PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
42 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon X and Y on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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83 Answers

23 votes

I'ma write one for Ninja Frog.

Greninja @ Mystic Water/ Black Glasses
Ability: Torrent

  • Surf
  • Extrasensory/ Ice Beam
  • Water Shuriken
  • Dark Pulse/ Night Slash

Why is his tongue a scarf? The foam he had as a Froakie/ Frogadier would be so much cooler.

Dark Pulse or Night Slash, whichever's easier for you. Greninja can be a good mixed Pokemon in-game. Water Shuriken is actually more useful than you'd think, because of those Gravelers and Boldres; Water Shurkien will break Sturdy. Either Extrasensory for Fighting coverage or Ice Beam for Grass coverage, so it would depend on the rest of the team. Or you can sacrifice Water Shuriken for one or the other. Considering that I'm advising Venusaur, I think Extrasensory is more beneficial, because Venusaur can handle grass types.

Acrobatics is another moveset option, if you so felt like it. It'll most likely OHKO Chestnaught if you're a few levels above it.

Greninja is a really solid starter; great speed, decent attacks and some nice STAB moves.

Weak to: Electric, Grass, Bug, Fighting, Fairy
Resists: Water, Fire, Steel, Ice, Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Psychic

Venusaur @ Miracle Seed/ Poison Barb
Ability: Overgrow

  • Venoshock/ Sludge Bomb (you get Sludge Bomb really late)
  • Petal Blizzard
  • Sleep Powder
  • Earthquake/ Giga Drain/ Petal Dance

I was going to go with Charizard at first for the Fairy resistance, but Venusaur actually has super effective moves against Fairy types (that don't have a 75% accuracy like Iron Tail), plus the resistance. Sorry Mega Charizard X, as cool as you are, Venusaur wins. Earthquake for coverage and to deal with stuff like Klefki, which has has a Poison immunity because of Steel typing, or another STAB Grass move if you wanted either a draining move or a more powerful grass move.

Weak to: Fire, Flying, Psychic, Ice
Resists: Grass, Fairy, Electric, Water, Fighting

Mienshao @ Expert Belt/ Black Belt
Ability: Regenerator

  • Drain Punch
  • Power Up Punch/ Rock Smash
  • Rock Slide
  • U-Turn

I'm so glad they included Mienshao in this game; while there are plenty of fighting types to choose from, not least that weird new Fighting/Flying Hawlucha, but for me Mienshao wins out because of Regenerator. Rock Slide will be sufficient for in-game purposes, and Mienshao gives a nice Rock resistance as well. I'm not going with High-Jump Kick, since if it misses you're really screwed. You should really only use Mienshao against things that are weak to fighting anyway, so you might as well go for Power Up Punch & then Drain Punch on everything.

Rock Smash is actually pretty useful, since there are plenty of rocks in your way in this game, and because it's not a HM move, you can replace Power Up Punch with it and swap the two moves contiually.

Mienshao does evolve late though, and you might think that Regenerator doesn't matter too much because you can use items, but +30% makes quite a big difference. Mienshao is worth using if you're patient.

Weak to: Flying, Psychic, Fairy
Resists: Rock, Bug, Dark

Mewostic @ Mind Plate/ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye/ Infiltrator

  • Reflect/ Light Screen/ Charge Beam
  • Thunderbolt
  • Psychic
  • Signal Beam/ Energy Ball

Competitively, Prankster (male) Meowstic will be such a good support Pokemon, since it can set up at least one screen because of the ability.

In-game wise, either Infiltrator or Keen Eye is fine. There are a few select trainers that do set up screens, but beyond that Infiltrator is useless. Keen Eye is probably the better ability taking into account that there are SO MANY Boldres in this game and they usually have Mud Slap. Mewostic also learns some good special moves beyond its Psychic STAB, and can have some really nice coverage.

I would personally advise the male Meowstic, simply because I like having a defensive Pokemon around, but the female Meowstic is one with better offences, and in-game battles are hyper offensive, so you might want a female one. If you do get a Female Meowstic, Charge Beam is an option for her over a screen, if you want to use her to sweep.

Weak to: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Resists: Psychic, Fighting

Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Cute Charm

  • Draining Kiss
  • Moon Blast
  • Psyshock
  • Dig

The star of X&Y, Sylveon is actually a pretty decent Pokemon. It's surprisingly slow, but it has some really great HP & Sp. Def, along with a nice Sp. Atk. Draining Kiss to replenish health, and it learns it very early on at level 20, so either evolve Eevee at level 19, or use a Heart Scale. Moonblast is great STAB, at BP 95, 100% accuracy and a chance of lowering an opponent's sp. atk. Psyshock and Dig to cover its weaknesses, even though they're pretty uncommon in-game, but Psyshock will prove really useful against Toxicroak (which, spoilers, Team Flare uses). Sylveon will trash any Dragon types, with the possible exception of Dragalge. Psyshock is only available later in the game as a TM, so Bite will be a good filler move until then.

Weak to: Steel, Poison
Resists: Fighting, Bug, Dark
Immune to: Dragon

Emolga @ no item
Ability: Static

  • Acrobatics
  • Thunderbolt
  • Roost
  • Volt Switch/ Encore/ Light Screen

You can get Emolga on the same route as Eevee, at a relatively infrequent encounter rate, and as far as I can tell, Emolga has the upperhand in sky battles. It also learns Acrobatics, which will be great against the Fighting Gym, and against some dude's Jumpluff in a sky battle which I was not expecting. It's got pretty cool typing, meaning its Ground weakness is negated, and its Rock/ Ice weakness is covered by Mienshao and Greninja respectively.

Sky battlers also use Emolgas themselves, but just use a STAB Electric move and you'll be fine. You should usually be a few levels above your surrounding trainers/ Pokemon anyway.

Emolga is boss.

Weak to: Rock, Ice
Resists: Bug, Grass, Fighting, Flying, Steel
Immune to: Ground

I didn't include most HM moves, but guess what? Bidoof is BACK. So go use a Bibarel. As for Fly, I personally didn't find it that much of a deal to forfeit Fly, considering that you can just Fly to a centre & swap Pokemon. You can use a Fletchling to Fly. The tiny bird doesn't even need to evolve in order to learn HM02.

Also note that these are final movesets, so mess around with the moves, use HM moves or whatever throughout the game, but these are the sets I recommend for E4 purposes.

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Petal Blizzard and dance aren't great, replace them with Leech Seed and Gig Drain/Energy Ball
Meinshao is far to late game, you'll have around 7 gym badges by the time you face Wulfric and while its good by then, it's only great matchups as a meinshao is that knight dude.Use Lucario, its mega will eviscerate anything in its way with ease.
Close Combat/Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Power-Up Punch/Hone Claws/Bulk Up
Rock Slide/Psychic
Dig, on Sylveon?Are you CRAZY, 65 Attack is horrid, replace it with Shadow Ball or Calm Mind, Draining Kiss just isn't a great move, replace it with more coverage like Hidden power or Reflect to deal with Sylveon's lackluster Def.
Emolga is awful and we need a flyer for easy travel, use Staraptor.Sadly the Choice Scarf is post-game but 100 speed is solid, or use Talonflame for more speed.
Brave Bird
Close Combat

Flare Blitz
Steel Wing
If I may, though most of this is me agreeing with the guy above me.

Emolga has the defenses of a paper bag, and its attack stats aren't really worth it. If you need a Flying-Type that resists a lot of other types, might I recommend Altaria? The moveset I'd use for it would be:
Dragon Claw
Ice Beam

The commenter above me was right about using Lucario and what moveset would work, so you might keep that in mind.

I'd also tweak Sylveon and Venusaur's movesets. Venusaur is a special attacker, so physical moves aren't your best bet. You could maybe replace Petal Blizzard with Solar Beam, which Venusaur learns by level-up, so you don't have to spend money on a TM. Then you could replace Draining Kiss on Sylveon with Sunny Day to help with Solar Beam. I'd also recommend switching Dig for something else, since Sylveon doesn't have the right attack stat for it. Maybe Shadow Ball or Last Resort, either will work as strong neutral damage on most types.
why is there no mega venusaur
What? Emgola on the team. It can’t learn fly in X and Y but maybe Talonflame should replace that Pokémon on the team.
Flash cannon is a post game tm
any alternatives?
also, what items should i put on everyone?
16 votes

Okay, I got a team for you guys. This team is where Fenniken is your starter Pokemon.

Delphox (Fire / Psychic)

Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe (Use Super Training :3)
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk) [If you can]
~ Flamethrower / Fire Blast
~ Psychic / Psyshock
~ Cut
~ Grass Knot

Fire Blast and Psyshock are options for the 1st and second slot, respectively, but Fire Blast has less PP than Flamethrower, which makes it, the less preferred. Psychic has more power, which is why Psychic was listed. Cut was there because Delphox has a pretty limited movepool.

Staraptor (Normal / Flying)

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe (Use Super training :3)
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA) [If you can]
~ Fly
~ Close Combat
~ U-turn
~ Return

Your team's Flyer. The best thing about this bird is due to its access to Close Combat, obliterating the need to worry about Rock Pokemon. U-turn can help get out of sticky situations and and Return is good STAB ingame.

Lucario @ Lucarionite

Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe (Use Super Training :3)
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
~ Close Combat
~ Aura Sphere
~ Bone Rush / Earthquake
~ Poison Jab / Strength

One of the first Mega Evolutions you have access to using it one of the best ingame. 140 + Offensive stats do not play around. Close Combat and Aura Sphere are STAB that work well together due to Close Combat's low PP. Bone Rush and Earthquake help against Poison Pokemon. Poison Jab is used to wipe out Fairies, which resist Fighting. As an alternative, you can use Strength if nobody else can learn it, Strength can be used.

