PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
42 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon X and Y on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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83 Answers

0 votes

Note: All Pokémon have one HM (Not including Dig but including Rock Smash)

Greninja @Black Glasses/Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent. Nature: Relaxed
-Waterfall/Scald (If you don't want to give it waterfall)
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

Because of its low defense, and having the nature Relaxed really helps out so it can survive more physical attacks. Extrasensory is AMAZING against fighting/poison types, and Ice Beam takes care of dragon/grass/ground/flying types. It is for Fire type elite 4

Golurk @Spell Tag/Sharp beak
Ability: Iron Fist. Nature: Brave
-Shadow Punch
-Power-Up Punch

This Pokémon is a tank. With Iron Fist as a ability, both Power-Up Punch and Shadow Punch become stronger, along with the Brave nature. It is for Fire/Steel elite 4

Klefki @King's Rock
Ability: Sturdy. Nature: Hasty
-Dazzling Gleam
-Some Steel type move

Klefki needs the Hasty nature, it speed it very low and can't learn Gyro Ball. The psychic is for poison types. This little guy is amazing against Diantha's Tyrantrum and Aurorus. As Burgh (5th gen bug gym leader) once said: "Its the little things that count" For the dragon Elite 4

Lucario @Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast. Nature: Bold
-Shadow Claw
-Aura Sphere

Give it the Bold nature, and BAM! Fighting Type moves aren't as effective. Not to mention being able to destroy Diantha's Gardevoir with Shadow Claw. This Pokémon is a beast. It's for Steel/Dragon elite 4

Lickilicky @Macho Brace
Ability: Oblivious. Nature: Brave
-Gyro Ball
-Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower
-Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Ice Beam

Macho Brace and the Nature Brave for Gyro Ball. Thunderbolt for water/flying. Flamethrower for bug/grass/ice/steel. Ice beam for grass/flying/ground/dragon. Surf for fire/ground/rock.

Ampharos @Ampharosite
Ability: Static. Nature: Naïve
-Rock Smash
-Fire Punch

Only use Rock Smash if needed, use Fire punch against bug/grass/ice/steel. And Rock smash is for the HM

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what I use for Pokemon Y is a team I've been using and is my go to team when playing through Pokemon Y.

Modest nature
Focus sash

Ice beam
Dark pulse

Surf and dark pulse are both STAB and extrasensory to deal with fighting types and ice beam for grass and flying types

Mega charizard Y
Modest nature

Fire blast or flamethrower
Air slash

Fire blast or flamethrower and air slash for STAB with solarbeam for water types. (Will not have to charge because of drought) and roost to recover HP

Modest nature
Life orb or choice scarf

Aura sphere
Flash cannon
Dragon pulse
Shadow ball

Aura sphere and flash cannon for STAB with dragon pulse for dragon types and shadow ball for other ghost types and psychic types

Adamant nature

Dragon claw
Rock slide

Dragon claw and earthquake for STAB, crunch for other types and rock slide
For flying and ice types

Modest nature
Choice scarf

Dazzling gleam
Energy ball

Psychock and dazzling. Gleam for STAB, energy ball for water types and others , and protect for scouting

Modest nature
Choice specs

Hidden power
Volt switch
Shadow ball

Thunderbolt and volt switch for STAB shadow ball for type coverage and hidden power to throw off opponents (dumb AI opponents)

One thing very important to this team is making sure to Invest in speed and special attack or attack depending on what you want. These team is very fragile and needs to hit hard and strike first and give the opponents team no chance to attack back.

0 votes

I decided to try and build the most balanced team only using new Kalos Pokemon, and it honestly turned out great. All Pokemon are also available very early on. This one is around Froakie:

Greninja@Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent

  • Water Shuriken
  • Dark Pulse
  • Ice Beam
  • Surf

Water Shuriken is priority and STAB and also covers annoying Pokemon with Sturdy like Boldore and Graveler. Dark Pulse is special STAB. Ice Beam covers Grass types and Surf is more powerful Special STAB.

Ability: Flame Body

  • Flare Blitz
  • Fly
  • Flamethrower
  • Steel Wing

Flare Blitz is risky STAB. Fly is a crucial HM and a good move at the same time and it is STAB too. Flamethrower is special STAB and Steel Wing covers those pesky Rock types.

Gogoat@Miracle Seed
Ability: Sap Sipper

  • Horn Leech
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide
  • Bulk Up

Horn Leech is physical STAB which also restores HP. Earthquake covers Poison types and Fire types. Rock Slide covers all its remaining weaknesses and Bulk Up improves its poor defense and its great attack.

Aegislash@Spell Tag
Ability: Stance Change

  • Iron Head
  • Shadow Sneak
  • King's Shield
  • Swords Dance

Iron Head is STAB. Shadow Sneak is also STAB as well as priority. King's Shield to swap forms and possibly lower opponents attack. Swords Dance to set up its attack.

Tyrantrum@Dragon Fang
Ability: Strong Jaw

  • Dragon Claw
  • Rock Slide
  • Earthquake
  • Crunch

Dragon Claw is STAB and so is Rock Slide. Earthquake is powerful coverage and Crunch takes advantage of Strong Jaw, giving it 120 power.

Ability: Cute Charm

  • Moonblast
  • Draining Kiss
  • Shadow Ball
  • Calm Mind

Moonblast is powerful STAB. Draining Kiss to deal some damage and restore HP. Shadow Ball is coverage and Calm Mind is to set up its special stats.

0 votes

One of my favorites:
Chesnaught: Hammer Arm, Bulk Up, Needle Arm, Earthquake
Aerodactyl: Iron Head, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fly
Blastoise: Flash Cannon, Surf, Ice Beam, Protect
Raichu: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Grass Knot, Brick Break
Houndoom: Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
Garchomp: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Crunch, Dragon Rush

This gives us fighting, grass, ground, steel, rock, flying, water, ice, electric, fire, dark, poison, and dragon type moves. These will score super effective hits on rock, steel, ice, normal, dark, water, ground, electric, fire, poison, fairy, bug, flying, fighting, grass, dragon, ghost, and psychic. As Blue would say, this team can beat any Pokemon type.

