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2 votes
unfortunately, i do not understand what your trying to explain here.
he asked which one to use in Soul silver. if it isn't answerd by this afternoon then i will do it (someone d it please..im to lazy xD)
Where does is say SoulSilver? The game he is asking about is Silver :3
Lazy Chance Breaker is back, Snorlax Style xD

5 Answers

4 votes

Slowbro FTW!
So Slowbro is a great choice if it is actually the original Silver.
With a great Satk compared to Gyarados and Quagsire, it can abuse a necessary move ingame, Surf. It also got access to Psychic which is awesome against Koga and Bruno the Elite Four. It also has a myriad of weird and epic moves, such as Zap Cannon, Blizzard, Shadow Ball and Fire Blast!
And what it lacks in Speed, it makes up for in bulk, with excellent 110 Defense and 95 HP, it can take hits from the likes of Golem and Machamp easily. Here is a moveset:

-Water Gun ->Surf (replace Water Gun when you get Surf)
-Confusion->Psychic (replace Confusion when you get Psychic)
-Zap Cannon/ Shadow Ball /Fire Blast

And not to mention its resistances! While Electric and Grass can dent it quite badly, it is pretty much killing anything else. Bugs had no really good move until Gen 3(Twineddle is VERY intimidating though) and with only 4 Ghosts in the entire game, you shouldn’t have to worry. And while the random Bites of Ratata might be annoying, Darks was both uncommon and weak in Gen 2 compared to how they are now.
But it is not all Sunshine for the Bro though. It can be found very early, in the Slowpoke Well, but it also stay Slowpoke for quite a while, until Lv 37 and as I said, its speed is rock bottom, and with no access to Trick Room, it can prove difficult to use.
That is the pure awesomeness of the Bro, fear him, love him, train him!

Just to add a minor thing. You can get Slowking earlier since it evolve using Kings Rock and thus might be a viable option. Its movepool is the same and the stats only have minor changes to it.
Quagsire. Honestly, I'd choose Quagsire because of its moveset potential which is really good. And its type combo.
now that is just dumb. there are pokemon better then him for goodnes sake
Gyarydos looks like it's gonna barf,
Slowbro has feeling problems and Quagsire wants to give you a hug.

That's not weird at all.
But slowbro can't learn the last 3moves you choose in silver, gen 2
Blizzard and fire blast are expensive in gen 2, and shadow ball is physical. I don't think it's a good idea to use any of them on Slowbro.
1 vote

ok. its stat time!

              slowbro    gyarados     quagsire
HP               95          95          95
Attack           75         125          85
Defence         110          79          85
SpAttack        100          60          65
SpDefence        80         100          65
Speed            30          81          35

seeing how horrible quagsires stats are he is out of the question
gyaradose is pretty much the strongest attacker hear.

gyaradose dosnt have weakness to grass, but he has 4 times weakness to electric, so just pull him out as soon as you sniff out a electric attack.

slowbro has ALOT of weakness, and dark types are easy to come by in games, pretty much all high level normal types know ONE dark type move. he will also have weakness to bug and ghost.

but if you want a tank I would use slowbro, as long as you avoid his many weaknesses

in the end gyarados is the stronger Pokemon, I repeat GYARADOS IS THE WINNER!

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lol em
thanks fizzcube. how do you make the words green? i hate having to use these ->  -------
but i love using dem spaces.
No problem. Just making it a little more organised ;)
To make that little table thing, put four spaces at the beginning of each line you want included. Have a little play with the table I put in up there; I taught myself to do it, so you probably should as well. If you just want to make text green, put one of these ( ` ) at the start and end of the text you want green.
0 votes

Slowbro has good coverage and is also a great special attack that is very bulky but is out ran by a majority of the Pokemon in the game and is tedious to level up from a Slowpoke, Gyarados has a beast-like attack stat combined with its great special bulk and decent speed but its STAB-Water types moves are special so it will only be making use of its low special attack stat but it can be a viable HM Slave, Quagsire has a good typing and decent bulk and attack power but isn't as strong as other water types.

I personally would go for Slowbro as its coverage with it being one of the best special attackers in the game is solid for a play through even with it evolving late from a Slowpoke I'd say its worth it as combined with good stats it access to Ice Punch/Blizzard, Zap Canon, Shadow Ball and even Fire Blast?!

