PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You can use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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51 Answers

0 votes

This is the team I used in Omega Ruby.
I have listed HMs on all the Pokemon along with another move because I don't like using HM slaves. Once I beat the main game, I replaced the HMs.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite / Life Orb
Ability: Blaze (Speed Boost is better but it is difficult to obtain)
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Smash (HM) / High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge / Hidden Power [Grass]
- Swords Dance / Protect (for Speed Boost)

Obviously you will want Speed Boost, but it doesn't really matter if you intend to Mega Evolve it because it gets it then anyway. Flare Blitz is a reliable STAB move and High Jump Kick is just another good STAB option, but slightly risky, especially with the Life Orb. Stone Edge is good for dealing with Flying types and some all-around reliable coverage. Hidden Power [Grass] is weaker than Stone Edge, but it covers two of Blaziken's weaknesses. Swords Dance is a good setup move, but Protect can help you raise your speed much easier.

Breloom @ Life Orb
Ability: Effect Spore (Technician is better but more difficult to get)
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch
- Strength (HM) / Mach Punch
- Swords Dance / Spore / Toxic

Seed Bomb is the reliable STAB move, Mach Punch can deal with fast attackers with a lower Defense very easily, and Drain Punch is STAB that recovers health. Swords Dance is good for setting up Breloom, but in the long term, Spore or Toxic may be more useful. Keep this thing away from Flying types as it cant hit them or take hits from them.

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
- Fly (HM) / Iron Head
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Spikes

Skarmory has everything. Great Defense, capable of doing damage, recovery and entry hazards. Fly is good enough as an attack but Iron Head can do better. Roost, Leftovers and Sturdy are great for stalling. Whirlwind allows Skarmory to switch out anything resisting it and Spikes is self explanatory.

Absol @ Absolite / Life Orb
Ability: Justified
- Cut (HM) / Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Superpower

Once you get a Swords Dance off, this sucker is deadly. In the main game Knock Off is useless, but if you want to play competitively, this can be useful. Superpower is for coverage.

Froslass @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Snow Cloak
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Nond
- Pain Split

Froslass is a strong Pokemon, and is mainly here to cover the flying type weaknesses this team has and beat Drake. Ice Beam and Shadow Ball are good STAB moves, while Destiny Bond and Pain Split can both be incredible options to have.

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
- Surf (HM) / Hydro Pump
- Dive (HM) / Scald
- Ice Beam
- Waterfall (HM) / Recover

Hydro Pump does good damage and Scald has the chance to burn. Ice Beam can kill Grass types. Milotic might look a bit like a HM slave, but Dive and Waterfall are both obtained very late in the game and Surf can still do good damage.

Milotic: Swampert / Sharpedo / Starmie
Froslass: Magnezone / Manectric
Absol: Dusknoir
Skarmory: Crobat / Swellow / Salamence / Altaria
Breloom: Roserade / Sceptile
Blaziken: Camerupt / Magcargo

Why Breloom. It has a 4x Flying weakness. I'd replace it with a chlorophyll, heat rock Vilumeplume with a Modest Nature and the moveset of Solar Beam, Sludge Bomb, Leech Seed, Toxic/Poison Powder
A 4x weakness doesn't automatically invalidate a Pokemon. Just don't use it against Flying types, and Breloom is quite good.
0 votes

I'm writing one for the swamp monster. (Also, this is gonna be my main team so some things might be weird.)

Swampert @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Torrent
Adamant Nature
- Dive
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Waterfall, Earthquake, and Ice Punch for obvious reasons. Dive is just on here because it's another physical Water move, and I like to have at least two of them.

Ninetales @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Bold Nature
- Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp
- Confuse Ray
- Solar Beam

Flamethrower and Solar Beam for obvious reasons, and Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray just because you can. :)

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Careful Nature
- Seed Bomb
- Brick Break
- Spore
- Facade

Seed Bomb and Spore for obvious reasons. Brick Break for a STAB Fighting-Type move and for Tate & Liza's annoying screens. Facade gets doubled to 140 base power because of the Toxic Orb and Poison Heal combo.

Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod --> Intimidate
Timid Nature
- Thunderboly
- Volt Switch
- Uproar
- Roar

Thunderbolt and Volt Switch for obvious reasons, Uproar because it's one of my favorite moves, and Roar just in case.

Gardevoir @ Lax Incense (Just because you can. :p)
Ability: Trace
Bold Nature
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss

All of her moves are there for pretty obvious reasons.

Delcatty @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Wonder Skin
Careful Nature
- Fake Out
- Double-Edge
- Play Rough
- Thunder Wave

Yeah, I know, one of the internet's punching bags. Well, Delcatty is my favorite Pokemon and this is my team so yeah. Fake Out and Thunder Wave just to have fun. Double Edge and Play Rough for good offense.


0 votes

Sceptile (M) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow --> Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Leaf Blade / Leaf Storm- STAB
- Dragon Pulse / Dragon Claw- STAB and coverage for other dragons
- Rock Slide- Coverage for Flying, Rock, Bug, and Fire types
- Earthquake- Coverage for Poison, Electric, and Steel types

Gardevoir (F) @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Synchronize --> Pixilate
- Psychic- STAB
- Moonblast- STAB and coverage for Dark types
- Shadow Ball- Coverage for Ghost types
- Focus Blast- Coverage for Steel types

Walrein (M)
Ability: Thick Fat / Ice Body
- Ice Beam / Blizzard- Stab and coverage for Grass types
- Surf- STAB
- Body Slam- Paralyzes the target
- Hail- Powers up Ice type moves and heals HP if you have Ice Body

Altaria (F) @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure --> Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse- STAB and coverage for Dragon types
- Flamethrower- Coverage for Ice types
- Earthquake- Coverage for Steel and Poison types
- Moonblast- STAB and kills Dragons as well

Absol (F) @ Absolite
Ability: Pressure / Super Luck --> Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Sucker Punch- STAB and destroys Psychic types
- Psycho Cut- Coverage for Fighting types
- Flamethrower- Coverage for Bug types
- Swords Dance- Greatly increases Attack stat

Aggron (M) @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy / Rock Head --> Filter
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head- Great STAB
- Stone Edge- STAB when non-Mega
- Earthquake- Great power and coverage for Poison, Fire, and Steel
- Dragon Claw- Kills Dragons

0 votes

Alright this is going to be a long one but I believe it's a really great team. So I've played both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire a couple of times and I've found a team that works extremely well overall both in game and competitively. Sorry, no pictures.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
- Flare Blitz / Blaze Kick
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break / Double Kick
- Thunder Punch
- Protect

We'll start with BLAZIKEN. Personally one of my favorite starters of all time, and great for competitive play.

  • Flare Blitz -> Best physical Fire type move in the game unless you're bothered by the slight drawback of recoil. Blaze Kick is an alternative if you don't like recoil.

  • Sky Uppercut-> Good Fighting type move, gains STAB as well. Better than Dynamic Punch in my opinion because the extra power of the latter isn't worth the fact that it never hits. Brick Break is the alternative or even Double Kick if you want to bypass Sturdy.

  • Thunder Punch-> This is your coverage move if for some reason you find yourself against a Water type and don't have a Grass or Electric Pokemon.

  • Protect-> Useful move to scout what your opponents moves are and serves as a free turn to get one free Speed Boost off on its Mega.

