Scatterbug can be found in Hau'oli City in USUM.
Eelektross can be found in Poni Grove in Alola (SM/USUM_Island Scan).
Deerling can be found on Rt. 117 in ORAS using DexNav.
Zebstrika can be found in various Mirage Spots in ORAS (Areas 09-12 and Area 22).
Leavanny can be found in Poni Meadow in Alola (SM/USUM_Island Scan). Sewaddle can be found on Rts. 101 and 104 in ORAS.
Purugly can be found in various Mirage Spots in ORAS (Areas 02-04 and Area 16). It can also be found in PLA.
Kricketune can be found in the National Park (HGSS_Post-NatDex, THU+SAT), the Dreamyard (BW), and various Mirage Spots (ORAS_Area 08 and Areas 17-20). It can also be found in PLA.
Shroomish can be found in the Great Marsh (DPPl), in Viridian Forest (HGSS_Post-NatDex), and on Rt. 11 (Black only).
Stantler can be found in Altering Cave (Emerald), Safari Zone (Emerald also), on Rt. 207 (Pearl only + Platinum_PokeRadar), Abundant Shrine (BW), and a Mirage Spot (ORAS_Area 17). It can also be found in PLA.
THIS leaves Skiddo-line the ONLY one native to one game.