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If you pick Fennekin,
Delphox: Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam

The rest of your team depends on your Kanto starter.
-> Bulbasaur chosen
Crobat: Acrobatics, Fly, Cross Poison, Steel Wing
Magnezone: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise
Kingdra: Dragon Pulse, Surf, Ice Beam, Focus Energy
Rhyperior: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn, Shadow Claw
Venusaur: Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Growth, Petal Blizzard

-> Squirtle chosen:
Lucario: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse
Salamence: Dragon Claw, Fly, Crunch, Zen Headbutt
Raichu: Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Protect
Florges: Psychic, Energy Ball, Moonblast, Grassy Terrain
Blastoise: Surf, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Water Pulse (for Mega Launcher)

If you pick Bulbasaur, you need an anti-fire strategy, while if you pick Squirtle, you need an anti-water strategy. Obviously, Magnezone would be really weak against Fire, but it can help tremendously against powerful Psychic and Poison types that would put Bulbasaur at a disadvantage. Crobat is an old favorite back from the Crystal and Emerald days, and Kingdra is also a beloved Pokemon. And Rhyperior hits hard against fire types, and he can help against steel and fighting types with his Solid Rock ability.

I actually picked up Florges back when she was a Flabebe, when I planned to use her against Grant's Tyrunt, as water moves were neutralized by the dragon typing. Florges can learn lots of great attacks. Raichu is here because it's quite fast, and since Pikachu is the first electric type you can pick up, Fennekin doesn't have to shoulder the load of early battling against water types. Salamence can be obtained really early in the game as a Bagon, something that wasn't possible in Emerald. And you should teach your Blastoise Water Pulse because of his Mega Launcher ability.

0 votes

Team for Chespin
This team is build more for battle, swap out any moves for HM's if you that's what you'd like.

Chesnaught, Your Starter
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Quick Claw
Bulk Up for stat boost
Hammer Arm STAB, high damage (You can go brick break for no slow down, but that's why I bring quick claw)
Wood Hammer STAB, high damage (Needle Arm and Seed Bomb are good too if you don't like the recoil.)
Stone Edge, takes care of those flying types.

Azumarill, Found at Route 3 as an azurill.
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Huge Power
Item: Choice Band
Play Rough STAB, Fairy type move
Waterfall STAB, Flinch Chance (Aqua Tail is fine too if you don't have access to waterfall.)
Aqua Jet Priority Move
Superpower High Damage, takes care of the steel types. (Power Up punch is great as well for the attack boost.)

Charizard, Given by Professor Sycamore at Lumiose City.
Nature: Modest
Ability: Blaze
Item: Charizardite Y (You can go X but this team lacks special attackers so Y is better imo)
Flamethrower STAB, Good Damage, High Accuracy
Fire Blast STAB, High Damage (Overheat and Blast Burn are good as well.)
Air Slash STAB, Good Damage, High Accuracy
Roost, for healing (If you don't like Roost Dragon Pulse is good too.)

Aegishlash, Found at Route 6
Nature: Modest
Ability: Stance Change
Item: Leftovers
Flash Cannon Stab, Good damage, High Accuracy
Shadow Ball Stab, Good damage, High accuracy.
Automize/Iron Defense for Stat boosts (King Shield is good too)
Shadow Sneak Priority Move

Haxorus, Found at Connecting Cave as Axew
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Mold Breaker
Item: Life Orb
Dragon Dance, pretty self explanatory.
Low Kick/Brick Break, to deal with those ice types. (Iron Tail is great too, deals with the fairy types as well but low accuracy)
Outrage STAB, High Damage, great for sweeping
Dragon Claw Stab, good damage, use when outrage is to risky to use.

Mamoswine, Found at Frost Cavern as Piloswine.
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick Fat
Item: Quick Claw
Curse for Stat boosts
Icicle Crash STAB Good damage, flinch chance (Ice Fang is good too, Freeze and Flinch Chance and High Accuracy)
Earthquake, Pretty self explanatory.
Ice Shard, Priority Move.

Note: Some of these

0 votes

My Team works only with Greninja-

Greninja@ Mystic Water
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Water Shuriken

Dark Pulse is STAB. Surf is also STAB, and a useful HM. Ice beam coverage, and Water Shuriken because it's Greninjas signature move and it breaks sturdy.

Staraptor@ Anything
Brave Bird
Close Combat

Brave Bird STAB. Fly is STAB and an HM needed for getting places. Close Combat is coverage against rock and ice types, and U-Turn is pretty self explanatory.

Pyroar@ Anything
Hyper Voice
Dark Pulse
Will-O Wisp

Flamethrower and Hyper Voice are STAB, Dark Pulse is a nice special move to take advantage of that high special attack stat, and Will-O Wisp to burn annoying physical attackers.

Sludge Bomb
Petal Blizzard

Perfect moveset that doesn't really need explaining.

Sylveon@Pixie Plate
Moon Blast
Draining Kiss

Moon Blast is STAB as well as Draining kiss for an addition healing effect, Psyshock is coverage against poison, and toxic to widdle down HP.

Power-Up Punch
Drain Punch
Fake Out

Power-Up Punch to boost attack and STAB, Drain Punch is STAB and heal, U-Turn to deal damage while switching out, and Fake out to to a little damage and annoy.

Hope you use this team as inspiration, and sorry it's late.

0 votes

This is a balanced team for the story and onwards. (EVs not included)

First up is Chestnut Hulk himself. @Miracle Seed
The moveset however is also balanced:

1) Spiky Shield: lvl 36 or 70

2) Earthquake: TM26 found at route 22

3) Seed Bomb: lvl 35

4) Brick Brack: TM31 Terminus Cave B1F

Next up is the "I like turtles" shooter. @Blastoisinite
Blastoise Is a must have on any team especially with its mega ability.

