Meta-PokéBase Q&A
32 votes

This thread has been retired in favour of a new one. Please use that instead!

Thread Information

On this thread, you can post suggestions as to what tournaments should be hosted on the site! When you post suggestions, please make sure that you include all rules that will apply to your tournament and the amount of members in it. The most popular tournaments, determined by those with the most votes, will be hosted next. Old and not-so-popular suggestions will be hidden over time to prevent clutter.

Please check through the existing answers and the tournament winners pages linked above to make sure your suggestion hasn't already been made.

Take note that these tournaments will not be hosted on the 3DS (or a Switch or whatever fancy gadget you're using nowadays), but on a Pokemon simulator called Pokemon Showdown. Also if you have a new suggestion that has not been suggested, post it and see if it gets support!

Please read the selected answer (the first answer you'll see) for additional information.

List of Tournament Winners
Showdown/Online username thread
Guidelines for playing in tournaments
Hosting guide


Tournament Name

Brief description of tournament, eg. "All pokemon have to be the same type" (as much as people like to post long and fun descriptions, short ones are better)

List of rules and clauses, e.g
"OU/Monotype Banlist
Standard Smogon Clauses Apply
Heatran is banned from Fire Teams
No Stealth Rock" etc

Add any extra details or more complicated rules at the end. These rules will be default in case you forget to add those complicated rules.

Smogon (latest generation) OU clauses
Changes to bans (OU bans or bans in the tournament) start applying when a new round starts.
Single elimination best of one brackets
Battles are to be held on the Pokemon DB Showdown! server.
Save replays and show them to the host. You can make them private if you don't want anyone else to see them.
Players can change teams between battles.
If someone disconnects during a battle, then the opponent can take the win or redo the battle.

closed by
yes PX is a she
It says female on her profile, no?
please update current tour.
i can host
You're supposed to sign up by commenting on the answer, not the question. Also the next tournament already has a host.

115 Answers

2 votes

The Always Vulnerable Tourney

So basically, every member one your team has to have at least 1 4x weakness or 4 regular weaknesses. That way, you have to always be careful!


  • Ground, Flying, Fairy, Normal, Fighting, Dark, and Steel types (unless you are holding a Ring Target that you keep all the time)
  • The abilities Levitate, Water Absorb, Lightning Rod, or any other abilities that make the target Immune
  • Standard OU Bans/Clauses


We can use the traditional match-ups with 4, 8, 16, or 32 players.

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Why is the absorb bulb banned? All it does is raise the holder's special attack by 1 and get consumed.
I though it "absorbed" the attack. Thanks, going to change it.
Most of the pokemon who have 4x weaknesses it banned by the type clause.
Why fighting types are banned ?
2 votes

There are lots of Pokemon that are designated "Uber" but are really bad in Uber, so I thought this idea might make them a little less forgotten.

Ubers UU Tournament
All Uber bans and clauses apply.
All Pokemon that are banned from OU and get more than 3.406367107% usage in Uber are banned. This will be based on the lastest, highest ladder Uber usage statistics on . The source of the statistics is debatable.
If a Pokemon species is below Ubers, has more than 3.4% usage in Ubers, is used more than 50% of the time with a certain ability or move, and that ability or move is banned in OU, then that Pokemon with that ability or move will be banned. For example, if Gothitelle was PU, got 4% usage in Ubers, was used with shadow tag 99% of the time, and shadow tag was banned from OU, then shadow tag Gothitelle will be banned. However, both frisk Gothitelle and shadow tag Wynaut will still be allowed in this example case.

As of May 2018, these Ubers Pokemon are "OU" and therefore not allowed.
primal Groudon, dusk mane Necrozma, Yveltal, Xerneas, Marshadow, ground Arceus, fairy Arceus, mega Salamence, primal Kyogre, Arceus, Ho-Oh, mega Gengar, water Arceus, origin Giratina, mega Lucario, Rayquaza, speed Deoxys, attack Deoxys, Lunala, Lugia, mega Mewtwo Y, dark Arceus
These non-Ubers Pokemon are banned when they have a certain move or ability.
Zygarde with power construct
These Ubers Pokemon are "UU" and therefore allowed. (most of them are probably still not viable, though)
Aegislash, fire Arceus, electric Arceus, grass Arceus, ice Arceus, fighting Arceus, poison Arceus, flying Arceus, psychic Arceus, bug Arceus, rock Arceus, ghost Arceus, dragon Arceus, steel Arceus, Blaziken, mega Blaziken, Darkrai, Deoxys, defense Deoxys, Dialga, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Kangaskhan-Mega, Kyogre, Kyurem-White, Landorus, Metagross-Mega, Mewtwo, mega Mewtwo X, Naganadel, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, ultra Necrozma (only if it wasn't dusk mane to start) Palkia, Pheromosa, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Solgaleo, Zekrom
These Pokemon will likely be good in this tournament despite not being in the Ubers tier.
Smeargle, Ferrothorn, Magearna, Excadrill, Ditto, mega Diancie, Cloyster, Chansey, mega Sableye, Blissey, Tapu Lele