Gogoat (Grass)

Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 SpA / 128 Spe (Use Super Training :3)
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SpD) [If you can]
~ Horn Leech
~ Earthquake
~ Strength / Milk Drink
~ Surf

Gogoat has incredible potential ingame, having the ability to learn Surf, which alleviates your Water Pokemon's moveslot. Gogoat can use it to cover its Fire weakness. Horn Leech and Milk Drink keep Gogoat healthy, but Strength can be used if noone else can. Earthquake gets great coverage ingame.

Lanturn (Water / Electric)

Trait: Sniper
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (Super Training)
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk) [If you can]
~ Waterfall
~ Hydro Pump
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt

Waterfall was perfect here for filler :D
The rest of them provide STAB and BoltBeam.

Florges (Fairy)

Ability: Flower Veil
Evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
~ Moonblast
~ Petal Blizzard
~ Psychic
~ Wish

Florges is so damn good. Fairy typing is good ingame and it has access to some pretty cool moves. Just use a Heart Scale for Wish :P

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gogoat is grass/normal
No. Gogoat is pure Grass. Sawsbuck is Normal/ Grass.
I think Florges should have Energy Ball instead of Petal Blizzard, because of its bad Attack and good Sp. Atk.
Why do you encourage Super Training/Nature Breeding for in-game teams? The Pokemon Aime and simply leveling up is more efficient.
Late but I respect this man using Lanturn, its so underrated with a good movepool and good bulk to use in playthroughs. Its one of my favrouites.
14 votes

Fighting Type: Lucario


- Aura Sphere
- Bone Rush
- Shadow Ball/Claw
- Poison Jab

Lucario is a great all-around Pokémon. It has some pretty amazing offensive stats and is one of the few Mega Evolutions you can get in-game. Its mega gets Adaptability, which gives a big boost to moves like Aura Sphere.

Water type: Blastoise, Azumarill, or Greninja

Swag Swag Swag

- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam/Play Rough
- Dark Pulse/Anything Physical
(Dig/Bulldoze, Brick Break/Superpower, etc.)

Not only are they useful as HM slaves, but Water types can be good offensively as well.

Grass Type: Venusaur, Roserade, or Chesnaught

Swag Swag Swag


- Cut
- Venoshock or Sludge Bomb
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power
(depends on if it's good) or Toxic / Dazzling Gleam


- Hammer Arm
- Seed Bomb
- Dig
- Poison Jab/Shadow Claw

It's good to have a Grass-type Pokémon for your team. They learn some other great coverage moves as well.

Fire type: Charizard, Chandelure, or Delphox

Swag Swag Swag


- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse/Claw
- Air Slash/Fly
- Solar Beam/Anything Physical
(Shadow Claw, Steel Wing, Brick Break, etc.)


- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball/Grass Knot
- Psychic

Charizard is great to have because of its powerful Mega Evolution. The best choice for Charizard's moveset depends on which Mega Stone you have; with the first choice (for Y) in the above moveset being special moves and the second one (for X) mostly being contact moves.

Chandelure and Delphox have really good Special Attack and get great coverage.

Fairy type: Gardevoir


- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball

Gardevoir is a great Pokémon due to its high Special Attack and great movepool. Its moves have complete type coverage, and it can have a mixed set without extra effort thanks to Psyshock.

Rock type: Aerodactyl


- Fly
- Rock Tomb/Slide
- Strength
- Rock Smash

Aerodactyl is awesome in this game. It works well as an HM slave, and it gets a Mega Evolution, so it can use Fly with huge attacking power, STAB, and a Tough Claws boost. Being part rock, it works great in Sky Battles, too.

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my team is greninja, charizard(mega x), blastoise(mega), venasaur(mega) gardevoir(mega) and lucario(mega) so my whole team is almost mega but greninja
What about a team of magikarps?
I have a chesnaught, so whom do I teach cut?
U need Lucario and a Zoroark 2 my son
My team was Chesnaught, talonflame, florges, blastoise, malamar and heliolisk. :]
12 votes

I'll post one I guess. If you want to, you can EV train really early on in the game via Super Training, so if you want to do that I've added EVs. This is NOT necessary for the game though, X and Y happen to be one of the easier Pokemon games due the trainer's awful AI. Natures don't matter, so long as they aren't lowering the Pokemon's main attacking stat.

This one has a lot of Pokemon exclusive to X in it, but you can swap Clawitzer for something else and change Charizard's Mega Stone in you have Y.

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Chesnaught @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Def

  • Seed Bomb
  • Brick Break
  • Shadow Claw / Stone Edge
  • Bulk Up

Chesnaught is a tanky Pokemon, which is nice for in-game. It's a bit weak on the special side though, so keep that in mind when using it.

Seed Bomb is Grass-type STAB that deals a solid amount of damage. Brick Break is the strongest Fighting-type move Chesnaught has that doesn't give it any drawbacks. The lack of power is fine for in-game playthroughs. Shadow Claw is accessible fairly early on and provide coverage for Psychic-type Pokemon. Stone Edge is another great move, but is only available later in the game. Bulk Up amplifies Chesnaught's Attack and makes it more bulky.

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Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 HP

  • Shadow Claw
  • Iron Head
  • Sacred Sword
  • King's Shield

King's Shield is a fantastic move in both competitive and in-game for its Attack-lowering ability, which is great for Gym Leader and Elite Four battles.

A physical set was chosen over a special one so the team has a balanced amount of special and physical attackers. Shadow Claw is the best physical Ghost move available, chosen over Shadow Sneak as it hits much harder, and because Speed doesn't matter nearly as much as it does in competitive. Iron Head hits Fairies hard, and has a flinch chance which can come in handy. Sacred Sword provides additional coverage. King's Shield, as mentioned before, is a fantastic move that has many uses. Thank goodness it's exclusive to Aegislash, or Gen 6 would be a stall generation like Gen 2.

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Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze / Tough Claws
EVs: 128 Spe / 252 SpA / 128 Atk

  • Dragon Claw
  • Fly
  • Flamethrower
  • Dig

Charizard is a great Pokemon with its new Mega Evolutions. Charizard X has nice mixed attacking stats, so I made use of them with this set.

Dragon Claw is Dragon STAB, and hits everything but Steel and Fairy for a solid amount of damage. Fly is a very useful move, and should be included on every team, even if it doesn't offer much coverage. Flamethrower is self explanatory. Dig is useful as the last move. It lets you escape caves at the cost of 20 base power since Earthquake could have been used as well. The underground turn does not matter as the computer will never try to play around it.

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Florges @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 SpD

  • Energy Ball
  • Moonblast
  • Psychic
  • Aromatherapy

Florges can be obtained as Flabebe pretty early in the game, which makes it a nice choice. It helps with the upcoming Fighting Gym as well.

Energy Ball hits many Rock-type Pokemon in the game, common in caves and with many trainers. Moonblast is Fairy STAB and can lower Special, making Florges' Special Defence even more impressive. Psychic is another good coverage move, although a number of different moves could be used in this spot. Wish is a possibility, as it is a very nice support move. Aromatherapy removes status conditions like confusion that become very annoying in the game.

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Clawitzer @ Splash Plate
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe

  • Water Pulse
  • Aura Sphere
  • Ice Beam
  • Dragon Pulse

Clawitzer is a really cool new Pokemon that gets some great coverage moves. It's also available before the Rock Gym, making it very useful early on and easy to get caught up in levels. Water Pulse, thanks to Mega Launcher, does the same damage as Surf. It was chosen over Surf for its confusion chance. Aura Sphere, Ice Beam and Dragon Pulse are coverage moves that can hit types Clawitzer would otherwise be walled by.

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Heliosk @ Zap Plate
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

  • Thunderbolt
  • Hyper Voice
  • Surf
  • Flash

Heliolisk is an interesting new Pokemon that gets Surf, which is great as it lets Clawitzer use Water Pulse. Thunderbolt and Hyper Voice are STAB attacks that have good neutral coverage. Surf lets you travel on water and provide more coverage. Flash helps in cave.

If you want, you could also use a rain set with Thunder instead of Thunderbolt and Rain Dance instead of Hyper Voice (which is only necessary to hit Grass Pokemon for a reasonable amount damage). This activates Dry Skin, lets you use a more powerful Electric move, powers up Surf, weakens Fire moves that half the team is weak to and supports a number of Pokemon on the team, but it can be annoying to set up constantly.

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The natures really do not matter much if this is just for ingame, this is by no means a viable team online. The only exception is if the nature is really terrible for that particular Pokemon; for example, an Adamant Gardevoir is really counter-practical.
I remembered I used this team on Pokemon Y, but I deleted my profile on the game and handed it to my sister, so I can have Pokemon X and she can have Pokemon Y
Just saying chestnaught get owned by flying type moves
@superash: Not a good enough reason not to use it. In-game is very predictable. You can switch out to Aegislash or Heliolisk very easily.

Also, I rewrote the entire thing since I sounded like a dumb ten year old in this.
Um actually Clawitzer is Xclusive (get it? because he is exclusive to x! HAHAHHA!)
11 votes

So here is my team for Pokemon Y!
I've added EVs as well since it's much easier to obtain now with Super Training.

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Greninja @ Mystic Water
Water/ Dark
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

  • Surf
  • Extrasensory
  • Dark Pulse
  • Ice Beam

Surf is STAB and a useful in-game utility. Extrasensory is fighting coverage. Dark Pulse is STAB. Ice Beam is for grass coverage.

