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What are the best locations for getting Effort Values in Special Attack?

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Will there be an answer for Sw/Sh?

7 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

R/S/E: Route 113. Spinda have a 70% encounter rate. If Emerald Slugma also gives SpA Evs raising it to 95% chance to get hp evs per battle.

FR/LG: Pokemon Tower. 90% Spawn chance on Gastly and Haunter.

D/P/Pt: Resort Area/Old Chateau. Either 100 % Psyduck spawns or 90% Golduck spawns in Pt while surfing in the Resort. 100% Gastly spawns in the Chateau

Hg/Ss: Ilex Forest. Surfing in Ilex Forest is guaranteed Psyduck/Golduck.

B/W/B2/W2: Celestial Tower. Litwick and Elgyem combine for 90% encounter rate.

X/Y: Frost Caverns. Vanillite and Smoochum Hordes add up to 65% encounter rate.

OR/AS: Route 119. 100% Oddish Horde Encounters.

S/M/US/UM: Trainers School. SoS chain Magmemite for double the evs per defeated mon.

Sw/Sh: Route 10. Snom and Vannilish are the most frequent Spawn I could find for this stat.

S/V: West Province Area 2. Girafarig has a high Spawn chance between Porto Marinada and Colonnade Hollow. Can use sandwich to increase Spawn chance.

Hope this Helps.

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Attempting to SOS chain Magnemite in Gen 7 is hell on Earth --- they have a 10% encounter rate, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, and Sturdy. Are there any better options for Special Attack?
11 votes


You can surf at the Resort Area and find Psyduck (1 EV) or Golduck (2 EVs). Another place is the Old Chateau, where it is 100% Gastly (1 EV) or, if you have a GBA game, Haunter (2 EVs) as you walk around.


Surf in Ilex Forest to find Psyduck (1 EV) and Golduck (2 EVs).

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Also if you are at the old chateau night (change the time of day if lazy) and you have any gen 3 games in the ds as well you can fight gengars.
HG/SS: Sprout Tower at nigth - 95% Gastlies
You can also find Psyducks and Golducks in the pond (surf required as well) in the route right above Goldenrod City, but slightly higher leveled.  (quicker level up?)
A better place in Platinum would be surfing at Resort Area. There are Psyduck and Golduck in their level 50's.
9 votes

Black / White:

Litwick 1 EV
Elgyem 1 EV
(lower floors are more likely to be Litwicks, while higher are more likely to be Elgyems)

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2 votes

Black/White 2 - Special Attack spots

Celestial Tower 1F - Litwick (1 EV), Elgyem (1 EV). Avoid higher floors due to Golbats.

1 vote

Also in White

White forest has Mareep, Abra, and Ralts at the point i am also it can have Ghastly and Oddish

0 votes

Gen VII - Pokémon: Ultra Sun/Moon

Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)

0 votes


Psyduck (Brooklet Hill)

Magnemite (Trainers' School)


Gastly (Watchtower Ruins)

Oddish (Dappled Grove)