Gyarados @ Focus Sash
- Waterfall / Aqua Tail
- Ice Fang
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake

Next comes GYARADOS. Fantastic Water type and it's fairly easy to acquire. Get an Old Rod in Dewford and go fish off the coast. Has a pretty standard Gyarados moveset but I'll explain just in case.

  • Waterfall-> Possibly the best physical Water type attack in my opinion, plus it gains STAB and serves as an HM. Aqua Tail is the alternative, with higher power but lower accuracy.

  • Ice Fang-> This is more of a filler move and works great against Drakes' Dragon types (except for Kingdra). Gyarados learns it early on, and it's fairly powerful and can cause flinching or freeze the opponent.

  • Dragon Dance-> This is what makes Gyarados extremely dangerous. Get off one or two of these and he becomes a well rounded sweeper, able to take out most types.

  • Earthquake-> This is your coverage move against his main weakness, Electric, but is also just a good move to have in general.

DISCLAIMER: Only use Gyarados against Electric types (or anything you suspect to have an Electric move on) if you have at least one Dragon Dance because a lot of Electric type Pokemon are fast.

Aggron @ Aggronite
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Iron Defense

AGGRON comes in as the physically defensive tank on this team. Only things to really keep it away from are Fighting and Ground types, as their STAB are 4x effective. However, Aggron can pretty much tank and work through most of the gyms, such as Mauville's, Petalburg's, and Fortree's.

  • Stone Edge-> Good STAB attack that packs a lot of power. Only issue is that it may not hit when you really need it to due to its lower accuracy. If reliability is what you're looking for, then change it to Rock Slide.

  • Heavy Slam-> Aggron is one of the heaviest Pokemon in the game, plus Heavy Slam is Steel so it gains STAB.

  • Earthquake-> Once again a pretty good move to have and it just seems right.

  • Iron Defense-> Honestly, Aggron already has a high Defense stat, but if you throw up two or three of these, you will be able to shrug off even a Close Combat or an Earthquake.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind

Never mind Gallade, because there's already a Fighting type, throw GARDEVOIR on the team. Although I would highly recommend a Gallade on any team that needs a Fighting type, Gardevoir has its advantages. It serves as your strong Fairy type and a good Psychic type that makes this team fairly well rounded.

  • Moonblast-> STAB and there's a chance it reduces Special Attack by one stage. Overall just a great move.

  • Psychic-> Also STAB and it takes care of those pesky Poison types, while also having a chance to reduce the targets' Special Defense by one stage.

  • Shadow Ball-> Filler move that helps against other Psychic types.

  • Calm Mind-> This turns Gardevoir into an all-out boss. Even just one of these dials up Gardevoir's power and makes it an extremely lethal special attacker.

Raichu @ Light Ball
- Thunder Punch / Wild Charge
- Thunder Wave
- Brick Break
- Agility

RAICHU is the Electric type on this team and adds a touch of speed (other than Blaziken). Although Raichu is only available after you deal with Kyogre/Groudon, it levels up pretty quickly, and if you use the PokeFinder to find one with Thunder Punch, you're all set.

  • Thunder Punch-> Obviously a great physical Electric move, better than Spark in my opinion. This can be swapped for Wild Charge if you want your Raichu to pack a little extra punch at the price of recoil.

  • Thunder Wave-> This is mainly for capturing Pokemon and slowing down any opponents that may still be faster than you.

  • Brick Break-> Filler move and is just a good way to deal with Normal, Rock, and Dark types.

  • Agility-> Allows Raichu to become even faster.

Salamence @ Salamencite
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw / Dragon Rush
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
So I'm a firm believer that every great team needs a Dragon type. That's just how I am. They're just overall strong Pokemon and can sweep whole teams if the opponent isn't careful. In this case the Dragon type is none other than SALAMENCE. The moveset is fairly similar to my Dragonite's in Generations 1 and 2.

  • Dragon Dance-> Allows Salamence to get faster and pretty much sets him up for a sweep.

  • Dragon Claw-> Great Dragon move that gains STAB. Dragon Rush is the replacement if you want just a bit more power, but it's not always reliable as it only has 75% accuracy.)

  • Earthquake-> Coverage move. Gets rid of those Rock types that it's weak to.

  • Fire Fang-> Also a coverage move that, after a few Dragon Dances, will destroy any Ice type Pokemon.

Well, that's my team and it has worked pretty well for me, in-game and competitively. Sorry it was a long post but I feel it would be best to justify the reasoning behind my choices. In-game I always try and use HM slaves so that way I don't have to waste a move slot for battling members. Just switch out the Pokemon that are the least useful at the time of the game. Anyway, if anyone has any comments or suggestions to make I would be glad to hear them.

This is an amazing team.
* Thunder Punch is a post-game move.
* Focus Sash is a consumable, making it essentially useless outside of competitive and challenge runs.
* Light Ball's effects only work on Pikachu, not Raichu.
* Physical Raichu is as a whole inferior to special Raichu. The latter has Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, and Grass Knot.
* Salamence comes stupidly late and the Salamencite is post-game. Dragon Dance is an Egg Move.

This is an incredibly inefficient team. The basis is okay, but the choices on various details makes it absolutely terrible for an effective run of ORAS.
0 votes

This is a team I've been thinking of for quite some time now.

- Blaze Kick
- Brick Break
- Fire Punch / Flamethrower
- Rock Smash

Blaze Kick, Fire Punch and Flamethrower are strong STAB moves that can cause burns. You can pick what you want for the latter as Blaziken's Attack and Special Attack are about equal. Brick Break is a good STAB move that can break through Light Screen and Reflect, and I find it much better than Jump Kick and High Jump Kick. Rock Smash is an HM, as well as a STAB move.

- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Draining Kiss
- Magical Leaf

The first three are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Psychic can weaken the enemy's Special Defense, Moonblast can weaken the enemy's Special Attack, and Draining Kiss replenishes your health. Magical Leaf is compensation for the lack of a Grass type.

- Aerial Ace
- Air Slash
- Fly
- Steel Wing

Aerial Ace and Air Slash are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Aerial Ace never misses and Air Slash can cause flinching. Fly is an HM, a strong STAB move, and on the turn you use it most attacks can't hit you. Steel Wing is coverage against Rock and Ice types.

- Thunder / Thunderbolt
- Discharge
- Thunder Fang
- Strength

Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge and Thunder Fang are all strong STAB moves that can cause paralysis, with Thunder Fang being able to cause flinching. You can pick between Thunder and Thunderbolt, as Thunder is stronger and can be learned naturally, but Thunderbolt has better accuracy, and you can only get the TM for it from Wattson after catching or defeating Groudon(OR) or Kyogre(AS). Strength is an HM.

- Bulldoze
- Dig
- Earthquake
- Cut

The first three are all strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Bulldoze can slow the enemy down, Dig is an HM and on the turn you use it most attacks can't hit you, and Earthquake can hit underground enemies. Cut is an HM.