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2 votes

The Sumo Tornament!!!

Inspired by Episode 194 of Pokemon Anime, this will be a "sumo" competition, with all contact moves.


  • Standard OU clauses/bans
  • Pokemon must weigh more than x amount of lbs.
  • Only contact moves can be used, with (optional) one protecting or stat-boosting status move per Pokemon.
  • Final Gambit is banned.
  • Rocky Helmet is banned.
  • (Optional) Sturdy and Focus items are banned.

If there are any rules that there should be, comment below!

Would contact moves include things like Grass Knot? Or would only moves that use a part of the body be allowed?
All moves that are contact (including special ones).
2 votes

Have you ever cursed your luck for making you suck at team building, but cursed your luck even more when you played Battle Factory and got six level 19 Wishiwashis? If that's you, then you're in luck, because one day, you can play the
1/6 BF, 5/6 OU Tournament

single elimination
All battles are done in (singles) OU.
Before each battle, each participant is forced to use a random Pokemon (along with form, if the species has forms that are tiered separately).
That Pokemon is revealed to everyone, which means participants can try to build teams that counter their opponent's team.
If a participant is assigned a mega evolution, then the participant can't use mega stones that weren't assigned to him/her/it.

This is how I will weight the random Pokemon generator, and how one of you should if this tournament gets hosted while I'm inactive.
Go to .
Click on the most recent date.
Find the OU statistics from the most recent generation. Be careful when doing this, as sometimes "ou" will refer to Generation 20 OU and Generation 21 OU is listed as "gen21ou".
You should see something that looks kind of like this:


Click the file that has the greatest number after the hyphen. In this case, it would be gen69ou-1825.txt.
Ignore all the stuff whose usage % is less than 1-(1/2)^(1/20), or about 3.4%.
Total the usage %'s of the remaining Pokemon.
Go to .
Generate a random number between 1 and the total, inclusive.
Starting from the top of the usage stats file, subtract usage %'s from the random number until the difference goes below 0.
The result is the Pokemon that made the difference go below zero.

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2 votes

Kill Count Tourney!!

This is just an OU tourney, but the catch is how you win. Instead of using the usual tournament ladder; where you win each round by winning to your assigned opponent then continue to the next round, or lose and you can no longer compete, this tourney will be based on how many of your opponents' pokemon you fainted. Most faints is 1st place, while least faints are last place. Depending on the size of people who joined, each player must battle 2 or more opponents.
- As said above, each player must battle 2-4 (maybe more?) or more opponents depending on how many joined. Participants must fight the equal amount of opponents as other players, so it's best that matchmaking is made prior to the battles
- Obviously OHKO moves are banned
- OU rules
- It still counts if an opponents pokemon faints indirectly or by itself (eg. poison or explosion)
- If 2 players have equal kill count they will have another battle. Whoever wins gets above the other player in rank however this will not count to kill count.

2 votes

Battle of the Champions!

In this tournament, your team will have 6 Pokemon(obviously). Each Pokemon must be a champion's Pokemon. Each champion's Pokemon will represent different generations each. For example, your team may look like: Blastiose, Dragonite, Metagross, Garchomp, Volcarona, and Gardevoir. There are a few rules and disclaimers.