Moveset? You might ask? Well here it is:

1) Water Pulse (Due to its mega ability) lvl 28

2) Ice Beam 8th gym reward / surf / waterfall

3)Earthquake for those pesky electwik tipes

4)Dark Pulse Route 15 once again due to its mega ability

Next up Is the sword and shield. @Spoopy Plate
The Moveset for this magical yet terrifyingly evil being:

1) King's Shield Heart Scale

2) Iron Head Heart Scale

3) Shadow Claw Tm glittering cave

4) Sacred Sword Heart Scale

Next up is a strange one. @Insect Plate / Silver Powder
The Moveset for this huge and evil being:

1) Megahorn Heart Scale

2) Venoshock TM route outside parfum palace


4) Earthquake

The next one is an obvious surfer. @Mystic Water
The moveset for this is simple:


2) Waterfall

3) Tunderbolt

4) Ice Beam

Then finally: You have the dragon version of Cerberus You find this as a zwelious in v road or in the bushes of v road.
The moveset for this cute little dragon is:

1) Fly

2) Outrage / Flamethrower

3) Dragon Rush

4) Dark Pulse

And that is it for my team.
[1]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/1/18/652Chesnaught.png/250px-652Chesnaught.png
[2]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/02/009Blastoise.png/250px-009Blastoise.png
[3]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/ad/681Aegislash.png/250px-681Aegislash.png
[4]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/c/cb/545Scolipede.png/250px-545Scolipede.png
[5]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/ab/131Lapras.png/250px-131Lapras.png
[6]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/3/3e/635Hydreigon.png/250px-635Hydreigon.png

0 votes

Team Overview :

Greninja / Charizard / Gardevoir
Heliolisk / Lucario / Aerodactyl

This may be a late response, but I hope that anyone who is playing X now would use my suggested Team and Movesets. This team is really balanced with Physical and Special Attackers, also not more than 2 Pokemon that are slow. This full team can also be gotten not too late or not too early in the game, making it a fair and great team to use. The natures are just great suggestions since I didn't get the one I wanted when I caught them.

Greninja @ Mystic Water
Type : Water / Dark
Ability : Torrent
Nature : Modest ( Spa+ Atk- )

  • Surf
  • Dark Pulse
  • U-Turn
  • Ice Beam

Greninja's amazing speed Stat allows him to be a great scout with U-Turn, which can also allow him to escape out of bad situations. Greninja also excels in both Attack and Sp. Atk, and works great in-game and even competitive. Protean is a great ability, but it may be hard to get since you have to get one with it in the Friend safari if I'm not wrong. He got me pass the gyms that does not resist water and dark type moves, also gets access to great coverage moves that can help defeat gyms that resist his typing. He works great in defeating Malva and Diantha. He can also be a great surfer for your team. Surf and Dark Pulse are STAB, while U-Turn and Ice are coverage.

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Type : Fire / Dragon
Ability : Blaze / Tough Claws ( Mega )
Nature : Jolly ( Spe+ Spa- )

  • Flare Blitz
  • Dragon Claw
  • Fly
  • Shadow Claw

With Tough Claws and Mega Evolution, Charizard is totally a beast. It's physical moveset is great with Tough Claws. He has always been my favourite, even without Mega Evolution, and he got me pass FireRed effectively in my first play. He also works great has a Flyer, getting you around Kalos. I strongly recommend to use him in X, since he gets Tough Claws and great Attack stat after mega Envolving. He also works great in taking on Wikstrom, Drasna, Diantha, and be your team's Aegislash Slayer since it's very annoying. He also learns Dragon Claw, Flare Blitz, Shadow Claw at level 1, meaning you just have to get heart scales. Greninja and him makes a good two starter combo in your team. Fly and Flare Blitz are STAB while not Mega Envolving, while Dragon Claw and Flare Blitz are STAB while Mega Envolving. Shadow Claw is coverage.

Gardevoir @ Pixie Plate
Type : Psychic / Fairy
Ability : Synchronize
Nature : Modest ( Spa+ Atk- )

  • Moonblast
  • Psychic
  • Energy Ball
  • Thunderbolt

There is a reason why Gardevoir is Diantha's best Pokemon, and that's because it's an overpowered special attacker. If I'm not wrong, the mega stone for her is obtainable after the E4. So Pixie Plate on her was the obvious choice. She has a vast movepool, learning great STAB and coverage moves. Energy Ball is for Barbaracle, while is Thunderbolt for Gyarados. She helps alot in taking Siebold, which is why I picked her as my fairy Pokemon. Her Psychic typing also gives neutral resistance to Poison types which is a big threat to fairy types. Her amazing Sp. Atk allows her to OHKO every Pokemon that it checks, making her a great special sweeper to use. Psychic and Moonblast are STAB, while the others are coverage.

Heliolisk @ Zap Plate
Type : Normal / Electric
Ability : Dry Skin
Nature : Timid ( Spe+ Atk- )

  • Thunderbolt
  • Surf
  • Focus Blast / Hyper Voice
  • Thunder Wave

Heliolisk is a great electric Pokemon available in this game. What's awesome about it is that it's ability is Dry Skin that synergy well with his electric moves during a rain. I will always include Thunder Wave whenever I get an electric type, since it's very useful for catching Pokemon due to Heliolisk's great speed. He works great with Gardevoir, destroying the whole team of Siebold. He's also your second surfer. His normal typing is bad however, adding a fighting weakness to your team. Jolteon is an option if you don't like him. But I find him more useful than Jolteon since he can learn Surf which other electric types can't. Thunderbolt and Hyper Voice are STAB. Surf and Focus Blast are coverage.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Type : Fighting / Steel
Ability : Steadfast / Adaptability ( Mega )
Nature : Adamant ( Atk+ Spa- )

  • Metal Claw
  • Close Combat
  • Bone Rush
  • Poison Jab / Dragon Pulse

Lucario helps in taking on Diantha. He's great even with or without Mega Evolution. Adaptability is really a great ability, making Lucario a beast and get more STAB boost. Lucario's steel typing brought neutral resistance to Psychic and Flying types, also bringing an appreciated poison immunity to the team, which is another reason why I picked him has my fighting Pokemon. Metal Claw has low power and STAB. But the fact that it's STAB and with the help of Adaptability, it's more powerful. Dragon Pulse is to deal with some Dragon Types if Gardevoir and Charizard are down, but I doubt that will happen. Metal Claw and Close Combat are STAB. The others are coverage.

Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Type : Rock / Flying
Ability : Pressure / Tough Claws ( Mega )
Nature : Adamant ( Atk+ Spa- )

  • Rock Slide
  • Fly
  • Steel Wing
  • Earthquake

Another guy that is awesome with Tough Claws and overpowered during Mega Evolution. I love using Mega Aerodactyl in X/Y. It's so easy getting through the game with him. If I'm not wrong, you need to Rock Smash rocks to get an amber, then revive it. It may take some time getting him, but it's totally worth the wait. He threatens Malva since her most of her fire type Pokemon have no coverage against it. He also serves as your second flyer. He brought an appreciated ground immunity to the team. He's ability Tough Claws is just like a free Life Orb without recoil, so awesome. He also has ridiculous Attack and speed stat while mega Envolving. He's just like the best physical sweeper you can get in the game. Rock Slide and Fly are STAB. The others are coverage.