- Crunch
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Dive

Crunch is a strong STAB move that can weaken the enemy's Special Defense. Surf, Dive, and Waterfall are also strong STAB moves, as well as HMs. Dive also grants you invulnerability from most attacks on the turn you use it.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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0 votes

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow --> Lightning Rod
- Leaf Storm (STAB and high damage)
- Dragon Pulse / Dragon Claw (STAB when Mega Evolved)
- Synthesis (heals 50% of max HP)
- Rock Slide (covers four of its weakness'es)

Machoke @ Black Belt
Ability: No Guard / Guts
- Brick Break (Strong STAB)
- Thief (Coverage/steal items)
- Return (102 damage at max Happiness)
- Vital Throw (never misses)

Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Pressure / Magic Bounce,
- Night Slash (STAB and high damage)
- Zen Headbutt (Coverage/flinch)
- Fire Blast (Coverage and high damage)

Ability: Lightning Rod
- Wild Charge (STAB, be careful of recoil)
- Icicle Crash (Coverage and flinch)
- Dig (coverage and get out of caves)
- Strength (HM)

Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure --> Pixilate
- Dragon Pulse (good Dragon STAB)
- Moonblast (Fairy move + STAB when Mega Evolving)
- Fly (fly around Hoenn)
- Hyper Voice (for Pixilate)

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Moxie --> Mold Breaker
- Waterfall (STAB + flinch)
- Hurricane (strong STAB move)
- Bite (STAB while Mega Evolved and flinch)
- Earthquake (Mold Breaker)

0 votes

Here is my team as I traveled through the Hoenn region:

Swampert @ Sea Incense (I didn't have anything else to give it so lel :))))
- Waterfall (HM given when defeating Wallace)
- Power-Up Punch / Hammer Arm (TM at Mauville City Pokemart / Move Relearner)
- Earthquake (TM at the bottom level at Seafloor Cavern)
- Dive (HM given by Steven after defeating the Mossdeep City Gym)

Swampert, to my belief, is the second best of the trio. I never really liked Blaziken cause it looked weird so I stuck with Swampert. I didn't choose Mega Swampert cause there are other, better Mega Pokemon that could be used.

Breloom @ Big Root
- Stun Spore
- Cut (HM found in Rustboro City in the house with the Cut trees out front)
- Drain Punch (Yes, I hunted for this with DexNav - Egg Move)
- Seed Bomb

Provides coverage for Swampert, and it can blast through the Rock and Water Gyms. And it is a good Pokemon to add onto a team and is overall pretty sweet. It looks so cute tho.

Swellow @ Maybe Flame Orb if you want to use Facade
- Steel Wing (TM from Granite Cave)
- Quick Attack / Facade (Level up / Mauville City Pokemart)
- Fly / Brave Bird
- U-turn

Mainly got Swellow for a flier, but I guess you can use it.

Or the alternate option:

Tornadus-Therian Forme @ Amulet Coin (nothing else to give it lol) (obtainable after you get the Eon Flute, and have a Castform in your team in Omega Ruby)
- U-turn (TM found on one of the Mauville Hills apartment balconies)
- Thief / Crunch (TM from a Magma Grunt in the Oceanic Museum in Slateport City)
- Fly (HM given by your rival on Route 119, just before Fortree City)
- Focus Blast (Lilycove City Department Store)

This dude is pretty good on my team. Well, duh, he is a legendary, so I replaced my Swellow with him. Also, I never like to have 2 of the same type, so if it is pure Flying-type then it would let me have the last Pokemon on my team on my team.

Mawile @ Mawilite
- Rock Smash (HM given after you defeat Wally in front of the Mauville City Gym)
- Fire Fang (Egg Move or hunted by DexNav)
- Play Rough
- Iron Head

One of the best Pokemon on my team with Sheer Force shreking through everything.

Latios @ Latiosite
- Surf (HM given after you defeat the Petalburg City Gym)
- Psychic
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt (TM given after you check out New Mauville for Wattson (after the storyline with Groudon/Kyogre)

He was pretty hard to train at first, being a measly Level 30 when my Pokemon were around Level 45. But, at the end he was a great addition to the team.

Lopunny (Buns Hun) @ Lopunnite
- Thunder Punch (Egg Move, search with DexNav in Safari Zone for Buneary)
- Return (TM given by a man in Pacifidlog Town with two Marills in his house)
- Jump Kick
- Strength (HM given by your rival on Route 112)

Kick ass with Scrappy Jump Kick and Return. That STAB tho. ooooooo

That is the team I use/used.
I never like using an HM slave on the team, so I like to distribute the HMs amongst my team.

0 votes

This team would be best for Omega Ruby, as Swampert can destroy most of Team Magma's Pokemon and you can only get Seedot in this version.

Move Deleter - In Lilycove City in the house EAST of the Department Store.
Move Relearner - In Fallarbor Town on the western side.

1st Pokemon

Swampert @ Swampertite
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Waterfall
- Surf

Your Starter
Surf is for how often you have to surf around Hoenn. Rock Slide is learned at Level 28 by Marshtomp and provides excellent coverage (I used Rock Tomb until it learned Rock Slide). Waterfall is an excellent physical STAB move and allows you to get through the last part of the game. Earthquake is a nice base 100 power, 150 with STAB, which hits like a truck. The TM for it is located in Seafloor Cavern. This video should help. I taught it Dive over Earthquake and when the time for the E4 came I went to the Move Deleter and got rid of Dive for Earthquake.

2nd Pokemon

Shiftry @ Miracle Seed (Location)
- Dark Pulse
- Leaf Storm
- Leaf Blade
- Nasty Plot

Located in Omega Ruby on Route 102 as a Seedot
Dark Pulse is excellent STAB and hits very hard. It is found in the Team Aqua/Magma base. Here is a video to help. At Level 24, Nuzleaf learns Feint Attack. I recommend keeping this on until you gain access to Dark Pulse. Leaf Storm is learned at Level 49 by Shiftry. Leaf Blade is learned at Level 28 by Nuzleaf. I would recommend using Razor Leaf, learned at Level 14 by Nuzleaf, until it learns Leaf Blade. I would recommend evolving Nuzleaf immediately after it learns Leaf Blade, as you really don't miss out on any good moves besides maybe Extrasensory at Level 49. There is a multitude of ways to get a Leaf Stone. Personally, I traded the one from XY to ORAS as soon as possible. This link shows you where to find/obtain a leaf stone in ORAS. Nasty Plot is learned via the Move Relearner, which costs one Heart Scale.

Other potential Grass types:

Cacturne @ Miracle Seed
- Swords Dance
- Needle Arm / Energy Ball
- Feint Attack / Dark Pulse
- Seed Bomb / Nasty Plot

Located as a Cacnea in Route 111's desert
Swords Dance is obtained in Lavaridge Town by talking to the Dojo guy outside of the Poke Center. You must answer "No" to his question. Needle Arm and Energy Ball are both level up moves, with Energy Ball being learned by Cacturne at Level 44 and Needle Arm being learned by Cacnea at Level 16. This means you may have to go to the Move Relearner to teach it Needle Arm. Feint Attack is learned by Cacnea at Level 19, which means it should already know it when you catch it. Dark Pulse is a TM. Seed Bomb is an Egg Move, which requires Cacnea to be DexNav'd for. Same for Nasty Plot.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Leaf Storm
- Shadow Ball

Found on Route 117 as a Roselia
Giga Drain is learned by Roselia at Level 25. Sludge Bomb is a TM which is obtained in Dewford Town. This video should help. Leaf Storm is an Egg Move which will require you to DexNav for Roselia. Shadow Ball is a TM found in Mt. Pyre. This video should help.

