PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
199 votes

I breed Pokemon in the game and am pretty good at IVs and EVs and such. I have thought of a few good tactics, such as

  • Safe Guard and Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash (avoids confusion ailment)
  • Mimic and Imprison (permanent Disables last move)
  • Swagger/Flatter and Psych Up/Haze (either gives you upped stats or resets theirs)
  • Defense Curl followed by Roll Out (makes roll out stronger)
  • Rain Dance and Thunder (Thunder never misses)
  • Belly Drum and Rest (works best with a chesto berry. Maximizes attack)
  • Sunny Day and Solar Beam (solar beam no longer needs to charge)
  • Endure and Flail/Reversal (makes the attack moves really strong compared to normal)

What are some of the best move combos that you have found so far? :D
Explain your choices, and why they make good combos.

Please read all the answers before posting, to avoid duplicate answers. Yes, all 200+ of them.

And no full on movesets either, there are separate questions for that :-)

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212 Answers

4 votes


Rather annoying i must say commonly people switch out when affected by yawn but also setting up rocks they have a though choice :D

4 votes

Trick Room + Destiny Bond + Focus sash is deadly with slow pokemon.

I watched my brother battle the other day and someone pulled it on him, trick room is negative priority, so you'll probably have your sash broken ( use something with frail defenses ) now you'll go first with destiny bond and take down your opponent.

I use this combo with my banette, have used i on josh as well.
4 votes

Mesprit + Mesprit

Pokemon with Skill swap + Pokemon with Poison Heal + U-turn. Pokemon with Skill Swap would need to be faster. Skill swap Poison Heal onto Skill swapper, other pokemon U-turns out into Snorlax or Slaking etc.. Next turn, Snorlax / Slaking uses protect to let it's Toxic Orb activate, partner Skill Swaps Poison Heal onto him.

Mesprit or Mesprit

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This is great! Giving facade will be even better!
4 votes

Whirlpool, Fire Spin, Bind, Clamp, Magma Storm, Wrap, or any other partial trapping move with Perish Song. The opponents would be unable to switch, Use Perish Song and then you switch out on the third turn. The opponents faint.
Politoed can use this, and more Pokemon, but I can't think of more at the moment.

4 votes

Healing Wish + Retaliate

This makes an injured pokemon in team to regain perfect health, and strike back with double force (70 Base Power X2)

Warning : Does not work against Ghost Type Pokemon( unless in case of bull's Eye/ Ring Target).

4 votes

In a double battle, use a Magnezone with Magnet pull and a Kecleon. Have Kecleon skill swap his color change ability to a desired target, then follow up with Magnezone using Flash cannon. This changes its type to steel, meaning it cannot switch out because of magnet pull, it gives them a useless STAB on top of eliminating their own, it potentially gives Kecleon a great ability considering some of the stuff out there, and it also locks in a potentially dangerous pokemon. Obviously carry moves super effective against Steel to bring them down.

OMG that is such a good idea! I need to use that in double battles every single time it is soooo going to be OP.
4 votes

OK, this is pretty ballsy, but i think it could be fun.
This is a Double Battle Strategy!!

First, you get Exeggutor with Harvest & then your choice of Groudon or Ninetales(Drought).


Exeggutor (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Harvest
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Skill Swap
- SolarBeam
- Stun Spore
- Psychic

Ninetales (M) @ Custap Berry
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 0 HP 0 Def 0 SpDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Endure
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- SolarBeam

Groudon @ Custap Berry
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 0 HP 0 Def 0 SpDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Endure
- Hammer Arm
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

So here is what you do:

You send out Exeggutor and, for now, Ninetales. Ninetales uses Endure while Exeggutor uses Skill Swap on Ninetales(weather is already set up, so it won't matter.) Now, Ninetales has Harvest. Most likely, people want to take out weather leads, so it is knocked down to 1 HP or whatever as long as it is below 25%. Exeggutor is done. Now, next turn, Ninetales' Custap Berry will activate allowing it to go first. With Harvest, it will get the berry back every turn(as long as it is Sunny). Give it any attacks you think are good.


This can work on any Pokemon that can learn Endure. I just chose Ninetales & Groudon because of the instant sun. So if you choose a non-Drought Pokemon, setup sun beforehand.
Try using a Pokemon with low overall bulk. Groudon might not work too well because of his natural bulk, but hey.

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I like that Ninetales has Flash Fire :P
4 votes

First, play mist
Then for 5 turns you can play
Psycho Boost
Leaf Storm
Draco Meteor
Close Combat
Shell Smash
Hammer Arm
And not lose stats. I prefer to use attacking moves for this

3 votes

Focus Sash + Cotton Spore + Destiny Bond

the same as the last one, get a decently speedy pokemon ( i use cacturne ) but still slow, use cotton spore, and now your opponent is slower than you. So you can use destiny bond before they faint you.

3 votes

On a Ludicolo, I would say that Leech seed, Substitute, Giga Drain, and Rain Dance with the Rain Dish ability would be a great wall. Since rain dance and leech seed will heal over time and substitute will protect Ludicolo. Giga Drain can be replaced if you want but I like it there since it restores HP.

On a Blissey, I would do Defense Curl, Reflect, Rollout, and Work Up/Tail Whip. Defence curl and Reflect boost defence while Defence Curl also Powers up rollout while work up/tail whip can boost your attack or the enemies defense.( Move tutor is needed for rollout )

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u spell seed wrong
You spelled:You, Spelled:Wrong. And you forgot your period.
Spelling and punctuation doesn't really matter here, as long as people can understand what you're saying.
it does in the answer and questions
3 votes

I have my Musharna use Hypnosis, then Nightmare, and then just spam Dream Eater. It works, unless the opponent has Early Bird, Vital Spirit, Insomnia, etc.

3 votes

Have 2 Pokemon with Flash Fire (Heatran) use Lava Plume in a Double Battle.

Lol I love this combo!
3 votes


Encore forces the opposing Pokemon to be stuck with one move, and Disable disables it, forcing them to Struggle.

3 votes

Thunder Wave/Body Slam+Air Slash/Iron Head+Serene Grace

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3 votes


3 votes

Covet+Fling works well.

3 votes

Calm mind+Stored Power

3 votes

A pokemon with the ability Hydration having the moves Rain Dance and Rest
Rain dance will cure any status even self-inflicted one, so its like having unlimited chesto berries.
This is the source/from where I got the idea....
Pokemon that can use this combo :

Pokemon with Hydration as Primary ability: [please replace with list instead of images]

Hydration as Hidden Ability: [please replace with list instead of images]

Note : Make the Pokemon hold a Damp Rock for added fun!

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good one but to be fair actually look before you answer :p
yea,sure, next time...
3 votes

Super fang + Brine. Works best in hail/sandstorm or with any residual damage(e.g. burn/fire spin...)

Those that can learn: Carvanha, Sharpedo, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Relicanth, Mew.
Best candidates: Mew, Walrein.

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Don't forget about smeargle
3 votes

I couldn't find this one in this list......

Flying Type Pokemon + Flying Gem + Acrobatics

= STAB + 50% extra power + Base 110 damage(flying gem activates before the actual attack)

= 1.5 X 1.5 X 110 = :D

But, if I'm wrong about the fact that this wasn't in the list,please comment.....

My Mienshao uses this, and he gets a power of 165 (No STAB), so with STAB, its 248 (if the math is correct.)