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Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze (Drought when Mega Evolved)
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

  • Fly
  • Flamethrower
  • Solar Beam
  • Earthquake

Fly is STAB and a useful in-game utility. Flamethrower is STAB and benefits from Drought. Solar Beam is for water coverage and benefits from Drought. Earthquake is for rock and electric coverage...and because its Earthquake!

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Gallade @ Expert Belt/Black Belt
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

  • Pyscho Cut
  • Close Combat
  • Night Slash
  • Stone Edge

Pyscho Cut is STAB. Close Combat is STAB. Night Slash is ghost coverage. Stone Edge is flying coverage.

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Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Spd

  • Iron Head
  • Sacred Sword
  • King's Shield
  • Shadow Claw

Iron Head is STAB. Shadow Claw is STAB and ghost coverage. Sacred Sword is great for steel types that resist his STAB. King's Shield is a great defensive protect move that will lower the target's attack stat as well.

enter image description here

Heliolisk @ Zap Plate
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

  • Thunderbolt
  • Grass Knot
  • Parabolic Charge
  • Surf

Thunderbolt is STAB. Grass Knot is ground coverage. Parabolic Charge is STAB and heals you. Surf is ground and fire coverage.

enter image description here

Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Spd

  • Moon Blast
  • Draining Kiss
  • Calm Mind
  • Pyshock

Moon Blast is STAB. Draining Kiss is STAB and heals you. Calm Mind makes it a beastly tank. Pyshock is poison coverage.

This team is serving me very well. It has very good coverage and never any more than 2 Pokemon have a weakness to any type. Hope you guys enjoy my team!

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I'm currently using this build, and so far I am very satisfied.
Gallade HECK YEAH.
Just one question, though. Why Sylveon over Klefki, given that the latter has more immunities and resistances?
O_O this was my first team exempt for helioptile he was a nidoking lol
Wow, this team looks great.  
I agree with Breeding Master, though, Heliolisk should be replaced.
And instead of Earthquake for Charizard, go with something like Roost or Dragon Pulse, since it's Attack isn't that great (and you already have rock coverage with Solar Beam)
Never get rid of the Heliolisks!!!! Heliolisk all the way brotha!!!
What about replacing Gallade and Sylveon with, say, Gardevoir and Lucario/Pangoro?
Could you possibly use acrobatics on Greninja to cover grass, fighting, and bug?
Really nice team.Truly awesome.
Only 1 addition,Air Slash should replace Fly on Charizard since even Fletchling can learn Fly and Air Slash is special.
Also anyone of Dragon Pulse/Focus. Blast/Blast Burn can replace Earthquake but it's fine if you don't do that.
Great team- I'll take it! But both Greninja and Heliolisk have Surf, so I recommend Water Shuriken instead of Surf for Greninja, since Heliolisk would already have Surf.
this is amazing i would recommend using this team
Nearly a perfect team, I'm currently using this build and I love it.
I just prefer Dragon claw over Solar beam for Charizard, and Waterfall over Surf for Greninja since Heliolisk has Surf already. And to answer to @WaywardPenguin87, replacing Sylveon and Gallade by Gardevoir and Lucario is 100% doable.

Still I'm realling struggling with Heliolisk, it's a cool pokemon to have on the team but its defense are too low. I'm looking to replace it by Rotom grass type (ground immunity as it's levitating), a bit less HP but a lot more Def and Sdef :
-Leaf storm
-Shadow ball
-Dark Pulse/Thunder wave
I'm also thinking about Gliscore which is a really good pokemon, the only one with ground and flying type, and he learns Thunder fang.
4 votes

When I buy X, this would be the team I am aiming for.

Greninja Water/Dark
Trait: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Night Slash
- Acrobatics

I made him both a physical and special attacker because he has a good special attack base stat and an alright attack stat so why not? I chose Surf because you basically need it for the entire game. Ice Beam to cover Grass, Ground, Flying and Dragon types. Night Slash because I love that increased critical-hit ratio. And Acrobatics to cover grass, bug and fighting types.

Charizard Fire/Flying (Fire/Dragon when it Mega Evolves)
Trait: Blaze (Tough Claws when it Mega Evolves)
- Belly Drum/Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

High attack base stat + the ability Tough Claws + Belly Drum (or if you don't like 50% HP loss then you can go for Swords Dance) = the movie "2012"!!! Dragon Claw for STAB since he's a Dragon type now. Earthquake for mass destruction. And Fire Punch because it's got higher base power than Fire Fang, and no recoil unlike Flare Blitz.

Sandslash Ground
Trait: Sand Veil
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Poison Jab/Gyro Ball
- Rapid Spin

STAB Earthquake!! Stone Edge covers Ice weakness and other types. Poison Jab/Gyro Ball are both to cover weaknesses. Poison Jab is to get rid of the new Fairy types and has a chance to poison. Gyro Ball is also for the Fairy types and has high attack because his low speed base stat. Because Charizard is a Fire/Flying type having a 4x weakness against Stealth Rock, he'll be KOed before I even get the chance to Mega Evolve him, so that's why I put Rapid Spin on Sandslash.

Lucario Fighting/Steel
Trait: Inner Focus (Adaptability when it Mega Evolves)
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon

Dark Pulse can counter Psychic and Ghost types. Aura Sphere is Lucario's signature move. Dragon Pulse is for crippling Dragon type. And Flash Cannon is for crippling Fairy types.

Crobat Flying/Poison
Trait: Inner Focus
- Sludge Bomb
- Fly
- Heat Wave
- X-Scissor

Sludge Bomb for more Fairy type destruction but with STAB. Fly to fly around the region + STAB. Heat Wave covers weaknesses and has a chance to burn. X-Scissor is for the same reason but with no addition effects.

Ampharos Electric (Electric/Dragon when it is Mega Evolved)
Trait: Static (Mold Breaker when it is Mega Evolved)
- Thunderbolt
- Power Gem
- Cotton Guard
- Signal Beam

Thunderbolt is for STAB. Power Gem is for countering Ice type since he's a Dragon type now. Cotton Guard to be able to endure Earthquake. And Signal Beam for a chance to confuse.

Overall, this team is basically used for awesomeness and Fairy type extinction. I've only used a 5th generation moveset for Sandslash, Crobat and Ampharos because I can't find a 6th gen learnset for them and I don't know whether you can get those three in-game because I haven't played the game yet so I hope this team works out!!

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Where do you get Sandshrew because I looked it up and I can't find it on the Internet
Sandslash is available in game, Route 18.
Sandslash doesn't mega evolve.
he was talking about mega evolving charizard.
Switch Dark Pulse for Shadow Ball on Lucario.  The only thing better about Dark Pulse is that it can hit Normal-types (and duh Lucario's a Fighting type), so with Shadow Ball you can be Super Effective on more Pokémon.
Dark and Ghost are both super-effective against the same things..... But still, Ghost is usually better...
wait, Flash cannon is postgame tm.
4 votes

Team Preview: Greninja, Charizard, Aegislash, Mienshao, Heliolisk, Garchomp

Greninja @ Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent

  • Waterfall (HM05 - Route 19 from Shauna)
  • Dark Pulse (TM97 - Route 16)
  • Extrasensory (Level 49)
  • U-Turn (TM89 - Couriway Town)

Greninja is a great Pokémon to have with his amazing stats that allow it to be a mixed attacker as well as great moves to go with this. Waterfall is your Water STAB move and gets you up and down waterfalls, Dark Pulse is your Dark STAB move, Extrasensory covers his weakness to Fighting and U-Turn covers his weakness to Grass and gets Greninja out of battle if needed.

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze -> Touch Claws

  • Fly (HM02 -Coumarine City from Professor Sycamore)
  • Flamethrower (Level 47)
  • Dragon Claw (Move Reminder)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Route 22)/Dig (Shalour City Pokémart)

Charizard was gifted with two Mega Evolutions and both of them are absolutely great for the main story. Charizard is a much better choice for a flyer than Talonflame, due to Charizard's many coverage attacks, Mega Evolutions and more STAB moves. Fly is a powerful STAB move (when not Mega Evolved) and gets you around quickly, Flamethrower is your Fire STAB move (Flare Blitz, Fire Fang and Flame Charge are the only physical Fire moves he gets in XY, Fire Fang and Flame Charge do less damage than Flamethrower even with Tough Claws and Flare Blitz does way to much damage back), Dragon Claw is your Dragon STAB move when Mega Evolved and Earthquake and Dig both cover his weakness to Rock (Dig does more damage with Touch Claws, but EQ is a one turn attack and if you run Dig, you'll have to beware of EQ's coming from others).

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze -> Drought

  • Flamethrower (Level 47)
  • Solar Beam (TM22 - Route 21)
  • Fly (HM02 - Coumarine City from Professor Sycamore)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Route 22)

Now for the Y-Exclusive Mega Evolution. Charizard Y keeps the same type upon Mega Evolving, but this means he keeps his immunity to Ground, but Mega Charizard Y got Drought meaning Flamethrower does disgusting damage and Solar Beam is now a one-turn attack. Flamethrower as mentioned does disgusting damage with STAB, Drought and base 159 Special Attack, Solar Beam covers his weaknesses to Rock and Water, Fly is a good STAB move and gets you around quickly and Earthquake covers his weakness to Electric.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change

  • King's Shield (Move Reminder)
  • Iron Head (Level 45 as Doublade/Move Reminder)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30 - Terminus Cave)
  • Sacred Sword (Level 51 as Doublade/Move Reminder)

Aegislash, notorious for being the best non-legendary Pokémon (maybe other than Greninja) introduced in X and Y. Stance Change combined with it's great stats for either form and great moves makes this Pokémon a great asset to any team, in-game or competitive. King's Shield allows Aegislash to revert back to Shield Form when needed at the start of a turn and then perhaps also drop the foe's attack. Iron Head is your Steel STAB move (Make sure to teach Honedge Gyro Ball when you can 'cause otherwise, you won't have a steel move on him for a while), Shadow Ball is your Steel STAB move and Sacred Sword cover his weakness to Dark. Swords Dance is another option for setting up, but Aegislash already does loads of damage, so it isn't necessary.