Breloom @ Miracle Seed
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Sky Uppercut
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge

Located in Petalburg Woods as a Shroomish
Mach Punch is learned at Level 23 by Breloom. Seed Bomb is learned at Level 44 by Breloom. Sky Uppercut is learned at Level 39 by Breloom. Rock Slide and Stone Edge boils down to preference. They are both TMs. Rock Slide is obtained on Route 133. This video should help. Stone Edge is obtained in Lilycove's Department Store for 30,000 Pokedollars.

Vileplume @ Miracle Seed
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Petal Dance
- Sleep Powder

Located earliest on Route 110 as Oddish.
Giga Drain is learned by Gloom at Level 34. Sludge Bomb is a TM. Petal Dance is learned by Vileplume at Level 59. Sleep Powder is learned at Level 15 by Oddish.

3rd Pokemon

Grumpig @ Rocky Helmet (Location)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Power Gem
- Shadow Ball

Located in the Jagged Pass as a Spoink.
Calm Mind is for setting up and to boost its already insane Special Defense to maximum levels, and to allow it to hit like a truck. It is a TM obtained after beating Tate & Liza in Mossdeep City. I had Psybeam on until I got this. Psychic is a TM obtained in Ever Grande City. This video should help. Before Psychic, I had Grass Knot on it, which is a TM obtained behind the Fortree Gym. This video should help. This was huge coverage. Power Gem is learned by Spoink at Level 29. Shadow Ball is a TM, and helps against Ghost types immensely.

4th Pokemon

Skarmory @ Hard Stone (Rock Smash Rocks on Route 111)
- Sky Attack
- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Rock Tomb / Rock Slide

Located on Route 113.
Sky Attack is an Egg Move and requires you to DexNav for it. Hits EXTREMELY hard. Fly is an HM. Mainly here for utility and as a secondary Flying STAB. Steel Wing is a TM obtained from Steven very early in the game. It provides very powerful STAB and hits hard. Rock Tomb is a TM obtained from beating Roxanne's Gym in Rustboro City. It gives Skarmory some coverage and does decent damage. You can eventually teach it Rock Slide. Hard Stone is there to power up its Rock type moves.

Other potential Flying types:

- Fly
- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere
- Dazzling Gleam

Obtained as an Egg in Lavaridge Town after beating Primal Kyogre/Groudon. Talk to the old woman next to the Pokemon Center.
Fly is there purely for the utility. Air Slash and Aura Sphere are learned after taking Togekiss to the move relearner. Dazzling Gleam is a TM obtained after talking to a little girl on Route 123. This video should help.
It may be a challenge to raise, but once it becomes a Togekiss you better believe it will put in work.

- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Acrobatics / Brave Bird

Obtained in Granite Cave as a Zubat
Acrobatics hits like a truck without an item, and STAB makes it hit even harder. It is learned at Level 35 by Crobat. Brave Bird is an option, but requires you to DexNav Zubat, as it is an Egg Move. It comes down to preference. Cross Poison is a Poison STAB move and is extremely strong. You must bring Crobat to the Move Relearner for it to learn Cross Poison. X-Scissor is there for coverage. It is a TM obtained in Victory Road. This video should help. Fly is there for the utility and possible second Flying STAB.

5th Pokemon

Ninetales @ Charcoal (Location)
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse

Obtained as a Vulpix at Mt. Pyre
Flamethrower is learned at Level 36 by Vulpix. A must have STAB for any special Fire type, it does its job very well. it is recommended to evolve Vulpix as soon as it learns this, as you don't miss out on too many good moves. The Fire Stone is located in the Fiery Path, but requires the use of Strength. This video should help. Nasty Plot requires you to bring Ninetales to the Move Relearner in order for it to learn it. This move provides you with a way to sweep easily. If you DexNav for a Hidden Ability Vulpix (Drought), then you have an offensive monster on your team. Extrasensory is learned at Level 31 by Vulpix. This is basic coverage and hits hard. Dark Pulse is a TM.

Other potential Fire types:

Macargo @ Charcoal
- Ancient Power
- Flamethrower
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power

Located in the Fiery Path as a Slugma
Ancient Power is learned by Slugma at Level 22. Flamethrower is learned by Macargo at Level 54. It is also a TM in Victory Road. This video should help. Lava Plume is learned by Slugma at Level 34. Earth Power is learned by Macargo at Level 58, but is also an Egg Move. This means you can DexNav for a Slugma that knows Earth Power.

Camerupt @ Charcoal
- Earth Power
- Lava Plume
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Located on Route 112 as a Numel
Earth Power is learned by Numel at Level 26. Lava Plume is learned by Numel at Level 22. Earthquake is learned by Camerupt at Level 46. Rock Slide is learned by Camerupt at Level 33.

Torkoal @ Charcoal
- Heat Wave
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake

Located in the Fiery Path
Heat Wave is learned by Torkoal at Level 55. Sludge Bomb is a TM. Flamethrower is learned by Torkoal at Level 28. Earthquake is a TM.

6th Pokemon
Normally, I choose a Pokemon that I really love as the last slot. This time it was one of my faves:

Seviper @ Life Orb (DexNav Absol and use Thief)
- Poison Jab
- Sludge Wave
- Crunch
- Coil / Flamethrower

Poison Jab is a strong physical STAB move that is supported by Coil. It hits hard and is a great move. It is learned by Seviper at Level 34 Sludge Wave is, in my opinion, better for Seviper in-game. The base 100 offenses need all the boosts they can get. It is a TM located on Route 132. This video should help. Crunch is good coverage and really powerful. It is learned by Seviper at Level 40. Coil is a great set up move and is learned at Level 46 by Seviper. Flamethrower is a TM that Seviper can learn, and offers more coverage. It is located in Victory Road. This video should help.

And that's it! That was my team in game. I offered some replacements in case people preferred different mons or wanted more options.

Nice team bro
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Well this is my team for this generation. I really love this team because all of the team members can be obtained very early, and it's doing very well for me.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost
- Blaze Kick
- Stone Edge
- High Jump Kick
- Protect

For the starter, I picked one of my favorite Pokemon. This thing is a beast with Speed Boost when it's Mega Evolved, especially with Protect. Protect can protect Blaziken for one turn and help it activate its Ability. Blaze Kick and High Jump Kick are the STAB moves while Stone Edge is for coverage against Flying Pokemon.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite / Life Orb
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball

My second team member is Gardevoir. You can catch Ralts in the grass on Route 102 before Petalburg City. Psychic and Moonblast are the STAB moves, Calm Mind to raise your Gardevoir's Special Attack so it can OHKO almost any Pokemon, and Shadow Ball for coverage against Psychic and Ghost types.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite / Mystic Water
Ability: Intimidate
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake

One word to describe this Pokemon: "BEAST". You can get Magikarp at Dewford Town by using an Old Rod, which is also obtained in Dewford Town. With an amazing base 125 Attack, this thing can easily deal with any Pokemon. Keep in mind Gyarados has a low Special Attack, so I don't recommend teaching it Surf / Ice Beam. Waterfall is the STAB move and Ice Fang is for coverage. Dragon Dance is for increasing Gyarados' Speed and Attack, and Earthquake is for type coverage.