Good Luck and All the Best :)

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0 votes

Alright so this is my team for Pokemon x and y:

Greninja: Torrent

Scald (STAB)
Ice Beam (For grass types)
Water Shuriken(Priority and STAB)
Night Slash(Also STAB)

Venusaur: Overgrow

Seed Bomb(STAB)
Earthquake(Fire fire types)
Rock Slide(Fire fire and flying types)
Synthesis(Heal yourself)

Mega Tyranitar: Sand Stream

Hone Claws(To raise accuracy and attack for stone edge)
Stone Edge(STAB)
Earthquake(I don't really have an answer for this one)

Dragonite: Multiscale

Dragon Dance(Just to raise attack/speed)
Dragon claw(Higher accuracy than dragon rush so I said why not)
Fire punch(For the ice types that are incoming)
Aqua Jet(Priority)

Heliolisk: Dry Skin

Volt Switch(Deal some damage to the user before switching)
Thunder bolt(STAB)
Focus Blast(For fighting types)
Thunder Wave(Paralyze the opponent)

Lucario: Inner Focus

Dragon Pulse(No answer)
Extreme Speed(Priority)
Close Combat(High damage and STAB)
Aura Sphere(STAB)

Well this is my team for Pokemon x or y, I know most of you will say this is horrible but I like this team so I hope you guys agree with this.

0 votes

Greninja (water/dark)
Abilty: Torrent
Item: Expert Belt
-Ice Beam
-Night slash/Dark Pulse
Greninja is easily the best starter from generation 6 and it is a surfer so you don't need an HM Slave. Greninja can use ice beam for grass types. I prefer dark pulse but you get it after the eight gym so you could use night slash.

Mega Venusaur (grass/poison
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Venusaurite
-sludge bomb
-energy ball
Venusaur is probably the most underrated gen 1 starter but it is the most useful for this game. Its mega ability lets it take ice and fire type moves more so it can help you fight those Pokemon easier.

Aegislash (ghost/steel)
Ability: Stance Change
Item: Leftovers
-kings shield
-iron head
-swords dance
-shadow claw
Aegislash is probably the most useful Pokemon for X and Y because it beats the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and eight gym. It will never let you lose the league.

Staraptor (normal/flying)
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Kings Rock
-close combat
-brave bird
Staraptor is an amazing flyer because it can get close combat. It can help you beat the 3rd gym and it will be a big help on your journey through kalos.

Krookodile (ground/dark)
Ability: Moxie
Item: Soft Sand
-stone edge
Every Pokemon team needs a Pokemon with earthquake so why not something that can learn more strong moves like crunch. Krookodile is amazing by dealing with the 2nd, 5th, and 7th gym.

Houndoom (dark/fire)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Flame Plate
-nasty plot
-dark pulse
-sludge bomb
I do realize that this is a Pokemon X exclusive but if you are playing Y it is definitely worth it. If you can't trade a Pokemon like lampent woudn't be bad. Houndoom is a really strong special attacker and if you can set up a nasty plot it can sweep.

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This is my team:

Will o Wisp
Shadow Ball

Yes I didn't use greninja you have a problem with that?
Delphox is a very reliable choice for gyms.Destroys Viola,easily takes down Korrina (even if it is not part psycic yet),wipes the floor with Ramold while using Wulfric's tears as tea.The only problem is Team Flare and their dark types and Serena's absol and greninja.However...

Hammer Arm
Surf (yes he can learn that)
The final slot is your choice

Pancham can be found at route 5 and after it reaches level 29 just find a random dark type to evolve it.Pangoro DESTROYS Serena cuz it has the advantage over greninja,absol and meowstic (just be careful of dazzling gleam).It also helps out a lot with team flare because,as I mentioned before,dark types.

Iron Head
Shadow sneak\claw
King Shield
Sacered sword

You can find Honedge at route 6 and get the dusk stone at Terminus cave.Aegislash is a very solid member in the team because it can absol-utely destroy Diantha's Gardevoir and remember me saying something about Korrina being destroyed by Delphox? I take it back. Korrina literrally can't touch Aegislash except for her Machoke's not very effective rock tomb.

Cross Poison
Air Slash
X Scissor

I wonder where should I find this guy?
Crobat is suprisingly good and since you can get a soothe bell,it'll be easier to evolve.Crobat has very solid speed and can be a great flyer even in the end game.Oh I almost forgot about Sycamore's second gift.

Petal Dance
Venoshock first then Sludge Bomb
Anything goes

This thing is a solid tank and is fairy-proof.You can put anything at the final slot.Put your opponents to sleep with sleep powder?Solar beam if you don't want confusion?It's your choice.

Calm Mind
Shadow ball
Swift\Bite from when you're an eevee

This little dragon slayer here is here to slay dragons.Shadow ball is for coverage and swift and bite? Wynaut?

Thanks a lot for reading this.I hope you like this recommendation

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I wanna post a new response because the one I originally did was a rather crap one.


Moveset(with HMs):
Water Shuriken/Hydro Pump
Night Slash

Water Shuriken/Hydro Pump and Night Slash are strong STAB moves. You can pick whether you want Water Shuriken or Hydro Pump. Surf and Waterfall are both HMs and good STAB moves.

Without HMs:
Night Slash
Water Shuriken
Sludge Bomb

The first 2 are good STAB moves with their own advantages:Water Shuriken hits multiple times, as well as being Greninja's trademark and Night Slash has a high critical hit chance. Bounce is coverage against Bug, Fighting and Grass types, and on the turn you use it most attacks can't hit you. Sludge Bomb is coverage against Fairy types.


Rock Smash

Bulldoze, Dig, and Earthquake are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Bulldoze slows the target down, Dig can help you escape caves and on the turn you use it most attacks can't hit you, and Earthquake hits underground enemies. Rock Smash is an HM and coverage against Ice types.