  • You may choose any champion from a specific generation, but not both. For example, you may choose between one of Alder's Pokemon or one of Iris's Pokemon for the Gen5 slot.
  • All champions you choose represent the generation they are originally from. For example, you cannot have Wallace's Milotic and Steven's Claydol on the same team. Steven is not from Gen6 but from Gen3.
  • The tournament will take place in the Uber format on Showdown!
  • Z-Crystals are banned
  • All mega stones are banned EXCEPT Gardevoirite and Metagrossite.
  • Nickname your Pokemon by the champion they represent.
  • I am unsure whether N is considered champion. Respond in comment section below.
Where's the fun in playing a format where Chansey is banned?
Why? Other tournaments, such as the previous one, don't use Chansey.
He’s being facetious.
Exactly. So it wasn't fun. I played it only because I was wondering if I could win.
2 votes

Battle of the Generations!

In this tournament, you must pick any Pokemon generation and build a team of Pokemon all from that one generation. Will you go the nostalgia route and have Pokemon such as Chansey or Alakazam? Or will you try new threats such as Tapu Koko and Magearna? Here are some rules, regulations, etc.

  • This tournament will use the OU tier. All smogon rules will apply.
  • All items, such as Mega Stones and Z-Crystals are allowed.
  • If a Pokemon has an Alolan form, you can use the alolan form on an Alola team.
  • Any other form change, such as Mega Evolution and other alternate form changes does not apply to the generation the form change was introduced in. For example, if you want to use Zygarde 10%, it is allowed in Kalos teams, but not Alola teams. Same goes for Ash-Greninja.
  • There must be 8, 16, or 32 participants.
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I guess no one wants to do a mono generation tourney. :(
There's another mono-generation on the first page
There is?!
2 votes

Locked-In Tournament

This tournament is an old one me and my friends use to play back in HG/SS, but could still be relevant. The premise is that if you switch out, you are disqualified. Also, moves, items, and abilities that switch out pokemon are banned. It is like a cage match.

It will be played in gen 7 OU, so:
All standard OU smogon rules apply
The moves U-Turn, Volt Switch, Parting Shot, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, and Baton Pass are banned.
The abilities Wimp-Out and Emergency Exit are banned.
The Items Red Card and Eject Button are banned.

Save replays, switching out will result in disqualification. This is a standard bracket tournament.

Edit: Acupressure, FEAR, and Perish Song are also banned. Only one Pokemon can have destiny bond.

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what is acupuncture?
My computer auto-corrected a misspelled Acupressure as Acupuncture.
Really useful Suggestion: Ban Truant, so people won't be able to entrainment truant using Durant, then they will let Durant to faint and use any pokemon with Belly drum/Tail glow, cosmic power,  protect and baton pass. Then they will baton pass all stats to a pokemon and sweep. Also, ban perish song.
Baton Pass is already banned. What you said is semi irrelevant. I will consider banning Truant, though :P
2 votes

TM Tourney
Had this idea in my mind for a long time, just wanted to put it out there.

This tournament basically works as such: You choose a tm # when you sign up on, no repeats. You must choose pokemon that can learn that tm in the current game (the tm also has to be in the current game) (not from breeding), have that move in all of your pokemon's move-sets. You don't have to use the move at all. Edit: new rule, you can't use other TM moves: For example; if your TM is Psyshock, and you have Alakazam, you can't put shadow ball on him cause he only learns that from a TM, but you may put Psychic on him because he can learn it by level up.

This will probably be blayed in OU.
All standard smogon OU rules apply.
Banned Tm choices: double team, Aurora Veil, Light Screen/Reflect (debatable) Rain dance/sunny day/sandstorm/hail (debatable), swords dance (debatable), toxic (debatable), thunder wave (debatable), will-o-wisp (debatable), Protect (debatable).
Edit: special rule; you can't use other TM moves if the Pokemon can't learn them by level-up.

Save replays, standard tournament bracket.

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First, nobody uses weather moves anymore. They're too gimmicky and too easily stopped by Tyranitar and Pelipper. Second, nobody uses reflect or light screen anymore because every team now has defog. Third, isn't this basically a mono-move format but restricted to TM moves?
It was supposed to be fun and creative :(
But it's not trying to be the best idea either
@sumwun Btw, Defog would be limited to 1 team (unless learnt by level up), as you cannot use any other Tm's (or argue that in previous gens, Pokemon learned all Tm's as egg moves, because they are banned, too)
Every member on your team needs to know the TM, so choosing Defog limits possible teammates and versatility.
Taunt would be a blessing move in this tourney.
2 votes

well no saying this thread is closed so:

starter tourement
OU bans apply
no FEAR {so no treekos with endeavor quick attack}
between 10 and 30 people
megas allowed
no monotype allowed
You can only use starter pokemon
No speed boost orbattle bond
pls choose

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Please ban speed boost and battle bond.
That makes sense, but is Battle Bond Greninja really too good to be allowed? I prefer Protean Greninja...
The guys on Showdown! use battle bond more often than protean, and the guys on Smogon rank Ash Greninja higher in OU than regular Greninja.
Yeah, otherwise Battle bond and speed boost would be on every team :P
I banned battle bond and speed boost
2 votes

CAP Tourney

Simple, all battles must be in CAP/CAP LC Formats.