Hopefully, this helps :)

0 votes

First, Golduck is better than all 3 of these options. You should use Gyarados or Slowbro only if you don't want to use Golduck for some weird reason. Second, I apparently suck at answering questions, so I got other people to do it for me.

one thing it has over most Water-types, outside of the high join level, is that you can just give it four HMs (Water HMs and Strength) without impacting its perfomance significantly (the only loss here is you cannot run Thunder and Blizzard on it, but Gyarados has a fairly low Special Attack, so I doubt it'd make good use of those anyways). With that said, it doesn't destroy the whole game, but from memory, it's never a deadweight anywhere,
Slowbro is very slow and thus easy to wear down, especially with the amount of hax that is present in the games. You also have to backtrack for it, as using Slowpoke is pure insanity and you are better off just catching it as Slowbro (esp because Slowpoke evolves very late and thus you get Slowbro earlier with the backtrack).

I think the thing that stands out for me about the Red Gyarados compared to all of those other Water-types is just how...effortless it is to use. Like, yes you can probably point out "flaws" in how it performs, but this Pokemon is a compulsory, high-level encounter that is practically GIVEN to you and happens to learn a bunch of mandatory HMs that it can actually use in battles effectively. Given that efficiency, in this context, is fundamentally a measure of a Pokemon's useful output in relation to the amount of time and effort required to make it useful in the first place, I'd argue that ranking the Red Gyarados above that other mid-game Waters, who are arguably better at battling in some respects but come with a not insignificant time/opportunity cost cost to obtain and/or train (e.g. a back-track, level grinding, obtaining and using one-time TMs, etc.), can be justified.
Like it honestly feels like a hinderance to NOT use the Red Gyarados, even if you pick Totodile (because even with the redundant coverage you are getting your non-deadweight Waterfall user for free - Feraligatr doesn't learn Waterfall in these games). Literally, if you were doing almost any playthrough of these games and you decided to use something like Tentacruel or Slowbro as your mid-game Water in lieu of the Red Gyarados, you are deliberately slowing yourself down without, in my opinion, making the end-game "easier" enough to justify it. That is just how efficient the Red Gyarados is.

Slowbro is rather bad against Jasmine since the Magnemite will obliterate you together (though Gyara is unlikely to be better, unless Surf manages to OHKO Magnemite, which I highly doubt). In addition, you have tons of hax later on (like the various confusion-inducing moves) which Slowbro is almost surely suffering through due to being slow and not being capable of OHKOing things, not to mention that you will have to heal it quite often. Admittedly, this one I remember the least, so expect some inaccuracies in what I am saying.
so tl;dr
- Gyarados outperforms Slowbro in pretty much all matchups due to being faster and also doesn't require backtracking
Gyarados's pretty much outright inferior to all of those against Jasmine (some of those can run Blizzard for Dragons, but that's pretty unreliable) and, in most cases, outperforms or performs similarly to the aforementioned ones,


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–1 vote

Although Gyarados has the lowest special attack out of these 3 options, I still think it's the best one. You can catch the red Gyarados at level 30 immediately after defeating Morty (whose highest level is 25). At this point in the game, the wild Quagsires and Slowbros are around level 20, which means catching the Gyarados gives you 10 more levels of free experience. Gyarados has a bunch of other advantages, such as significantly higher base speed, 100% encounter chance, set IVs that are above average, and ground immunity.

I think you should explain more on why Gyarados is better than the other two, as not everyone is aware of its raw power. The advantages you mentioned are pretty meh, and could also be said for Moltres in FR/LG even though Moltres is a bad pokémon for a playthrough because of how late it is available.
FRLG Moltres is obtainable late and has type disadvantages against many late-game opponents. GSC Gyarados has neither of these problems.
I wasn't trying to compare Moltres and Gyarados, I meant to say that the advantages you mentioned in favour of Gyarados are honestly extra advantages and don't say about its raw power (other than speed), and hence don't justify its usage over Slowbro. Other answers talked about Slowbro's raw power, and I think the better way to justify Gyara's spot over Slowbro would be comparing raw power.
I agree that Gyarados has less raw power than Quagsire and Slowbro. I was trying to argue that Gyarados's other benefits outweigh this relative lack of damage output.