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He looks so awesome with more spikes around him, blades for hands and his manly looking jaw. His mega’s shiny is amazing.

Its speed gets decreased, which everyone says is a bad thing for Garchomp, but that doesn't bother me at all.
Don't know why people dislike Mega Garchomp.

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It's regular form shiny isn't that different from it's regular form, kinda like Gengar. However, when it's shiny and Mega Evolves, it turns pink... pink... WHY PINK? A red Mega Garchomp would look so much better, or maybe a black Mega Garchomp. But no, they made it PINK. It doesn't really suit it well, so that's one of the reasons people dislike Mega Garchomp. But yes, in battle, regular Garchomp outdoes it's Mega. In other words, I agree with EvilTwinNeedle on this one

3 Answers

0 votes

Mega Garchomp isn't as good as regular Garchomp with Choice Scarf: Scarf Chomp with moves like Earthquake, Outrage, Fire blast, and Stone Edge is faster and more resourceful than using a mega stone on Garchomp. Ultamately, the stat increase of Mega Garchomp don't add up to the power of Choice Scarfed Garchomp.

Hope I Helped!

Fire Blast... luv ya Stakatacool but that's the worst moveset for a Garchomp possible lol
Fire blast covers steel types that may threaten Garchomp. It is actually a good lure and prediction.
Choice Scarf? One move? Or you'd have to switch letting Steels come in on you.
Chomp's special attaack sits at a terrible 80. If you're going to run a special move on Garchomp, you might as well have a sweeper Amoongus. If you need fire coverage that bad, use Fire Fang. Also, ScarfChomp is totally overrated, rocky helmet s rocks setter is much better
It depends on what you want to hit. Fire Blast hits Skarmory a lot better, and hits threats like Ferrothorn for similar damage (both moves 2HKO the SpDef set). Celesteela is the main advantage of Fire Fang, but that Pokemon is far less prominent than Skarmory nowadays. But then, Fire Blast is the less reliable move.
I think it's a lot more even than you present.
....have you seen garchomp spec attack stat, it’s pretty much trash and attack is much better, and earthquake and brick break work much better for me
Yeah, I'm with you that Garchomp's Attack is much better. But it doesn't get a 110 base power Fire attack on its physcial side, and the moves you mentioned don't help as much against the most common Steel targets in OU, such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory. (Point taken if you're not discussing OU like we are.)
You can't simply dwell on stats when there are other important applications. Try importing the standards sets into a damage calculator if you think I'm being unfair. https://pokemonshowdown.com/damagecalc/
But whatever works for you mate.
It looks like Mega Garchomp grew spikes and fused with Jay Leno due to its chin.
0 votes

333 / Garchomp / 102 / +Spe / 252 / 0
331 / Thundurus-Therian / 101 / +Spe / 252 / 0
328 / Charizard (Mega-X), Charizard (Mega-Y), Gardevoir (Mega), Medicham (Mega), Manaphy, Salamence, Victini, Volcarona / 100 / +Spe / 252 / 0
324 / Hydreigon / 98 / +Spe / 252 / 0
320 / Mimikyu / 96 / +Spe / 252 / 0
319 / Diancie (Mega) / 110/ Neutral / 252 / 0
317 / Gliscor, Kyurem-Black, Tapu Lele, Zygarde / 95 / +Spe / 252 / 0
315 / Terrakion / 108 / Neutral / 252 / 0
311 / Garchomp (Mega) / 92 / +Spe / 252 / 0

So those are all the Pokemon (at least all the ones in OU) that Garchomp stops outspeeding when it mega evolves. Mega evolving Garchomp also means not mega evolving a teammate, so mega Garchomp can fit on fewer teams than non-mega Garchomp can.

0 votes

He not only loses unnecessary speed, but he also wastes a mega slot that could be used. Not only that, but he loses his signature ability, Rough Skin, which is a large part of why people use him in the first place. On top of all that, when he mega evolves, he has to hold a mega stone, which makes him unable to hold any items like Rocky Helmet, Dragonium Z, Choice Scarf, and Groundinium Z just to name a few. In all, the only circumstances where Garchomp-Mega is better then regular Garchomp is on a sand team.

Summary: Having Garchomp as a mega wastes
- A mega slot
- An item
- Speed
- Rough Skin

And Gains:
- Higher attack
- Sand Rush

Yeah, seems pretty obvious to me Garchomp-Mega sucks.

Side Notes: A Pokemon's design has nothing to do with its usage stats so you mentioning that in your description of the question doesn't mean anything.

If it got Sand Rush, it would be OP. It actually gets Sand Force, so you might want to edit that.