Mienshao @ Big Root
Ability: Regenerator

  • Drain Punch (Level 33)
  • U-Turn (Level 41)
  • Poison Jab (TM84 - Shalour City Pokémart)
  • Rock Slide (TM80 - Couriway Town)

Mienshao is one of my favourite Pokémon, I almost always use it when I get the chance. Mienshao has incredible Speed and Attack meaning it will outspeed a lot of foes and probably OHKO them if their defence isn't really high. Mienshao also has great STAB moves, moves to cover all of his weaknesses and a great ability. Drain Punch is your STAB move that also recovers HP, that combined with Regenerator means Mienshao will rarely faint, especially since you can swap out with U-Turn and deal more damage as you restore some, as well as covering his weakness to Psychic. Poison Jab covers his weakness to Fairy and Rock Slide covers his weakness to Flying.

Heliolisk @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Dry Skin

  • Thunderbolt (TM24 - Lumiose City Gym)
  • Surf (HM03 - Shalour City from Rival)
  • Parabolic Charge (Level 25 as Helioptile)
  • Dark Pulse (TM97 - Route 16)/Focus Blast (TM52 - Anistar City Pokémart)

Heliolisk is probably my favourite Generation 6 Pokémon and luckily he is a great Pokémon to have in your team as probably the best Electric type in the game (at least for the main story). Thunderbolt is your main STAB move, Surf covers his weakness to Ground and means Greninja only has one Water HM, Parabolic Charge is another STAB move but for recovery, Dark Pulse and Focus Blast are for further coverage as he can't really cover his weakness to Fighting. Another set you can use is a Rain Dance set (you take out Thunderbolt for Thunder and Dark Blast/Focus Blast for Rain Dance, this allows it to get better use out of his Dry Skin Ability).

Garchomp @ Shell Bell
Ability: Sand Veil

  • Dragon Claw (Level 33)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Route 22)
  • Rock Slide (TM80 - Couriway Town)
  • Poison Jab (TM84 - Shalour City Pokémart)

Ever since Garchomp was introduced in Diamond and Pearl, he has been a beast of a Pokémon with his great stats and great movepool that allow it to cover all of his weaknesses. Garchomp is definitely the best option for a Ground type and a Dragon type in XY. Garchomp is also one of my favourites because his strategy for battle is to simply WRECK. Dragon Claw is your Dragon STAB move, EQ is your Ground STAB move, Rock Slide covers his weakness Ice and Poison Jab covers his weakness Fairy.

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3 votes

I'm currently at the Pokemon League in Y, but this is the team I aspire by the end of completion :

Greninja ( Water and Dark Type ) :
Ability : Torrent
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Surf

While it may take a while to get a portion of these moves, they can be applied to a great extent, and have a vast coverage against many types of Pokemon you encounter. Surf is also the most valuable utility outside of battle.

Gardevoir ( Psychic and Fairy Type ) :
Ability : Trace ( Pixilate when Mega )
- Calm Mind / Shadow Ball
- Moon Blast
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

This set makes amazing use of Gardevoir's high Special Attack stat ( 125 ), and allows a wide variety of Pokemon to take super-effective / neutral damage. Calm Mind can boost stats to overwhelming levels, while Shadow Ball can retaliate those pesky Ghost types.

Charizard ( Fire and Flying )
Ability : Blaze ( X = Tough Claws, Y = Drought when Mega )
- Dragon Pulse
- Fire Fang / Flamethrower
- Fly
- Solar Beam

Depending on which version of the game you may have ( X or Y ), this set can be really effective for both Mega Forms. Fire Fang and Fly make great use of X's massive Attack, while Flamethrower and Solar Beam have the Sun to help them out with Y's.

Aurorus ( Rock and Ice Type )
Ability : Refrigerate
- Ancient Power
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave

Although this set doesn't make use of the, " Refrigerate " ability, it can play a great role on any team. Thunder Wave to hinder your opponent, and proceed to attack from there. The amazing boost of every stat Ancient Power can rarely give is not too shabby, either.

Lucario ( Fighting and Steel Type )
Ability : Steadfast ( Adaptability when Mega )
- Aura Sphere / Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch

When in Mega Form, this set will truly shine due to the defying ability, " Adaptability " and boost in Attack. Ice and Thunder Punch have complete coverage, while anything not resisting a STAB Fighting move will take significant damage. Increase with Swords Dance if preferred.

Heliolisk ( Electric and Normal Type )
Ability : Dry Skin
- Grass Knot
- Parabolic Charge
- Surf
- Thunderbolt

With a large move pool, it can be hard to narrow one down. While this set does not provide the best coverage, the current team, aside from Gardevoir's Thunderbolt, lacks the offense to Water types. Heliolisk, with Dry Skin, Grass Knot, and Thunderbolt has no worries.

Conclusion :

While there may be better choices for team links, this one ceases to disappoint. Fighting, Ground, and Rock types might give this team a difficult challenge, but with harmony the types provide, they can certainly pull through. Thanks for reading!!! :D

Huh. I totally forgot Amura was Rock/ice. I thought it was only Ice. Thanks for the info.
Gardevoir THANK YOU.
It is kind of hard to get dragon pulse you know.
How could you not have a Steel move on Lucario?!
If you want to make use of Aurorus' Refrigerate, Replace Ice Beam with Hyper Voice. Hyper Voice turns into a base 162 move with STAB. Ice beam would be 142 Base power with STAB. so Hyper Voice > Ice Beam
3 votes

Okay. So far, this is my favorite team to use.

Greninja @ nothing
Ability: Torrent

  • Water Shuriken
  • Aerial Arce/Acrobatics
  • Substitute/Fling/U-Turn
  • Dark/Pulse

Water Shuriken (What real ninja doesn't use Shuriken With 100% Accuracy?)
Aerial Ace/Acrobatics (To Keep Grass/Fighting/Bug Types Away)
Substitute/Fling/U-Turn (Sub: Okay. A bit gimmicky, but really. It's useful. Fling: Look at move below. U-Turn, as stated by Squier 18, would also work well by taking advantage of Greninja's amazing speed [for a starter Pokemon] and allow it to scout out the enemy's team).
Dark Pulse/Thief (Dark Pulse because it's strong or Thief if you want a free weapon to fling at an enemy)

This is a gimmick ninja build, but it looks really good as far as your biggest weaknesses goes with the exception of Electric and Fairy Types, though Fairy Types are easily beaten down with Venusaur.

Venusaur @ Venusarite
Ability: Overgrow/Thick Fat (Mega Forme)

  • Earthquake
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Protect
  • Seed Bomb

This is going to help protect Greninja from Electric type threats and, in Mega Forme, will be able to act as an incredible wall, being able to take Fire and Ice Type threats for neutral damage at best. Venusaur will be my go-to Mega due to his incredible bulk and his weakness to Flying, a rarely used type both in game and in meta, and Psychic, which at least one is almost guaranteed on all meta teams due to the need to protect Fairies from Poison types/Poison moves.

Ability: Speed Boost (If You Got The Torchic From The Mystery Gift otherwise, this will be pretty useless with its initial ability)

  • Flare Blitz
  • Sky Uppercut
  • Shadow Claw
  • Protect

This is a revenge killer. Shadow Claw will protect Venusaur from Psychics while also giving Blaziken a way to kill ghosts without using its Flare Blitz too early.

Edit: For those who are late in getting Torchic, thus Blaziken with Speed Boost, there is another that I would have used in its stead.

Ability: Prankster

  • Spikes
  • Substitute/Protect
  • Toxic
  • Attract/Torment

I'm sure you see where I'm going with this one. Klefki will be a powerful Pokemon in both in game and meta due to his Prankster ability allowing his Status moves to go first unless faced against a faster Pokemon with Prankster. He will either have Protect or Substitute as his defense as well as Spikes and probably Toxic since he cannot use Toxic Spikes unless it is an Egg Move.
Even if he could use Toxic Spikes, I would suggest Toxic instead because anyone who swaps in a Steel type could get rid of Toxic Spikes with ease where as Toxic must target instead of relying on your opponent to use either Rapid Spin or bringing out said Steel type to get rid of the established Toxic Spikes. The last slot is more of a user's choice. Attract would force your opponent to swap out or gamble on whether or not his/her Pokemon can break out of the attraction long enough to damage the Klefki's Sub or Klefki him/herself, or Torment to break Choice Scarf/Specs/Band Pokemon. I would have preferred if Klefki could learn Taunt to stop setups, but it may be an Egg move. I hope it is, but I can't be sure. Either way, this is a great Pokemon to setup with.
My backup for this would be a Guard Split Carbink in a similar style as Guard Split Shuckle, though with the combined benefit and curse of having 50 points in attack, special attack, HP, and speed at the cost of 70 points of Defense and Special Defense. This could allow Carbink to be slightly more offensive if paired with a Pokemon capable of using Power Split with high Attack and Special Attack stats, if one is possible. Aegislash's Blade Forme would be one such possible partner. Again, I don't know, but hopefully things such as possible Egg moves will be released so that we can find out what combinations are possible.

