This team would be best for Omega Ruby, as Swampert can destroy most of Team Magma's Pokemon and you can only get Seedot in this version.
Move Deleter - In Lilycove City in the house EAST of the Department Store.
Move Relearner - In Fallarbor Town on the western side.
1st Pokemon

Swampert @ Swampertite
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Waterfall
- Surf
Your Starter
Surf is for how often you have to surf around Hoenn. Rock Slide is learned at Level 28 by Marshtomp and provides excellent coverage (I used Rock Tomb until it learned Rock Slide). Waterfall is an excellent physical STAB move and allows you to get through the last part of the game. Earthquake is a nice base 100 power, 150 with STAB, which hits like a truck. The TM for it is located in Seafloor Cavern. This video should help. I taught it Dive over Earthquake and when the time for the E4 came I went to the Move Deleter and got rid of Dive for Earthquake.
2nd Pokemon

Shiftry @ Miracle Seed (Location)
- Dark Pulse
- Leaf Storm
- Leaf Blade
- Nasty Plot
Located in Omega Ruby on Route 102 as a Seedot
Dark Pulse is excellent STAB and hits very hard. It is found in the Team Aqua/Magma base. Here is a video to help. At Level 24, Nuzleaf learns Feint Attack. I recommend keeping this on until you gain access to Dark Pulse. Leaf Storm is learned at Level 49 by Shiftry. Leaf Blade is learned at Level 28 by Nuzleaf. I would recommend using Razor Leaf, learned at Level 14 by Nuzleaf, until it learns Leaf Blade. I would recommend evolving Nuzleaf immediately after it learns Leaf Blade, as you really don't miss out on any good moves besides maybe Extrasensory at Level 49. There is a multitude of ways to get a Leaf Stone. Personally, I traded the one from XY to ORAS as soon as possible. This link shows you where to find/obtain a leaf stone in ORAS. Nasty Plot is learned via the Move Relearner, which costs one Heart Scale.
Other potential Grass types:

Cacturne @ Miracle Seed
- Swords Dance
- Needle Arm / Energy Ball
- Feint Attack / Dark Pulse
- Seed Bomb / Nasty Plot
Located as a Cacnea in Route 111's desert
Swords Dance is obtained in Lavaridge Town by talking to the Dojo guy outside of the Poke Center. You must answer "No" to his question. Needle Arm and Energy Ball are both level up moves, with Energy Ball being learned by Cacturne at Level 44 and Needle Arm being learned by Cacnea at Level 16. This means you may have to go to the Move Relearner to teach it Needle Arm. Feint Attack is learned by Cacnea at Level 19, which means it should already know it when you catch it. Dark Pulse is a TM. Seed Bomb is an Egg Move, which requires Cacnea to be DexNav'd for. Same for Nasty Plot.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Leaf Storm
- Shadow Ball
Found on Route 117 as a Roselia
Giga Drain is learned by Roselia at Level 25. Sludge Bomb is a TM which is obtained in Dewford Town. This video should help. Leaf Storm is an Egg Move which will require you to DexNav for Roselia. Shadow Ball is a TM found in Mt. Pyre. This video should help.

Breloom @ Miracle Seed
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Sky Uppercut
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
Located in Petalburg Woods as a Shroomish
Mach Punch is learned at Level 23 by Breloom. Seed Bomb is learned at Level 44 by Breloom. Sky Uppercut is learned at Level 39 by Breloom. Rock Slide and Stone Edge boils down to preference. They are both TMs. Rock Slide is obtained on Route 133. This video should help. Stone Edge is obtained in Lilycove's Department Store for 30,000 Pokedollars.

Vileplume @ Miracle Seed
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Petal Dance
- Sleep Powder
Located earliest on Route 110 as Oddish.
Giga Drain is learned by Gloom at Level 34. Sludge Bomb is a TM. Petal Dance is learned by Vileplume at Level 59. Sleep Powder is learned at Level 15 by Oddish.
3rd Pokemon

Grumpig @ Rocky Helmet (Location)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Power Gem
- Shadow Ball
Located in the Jagged Pass as a Spoink.
Calm Mind is for setting up and to boost its already insane Special Defense to maximum levels, and to allow it to hit like a truck. It is a TM obtained after beating Tate & Liza in Mossdeep City. I had Psybeam on until I got this. Psychic is a TM obtained in Ever Grande City. This video should help. Before Psychic, I had Grass Knot on it, which is a TM obtained behind the Fortree Gym. This video should help. This was huge coverage. Power Gem is learned by Spoink at Level 29. Shadow Ball is a TM, and helps against Ghost types immensely.
4th Pokemon