Aggron @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy
- Iron Head
- Surf / Aqua Tail
- Thunderbolt
- Earthquake

Every team need a tank. I chose Aggron, which has an amazing 180 base Defense. Make sure you use Aggron's Mega Evolution because it will make Aggron pure Steel type, which is better than Steel/Rock. You can use Surf on Aggron because you will need surf throughout the game. When you want to face the Elite Four, make sure you replace Surf with Aqua Tail, because Aggron's Special Attack is not very good. Iron Head for STAB, and Earthquake, Thunderbolt and Aqua Tail / Surf for coverage.

Manectric @ Manectite / Magnet
Ability: Lightning Rod
- Thunder Wave / Volt Switch
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]

For the Electric type, I chose Manectric. Manectric is very fast, so Volt Switch is a good move, but Thunder Wave is also an option. Thunderbolt is for STAB, Flamethrower for Steel types, and Hidden Power [Ice] for Ground types.

Altaria @ Altarianite / Pixie Plate
Ability: Natural Cure
- Fly
- Dragon Pulse
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower

Last but not least we have our Dragon type Pokemon, which is Altaria. Altaria is pretty amazing because when it's Mega Evolved, it will gain the Fairy type. I know we already have Gardevoir, but if your Gardevoir has fainted, you won't have to worry because you have this beast Pokemon for backup. Fly for convenience throughout the game, Dragon Pulse and Moonblast for STAB, and Flamethrower for coverage against Ice types.

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Swampert @ Swampertite
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge

Your starter. It has good Attack and Defense.

- Strength
- Aerial Ace
- Swagger
- Power-Up Punch

Massive Attack, good Defense and HP. You need to be wary of Truant though. This was my HM slave until Level 30, where I split my HMs and it became a good attacker. Can be found in Petalburg Woods.

- Flamethrower
- Flame Burst
- Earthquake
- Amnesia

Very strong mixed attacker, but slow and 4x weak to Water. Amnesia helps boost its Special Defense so it can take Water moves better. It can be found on Route 112, the Fiery Path, and the Jagged Pass.

- Wild Charge
- Discharge
- Thief
- Thunder Wave

Manectric has high Attack and good Speed. It can be found on Routes 110 and 118.

- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Draining Kiss
- Magical Leaf

Gardevoir has very high Special Attack and strong Fairy STAB you can use. It can be found on Route 102.

- Fly
- Dragon Pulse
- Rock Smash
- Aerial Ace

Can use several different HMs and gets Dragon STAB, plus it's one of the easiest Dragon types to get. It can be found on Routes 114 and 115.

I pride myself with have a team that can attack nearly any type of Pokemon and I try to have a move that exploits the weaknesses of every type.

Opposing Types-My Move
Normal-Brick Break, Power-Up Punch
Fire - Surf, Earthquake x 2, Stone Edge
Fighting-Fly, Aerial Ace x 2, Psychic, Moonlight, Draining Kiss
Water-Magical Leaf, Discharge, Wild Charge
Flying- Discharge, Wild Charge, Stone Edge
Grass - Fly, Aerial Ace x 2, Flamethrower, Burst Flame
Poison - Psychic, Earthquake x 2
Electric -Earthquake x 2
Ground - Surf, Magical Leaf
Psychic - Thief
Rock - Stone Edge, Magical Leaf, Surf, Earthquake x 2, Brick Break, Power-Up Punch, Rock Smash
Ice - Warm Up Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Flamethrower, Burst Flame,
Bug - Flamethrower, Burst Flame, Aerial Ace x 2, Fly
Dragon - Moonlight, Draining Kiss, Dragon Pulse
Ghost - Thief
Dark - Rock Smash, Power-Up Punch, Brick Break, Moonlight, Draining Kiss
Steel - Rock Smash, Power-Up Punch, Brick Break, Earthquake x 2, Flamethrower, Burst Flame,
- none :(

Overall I think this is one of my better teams because I love exploiting weaknesses and getting that OHKO. These are all obtained early in game, and if you have a different start, swap them out and change accordingly. Feel free to use as an idea and give me feedback.

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I'll do one for Torchic.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost
- Blaze Kick / Flare Blitz
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break
- Earthquake
- Shadow Claw

Blaziken is amazing. Being able to Mega Evolve will come in handy in many situations, especially in the Elite 4.

  • Blaze Kick is the reliable STAB attack, but if you want you can swap it for Flare Blitz for extra power.
  • Sky Uppercut and Brick Break are both good STAB attacks, but you can go with Brick Break if you want 100% accuracy.
  • Earthquake is for coverage.
  • Shadow Claw is for Psychic types.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace --> Pixilate
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Calm Mind

You can catch a Ralts early on, on Route 102. But it will probably take a while.

  • Psychic is powerful STAB.
  • Moonblast is the other STAB move. It is learned at Level 62 but it can be obtained via Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town in exchange for one Heart Scale.
  • Energy Ball is for the rival's Swampert since we do not have a Grass type.
  • Calm Mind is for stat boosting. It's always useful in-game.

Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod --> Intimidate
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave
- Volt Switch

Electrike can be found on Route 110. Manectric's Electric typing also covers Blaziken's Water weakness.

  • Thunderbolt is strong STAB.
  • Flamethrower is for coverage.
  • Thunder Wave is useful for catching Pokemon.
  • Volt Switch helps when a fight goes wrong for Manectric and you need to switch while dealing some damage.

Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Super Luck --> Magic Bounce
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

Absol can be caught on Route 120, with a 5% encounter rate. Once caught, Absol will help a lot against Tate & Liza, and later against Phoebe. With Super Luck, Absol has a 50% critical chance with Night Slash and Psycho Cut.

  • Night Slash is for STAB and high crit ratio.
  • Psycho Cut is for coverage and again, high crit ratio.
  • Sucker Punch is priority for Absol's low base 75 Speed when not Mega Evolved.
  • Swords Dance is to boost that outstanding base 130 Attack stat.

Walrein @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Thick Fat
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Body Slam

Walrein is very underrated in my opinion. Great bulk along with Thick Fat make him a great wall. Spheal/Sealeo can be found in Shoal Cave. Never-Melt Ice can be obtained there too.

  • Ice Beam is STAB.
  • Surf is a powerful STAB and necessary for the story.
  • Waterfall is the same as Surf.
  • Body Slam is a good filler move, plus it can paralyze.

Salamence @ Metal Coat
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Steel Wing
- Crunch

Salamence is a powerhouse. Yes, you get it late but if you have patience it will be very powerful. If you still do not want to go through the hassle of training a Bagon, an alternative would be Flygon.
Flygon is pretty strong, its Ground typing being very useful. The moves I provided for Salamence goes very well with Flygon too.

  • Dragon Claw is very strong and reliable STAB.
  • Earthquake is for coverage.
  • Steel Wing is coverage against Fairy and Ice types.
  • Crunch is a strong filler move.
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Swampert @ Soft Sand / Swampertite
Ability: Torrent
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Hammer Arm
- Avalanche / Ice Beam

Swampert is mainly used for Eathquake and won't see much action, as the other Pokemon cover all other types.
With this set you cover: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel, Ground, Dark, Ice Normal, Dragon, Flying, and Grass.

Breloom @ Coba Berry
Ability: Technician
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Rock Tomb
- Leech Seed

Breloom with Technician is a beast! It's a bit time consuming to get its HA, but its worth the wait. With Mach Punch alone you can take out pretty much everything. Just be careful of Flying types and it will be a very nice addition.
With this set you cover: Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel, Ground, Rock, Water, Bug, Fire, and Flying.