  • Smogon Rules apply.

  • Single elimination bracket tournament.

Banlist: None (unless I see a reason to do so)

I just really wanted a tourney that uses the CAP format in it's basic form (and because it's my new main format) :P

I like it.
why are you all of a sudden obbsessed with CAP?
You "liked" it, but didn't upvote it. Nobody likes a legalist eXcess (I'm jk I know what you mean but seriously more people should upvote this.)
Very well. I shall upvote.
2 votes

The Half Potential Tourney

OU Format, Everything is normal except:

  • Each pokemon can only have up to 93 IVs total
  • Each pokemon may only invest up to 256 EVs maximum
  • Each pokemon can only have 2 moves (Debatable)
  • You may only use up to 3 pokemon

I can’t think of any more rules now I’ll edit some more in later

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Can you make it 256? I really want that one extra point.
Do two moves because its "half the potential". Also what about half the team?
good idea i edited than in
Why does everything have to be normal? There are 18 types; making everything normal makes this 1/18 potential, not half potential.
lol sumwun you knew what i meant
Only 3 Iv's and 0 in the rest- Can we just have a total of 93 Ivs? (like having 15 in 3 stats and 16 in 3 stats)
2 votes

The UB Tour

You may only use Ultra Beasts, and the following Pokémon are banned

  • Ultra Necrozma, Dusk Mane, and Dawn Wings (not even a UB just clarifying)
  • Naganadel
  • Pheromosa (debatable)
  • Kartana (debatable)
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@ETN Kartana gets walled by Celesteela, so it probably isn’t that banworthy.

@ThunderClapper Beast Balls don’t get boosted capture rate when used on Necrozma, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kartana was banned in a bunch of formats (like Monotype) even when Celesteela was allowed and probably also common.
Exactly my point.
Given that this is an UB-only tour, Celesteela is probably going to be on every team. As for monotype, it was probably banned because not all teams have access to efficient Kartana checks. But what do I know?
Beast Balls may not work well for Necrozma, but if you listen to all the Ultra Beast's crys (including Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma) they all have a strange noise at the end that only Ultra Beasts have.
2 votes

The “Regular Pokemon Journey” Tourney

Pick a region. In that region, use:

  • 1 starter found in your region
  • 1 final evolutions of Pokémon found on route one in your region.
  • 1 Legendary
  • 1 Gifted pokemon found in your region. (besides the starter. Example: Lapras)
  • 1 Pseudo Legendary found in your region
  • 1 pokemon of your choice that does not have to be any of the above (NOT UBERS)
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Eh, Gifted is debatable, and a lot of regions will have the legendary op, basically the legend and starter (and choice mon) will carry the team :P
This is subject to OU rules, right? And does the last Pokemon have to be from the region we pick?
2 votes

The “usually useless” Tournament

Format is OU. So the idea of this is that you may only use Pokémon B+ and below on the OU Viability Rankings, and you can only use moves in the “Usually Useless” category.

I can’t think of any more ideas/clauses for now. Why don’t you guys leave suggestions in the comment section? I think a good clause would be something concerning EVs or abilities or something.

Do Pokémon from lower tiers qualify?
I think they would only if they were B+ or below.
Just saying, B+ Pokemon are usually on teams. Uselessness comes around B-/C+, and even they work on Teams :P

This is just the Unpopular pokemon that still pull weight Tourney.
Agreed, Stakatacool, though the useless moves is a nice twist imo.
2 votes

BanList Only Tournament!

So, basically a standard OU tournament with any number of people except that you can only use Pokemon from UUBL, RUBL, NUBL, and PUBL!

That's literally it...

Have fun!

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Why is gale wings banned? It sucks after the nerf it got.
I wouldn't ban anything extra unless you have a specific reason to
I think it is already suggested by ETN.