Ability: Stance Change

  • Sacred Sword
  • King's Shield (Protect with the ability to reduce an opponent's Attack if they use a Physical attack.
  • Shadow Claw
  • Iron Head

Aegislash acts as a good anti-lead with only four weaknesses and a great movepool. It can also learn moves such as Aerial Ace and Night Slash which can help boost it's wide array of Pokemon it can destroy with ease.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Synchronize (works best with the amount of people Using Toxic/Status Ailment Moves)/Trace (Not that useful)/Pixilate (Mega Forme Only)

  • Psychic
  • Moon Blast
  • Shadow Ball
  • Calm Mind

This set allows you to check any Dragon/Fighting/Dark Threats not checked by any of the previous four Pokemon. What makes her even better is the fact she only has three weaknesses. THREE! Steel, Poison, and Ghost. Easily taken care of with any of the last four Pokemon. Poison can even be dealt with by Gardevoir herself provided she is fast enough to attack first.

Ability: Strong Jaw

  • Crunch
  • Ice Fang
  • Thunder Fang
  • Protect

Strong Jaw increases this already titanic Physical Sweeper's attack into an absolute terror when using moves like Bite, Crunch, or any of the Fangs. Ice Fang will allow him, provided he is fast enough, to smash Flying, Grass, Dragon, and Ground Type Pokemon while Thunder Fang deals with Water Type threats.

Overall, this is going to be both my in-game and metagame team, so I hope you liked the advice and please rate this team.

Edit: I have been reading a few Pokemon & Naruto Fanfictions so I got terms confused a bit. They have been changed for proper terminology.

Edit 2: I have been reading and taking suggestions where I believed them correct. I will admit that I don't know everything there is to know about X and Y, but I strive forward with your help. If you have any moves you think would be beneficial, just post the Pokemon, the move, and your reasoning behind it. If I think you have a valid point, I will edit and give credit where credit is due.

Edit 3: The reason I have protect/protect-like moves on so many Pokemon is just in case I don't have an available Pokemon capable of practically absorbing a blow. Say, for instance, half of my team has fainted and I needed someone to absorb a move that the rest are weak to. Having protect on so many Pokemon, while it may seem ridiculous, is a means to safeguard myself from switching into an attack that can OHKO one of my other Pokemon. As for Klefki, it's not whether or not having spikes is pointless or not. It's about that ever so slight advantage Spikes can give you by forcing trainers like the Pokemon League to take that initial amount of damage that could win or lose the battle for you, if your Pokemon are around the same level as theirs. Spikes is a Utility move. Not something you should stand alone/rely on. It's only useful if the situation calls for it.

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Yep, that scouting is going to be very important ingame.
"They have a Magikarp! With this knowledge I can easily win the battle because I know it will use Splash and so I can switch to an appropriate counter!"
"This is a gimmick ninja build, but it looks really good as far as your biggest weaknesses goes with the exception of Electric Types."
I think you're forgetting Greninja's Fairy weakness.

Also trach makes a good point, which also applies to your Klefki. There is really no need for Spikes in-game, and Torment is not a good move in-game or competitively.

I also don't understand why you gave so many Pokemon Protect when in-game is super offensive. Sometimes Protect is nice, but I don't think you need it on 4 out of 6 on your team, when the Pokemon could use another coverage move instead.
Well he did say that this would be his meta game team too meaning that he would probably use this team competitively.
I guess the argument is any moveset is viable.
Though, even competitively, you still wouldn't want 4 Pokemon with Protect. They could be doing something more useful like attacking...
That Tyrantrum has no STAB moves.
3 votes

With this team, I beat the game within three days of owning it. What's more, I was able to, with the exception of only one, defeat all of the Champion's Pokémon with one hit each! (I'm playing Y)

Charizard @ Charizardite (Both work but I prefer Y)
Ability: Blaze --> Drought / Tough Claws

  • Flamethrower (Great with Drought!)
  • Blast Burn (For fun)
  • Fly (A must have ingame, STAB if you're playing Y)
  • Dragon Claw (Coverage)

Sylveon( F) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cute Charm
- Moonblast (More Dragon coverage)
- Calm Mind (Makes Sylveon an unstoppable tank)
- Hidden Power Ice (Even more coverage)
- Flash (Why not?)
This one is your Dragon counter. Say goodbye, Goodra.

Hawlucha @ King's Rock
Ability: Limber

  • Flying Press (It's such a cool move!)
  • Sky Drop / Bounce / Sky Attack (Flying STAB, coverage)
  • Hi Jump Kick (Fighting STAB, coverage)
  • U-Turn / Poison Jab (Scouting or chance to Poison, both have coverage this team needs)
    I was waiting for a Fighting / Flying Type!

Arourus @ Leftovers
Ability: Refridgerate

  • Thunderbolt (Bolt-Beam combo)
  • Ice Beam / Freeze Dry (See above / Nifty Water coverage)
  • Ancientpower (Do you ever just want to raise all your stats at once?)
  • Hidden Power Ground (Even more coverage)

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus

  • Aura Sphere (No need to explain)
  • Shadow Claw (Ghost coverage)
  • Metal Claw (Fairy coverage)
  • Bone Rush (Not so Sturdy now, are you?)

Lapras @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Water Absorb

  • Surf
  • Strength
  • Waterfall
  • Rock Smash
    The easy HM Slave. It's fun to Surf on Lapras in X and Y.

Basically the point of this team is synergy. It has coverage against all 18 types, so it's literally ready for anything.

Hope this helps!

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I think it's a great team overall.   However, I would change Dragon Claw to Solar Beam for Charizard (if it's Y) since his physical attack isn't that great, and it gives him Water coverage.

Other than that, Great team! (+1)
(P.S. I like the Lapras set; it's the same as mine!)
For Lucario, I would change Shadow Claw for Psychic. Honestly its not a better move, but it adds more coverage and works great with his awesome Spec. Attack.
Next2Insanity, did you know that you get complete type coverage with Ghost- and Fighting-moves?
3 votes

Hem hem. Time for my team! :D

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Spe / 128 SpA / 128 Atk

  • Dragon Pulse/ Dragon Claw
  • Flamethrower/ Heat Wave
  • Fly
  • Brick Break

A mixed set :D
Dragon Pulse/ Claw is for when you mega evolve it. Flamethrower/ Heat Wave are for STAB and Charizard is not a Charizard if it doesnt have a fire type move XD. Fly is an ingame move which all teams kinda need (ingame). Brick Brake is for those pesky Rock types.

Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 HP

  • Rock Slide
  • Wood Hammer/ Seed Bomb
  • Brick Break
  • Bulk Up

Rock Slide is for flying coverage of course. Wood Hammer is for STAB, if you dont like having the recoil then I would go for Seed Bomb . Brick Brake is for STAB. Bulk up... well... Bulks you up I guess. XD

Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 Spe

  • Ice Beam
  • Surf
  • Return
  • Body Slam

Ice Beam for Grass types and for STAB. Surf is for STAB and crossing the water (you need this at victory road) Return Well, use Pokemon Amie and then Lapras will lurve you :D Body Slam just another move to use :)

Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature

  • Return
  • Psyshock
  • Moonblast
  • Attract

I love this Moveset :D
With PIxilate, Return gets STAB and Psyshock is for coverage. Moon Blast is for STAB and Attract is doing cute charm's job.

Meowstic-F (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk

  • Fake Out
  • Shadow Ball
  • Psychic
  • Signal Beam

Fake Out is for the flinch. Shadow Ball is for Coverage. Psychic is for STAB. Signal Beam for coverage

Aurorus @ Icicle Plate
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 HP

  • Return
  • Freeze Dry
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide

I love this moveset too! Return gets STAB and gets stronger yet with the Icicle Plate! Freeze Dry STAB. Earthquake STAB I guess. XD Rock Slide for STAB

I Hope I helped :D

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Aurorus won't get STAB from Earthquake. It is a rock/ice type, and Refrigerate only transforms normal type moves into ice. I do like the set however, the only thing is, if I were you, I would try to get one with it's hidden ability, Snow Warning, and maybe give it Blizzard. I would also replace Rock Slide with Ancientpower, because it has better special attack, and the stat boosts come in handy
Pokemon-Amie boosts the Pokemon's affection not it's happiness.
3 votes

Note: This team is for pre-Pokemon League

SLASHING!! the Aegislash
Ability: Stance Change
Item: Spell Tag

  • Iron Head
  • Shadow Claw
  • Sacred Sword
  • Night Slash

Aegislash has an awesome ability

Godzilla the Tyrantrum
Ability: Strong Jaw
Item: Dragon Fang

  • Earthquake
  • Crunch
  • Rock Slide
  • Dragon Claw

Crunch with Strong Jaw and high Attack base stat is almost OP

Amphitrite the Lapras
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: Mystic Water

  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Thunderbolt
  • Psychic

Gen. 1 Pokemon and high stats

Victinitwo the Delphox
Ability: Blaze
Item: Amulet Coin

  • Flamethrower
  • Psychic
  • Shadow Ball
  • Grass Knot

Because of very high Sp. Atk it's the only good-looking starter (tongue as a scarf, gross)

Sprout the Venusaur
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Venusaurite

  • Energy Ball
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Petal Dance
  • Earthquake

Gen. 1 Pokemon, high Sp. Atk and Attack, and is a very good wall

Mysterio the Hawlucha
Ability: Limber
Item: Black Belt

  • Flying Press
  • Fly
  • Hi-Jump Kick
  • X-Scissor

Because of it's type combo, it's Flying Press signature move, and good speed stat

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This team looks like fun. Can anyone post the EVs and items please?
Nice team, but I don't think Delphox is the best looking starter, that award goes to Chestnaught.
Only good Delphox set...
You got rid of the Stance Change ability by not giving it a protective move
switch out a move on the aegis lash for kings shield, it puts it back in shield mode and is a better protect.
2 votes

This is my team for X and I love it:

Greninja @ Mystic Water
Ability: Protean

  • Water Shuriken
  • Dark Pulse
  • Extrasensory
  • Bounce

This set abuses its ability, and really focuses on the ability. Water Shuriken is STAB, Dark Pulse is also STAB, Extrasensory is STAB because of Protean, and Bounce is for STAB and eliminates three of its weaknesses.