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate -> Huge Power
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Crunch
- Protect

Mega Mawile is amazing. With this set, you can take down the entire E4 with Mawile alone. Protect is used on the first turn to get the Mega safely.
With this set you cover: Fairy, Ice, Rock, Dark, Dragon, Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic.

I went through Omega Ruby with these 3 mons and did wonderfully. You can use this as a core that you can use to build your team, but if you want, you can go through the game with these mons without problem.

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4 years later... and here is my team.

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent --> Swift Swim
- Waterfall
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Blizzard

Swampert in my opinion is the best starter. With good defensive stats and decent offensive stats, Swampert can hit hard and also take damage for the team. It only has one weakness, Grass, which is easily countered with Blizzard/Ice Beam. Waterfall and Surf are for STAB moves, but also to use Mega Swampert's base 150 Attack stat. Earthquake is also for STAB.

Gardevoir @ King's Rock
Ability: Trace
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball

Gardevoir is a very good specially offensive Pokemon, with both Special Sttack and Special Defense so high. Psychic and Dazzling Gleam are for STAB, Thunderbolt is to cover the Water weaknesses of the team, and Shadow Ball for countering Gardevoir's Ghost-type weakness.

Slaking @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Truant
- Giga Impact
- Frustration
- Bulk Up
- Aerial Ace

Slaking is just OP. Even with Truant, it will still crush other Pokemon with ease. With 160 Attack and Giga Impact, Slaking will deal massive damage to the enemy. Giga Impact and Frustration are STAB moves, Aerial Ace to deal with Fighting Pokemon, and Bulk Up is just enforcement for Slaking.

Camerupt @ Soft Sand
Ability: Solid Rock
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Sunny Day
- Solar Beam

The reason why I didn't pick Blaziken/Torchic was because of this lava camel. Camerupt is actually one of the best Fire-type Pokemon in Hoenn, with Ground STAB that will counter its weakness to Rock-type moves, but quadruple the weakness to Water-type moves. That's where Sunny Day comes in. Flamethrower and Earthquake are STAB moves, Solar Beam is perfect with Sunny Day to deal with Water-type Pokemon.

Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure --> Pixilate
- Dragon Pulse
- Hyper Beam
- Fly
- Dragon Dance

Yes, Salamence is a much better choice for a Dragon-type Pokemon, but at the time you can catch Bagon, it would be quite late into the game. Flygon is also a good choice, but three Ground Pokemon in a team is a bit weak to Water, since we lack Electric and Grass types. Dragon Pulse and Fly are for STAB, but once you get the Eon Flute, you could delete Fly, since you won't be needing Fly for any later battles. Hyper Beam with Pixilate will be a 150 power Fairy-type move, which could knock Drake's Salamence down in 1 go.

Ability: Ice Body
- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Dive
- Hail

This one is just an HM slave that can learn Dive, since Bidoof is not available in ORAS.

0 votes

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Team- Blaziken, Ludicolo, Manectric, Crobat, Aggron, and Absol

- Flamethrower
- Sky Uppercut / High Jump Kick
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake / Stone Edge / Acrobatics

Flamethrower is for your Fire STAB. Sky Uppercut vs. High Jump Kick for physical STAB, depending on whether you prefer safety or power. Shadow Claw for coverage against Psychic type Pokemon, and to help out against Elite Four Phoebe. For the last slot, you can use Earthquake, Stone Edge, or Acrobatics to fill your coverage needs.

- Surf
- Energy Ball
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance / Focus Blast / Waterfall / Dive

Surf and Energy Ball are STAB. Energy Ball comes kind of late, so you can use Grass Knot until you get it. Ice Beam is coverage and helps out against Elite Four Drake. For the last slot, you can use Rain Dance since it will power up both of Ludicolo's Abilities. Focus Blast can be used for additional coverage, or you can use Waterfall or Dive if you don't want to put those Water HMs on an HM slave.

- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Volt Switch / Hidden Power
- Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt is STAB. Flamethrower is coverage. Manectric's movepool is pretty shallow, so Volt Switch could be a third move if you wanted. Or you could go with Hidden Power if you get a good type, like Ice, Grass, or Water. Thunder Wave is one of the best status moves in the game.

- Fly
- Sludge Bomb / Cross Poison
- Toxic
- Shadow Ball / Dark Pulse / Steel Wing / Air Slash / X-Scissor / U-turn / Roost

Fly is very useful for getting around Hoenn, and is a good STAB move. Sludge Bomb or Cross Poison can be used for Crobat's Poison STAB, whichever one you prefer, since the difference between the moves' powers and the difference between Crobat's attacking stats makes the moves pretty much interchangeable. Toxic on Crobat is an ideal move since it is very fast and in Gen VI, Toxic will never miss if used by a Poison type Pokemon. For the last slot, you can use Shadow Ball or Dark Pulse if you want to counter Psychic and Ghost types, or you can use Steel Wing to counter Rock and Ice types. Air Slash can be used for flinch hax. X-Scissor is another coverage option. U-turn is a good move for scouting. Roost can also be used if you want a healing option, since Crobat has decent bulk given its type matchups and resistances.

- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw / Brick Break / Shadow Claw

Iron Head and Stone Edge are STAB. Earthquake is a coverage move for Aggron. For the last slot, you can use Dragon Claw if Dragons are giving you a hard time. Brick Break is a decent filler move as well. Shadow Claw can be used if you want an extra super effective move on Phoebe.

- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch / X-Scissor / Aerial Ace

Night Slash is STAB. Psycho Cut is coverage against Fighting type Pokemon. Swords Dance is to buff Absol's amazing Attack stat. For the last option, you can use Sucker Punch if you want a powerful priority STAB. X-Scissor or Aerial Ace can be used as well if you wanted additional coverage.

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Pokemon Omega Ruby Team- Sceptile, Swellow, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Pikachu, and Zangoose

- Leaf Blade / Energy Ball
- Rock Slide / Acrobatics / Hidden Power
- Earthquake / Brick Break / Focus Blast
- Dragon Claw / Night Slash / Swords Dance / Leaf Storm

Leaf Blade or Energy Ball are for STAB, depending on if you want to go physical or special. Rock Slide, Acrobatics, or Hidden Power can be used for the next coverage move. Earthquake, Brick Break, or Focus Blast can also be nice coverage for Sceptile, especially against Steel types. In the last moveslot, Dragon Claw is a good move to have, as Mega Sceptile is part Dragon. Night Slash can also be a nifty move to have, especially for Elite Four Phoebe. Swords Dance could also be an option, since Sceptile has a good Attack stat and its physical movepool is much bigger than it's special movepool. Leaf Storm can be an incredibly good finisher, especially since Sceptile has a stellar Special Attack stat.

- Fly
- Facade / Return
- Steel Wing
- Aerial Ace / Air Slash / Brave Bird / U-turn / Roost

Fly is STAB, and really helpful in the field. Facade or Return can be used for STAB -- keep in mind that Facade's power will stack with Swellow's Ability, Guts. Steel Wing is a good coverage move, taking care of Ice, Rock, and Fairy types. For the last move slot, you can go with Aerial Ace for convenience, Air Slash for flinches, Brave Bird for power, U-turn for scouting, or Roost for recovery.