Why Stealth Rock is banned? Just because it ruins talonflame? So what? It doesn't matter. No one use Talonflame now when you can use other flying types like thundurusT, Tornadus.
Then ban every rock, electric and water type moves because they ruin talonflame. Why not?
Ban every fighting, fire, rock, steel and bug type moves because they ruin weavile.
Ban every dark............
Prankstar is not op when you can just use Weavile. Prankstar users are Tornadus (defog), thunderus (nasty plot) I guess.
Mine was different. EdDaBoss's is way better, tbh. I said UUBL and anything underneath it, I never said BanList only.
2 votes

Ubers Alternate Forms plus Megas Tournament!

Ok, lemme explain. So it's an Ubers tournament but the Pokemon must have an alternate form, be it a Mega Evolution/Whatever. But if it's a Mega Evolution you can't use it.

So for instance I could use Deoxys-Speed as it has another forme (say Deoxys-Attack) and I could use Mewtwo. But I couldn't use Mega Mewtwo Y or X as they are the mega evolutions.

I can't use the same form twice (such as 6 Mewtwos) and I can't use more than one form of a Pokemon (such as Arceus-Steel and Arceus-Fairy). Let me know on my wall if you have any problems and I'll sort it out.

List of Allowed Pokemon:
- Deoxys-Normal
- Deoxys-Speed
- Deoxys-Defence
- Deoxys-Attack
- Genesect-Burn
- Genesect-Douse
- Genesect-Chill
- Genesect-Shock
- All Arceus Formes
- Blaziken (Must have Speed Boost)
- Aegislash (Debatable)
- Giratina-O
- Giratina-A
- Mewtwo
- Kyogre
- Kyogre-Primal
- Groudon
- Groudon-Primal
- Zygarde-100% (can have Zygarde-50% or Zygarde-10% as base form)
- Lunala
- Solgaleo
- Dusk Mane Necrozma
- Dawn Wings Necrozma
- Ultra Necrozma
- Reshiram (AKA Kyurem-W)
- Zekrom (AKA Kyurem-B)
- Kyurem-B
- Kyurem-W
- Rayquaza (Mega Evolution Banned)
- Shaymin-Sky
- Metagross (Mega is Banned)
- Salamence (Mega is Banned)
- Mawile (Mega is Banned)
- Gengar (Mega is Banned)
- Lucario (Mega is Banned)

If you do want to use a different Mega Evolution such as Latios-M you can, but it has to Mega Evolve during the battle (i.e. No Life Orb Latios' it must be the Mega Evolution)

- Any amount of people
- Ubers Format on Showdown!

Have fun!

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Primal Groudon and Kyorge are banned?! Woah! Without these Pokémon no one would play Ubers.
Yeah I unbanned them but I banned Water Spout **cough cough Scarf water spout kyogre**
Water Spout Kyorge isn't even that good because Primal Kyorge can't run scarf
What Eva (unbanned)
Zygarde can't have 100% as its base form in Ubers. The only way to get 100% form is to wait for power construct to activate. Also are all lower-tier Pokemon banned? This tournament might be better if we were allowed to use stuff like Tyranitar.
2 votes

The Classic Tournament

Description: A tournament where only red, blue, and green Pokémon are allowed. Choose your colors wisely! (remember: only Pokémon on the Eligible Pokémon list!)