Moveset(with HMs):
Aura Sphere
Force Palm
Metal Claw

The first 3 are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Aura Sphere never misses, Force Palm can cause paralysis, and Metal Claw can boost your attack stat. Strength is an HM.

Without HMs:
Aura Sphere
Force Palm
Metal Claw
Bone Rush

The first 3 are strong STAB moves with their own advantages:Aura Sphere never misses, Force Palm can can cause paralysis, and Metal Claw can boost your attack stat. Bone Rush is coverage against Fire types.


Heat Wave
Dragon Claw(X)/Air Slash(Y)

Flamethrower and Heat Wave are strong STAB moves that can cause burns. Fly is an HM, a good STAB move and on the turn you use it, most attacks can't hit you. Dragon Claw for STAB for X and Air Slash for Y.


Moveset(with HMs):
Dazzling Gleam
Draining Kiss

Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, and Draining Kiss are all strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Moonblast can lower the enemy's special attack stat, Dazzling Gleam hits every enemy in the area, and Draining Kiss replenishes health. Cut is an HM.

Without HMs:
Dazzling Gleam
Draining Kiss
Disarming Voice

All 4 are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Moonblast can lower the enemy's special attack stat, Dazzling Gleam hit every enemy in the area, Draining Kiss replenishes health, and Disarming Voice never misses.

Frost Rotom:

Shock Wave

All of these moves are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Blizzard can cause freezing, Discharge hits everything in multi-battles, Shock Wave never misses, and Thunderbolt can cause paralysis

Thanks for reading and comment to tell me what you think of this team!

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I'll do one with my personal favorite Kalos starter, Froakie

Greninja @ Mystic Water

Availability: Aquacorde Town (gift from Tierno, Starter)
Typing: Water/Dark
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Hasty
-Dark Pulse
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam

The best starter for Kalos came down to Greninja because of it's excellent Speed and good Special Attack. Only downside though, are its defenses, which are poor by comparison. Water-typing is decent for route sweeping but is not always spectacular in major battles. It gains Dark-typing upon evolving to Greninja which is not useful until the Move Relearner. Hydro Pump is your Water STAB move, but keep Water Shuriken until you get Hydro Pump, whichever works for you. Dark Pulse is your Dark type STAB move, but keep Night Slash until you get the Dark Pulse TM. Coverage for Greninja would be Ice Beam for the Grass and Dragon types. And Extrasensory for the Poison and Fighting types. As for it's major battles, Greninja deals with Olympia thanks to its Psychic immunity and STAB Night Slash (Before Dark Pulse), and its good for Grant's gym. Other than that, it lacks favorable match-ups and is particularly poor against Ramos, Valerie and Clemont. It fares better against the Elite Four thanks to its excellent coverage, and it is good for Team Flare's numerous Houndours/Houndooms. Overall, Froakie is a solid choice thanks to its availability, strong STAB moves, and stat distribution. However, its lacking movepool causes it to require some support until all its good moves become available later on.

Weak to: Electric, Grass, Ice, Fairy, and Bug
Immune to: Psychic
Resistant to: Water, Fire, Ice, Dark, Steel, and Ghost

Venusaur @ Venusaurite

Availability: Lumiose City (Gift from Professor Sycamore)
Typing: Grass/Poison
Ability: Overgrow -> Thick Fat
Nature: Relaxed
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Leech Seed

Venusaur is designed to be a Special Tank, with middling stats save for its Special Attack and Special Defense. As Mega Venusaur, everything, except its HP and Speed, gets a major boost, allowing it to hit hard both physically and specially, as well as becoming even more of a tank. Grass/Poison is solid defensive typing in game, giving Venusaur several key resistances to Fighting-, Fairy-, and Water-types, at the cost of being weak to only two types, being Psychic and Flying. Mega Venusaur also gains the Thick Fat ability when it Mega Evolves, making it take neutral damage from Fire- and Ice-type attacks. Energy Ball is your Grass STAB move. Sludge Bomb is your Poison STAB move, which kills Fairy types. Leech Seed is there so you can sap your opponent's health while attacking them. Coverage for Venusaur would be Earthquake to cover from its Fire weakness. In Major Battles, Bulbasaur sits out from Grant and Olympia, but otherwise does well in all other battles. Just don't put it up against Ramos's Jumpluff, Valerie's Mr. Mime, or Lysandre's Honchkrow. It also performs outstandingly against all of the Elite Four, except for Drasna. Overall, Venusaur more than earns its place as the best Grass-type in the game. The only drawback is its relatively poor movepool, and even then it gets what it needs, when it needs it.

Weak to: Fire, Ice, Psychic, and Flying
Resistant to: Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy


Availability: Route 6 (15% encounter rate)
Typing: Steel/Ghost
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Adamant
-Iron Head
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword
-King's Sheild

Honedge and Doublade's stats favor their physical attack and defense while Aegislash's stats are much more balanced so it is very bulky in Shield forme and can hit very hard in Blade forme. They are all quite slow though. It's typing, is very good defensively. Ghost gives an immunity to the common Normal and Fighting types early on, while Steel gives an immunity to Poison and resistance to many other types. Offensively it comes with great coverage. Iron Head is your Steel STAB move, as it destroys Fairy types. Shadow Sneak is your Ghost STAB move, even though it may be weak out of the other moves, like Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw, but since Aegislash is fairly slow, it gives you priority. Coverage for Aegislash are Sacred Sword for Normal and Dark types. And King's Shield is there so you can protect yourself from opponents moves, and if they use contact moves, then their attack stat is lowered by 2. And for it's major battles, Honedge beats Grant's Amaura, Korrina, Ramos, Valerie (outside of Mawile), Olympia (beware Meowstic), and Wulfric. InFlyi the Elite Four don't even bother with Malva, but it can contribute against the others. Against Diantha, you can set up on Hawlucha and sweep her whole team, easily. Overall, Honedge's defensive typing and great stats allows it to be a strong asset for the whole story. You need to find a Dusk Stone to get Aegislash, which is at Terminus cave, and it's so late in the story. However, Doublade is a very capable Pokemon—especially with Eviolite—so if you plan on evolving it, wait until you get the Dusk Stone.