- Flamethrower
- Earthquake / Earth Power
- Stone Edge
- Flash Cannon / Eruption / Explosion

Flamethrower is STAB. You can use Earthquake or Earth Power for Ground STAB depending on if you want a physical or special attacking Ground move. Stone Edge is a really good move that forms the "EdgeQuake" combo, a combo that has amazing neutral coverage. For the last move, you can use Flash Cannon if you are worried about Fairy types. Otherwise, you can go with Eruption for raw power, or Explosion as a final stand.

- Surf
- Crunch / Night Slash / Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam / Ice Fang
- Waterfall / Dive / Poison Fang / Poison Jab / Scald / Aqua Jet

Surf is STAB, and extremely necessary in Hoenn, which is as watery as it was in Generation III. Crunch, Night Slash, or Dark Pulse can be used for Dark type STAB. Ice Beam or Ice Fang can be used for coverage. For the last move, Waterfall is a pretty good move since Sharpedo has a really high Attack stat, and Waterfall is a physical move in the Ruby/Sapphire remakes. Dive could also be used if you want. Poison Fang or Poison Jab can be used to counter Fairies. Scald can be used if you want to play around with a chance of burning the opponent. Aqua Jet is a good priority move, and can be pretty nice to have.

Pikachu @ Light Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Wild Charge / Charge Beam / Volt Switch
- Brick Break / Grass Knot / Hidden Power
- Thunder Wave

If you are wondering why it says Pikachu instead of Raichu, it's because the Light Ball is extremely easy to find in ORAS. With the Light Ball, Pikachu hits as hard as Legendary Pokemon! Plus, I like Pikachu a lot more than Raichu, so that's what I'm recommending. Thunderbolt is STAB. Wild Charge or Volt Switch can be used for secondary STAB, or you can go with Charge Beam to buff up even more. For coverage, you can use Brick Break, Grass Knot, or Hidden Power (Water or Ice ideally). Thunder Wave rounds out the set since it is a phenomenal status move, one of, if not the best, in the entire game.

- Return
- Shadow Claw
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance / X-Scissor / Aerial Ace / Poison Jab

Return is STAB. Shadow Claw and Close Combat combined provide excellent neutral coverage. For the last move, Swords Dance is a great option to buff Zangoose's amazing physical Attack stat. X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, or Poison Jab can be used as additional coverage options if you want.

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Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability Torrent --> Swift Swim
- Earthquake - Learns at Level 51, or find in the Seafloor Cavern
- Rock Slide - Learns as a Marshtomp at Level 28
- Surf - HM (optional)
- Waterfall - HM (Great on Swampert)

Vileplume @ anything
Ability: Chlorophyll
- Toxic - Learns at Level 39 as a Gloom, or by TM
- Sleep Powder - Great for catching Pokemon and making battles slightly easier
- Giga Drain - Learns at Level 34 as a Gloom
- Moonlight - Great if you have no potions

You can also use Petal Dance, but it learns it at Level 54, so be patient.

Camerupt @ Charcoal
Ability: Solid Rock
- Fissure - It's really just for fun, learned at Level 59
- Lava Plume - Great for doubles, learned as a Numel at Level 22
- Rock Slide - Learned at Level 33
- Earthquake - Essential for this Pokemon. Learned at Level 46

Grumpig @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Own Tempo
- Teeter Dance - Good for confusion, learned at Level 32
- Psychic - Learned at Level 52. It's fine if you just use Psyshock (at Level 42)
- Power Gem - Good for Flying and Ice types, learned at Level 35
- Shadow Ball - Good for countering Psychic, Dark and Ghost, learned as a TM

May seem like an odd choice but Psychics are awesome and it's great if you can't get an Alakazam because you have no friends :D At level 60, it learns Bounce (which is at Steven) so you may want to replace Teeter Dance for Bounce.

Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure
- Disarming Voice - Never misses, perfect for Double Battles, should be on a Swablu as soon as you catch it
- Dragon Pulse - Learned at Level 40, great move
- Cotton Guard Learned as a Swablu at Level 34, it makes Altaria unkillable!
- Moonblast - Better for singles and more power. Learned at Level 52

Linoone @ none
Ability: Pickup
- Pin Missile- Not a great attack since it can miss but it's great against types it is weak against. Learned as a Zigzagoon at Level 19
- Belly Drum - Awesome move, lets the rest of its moves OHKO most Pokemon. Learned at Level 43
- Double-Edge - Learned at Level 35
- Strength - HM, Great for obstacles that require an HM move

I did not use Linoone much as an HM slave, only for Strength. I had another Linoone which was for HMs.

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No words. Let's just get this team started!

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
- Flare Blitz
- High Jump Kick
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake

Blaziken is a Pokemon with good stats, a good typing, and a good design. It is just an amazing Pokemon overall. It can be found on Route 101 as your starter. Blaziken can learn Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick at the Move Reminder, and they are two STAB moves with incredible power. Brave Bird is a good coverage move for Blaziken in general for killing Bug, Fighting, and Grass-type Pokemon. You're probably going to say that Flare Blitz can also defeat Bug and Grass-type Pokemon. But, can it hit Fighting types for super effective damage? It is learned at Level 50. And Earthquake is essentially filler, and can be found as a TM in the Seafloor Cavern.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball

Gardevoir is just one of my favorite Pokemon overall. It can be found on Route 102 past Oldale Town. Now let me tell you that Psychic/Fairy is pretty much an unstoppable typing with almost no weaknesses except for Ghost, Steel, and Poison. Moonblast is learned at the Move Reminder and is a great STAB Fairy-type move. Psychic is a great STAB move and can be learned once you hit Level 30 for Kirlia, or it can be learned at Level 31 as a Gardevoir. Thunderbolt is a good filler move, which can be found at Mauville Hills after the New Mauville sidequest. And Shadow Ball is a coverage TM that can be found at the top of Mt. Pyre.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball

Roserade is a good Grass/Poison-type Pokemon, like Venusaur, but it doesn't have the BST of Venusaur. It can be found on Route 117 as a Roselia. You can find a Shiny Stone to evolve it on Route 123. Energy Ball is a TM you can get in the Safari Zone, but you need to have both the Acro Bike and the Mach Bike to do so. Also, another team member can be found at the Safari Zone later on. Sludge Bomb is a TM that can be found at Dewford Town at the largest house by talking to a Pokemon Collector. Dazzling Gleam is a TM you can get on the other side of Route 123 by talking to a Fairy-Tale Girl. And again, Shadow Ball is a TM that can be found at the top of Mt. Pyre.

Altaria @ Altarianite
- Dragon Pulse
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Fly

Altaria is a nice FLUFFY CLOUD BIRD. It can be found as a little Swablu on Route 119 near Meteor Falls. Dragon Pulse is a STAB move that can be learned at Level 40. Moonblast is a coverage move to get over its Dragon weakness, and if it's a Mega Altaria, it's a STAB move. Flamethrower is a TM that is coverage against Ice types and can be found at Victory Road. Fly is an HM you get at Route 119 from your rival, and is STAB. Gardevoir's Psychic helps counter its Poison weakness.

Milotic @ Mystic Water
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Dive
- Waterfall

Milotic can be found on Route 119 as a Feebas by fishing. DO NOT TRADE IT USING A PRISM SCALE! Just evolve it using Pokeblocks. Surf is a STAB HM that can be found in Petalburg City from Wally's uncle after defeating Norman. Ice Beam is a coverage TM that can be found at Sea Mauville. Dive is a STAB HM that can be found at Mossdeep City in the Drought/Drizzle scene. And Waterfall is a STAB HM that can be found at the Sootopolis City Gym after defeating the Gym Leader Wallace.

