown! username(s) and Timezone
For example:
Showdown name: Fresher Than You
Timezone: GMT+0
Sign Ups close Sunday the 24th and matches begin the following Monday
Want to suggest your own tournaments? Do so here!
PX's Battling Basics
Finally, remember to have fun!