Weak to: Fire, Ground, Ghost, and Dark
Immune to: Poison, Fighting, and Normal
Resistant to: Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy

Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite

Availability: Ambrette Town (Gift from Old Amber in Glittering Cave, need Rock Smash)
Typing: Rock/Flying
Ability: Pressure -> Tough Claws
Nature: Jolly
-Thunder Fang
-Stone Edge

Your team's flying type. Aerodactyl is very fast and has a fairly high Attack stat. It also has decent defenses to couple with its resistances. As Mega Aerodactyl, it becomes even more faster, much more powerful, getting the ability, Tough Claws, which boost your contact moves by 30%, as well as improved bulk. The Rock/Flying-typing gives Aerodactyl some nifty, relevant resistances though weaknesses to Water-, Rock-, Electric-, Steel-, and Ice-types hurt. Offensively, its typing is excellent, especially after investing in coverage. Stone Edge is your Rock STAB move, as it may not be boost by Tough Claws, since it's not a contact move, but it does help with its Ice weakness. Fly is your Flying STAB move, which not only it's pretty useful in-game, so you won't have to go to the PC box and get an HM slave for Fly, but it also gets boosted by Tough Claws. Coverage for Aerodactyl would be Thunder Fang for those pesky Water-types, as it gets boosted by Tough Claws. And Earthquake to cover it's Rock, Electric, and Steel weakness. Even if you have Bulldoze or not, Grant will be a hard challenge for Aerodactyl. After Grant, Aerodactyl has the typing and movepool to dominate nearly everything you encounter. For major battles, watch out for Clemont's Magneton and Lysandre's Mega Gyarados. Oh yeah, don't forget to pick up the Aerodactylite in Ambrette Town as it is crucial to Aerodactyl's success.

Weak to: Water, Rock, Steel, Electric, and Ice
Immune to: Ground
Resistant to: Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, and Fire


Availability: Route 9 (20% encounter rate)
Typing: Electric/Normal
Ability: Dry Skin
Nature: Modest
-Focus Blast
-Volt Switch

Helioptile has great Speed and Special Attack and decent Special Defense. Its HP and Defense are quite poor however, meaning it cannot take physical hits well, and its Attack is too low to warrant use. Electric/Normal is an odd typing. Gives it an immunity to Ghost, resists Electric-, Flying-, and Steel-types, and is only weak to Fighting- and Ground-types. Offensively, Electric is decent, but Normal doesn't really compliment it well. Thunderbolt is your Electric STAB move. Razor Wind is your Normal STAB move. Coverage for Heliolisk, is Surf for its Ground weakness. And Focus Blast serves as a nifty coverage to Dark, Steel, Rock, Normal, and Ice types. Major Battle wise, Siebold is a cakewalk for Heliolisk, and Lysandre is also pretty easy (be careful against Mienshao though). Keep it far away from Korrina (and maybe it can destroy Hawlucha) and Drasna is tough for it. Otherwise it has a decent matchup record though its frailty as a Helioptile lets it down. Overall, be sure to trade the Intriguing Stone to the Hiker in Shalour City for a Sun Stone to evolve as early as possible. It doesn't need any level-up moves anyways. Dry Skin is preferred as an ability for Heliolisk, because the Water immunity is quite handy. Helioptile is a decent choice, but only once it evolves.

Weak to: Fighting and Ground
Immune to: Water(If it has Dry Skin) and Ghost
Resistant to: Flying, Steel, and Electric

Garchomp @ Garchompite

Availability: Route 13 (20% encounter rate)
Typing: Dragon/Ground
Ability: Sand Veil -> Sand Force
Nature: Naive
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast
-Crunch/Stone Edge/Poison Jab

Gible's stats lend itself towards a powerful, bulky physical attacker with enough speed to outrun most of the game as a Garchomp. The Dragon/Ground-typing lends itself to a lot of good matchups against major battles with a few bad ones, as well as offering good offensive coverage and plenty of resistances. Dragon Claw is your main Dragon STAB move. Earthquake is your main Ground STAB move (upgraded from Bulldoze), It has good coverage, like Flamethrower provides a decent special option if needed for Ice types. You can either run Crunch, which is coverage for Ghost and Psychic types, Stone Edge which is coverage for Flying, Bug, and Fire types, or even Poison Jab provides coverage for Fairies . Gible boasts a strong matchup against Clemont, most of Team Flare, and most of the Pokémon League, as well as ripping through Serena/Calem's last fight. It is also able to chip in against Valerie and Wulfric despite an overall terrible matchup. Gabite really appreciates an Eviolite as it greatly improves its ability to take on several opponents with its increased bulk and greatly reducing any dud periods it would have. Its arrival in Route 13 (between Lv26 and Lv28) may necessitate some grinding to get it up to par upon capture. The Garchompite is post-game, btw.

Weak to: Ice, Dragon, and Fairy
Immune to: Electric
Resistant to: Poison, Fire, and Rock

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Here are a few things you should know before looking at my team:
☆I don't like legendary Pokemon for my perma-team (and I'm sure you don't, too)
☆I only choose 5 Pokemon 'cuz my 6th will either be an HM-slave, or the Pokemon I'm raising when fighting the E4
☆I don't use Pokemon who can only be acquired through trading with other players
☆I try to include all HMs
☆I try to cover all types

I chose Fennekin as my starter, 'cuz my brother already chose Frog Ninja and, SPOILERS, I hear you can get Shauna's starter in-game (which is Chespin, in this case). Since Fire-type is my favorite type, I also thought having a Fire-Psychic starter would be awesome (if you don't mind the fact that Delphox looks like a female even though mine is male).

Delphox w/ Amulet Coin
Type: Fire | Psychic
Ability: Blaze
Shadow Ball
Solar Beam / Grass Knot

I have a tendency to give the Amulet Coin to my starter Pokemon in every game. Delphox is a offense-focused Pokemon with very high Sp. Atk and Speed. Flamethrower and Psychic are both strong STAB moves, so it's a no-brainer. Shadow Ball is a great choice, since Delphox has very high Sp. Atk. Solar Beam / Grass Knot is for type coverage and a way to fight the common Water, Ground, and Rock types. I use Solar Beam 'cuz of its high damage and, since this is an in-game team only, the 1st turn won't bother me that much 'cuz I almost always have higher-leveled Pokemon than AI trainers.