Lopunny @ Lopunnite
- Return
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Beam / Ice Punch
- Strength

Lopunny is one of the Pokemon I hold dearly to my heart. The moment I saw it I instantly fell in love with it because it is soooooo cute. It can be found in the Safari Zone on Route 121 after getting the National Dex from Prof. Birch after the battle between you and Kyogre/Groudon. I suggest getting a Soothe Bell to help it evolve. Return is a STAB move that can be learned at level 1 or as a TM in Pacifidlog Town in the postgame, but we don't want to get it so late, so just teach it via Move Reminder. High Jump Kick is a STAB move for Mega Lopunny that can be learned at Level 66, but just go to the Move Reminder for it too. The TM for Ice Beam can be found in Sea Mauville, and it's a coverage move for Mega Lopunny for its Flying weakness. You might be like, "Lopunny isn't a special attacker!", but I don't want to put Ice Punch on it because it is an Egg Move. I know you can get that move via DexNav though, so you can put it on if you want. Strength is a HM that is given to you on Route 112 by your rival.

So, that's my team I hope you like it! Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are amazing games and I got Alpha Sapphire just recently because I have been living under a rock all this time. Again, hope you liked my team. Bye!

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Used this team in Omega Ruby. No version exclusives.

- Giga Drain (STAB, recovery)
- Dig (Coverage)
- False Swipe (Filling the Dex)
- Detect (Protection)

- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Fly (STAB, convenience)
- Fire Fang (Coverage. Obtained from DexNav)
- Rock Smash (HM, coverage)

- Surf (Travel, STAB)
- Thunderbolt (STAB)
- Dazzling Gleam (Coverage)
- Signal Beam (Coverage)

- Psycho Cut (STAB)
- Brick Break (STAB)
- Leaf Blade (Coverage)
- Swords Dance (Boosts Attack)

- Shadow Claw (STAB)
- Will-O-Wisp (Burn)
- Sucker Punch (Priority)
- Secret Power (Super Secret Bases)

- Lava Plume (STAB)
- Earth Power (STAB)
- Yawn (Sleep)
- Amnesia (Boosts Special Defense)

Salamence and Gallade are both terrible because you get them right before the Elite Four. Salamence is a pain to grind and you don't want to be carrying around a Kirlia for that long.
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My personal team:

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
- Leaf Blade: Good STAB and is available early
- Dragon Claw: Good STAB when Mega Evolved, and helps a lot with Drake
- Earthquake: Fire types are annoying, so this is good coverage
- Low Sweep: Helps against Ice types, mostly Glacia

The starter

Gallade @ Black Belt
- Psycho Cut: STAB
- Close Combat / Brick Break: STAB
- Night Slash: Coverage for Phoebe
- Hypnosis / Earthquake: Your choice. Hypnosis if you want to put opponents to sleep, Earthquake if you want coverage.

Get a Dawn Stone to evolve a male Kirlia.
The knight

Manectric @ Manectite
- Thunderbolt: STAB
- Volt Switch: Leave your enemies in style, and them in pain
- Flamethrower: Why not? It's good for a few situations
- Strength: Someone needs to have it
The speedster

Altaria @ Altarianite
- Fly: Convenience
- Dragon Pulse: STAB
- Ice Beam: Coverage
- Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam: STAB when Mega Evolved

The flyer

Sharpedo @ Rocky Helmet
- Surf: Same as with Strength and Fly
- Waterfall: STAB
- Crunch: STAB
- Earthquake: Coverage

The powerhouse

Absol @ Absolite
- Night Slash: STAB
- X-Scissor: Coverage
- Aerial Ace: Coverage
- Flamethrower: Coverage

The wild card

If you don't like having Sharpedo:

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
- Surf / Waterfall: STAB
- Dragon Dance: Boosts Speed and its already godly Attack stat
- Crunch: STAB when Mega Evolved
- Earthquake: Coverage

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When I play Pokemon, I never change my 6 core members, and Omega Ruby is no different. I still used HM Slaves, but the only Pokemon who battle are below. Please keep in mind, changing 4 moves & held items are essential, but I will list the most common used during the playthrough. The best part is that I always go underlevelled with no item used from the bag used during the battle, like Revive. They were at Level 50 when up against postgame Steven.

I even used them (Blaziken, Mawile, Donphan, and/or Sharpedo) in my Super Single Battle Maison. Lots of planning, from breeding preparation, Tutors' moves, and open List of Battle Area Trainers (Generation VI) webpages to see who I fight, and their 3 potential Pokemons.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze -> Speed Boost
- Overheat
- High Jump Kick
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide

Other good moves: Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Low Sweep, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Dig, Brick Break, Blast Burn, Acrobatics.

Lets KICK off with our favorite starter, Blaziken. Why? 1) It's the best Fire type in ORAS. 2) Mega Evolution Speed Boost allow me to outspeed many high-levelled Pokemon. 3) It has access to many great TMs & Move Tutors. 4) My personal favorite of the 3 starters. 5) Great typing facing trainers like Sidney & Norman. Need I said more? :D

Shiftry @ Expert Belt
Ability: Chlorophyll
- Extrasensory
- Leaf Storm
- Leaf Blade
- Dark Pulse

Other good moves: Dig, Fake Out, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Low Sweep, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance.

My second member is Shiftry. Caught Seedot in Route 102. Even with its average Speed & defenses, its typing is good, and it still outspeeds many critical Pokemon & can take some hits in return, even when underlevelled. This is the Pokemon to help counter Blaziken's weaknesses, Water & Ground.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace -> Pixilate
- Magical Leaf
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt

Other good moves: Psychic, Calm Mind, Trick Room, Thunder Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Taunt, Hyper Beam.

Next stop, a fan favorite: Gardevoir. Caught Ralts in Route 102. Obtainable every early in the game, and with its new Fairy typing & a Mega Evolution, it's a powerhouse with great TM access, like Trick Room which is critical at postgame. Fairy is a seriously great typing in ORAS.

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate -> Huge Power
- Play Rough
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

Other good moves: Feint Attack, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Taunt, Crunch.

Our fourth member is my all time favorite, Mawile. Caught in Granite Cave. It can only be obtained in Omega Ruby, which is why I play that instead of Alpha Sapphire. Intimidate ability, Huge Power Mega Evolution, perfect dual typing. I'd OHKO so many Pokemon, lol.

Donphan @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Counter
- Bulldoze

Other good moves: Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Endeavor.

Donphan! Surprise, me too but for a different reason. I was surprised no one mentioned this fellow, it's such a great Pokemon. With the new feature Poke DexNav, caught Phanpy in the Safari Zone (Zone 4, tall grass) to breed & get some egg moves, its so cool. There are more strong physical attackers than special.

Sharpedo @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Crunch
- Destiny Bond

Other good moves: Protect, Taunt, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Poison Jab, Waterfall, Dive.

Lastly is Sharpedo. This one is widely used in the original game, and it still is but better. Same as caught and breed Carvanha in Route 119 using DexNav which saved so much time to get Destiny Bond & Speed Boost. These are powerful & so useful for my LL run.

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