Eligible Pokémon (these red, blue, and green Pokémon are not official, they are decided with my eyes): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Warturtle, Blastoise, Caterpie, Metapod, Nidoran♀, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Tentacool, Tenacruel, Voltorb, Electrode, Tangela, Horsea, Seadra, Scyther, Magmar, Magicarp, Gyarados, Lapras, Vaporeon, Porygon, Omanyte, Omastar, Articuno, Dratini, Dragonair, Chickorita, Meganium, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Ledian, Airados, Chinchou, Lanturn, Natu, Xatu, Mareep, Bellossom, Marill, Azumarill, Politoed, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Yanma, Wooper, Quagsire, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Wobbuffet, Forretress, Scizor, Heracross, Sneasel, Slugma, Magcargo, Octillery, Delibird, Kindra, Phanpy, Magby, Suicune, Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Blaziken, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Surskit, Shroomish, Breloom, Azurill, Nosepass, Meditite, Electrike, Manectric, Roselia, Gulpin, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Wailord, Flygon, Cacnea, Cacturne, Swablu, Altaria, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Cradily, Armaldo, Kecleon, Absol, Wynaut, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Huntail, Bagon, Salamene, Beldum, Matang, Metagross, Regice, Tortwig, Grotle, Torterra, Piplup, Prinplup, Kricketot, Kricketune, Roserade, Burmy (Plant Cloak), Wormadam (Plant Cloak), Cherubi, Honchkrow, Bronzor, Bronzong, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Munchlax, Riolu, Lucario, Skorupi, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke, Weavile, Tangrowth, Yanmega, Glaceon, Probopass, Azelf, Dewott, Samurott, Woobat, Swoobat, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Throh, Sawk, Basculin, Krookodile, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Maractus, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Deerling (Spring Forme), Karrablast, Frillish (Male), Jellicent (Male), Elgyem, Axew, Cubchoo, Cryogonal, Druddigon, Golett, Golurk, Rufflet, Braviary, Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon, Cobalion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja, Inkay, Malamar, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Tyrantrum, Amaura, Aurorus, Carbink, Avalugg, Litten, Incineroar, Popplio, Brionne, Charjabug, Vikivolt, Oricorio (Baile Style), Lycanroc (Midnight), Minior (Red, Green, Blue, and Light Blue), Tapu Bulu, Buzzwole, Grookey, Sobble, Drizzile, Inteleon, Rookidee, Corvisquire, Orbeetle, Gossifleur, Eldegoss, Chewtle, Drednaw, Applin, Flapple, Appletun, Cramorant, Sizzlipede, Centiskorch, Grapploct, Grimmsnarl, Copperajah.

Format: Anything Goes

Banned Pokémon: Anything that isn't in Eligible Pokémon, Special Pokémon, Megas, and Shinies.

Banned Items: (none)

Banned Moves: Double Team, Minimize, and Baton Pass.

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All evasion moves should be banned. These slamming moves aren’t very common, and x2 evasion is very OP. Also, in OU, evasion moves are banned.
This is Anything Goes format. Minimize is just a move, like all the other moves, how else would people raise evasion? Since people hate Minimize so much, I'll make a deal, if 10 users go on my wall and type, "Ban Minimize.", i'll ban it, if they don't, it stays.
I guess Minimize stays.
I don’t think 10 people will post that on your wall, but I still think Minimize should be banned :P

But this is your tourney, so if you want Minimize, then don’t ban it.
Sorry for getting a little worked up there... I gave it some thought and saw Minimize's potential, so, I'm banning it.
2 votes

Rocks Rock! Tournament

Here's how it works:
Everyone starts off with a team of 6 Rock-type Pokémon (doesn't have to be pure, but must be primary), each having ONLY rock type moves.
It will have 3 rounds with 8 participants:
Set 1: P1 vs P2---> Set 1 Winner vs Set 2 Winner---> Winner
Set 2: P3 vs P4 vs ----> Champion
Set 3: P5 vs P6---> Set 3 Winner vs Set 4 Winner---> Winner
Set 4: P7 vs P8

For each round winner, there will be a special advantage:
Round 1 Winners: Ground type moves now available to use
Round 2 Winners: Steel type moves now available to use

Basic Rules:
1. Battles must be set on OU
2. Rock type Arceus and Silvally are banned
3. Any battles that include cheating, secondary/non rock-types, or non-rock types moves will be void
4. Every Pokémon in a team must be able to learn at least 4 rock-type moves, 2 ground-type moves, and 1 steel-type move.
5. Have fun!

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Why is Silvally-Rock banned? It's in PU.
Silvally-Rock is banned because it can only learn 2 rock type moves.
2 votes

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've decided to post it. Introducing:
Metronome+One Move!
The gimmik for this is that you have metronome and a chosen STATUS move (no attacking moves, as everyone would just use that). The main premise is to figure out what move synergizes best with metronome.

National dex format
No ubers
Any items are allowed, though you'll likely be holding Leppa Berry
Taunt, Torment and Imprison are banned (They can still be drawn by metronome)
Potential Bans
Defense boosting moves

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just bring haze or toxic, aromatherapy, and protect. or steel/poison types. :P

Z-moves may be interesting. Z-Mirror Move, Z-Metronome, Z-Parting Shot. :P