In-game location: Starter Pokemon

Weak to: Ground | Rock | Ghost | Water | Dark
Resistant to: Fighting | Steel | Fire | Grass | Psychic | Ice | Fairy
Immune to: None

I chose Lucario because this is actually the first time I had the chance to include Lucario in my permanent party, and so I wanted to try him out, and because Fighting-Steel seemed like a great type matchup. Plus he looks really cool~

Lucario w/ Poison Barb
Type: Fighting | Steel
Ability: Inner Focus
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Dark Pulse
Poison Jab

I gave him Poison Barb to strengthen his Poison Jab since his Attack is not as high as his Sp. Atk. Lucario is also an offensive-type Pokemon. He has very high Sp. Atk and Attack, and has good Speed. I did not give him Lucarionite because I personally try not to use Mega Evolution as much as possible, but that's up to you. Aura Sphere and Flash Cannon are strong STAB moves, but since Flash Cannon isn't available until post-E4, you could use Metal Claw or Dig (up to you). Dark Pulse and Poison Jab are for type coverage.

In-game location: Route 22 (Riolu)

Weak to: Fighting | Ground | Fire
Resistant to: Normal | Rock | Bug | Steel | Grass | Ice | Dragon | Dark
Immune to: Poison

I chose Sylveon because I wanted to have an Eeveelution in my party, and because I really needed a Fairy-type Pokemon (or at lease a Fairy-type move, which no one in this party can learn, sadly).

Sylveon w/ Quick Claw
Type: Fairy
Ability: Cute Charm
Last Resort / Giga Impact
Light Screen / Rest

I gave him Quick Claw because Sylveon has very low Speed. Sylveon is my defensive Pokemon. He has very high HP and Sp. Def, and has a very high Sp. Atk than Attack. Moonblast is a very strong STAB move. Light Screen and Reflect are for higher Sp. Def and Defense for my party, but since Sylveon has a high enough Sp. Def, you could use Rest or Draining Kiss instead of Light Screen for HP Recovery. Last Resort / Giga Impact are for strong damage, but you may also use Hyper Beam or Shadow Ball instead if you prefer Special attacks.

In-game Location: Route 10 (Eevee)

Weak to: Poison | Steel
Resistant to: Fighting | Bug | Dark
Immune to: Dragon

I chose Lapras because the nostalgia is real!!! Lapras has been one of my fave Pokemon ever since I've played LeafGreen (my very first Pokemon game). Lorelei's Lapras with its Thunder scared the heck out of me~~~

Lapras w/ Magnet
Type: Water | Ice
Ability: Water Absorb
Ice Beam

I made Lapras hold a Magnet because Thunderbolt is the only non-STAB move he has. Lapras is a bit of a tank Pokemon, with his very high HP. He has low Speed, and the others stats are average. Surf and Waterfall are HMs, which is used for outside of battle, and has decent damage. You have a choice of either using Surf for enemies with higher Defense since Surf is a Special move, or Waterfall for enemies with higher Sp. Def since Waterfall is a Physical move. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt are great moves for type coverage.

In-game Location: Given to you in Route 12

Weak to: Fighting | Rock | Grass | Electric
Resistant to: Ice
Immune to: Water (Water Absorb)

I chose Dragonite because I always leave a spot for Flying-Dragon types in my perma-team and Dragonite has been my most favorite Pokemon ever since I've laid my eyes on him. Given the chance, I always put a Dragonite in my party. And he has really decent stats, too.

Dragonite w/ Leftovers
Type: Dragon | Flying
Ability: Inner Focus
Rock Slide / Stone Edge

I gave him Leftovers, because I honestly don't know what else to give him. I guess you could give him an item that increases the power of his moves. Dragonite is a Pokemon with balanced stats, with a main focus on Attack. Dragon-type Pokemon are almost always a good choice because of their resistance against the very common Starter types (Fire, Water, and Grass). Outrage is a strong Dragon-type move, and I just can't imagine a Dragonite without it. Fly is an HM for moving from town to town, and has decent damage. Rock Slide / Stone Edge and Earthquake are strong moves for type coverage. You can either choose Rock Slide with good damage and decent accuracy, or Stone Edge with higher damage, but less accuracy and PP. Your choice~

In-game Location: Route 21 (Good Rod for Dratini, Super Rod for Dragonair)

Weak to: Rock | Ice | Dragon | Fairy
Resistant to: Fighting | Bug | Fire | Water | Grass
Immune to: Ground

My 6th Pokemon is always either an HM-slave, or a Pokemon I'm raising. This game's HM-slave iiiis drum rolls DIGGERSBY!!! applause I mean, really, why do people get Bidoof when you could have a Zigzagoon or Bunnelby with a Pickup ability?

Diggersby w/ no item
Type: Normal | Ground
Ability: Pickup
Rock Smash

No item for him because of his ability, Pickup (Pickup is life). Diggersby has fugly stats, but it doesn't really matter. Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash are very important HMs to have when exploring (although Rock Smash isn't an HM anymore, but you get the point). Dig is very useful for escaping caves, and it's also a STAB move with decent damage in case you get into a situation in which you need to use him in battle. I mainly use him as a meat shield for reviving someone else.

In-game Location: Routes 2, 3, 5, and 22 (Bunnelby)

Weak to: Fighting | Water | Grass | Ice (does it matter?)
Resistant to: Poison | Rock (pretty sure it doesn't...)
Immune to: Ghost | Electric (nope, doesn't matter...)

Note: From early to mid-game, before I had Lapras, Eevee, and Dratini, I used Wartortle / Azumarill, Raichu, and Pidgeotto as replacements.

True fact: I also usually give my starter an amulet coin. That's a coincidence.
0 votes

This team is with Froakie as your starter in X.