Skarmory @ Hard Stone (Rock Smash Rocks on Route 111)
- Sky Attack
- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Rock Tomb / Rock Slide
Located on Route 113.
Sky Attack is an Egg Move and requires you to DexNav for it. Hits EXTREMELY hard. Fly is an HM. Mainly here for utility and as a secondary Flying STAB. Steel Wing is a TM obtained from Steven very early in the game. It provides very powerful STAB and hits hard. Rock Tomb is a TM obtained from beating Roxanne's Gym in Rustboro City. It gives Skarmory some coverage and does decent damage. You can eventually teach it Rock Slide. Hard Stone is there to power up its Rock type moves.
Other potential Flying types:

- Fly
- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere
- Dazzling Gleam
Obtained as an Egg in Lavaridge Town after beating Primal Kyogre/Groudon. Talk to the old woman next to the Pokemon Center.
Fly is there purely for the utility. Air Slash and Aura Sphere are learned after taking Togekiss to the move relearner. Dazzling Gleam is a TM obtained after talking to a little girl on Route 123. This video should help.
It may be a challenge to raise, but once it becomes a Togekiss you better believe it will put in work.

- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Acrobatics / Brave Bird
Obtained in Granite Cave as a Zubat
Acrobatics hits like a truck without an item, and STAB makes it hit even harder. It is learned at Level 35 by Crobat. Brave Bird is an option, but requires you to DexNav Zubat, as it is an Egg Move. It comes down to preference. Cross Poison is a Poison STAB move and is extremely strong. You must bring Crobat to the Move Relearner for it to learn Cross Poison. X-Scissor is there for coverage. It is a TM obtained in Victory Road. This video should help. Fly is there for the utility and possible second Flying STAB.
5th Pokemon

Ninetales @ Charcoal (Location)
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse
Obtained as a Vulpix at Mt. Pyre
Flamethrower is learned at Level 36 by Vulpix. A must have STAB for any special Fire type, it does its job very well. it is recommended to evolve Vulpix as soon as it learns this, as you don't miss out on too many good moves. The Fire Stone is located in the Fiery Path, but requires the use of Strength. This video should help. Nasty Plot requires you to bring Ninetales to the Move Relearner in order for it to learn it. This move provides you with a way to sweep easily. If you DexNav for a Hidden Ability Vulpix (Drought), then you have an offensive monster on your team. Extrasensory is learned at Level 31 by Vulpix. This is basic coverage and hits hard. Dark Pulse is a TM.
Other potential Fire types:

Macargo @ Charcoal
- Ancient Power
- Flamethrower
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
Located in the Fiery Path as a Slugma
Ancient Power is learned by Slugma at Level 22. Flamethrower is learned by Macargo at Level 54. It is also a TM in Victory Road. This video should help. Lava Plume is learned by Slugma at Level 34. Earth Power is learned by Macargo at Level 58, but is also an Egg Move. This means you can DexNav for a Slugma that knows Earth Power.

Camerupt @ Charcoal
- Earth Power
- Lava Plume
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
Located on Route 112 as a Numel
Earth Power is learned by Numel at Level 26. Lava Plume is learned by Numel at Level 22. Earthquake is learned by Camerupt at Level 46. Rock Slide is learned by Camerupt at Level 33.

Torkoal @ Charcoal
- Heat Wave
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
Located in the Fiery Path
Heat Wave is learned by Torkoal at Level 55. Sludge Bomb is a TM. Flamethrower is learned by Torkoal at Level 28. Earthquake is a TM.
6th Pokemon
Normally, I choose a Pokemon that I really love as the last slot. This time it was one of my faves:

Seviper @ Life Orb (DexNav Absol and use Thief)
- Poison Jab
- Sludge Wave
- Crunch
- Coil / Flamethrower
Poison Jab is a strong physical STAB move that is supported by Coil. It hits hard and is a great move. It is learned by Seviper at Level 34 Sludge Wave is, in my opinion, better for Seviper in-game. The base 100 offenses need all the boosts they can get. It is a TM located on Route 132. This video should help. Crunch is good coverage and really powerful. It is learned by Seviper at Level 40. Coil is a great set up move and is learned at Level 46 by Seviper. Flamethrower is a TM that Seviper can learn, and offers more coverage. It is located in Victory Road. This video should help.
And that's it! That was my team in game. I offered some replacements in case people preferred different mons or wanted more options.