Dragalge @ Wide Lens
Ability: Adaptability

  • Sludge Bomb
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Surf
  • Focus Blast

This thing has an awesome typing, coverage and movepool. Sludge Bomb is for STAB with a chance to poison. Dragon Pulse is STAB and eliminates anything that isn't Steel or Fairy. Surf is there for utility and for eliminating its ground weakness. Focus Blast destroys five types, especially those steels that resist its two STABs.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change

  • King's Shield
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Sacred Sword
  • Swords Dance

This thing dominates. In defense form when you send it out, you set up with a couple Swords Dances, but if you're facing a physical attacker, start with King's Shield to get them to switch so you get a free swords dance. After, proceed to sweep with +2 STAB Shadow Sneak, which destroys anything thing that doesn't resist it. If you do come across something that resists it, smash it with Sacred Sword.

Slurpuff @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Sweet Veil

  • Draining Kiss
  • Thunderbolt
  • Flamethrower
  • Surf

Draining Kiss is for STAB and a reliable recovery, that is the (pun) kiss of death for dragons. Other three moves are for a wide range of coverage, while Flamethrower is for its Steel weakness.

Meowstic (M) @ Wiseglasses
Ability:Keen Eye

  • Psychic
  • Thunder Wave
  • Dark Pulse
  • Disarming Voice

Psychic is for, of course, STAB. Thunder Wave is for crippling the opponents. Dark Pulse is for Ghosts, and Disarming Voice is for eliminating any Dark type that crosses its path.
Its ability means it can't be Double Teamed by anyone, or Smokescreen will have no use.

Hawlucha @ Expert Belt
Ability: Unburden

  • Flying Press
  • Fly
  • X-Scissor
  • Poison Jab

Flying Press gets dual STAB in one move, providing amazing coverage. Fly is for utility, and for another STAB when your up against an opponent that that is weak to flying but resistant to fighting, which means Flying Press won't be super effective. X-Scissor beats Psychics, and Poison Jab destroys Fairies.

This team was very useful, and I do hope it will be useful for you as well. Thank you.

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2 votes

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent

  • Surf/Scald
  • Ice beam
  • Dark Pulse
  • Extrasensory

Greninja in my opinion is the best starter. An extremely fast special attacker, with a great move set. Surf/scald with STAB, Dark Pulse is a powerful STAB, Ice beam for Dragon and Grass types, and extrasensory to cover it's fighting weakness. It has poor defenses, so I like to put a focus sash on it to prevent 1 hit KOs from moves like Thunderbolt.

Venusaur @ Black Sludge/Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow

  • Sludge Bomb
  • Energy Ball
  • Sleep Powder
  • Synthesis/Giga Drain/Earthquake

Venusaur has good bulk and has a good special attack stat. Venusaur can take many hits and last long in battle. (especially with Black Sludge and Synthesis) It is great against fairy types with STAB sludge bomb, can easily knock out water, ground, and rock types with STAB grass moves, and can put things to sleep.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus (if possible)

  • Aura Sphere
  • Swords Dance
  • Close Combat
  • Dragon Pulse/Flash cannon

An excellent attacker for your team. I highly recommend you use a Lucario with a mega stone, as you get one along the main story line. A great typing and a great move pool makes for a great physical:special sweeper. Get a few swords danced up and you'll be sweeping everything. Has many resistances and diverse attacks. Aura sphere and close combat can kill easily, and can go either way for a physical or special wall. Your main attacker.

Talonflame @ Leftovers/No item
Ability: Flame Body

  • Fly
  • Brave bird/Acrobatics
  • Flare Blitz
  • Will-O-Wisp/Flamethrower

Your team's flyer. A fast special attacker/physical attacker. Go for no item if you would rather have Acrobatics over Brave Bird (you get brave bird late). And if you do go for brave bird, get leftovers to recover some hp lost from recoil (also for Flare Blitz). You can decide for Will-O-Wisp or Flamethrower, but I have to say that the former is a lot more helpful in later parts of the game and the Elite four. Obtainable a early and a great Pokemon overall.

Garchomp @ leftovers/Garchompite
Ability: Sand veil

  • Dragon claw
  • Earthquake
  • Crunch
  • Stone edge

You can easily catch a Gible on Route 13. Garchomp is a fast physical sweeper, with some bulk to it. Good move pool with the best STAB combinations in the game, with Dragon Claw and Earthquake. You can wreck multiple opponents with its diverse move pool. It has a whopping 130 base attack stat, and when Mega, has an incredible 170 attack stat. Great for the entire game and elite four.

For the final member of your team, there are two options. If you have access to trading, I recommend you use this:
Gengar @ Choice Specs
Ability: levitate

  • Shadow ball
  • Thunderbolt
  • Dazzling gleam
  • Sludge bomb

An amazing special attack for your team. Has STAB shadow ball and sludge bomb. It can handle other ghost types, and dark types with dazzling gleam. Can hit hard and has great speed. Good diverse attack for any team. You can find haunters in Route 14 and 19.

If you do not have access to trading, however, I recommend you use this instead:
Florges @ Feftovers
Ability: Flower Veil

  • Moonblast
  • Petal Blizzard
  • Psychic
  • Aromatherapy

A special defensive monster, with 154 base stat special defense. Florges is obtainable early, and is a tank (with a decent special attack stat). Florges will eat your sludge bombs and flash cannons up! A great move set and insane defenses make Florges a Pokemon that can fit well into any team.

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Can you even get the choice specs or a focus sash in game?
1 vote

Alright, writing this up for Ninja Frog right here, bros!
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Shadow Frog (Greninja) @ Mystic Water

  • Dark Pulse
  • Waterfall
  • Surf
  • Water Shuriken

Awkward thing is that he has a tongue scarf. But whats good about him is the move Water Shuriken. Water Shuriken, like what fondart said, breaks through Sturdy. Its Dark Pulse is also good for pwning Ghost types. But he's probably not good on fighting Fairy types, or Fighting types.
Weakness: Grass, Electric, Fighting, Fairy, and Bug
Resistance: Fire, Water, Steel, Dark, Ice, and Ghost

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Mysterio (Hawlucha) @ Black Belt

  • Fly
  • Flying Press
  • Strength
  • Rock Smash

Hawlucha is a powerful Pokemon that would own Steel types, and probably Rock types. Usually, people would choose Hawlucha over Talonflame, except some would pick Talonflame. I chose Hawlucha 'cause I need a Fighting type for those strong Normal types, and Steel types too. But, is it me, or every time I see Hawlucha, it reminds me of Mucha Lucha?
Weakness: Flying, Fairy, Electric, Ice, and Psychic
Resistance: Fighting, Bug, Grass, and Dark

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Junglesaurus (Venusaur) @ Venusaurite

  • Cut
  • Venoshock
  • Petal Blizzard
  • Grass Knot

Venusaur is probably a good choice for a Grass type. He can help defeat Water types and Rock types, but with Fairy types, yeah. He can use Venoshock on them if he's Mega Evolved. But Venusaur fighting Gardevoir, bad choice. She'll own him with Psychic, which is not good.
Weakness: Ice, Fire, Psychic, and Flying
Resistance: Grass, Electric, Fighting, Fairy, and Water

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Beauty (Gardevoir) @ Gardevoirite

  • Shadow Ball
  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Thunderbolt
  • Psychic

Gardevoir is gonna be your best choice. She can pwn a Dragon type like a one-hit KO. She can be pretty handy for Ghost types, and Fighting types. She is not affected against Dragon, which is good. She can help you when you reach to the Pokemon League.
Weakness: Steel, Ghost, and Poison
Resistance: Psychic and Fighting

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CapriSun (Heliolisk) @ Zap Plate

  • Thunderbolt
  • Parabolic Charge
  • Flash
  • Dragon Tail

Heliolisk is good for those pesky Flying types. And also for Dragon types, if he has Dragon Tail, like he had in the anime, but his Flash will be perfect for lighting up caves. Whats awkward about him is that he can learn Surf, which is awkward for me, that I used Surf on my Greninja. What's kinda epic for Heliolisk is that he can learn Dark Pulse.
Weakness: Fighting and Ground
Resistance: Electric, Steel, and Flying

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Megatron (Tyrantrum) @ Rocky Helmet

  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide
  • Draco Meteor
  • Crunch

It'll be epic if he learns Draco Meteor, if his happiness is high. This is Game Freak's first try to make a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but whats handy is that he has Strong Jaws. What Strong Jaws does, is that it raises the power of biting moves (Crunch, for example), to 50%. Earthquake will do good, or Bulldoze for Clemont's gym, so that you can pwn your way to Clemont. But just Tyrantrum is total BEAST.
Weakness: Dragon, Fairy, Steel, Fighting, Ice, and Ground
Resistance: Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire, and Electric

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1 vote

This team is based around the fire type starter Fennekin.
5 Pokemon are given to you as gifts making this a perfect team for beginners!
I have added the item and TM locations for all 6 Pokemon!
This team has 3 physical and 3 special attackers and the Pokemon know all the HMs apart from Fly.
Note: I have added natures but they don't really matter all that much as this is an in-game team.