Greninja @ Mystic Water

Ability: Torrent
- Ice Beam (Coverage)
- Extrasensory/Dark Pulse (Coverage/STAB)
- Double Team (Just to be annoying)
- Hydro Pump/Surf (depending on you, both brilliant STAB)

Lucario @ Lucarionite or Black Belt

Ability: Steadfast
- Close Combat/Flash Cannon (STAB)
- Swords Dance (Just to give some kick)
- Aura Sphere (Reliable hard hitting STAB)
- Bone Rush (Coverage)

Charizard @ Charizardite X or Charcoal

Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower (STAB)
- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Inferno (STAB with Burns)
- Fly (STAB and HM)

Aegislash @ King's Rock

Ability: Stance Change
- King's Shield (To switch stances)
- Swords Dance (Extra boost)
- Iron Head (STAB)
- Shadow Claw (STAB)

Malamar @ Black Glasses

Ability: Contrary
- Night Slash (STAB)
- Superpower (Coverage)
- Psycho Cut (STAB)
- Topsy-Turvy (Helpful)

Dragonite @ Oran Berry (honestly you can give this pseudo whatever you like)

Ability: Inner Focus
- Dragon Dance (Extra boost)
- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Fly (STAB/HM)
- Thunderbolt (Coverage)

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My team for Pokemon X:

Greninja: Speedy special attacker.
Surf: Water STAB.
Dark Pulse: Dark Stab.
Acrobatics: Cover for Grass and Fighting type weakness.
Ice Beam: For the Dragons. Can be switched to Sludge Bomb for countering Fairies.

Charizard (Mega Charizard X): Mixed sweeper
Flamethrower: Assured Fire STAB.
Dragon Claw: Dragon STAB after mega evolution.
Fly: Because it is the Flying type.
Steel Wing or Earthquake: Countering Fairies (Steel Wing)/Assured power (Earthquake).

Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir): Special attacker.
Psychic: Psychic STAB.
Moonblast: Fairy STAB.
Energy Ball: coverage.
Shadow Ball: coverage.

Garchomp (Mega Garchomp): Physical attacker.
Earthquake: Standard 'Chomp
Dragon Claw: Standard 'Chomp
Poison Jab: For Fairies.
Brick Break: For Ice types.

Aegislash: Mixed tank and can sweep.
Sacred Sword: Helps against Dark types.
Shadow Sneak: Priority, STAB.
Iron Head: Your savior against Fairies.
King's Shield: To activate Stance Change.

The sixth one can be either of the following:
Ampharos (Mega Ampharos against the Water Elite Four): Bulky special sweeper.
Thunderbolt: Assured STAB.
Cotton Guard: To make you unkillable against Earthquake.
Power Gem: Coverage against Ice types.
Dragon Pulse: STAB, hits hard on everything, excluding Fairies.

Jolteon: Speedy special attacker.
Thunderbolt or Volt Switch: Assured STAB.
Shadow Ball: Only good coverage that Jolteon gets.
Echoed Voice: Worked for me.
Strength: Useless HM that needs to be put somewhere.

Megas can be switched based on the opponent you are battling in game.

Also, you can try Lucario in place of Aegislash and Haxorus in place of Garchomp.

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This is an in-game team for Chespin/Quilladin/Chestnaught. The others are coming soon.

Chestnaught @ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Overgrow
-Spiky Shield (Makes opponent take damage with no risk)
-Power-Up Punch (STAB, Attack Boost)
-Hammer Arm (Get Heart Scale and go to move relearner to get access before 7th gym)
-Seed Bomb (Stab, High Power)

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite

Ability: Torrent
-Surf (HM, STAB)
-Flash Cannon (Another tutor move, get another heart scale)
-Head Smash (Massive 130 Power)
-Ice Beam (Coverage)

Gardevoir @ Pixie Plate

Ability: Trace
-Dazzling Gleam (STAB, Valerie will give the TM to you)
-Moonblast (STAB, Powerful, if you want to get it early go to move relearner, otherwise wait until Level 62)
-Thunderbolt (Coverage, get TM from Clemont)
-Psychic (STAB, Hard Hitting)

Scolipede @ Poison Barb

Ability: Poison Point
-Venoshock (STAB, good with ability, pick up TM on Route 6 or wait until level 28)
-Rock Tomb (Coverage, Lowers speed, Pick up TM from Grant)
-Poison Jab (STAB, more poison chance, 80 Base Power, grab TM from Shalour City Poke Mart)
-Steamroller (STAB, Flinch Chance)

Aegislash @ Leftovers

Ability: Stance Change
-Iron Head (STAB, Yet another tutor move, farm heart scales from Luvdisc on Route 8)
-Night Slash (Coverage, Good Base Power)
-King's Shield (Attack Lowering, Protection)
-Shadow Sneak (Priority, STAB)

Garchomp @ Soft Sand

Ability: Sand Veil
-Crunch (80 Base Power, Chance to lower Sp. Def)
-Earthquake (STAB, Pick up TM on Route 22, right before the league)
-Dragon Claw (STAB, 80 Base Power)
-Flamethrower (Coverage, Good for when it Mega Evolves, grab TM from Hex Maniac in Anistar City)

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Tutor in XY
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This team is based around Greninja.

-Ice Beam
-Night Slash

Greninja has an amazing movepool and insane coverage against it's weaknesses apart from electric.
Super Train it towards Attack and Special Attack as it's already got a good speed stat.

-Dazzling Gleam/Moon last
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball

Gardevoirs moveset provides coverage against it's weakness to ghost and Dark types.
Super Train to max Special Attack and Speed for sweeping.

-Shadow Claw
-Iron Head/Gyro Ball
-Kings Shield
-Sacred Sword

It's too broken for explanation lol

-Solar Beam
-Air Slash
-Sunny Day(Since you will be using Charizard X which doesn't have the Drought Ability)

Pretty Good overall.Just watch out for the quadruple weakness to rock types,but that's why you have sunny day and solar beam.

-Aura Sphere
-Close Combat
-Poison Jab
-Swords Dance

Poison Jab is there as a surprise factor.It could help out against Valerie's gym if Aegislash(which will be a Doublade at the time) can't handle it

-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide
-Draco Meteor/Sword Dance

Garchomp is naturally attack based so I would recommend using swords dance instead of Draco meteor to set up a sweep,since garchomp is naturally fast.

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STARTER: Chesnaught!
Moves: Seed Bomb, Hammer Arm, Poison Jab, then your choice
MEGA: Gardevoir!
Moves: Moonblast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball
SURFER: Lanturn!
Moves: Surf, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Waterfall(only cause I need someone to have the move lol)
FLYER: Talonflame!
Moves: Fly, Acrobatics, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower
Moves: Poison Jab, Crunch, Ice Fang, X-Scissor
Moves: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Swords Dance

Now I know some of you guys probably want some different movesets to my Pokemon tbh that all depends on your personal preference these are just the Pokemon that got me through the game