Delphox @ Expert Belt (From woman in building west of Route 14 exit in Lumiose City)
Delphox is given to you by Tierno as a Lv 5 Fennekin.

Ability: Blaze
Type: Fire/Psychic
Nature: Modest

  • Shadow Ball (Terminus Cave/Move Reminder)
  • Psyshock/Psychic (lv 34/51)
  • Flamethrower (lv 42/Anistar City Pokemon Center)
  • Calm Mind (Anistar City Gym)

Delphox has high Special Attack, Special Defence and Speed Making it a great starter Pokemon.
Shadow Ball is for Ghost coverage, Psysock/Psychic and Flamethrower are for STAB and Calm Mind is for Raising it's Sp Attack and Sp Defence when you get the chance to.
It is the best starter Pokemon for this team as it doesn't share a type with Lucario or Lapras like
Chesnaught and Greninja do!

Venusaur @ Black Sludge (From Punk Guy in route 13 gate)
Venusaur is given to you by Professor Sycamore as a Lvl 10 Bulbasaur.

Ability: Overgrow
Type: Grass/Poison
Nature: Quiet

  • Toxic (Route 14)
  • Energy Ball (Route 20)
  • Venoshock (Route 6)
  • Cut (Parfum Palace)

Venusaur has high Special Attack and Special Defence. Toxic is for poisoning the target and setting up Venoshock, it is for destroying Fairy types and doubles in power if the opponent is poisoned
and has STAB taking its power to 195 (If my math is right??), Cut is for a HM and Energy ball is for STAB.
With its typing and Toxic + Venoshock combo Venusaur is perfect for this team!

Florges @ Rocky Helmet (In Route 9 gate)
Florges is obtanable on route 4 as a Lvl 6-8 wild Flabebe.

Ability: Flower Veil
Type: Fairy
Nature: Modest

  • Moon Blast (Move Reminder)
  • Wish (Move Reminder)
  • Substitute (Anistar City
  • Nature Power (Ambrette Town Hotel)

Florges has high Special Attack and very high Special defence, it is also available very early in the game.
Moon Blast has STAB, Substitute is for protection, Wish is to restore Hp lost from using Substitute and
Nature Power is a great move for in-game as the move varies depending on the battle location!
Florges is one of the best Fairy types in-game and It's Moonblast easily destroys most Dragon types.
I didn't even need to think twice about putting Florges in the team!

Tyrantrum @ Wide Lens (Given to you by man in Shutterbug Café)
Tyrantrum is given to you as a Jaw Fossil in Glittering cave.

Ability: Strong Jaw
Type: Rock/Dragon
Nature: Adamant

  • Crunch (lv 34)
  • Dragon Claw (lv 37)
  • Earthquake (lv 47)
  • Rock Slide (Couriway Town Requires Waterfall)

Tyrantrum has high Attack and Defence. Its ability Strong Jaw boosts the power Crunch to 120 making it an obvious choice, Dragon claw and Rock Slide have STAB and Earthquake has high power
and steel Coverage. This makes Tyrantrum an awesome Dragon type to use in-game!

Lapras @ Fist Plate (Route 16 near fish shack Requires Strength)
Lapras is given to you by a Pokemon breeder on Route 12 at lv 30.

Ability: Water Absorb
Type: Water/Ice
Nature: Docile

  • Rock Smash (From Woman in Ambrette Town)
  • Strength (From Grant in Cyllage City)
  • Surf (From Calem/Serena in Shalour City)
  • Waterfall (From Shana on Route 19)

Lapras has good stats all round and is probabally one the best/easiest to obtain hm slaves you will get!
Note: Lapras has a slow growth rate so you may need to give it a lucky egg to hold.

Lucario @ Metronome (From man in Coumarine City Monorail Station)
Lucario is given to you by Korrina at lv 32.

Type: Fighting/Steel
Ability: Steadfast
Nature: Hasty

  • Power-Up Punch (Lv 15)
  • Facade (Dendimelle Town)
  • Payback (Geosenge Town)
  • Protect (Parfum Palace)

Lucario has great Attack and Special Attack stats but I thought it would be better to give it a physical moveset
since I already have 3 great Special Attack Pokemon! Facade is great if its burned poisoned or paralized and Payback is a great move if it moves last and Power Up Punch is awesome with the item Metronome!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave comment on anything I missed out on or you think I should add/change! Also if you used this as your team tell me what you thought of it!

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Nice effort in the answer, putting the locations and how to get the moves on the Pokemon! :D
Thanks, blissey_boy! :D
What did you do to that lucario moveset?
1 vote

Here`s a good team for X/Y

Greninja @ N/A
Type: Water/ Dark
Ability: Torrent
Nature (Optional): Hasty


  • Surf/ Scald/ Waterfall (STAB, Early Moves: Bubble, Water Pulse)
  • Night Slash / Dark Pulse (STAB) (Early Moves: Feint Attack)
  • Ice Beam/ U-turn (Coverage)
  • Acrobatics/ Extrasensory/ Grass Knot (Coverage)

Pokemon 2: Gallade @ Black Belt
Type: Psychic/ Fighting
Ability: Steadfast
Nature (Optional): Adamant/ Jolly


  • Psycho Cut (STAB, Early Moves: Confusion)
  • Close Combat/ Brick Break (STAB)
  • Leaf Blade (Coverage)/ Swords Dance (Set up)
  • Earthquake (Coverage)

Pokemon 3: Charizard @ Charizardite X/Y
Type: Fire/ Flying (Normal/ Mega Y), Fire/Dragon (Mega X)
Ability: Blaze (Normal), Tough Claws (Mega X), Drought (Mega Y)
Nature (Optional): Hasty/ Naive

Mega X:

  • Flamethrower/ Fire Blast (STAB, Early Moves: Ember)
  • Fly (STAB as Normal and Movement)
  • Dragon Claw (STAB as Mega)
  • Earthquake/ Brick Break (Coverage)

Mega Y:

  • Flamethrower/ Fire Blast (STAB)
  • Air Slash (STAB)
  • Fly (Movement)
  • Solar Beam (Coverage)

Pokemon 4: Gogoat @ Big Root
Type: Grass
Ability: Sap Sipper
Nature (Optional): Adamant


  • Leaf Blade (STAB, Early Moves: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb)
  • Earthquake (Coverage)
  • Brick Break (Coverage)/ Bulk Up (Set up)
  • Horn Leech (STAB, Recovery)

Pokemon 5: Sylveon @ N/A
Type: Fairy
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature (Optional): Modest


  • Moonblast/ Dazzling Gleam (STAB, Early Moves: Fairy Wind, Draining Kiss)
  • Psyshock (Coverage)
  • Calm Mind/ Light Screen (Set up)
  • Shadow Ball (Coverage)

Pokemon 6: Nidoking @ Soft Sand
Type: Poison/ Ground
Ability: Poison Point
Nature (Optional): Adamant


  • Poison Jab (STAB)
  • Earthquake (STAB, Early Moves: Bulldoze/ Dig)
  • Brick Break/ Thrash
  • Rock Slide/ Megahorn

So there you have it! hopefully you have fun with this team if you decide to use it, bye!

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Good team
1 vote

I had a strong urge to answer this :P

For my first play through of Y, I chose Fennekin, so I’ll be making this team with Delphox.

Delphox (Starter, Aquacorde Town) @ Charcoal (Couriway Town)
EVs (if you feel like Super Training): 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk, 4 HP
Ability: Blaze
Grass Knot (TM, gift from Ramos)
Flamethrower (Level 42)
Psychic (Level 51)
Shadow Ball (TM, Terminus Cave)

Delphox, in my opinion, is one of the best starter evolutions in Pokémon. So yeah I put locations because I am now fancy. The EVs are completely optional, just if you want to Super Train unlike me you can use them. Grass Knot covers Ground, Water, and Rock types. Flamethrower is STAB boosted by Charcoal. Psychic is also STAB. Shadow Ball covers Ghost and other Psychic types.

Blastoise (Lumiose City, gift from Professor Sycamore) @ Mystic Water (found on wild Lapras)
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Atk
Ability: Torrent
Ice Beam (TM, gift from Wulfric)
Waterfall (HM, gift from Shauna on Route 19)
Surf (HM, gift from your rival)
Strength (HM, gift from Grant)

Unfortunately, I’m making Blastoise an HM slave because it learns almost all of the HMs in Kalos. The EVs allow it to hit as hard and fast as possible. 4 Atk is to boost Strength and Waterfall a bit. Ice Beam covers Grass types. Waterfall is STAB boosted by Mystic Water and it’s an HM. Same goes for Surf. Strength is another HM. I’m so sorry for this, Blastoise.

Noivern (found as a Noibat at Terminus Cave, level 48 it evolves) @ Sharp Beak (Route 5)
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 HP/Atk
Ability: Anything works, I personally like Frisk for item hunting or Infiltrator for screens
Fly (HM, from Professor Sycamore in Coumarine City)
Dragon Pulse (Move reminder)
Air Slash (level 53)
Boomburst (move reminder)

Noivern is outclassed by Talonflame and Hawlucha as a Fly user, but Fighting and Fire overlap types with 2 of the Pokémon on this team. Fly is an HM move, and it’s STAB boosted by the Sharp Beak (though I don’t recommend using it in battle coming off of that bad Atk stat). Dragon Pulse is STAB, and it’s learnable at level 70, but that is inconvenient in game so going to the Move Relearner is better. Air Slash is much better STAB than Fly, and it’s boosted by the Sharp Beak as well. Boomburst gets the same description as Dragon Pulse, just it doesn’t get STAB.

Lucario (gift from Korrina) @ Lucarionite (comes bundled with the Lucario you receive)
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Def
Ability: Steadfast —> Adaptability
Dragon Pulse (Move reminder/Level 60)
Dark Pulse (TM, Route 16)
Aura Sphere (Level 42)
Psychic (TM, Pokemon Village)

Mega Lucario is pretty strong, and it is obtainable fairly early in the game. A lot of people seem to prefer Physical Lucario, but I think that Special Lucario is better. Steadfast is the ability Korrina’s Lucario comes with, but if you want to catch a Riolu yourself, I recommend Inner Focus, though you are probably going to Mega Evolve on the first turn anyway. Dragon Pulse hits Dragon types super effectively. Dark Pulse is coverage. Aura Sphere is Adaptability boosted STAB. Psychic is Fighting coverage.

Sylveon (As an Eevee on Route 10, evolve it with 2 Affection hearts and 1 Fairy move) @ Pixie Plate (Pokemon Village)
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 HP, 4 SpDef
Ability: Cute Charm
Moonblast (Level 37)
Psyshock (TM, Victory Road)
Draining Kiss (Level 20)
Shadow Ball (TM, Terminus Cave)

Might as well include Gen 6’s eeveelution, Sylveon. Hyper Voice can only be obtained in Gen 5, making it easier to just use Cute Charm for the infatuation chance. Moonblast is STAB boosted by the Pixie Plate. Psyshock takes care of Poison types. Draining Kiss is, once again, Pixie Plate boosted STAB, and it has the added effect of healing you. Shadow Ball is for coverage.

Aegislash (Honedge, Route 6, evolves into Doublade at level 35, then into Aegislash when a Dusk Stone is used) @ Leftovers (Route 12)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpDef
Nature: Preferably Brave if you can get it.
Ability: Stance Change
Kings Shield (Move reminder)
Iron Head (Move reminder)
Shadow Sneak (Move reminder)
Sacred Sword/Cut (TM- nah the move reminder/HM, Parfum Palace Maze)

Aegislash is a very good Pokémon, and it can take care of Fairy types. Leftovers give you recovery. Aegislash should be as slow as possible so that it’s bad defenses in Blade Form aren’t taken advantage of right away. Kings Shield is basically Protect with the added bonus of lowering the opponents attack they target a contact move at you. Iron Head is STAB. Shadow Sneak is for priority STAB, because you are most likely not attacking first. Sacred Sword is corverage. Cut is for the HM, but it should be replaced with Sacred Sword before the Elite 4. The only problem with Aegislash is that it needs a lot of Heart Scales.

So, there you have it.... now my urge is gone because I spent hours on this :P

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Isn't Kiloude City only accessible post-game? What would a good replacement for Lucario's Flash Cannon be?
Thanks, and crap.
1 vote

This team is what I used in my most recent playthrough of Kalos. All team members are obtainable in both versions, and it shouldn't be too difficult to get any of them (with the possible exception of Snorlax). There are no Megas, but you could certainly replace any party member with one.

Delphox @ Charcoal
Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower (Level 45)
- Shadow Ball (TM found in Terminus Cave)
- Psychic (Level 51) / Psyshock (Level 34)
- Grass Knot (TM given by Ramos)

Flamethrower and Psychic are powerful STAB, and Grass Knot covers Fire's weaknesses. Shadow Ball deals with other Psychic types and Ghost types. Psyshock is a Psychic alternative.

Gogoat @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Sap Sipper
- Double-Edge (Level 40) / Strength (HM)
- Leaf Blade (Level 55) / Seed Bomb (Level 30)
- Earthquake (Level 60) / Bulldoze (Level 26)
- Milk Drink (Level 58)

Double-Edge is a powerful Normal attack. Strength is an HM, and doesn't have recoil. Leaf Blade is a great Grass attack. Seed Bomb is STAB until you can get Leaf Blade. Earthquake counters Fire and Poison types nicely. Bulldoze is nice until you can access Earthquake. The last move is fairly irrelevant; I personally opted for Milk Drink for recovery, even though I rarely used it. Replace Strength with Double-Edge after Strength is no longer needed.

Lapras @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb
- Surf (HM given by your rival in Shalour City)
- Ice Beam (Level 32)
- Thunderbolt (TM given by Clemont after receiving the Voltage Badge)
- Psychic (TM found in Pokemon Village)

Surf is a strong STAB Water move, plus it's an HM. Ice Beam is a great Ice STAB move. Thunderbolt is nice coverage for Grass and other Water types. Psychic is a solid move for Fighting types.

Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Ability: Swarm
- Steamroller (Level 39) / Megahorn (Level 68)
- Poison Jab (TM purchased from Shalour City Pokemon Center)
- Return (TM given by Sina at Route 4)
- Earthquake (TM on Route 22)

Steamroller is a solid Bug move. Megahorn is an alternative, but it's learned later and has lower accuracy. Poison Jab is an excellent STAB Poison move. I wasn't sure what to do about the other two moves, so I decided on Return and Earthquake. Return is just to chip away a little more at the opponent's health, and Earthquake handles Wikstrom well.

Snorlax @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Thick Fat
- Return (TM given by Sina on Route 4) / Brick Break (TM found in Terminus Cave)
- Body Slam (Level 25) / Brick Break
- Crunch (Level 49)
- Earthquake (TM on Route 22) / Heavy Slam (Level 50)

Return and Body Slam are basic damage dealing STAB. Choose one and replace the other with Brick Break to deal with other Normal types. Crunch is so you're not completely countered by Ghost types. Earthquake and Heavy Slam are both solid moves for coverage.

Tyrantrum @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Strong Jaw
- Dragon Claw (Level 37)
- Earthquake (Level 47)
- Rock Slide (TM found in Couriway Town) / Stone Edge (TM found in Frost Cavern)
- Crunch (Level 34)

Dragon Claw and Rock Slide are STAB moves. Rock Slide isn't the strongest, so the lower-accuracy Stone Edge is also an option. Earthquake is powerful coverage, and Crunch is a nice coverage move that’s boosted by Strong Jaw.

Thanks to ~Chocolatte~ for helping.

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1 vote

Venusaur @ Miracle Seed / Poison Barb / Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
- Leech Seed (Level 7)
- Sleep Powder (Level 13)
- Sludge Bomb (TM found on Route 19)
- Energy Ball (TM found on Route 20)

I prefer Lucario as the Mega Pokemon of this team, but Venusaur works well as well. Leech Seed and Sleep Powder are to help cripple opponents. Sludge Bomb and Energy Ball are both strong, reliable STAB moves.

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak / Charcoal / No item
Ability: Flame Body
- Flare Blitz (Move Reminder)
- Brave Bird (Move Reminder) / Acrobatics (Level 44)
- Quick Attack (Level 6)
- U-turn (TM found in Couriway Town)

Talonflame is a pretty solid Pokemon, even without Gale Wings. Flare Blitz and Brave Bird are powerful STAB. If you don’t want recoil, go with Acrobatics and no item, for tremendous damage. Quick Attack is a nice priority move for when you need to finish an opponent off quickly. U-turn is for escaping Rock types and general pivoting.

Greninja @ Mystic Water / Black Glasses
Ability: Torrent
- Surf (HM03)
- Dark Pulse (TM found on Route 15)
- Ice Beam (TM given to you after beating Wulfric)
- Extrasensory (Level 49)

Greninja is likely the best Kalos starter, even without Protean. Surf and Dark Pulse are both solid, reliable STAB moves. Ice Beam is coverage and helps against Greninja’s Grass weakness. Extrasensory is a good move, and aids in taking out Fighting types that Greninja is weak to.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
- Aura Sphere (Level 42)
- Dragon Pulse (Move Reminder)
- Shadow Ball (TM found in Terminus Cave)
- Extreme Speed (Move Reminder)

It’s a shame that Lucario doesn’t get any special Steel moves until after you beat the game, but it’s still a very good Pokemon. Aura Sphere is an amazing STAB move. Dragon Pulse and Shadow Ball are both coverage. Extreme Speed is a reliable priority move, intended to be used when the opponent is on a sliver of health.

Mamoswine @ Soft Sand / Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Oblivious
- Earthquake (Level 46)
- Stone Edge (TM found in Frost Cavern)
- Strength (HM04)
- Ice Fang (Level 24)

Mamoswine’s only good Ice moves are either learned as Swinub, which can only be obtained through breeding, or as Egg moves. Therefore, I opted for Ice Fang, a decent STAB move. Earthquake is much better, and should be used over Ice Fang whenever possible. Strength is an HM, and works well with Mamoswine’s high Attack. Stone Edge is coverage, and helps against Fire types.

Goodra @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Sap Sipper
- Dragon Pulse (Level 47)
- Ice Beam (TM given to you after beating Wulfric) / Blizzard (TM can be purchased from Anistar City for 70,000 Pokedollars)
- Thunderbolt (TM given to you after beating Clemont) / Thunder (TM can be purchased from Anistar City for 70,000 Pokedollars)
- Flamethrower (TM found in Anistar City, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.) / Fire Blast (TM can be purchased from Anistar City for 70,000 Pokedollars)

Goodra is a fun Pokemon to use. Dragon Pulse is reliable coverage, and covers Goodra’s Dragon weakness. Ice Beam or Blizzard can be used. Ice Beam for accuracy, Blizzard for power. The same applies to the rest of the moves for Goodra. If you feel lucky, go for the more powerful, less accurate ones.
