Meta-PokéBase Q&A
21 votes

Decided to make a new thread myself for this so I can get the responses via email. Here you can report any minor errors with the main site instead of starting a lot of new questions. Things you can report here include:

  • Spelling/grammar errors.
  • Incorrect data (e.g. Pokemon with the wrong abilities listed, moves with the wrong power/type and so on).
  • Missing pictures (sprites, icons and artwork).

As I fix the errors, the answers will be hidden. Try and keep comments to a minimum to avoid clogging up the page, stick to important things like additions/corrections to the corrections.

Remember, small corrections only! If you're reporting something more substantial than a missing picture or incorrect data, please make a new thread!

Please, post corrections as ANSWERS, not comments. Thanks :)

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222 Answers

3 votes

On to post 7, and about 2/3 through S. I'll miss going through these when I reach the end

Stomping Tantrum's Effect is a copy/past of its description and does not match the quality of other Effects on the site. A better-worded Effect would be something like this:

"If the user's previous move was a success, Stomping Tantrum deals damage and has no secondary effect

"If the user's previous move failed to deal damage, the move's power doubles.

Additional details would need to be included about the effects of moves such as Protect/Detect, and whether the move triggers from moves such as High Jump Kick. As these are not my strong suit, I will leave this section to others.

Additional minor corrections:

Spotlight's Effect is copy/pasted from its description and does not match the quality of other Effects on the site. A better wording would be "The target becomes the center of attention, causing all other moves to target this Pokemon. This move overwrites other effects that cause redirection, such as Abilities like Lightningrod or Moves like Follow Me. The move has priority +3, so it will activate before most other moves."

Strength Sap's Effect is a copy/paste of its description and does not reflect the quality of other Effects. An improved wording would be "The user restores its HP by the same amount as the target's Attack stat. The target's Attack stat is then lowered by one stage. (Enter) Strength Sap is still usable even if the user's HP is full, and the Attack stat will still be lowered. However, the move will fail if the target's Attack stat has already been reduced fully (-6).
Additionally, effects of Items like Big Root, abilities like Liquid Ooze, and moves like Mist will need including, but as this is not my specialty, I will leave it for others.

Struggle's Effect is out of date as of Gen 4, and should be updated to account for it only attacking foes, for it bypassing accuracy to always hit (ignoring semi-invulnerable states). and always dealing 1/4 of user's max HP as recoil. A correction to cover all this goes as follows: "The user deals typeless damage, but takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 of its max HP. Struggle is automatically used when no other move is capable of being used, either due to all moves having 0 PP, or due to the effects of other moves such as Disable. Struggle bypasses accuracy checks to always hit, except for during semi-invulnerable stats such as Fly or Dig. (Enter) Changes: (Enter) In Generations 1-3, Struggle dealt recoil damage based on the amount of damage dealt to the target. In Generation 1, the recoil damage equal 1/2 damage dealt, whereas in Generations 2-3, this was decreased to 1/4 damage dealt. (Enter) In Generation 1, Struggle had an accuracy of 100%. (Enter) In Generation 1, Struggle dealt Normal-type damage"

Substitute's page is so barren, I don't think I could even cover everything that needs to be covered without parsing through hours of changelogs per generation, so I'll be short and use this more as a reminder on this page. As a start, the description should be revised to note that it takes 1/4 of the user's max HP to create the substitute. In addition, I'll link here to the post about all the moves not blocked by substitute as a reminder to PM

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3 votes

8th post here. I think this one may be it...

Imprison's Move Effect incorrectly claims the move targets all foes, rather than the user

Taunt's Effect does not enumerate how long the move lasts, and also uses "opponents" instead of "targets". An improved description would be along the lines of "The target is barred from using status moves. The effect lasts for 3 turns if the user goes before the target, and 4 turns if the target goes before the user."

Tearful Look's Effect is a copy/paste of the move's description and is very sparse on the move's effects. A better worded and expanded description would be "Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Attack stats by 1 stage each. (Enter) Tearful Look bypasses accuracy to always hit, except during semi-invulnerable stages of moves like Dig or Fly. Tearful Look will even hit through Protect or Detect."

Teleport's out-of-battle effect has been removed as of Gen 7

Toxic Thread's Effect is a copy/paste of its description and does not match the quality of other Effects on the site. An improved wording would be "The target is poisoned, and the target's Speed stat is reduced by 1 stage."

Twister's Effect claims it has a 30% chance to cause Flinching, but other sources and the "All Moves" page say the move has a 20% chance.

Venom Drench's Effect on the "All Moves" page fails to note that the move affects Attack, and just says Sp. Attack and Speed.

Venoshock's Effect claims the move inflicts double damage, but other sites and the move's description say the move doubles in power

Water Sport's and Mud Sport's Effects both say the type's damage is reduced by 50%, rather than 67% damage.

Wish's Effect is very sparse and does not really cover what the move's effects are. An improved/expanded wording would be "The user makes a wish for healing. At the end of the next turn, the pokemon in the user's location will be healed by half the user's maximum HP."

Zing Zap Effect is copy/pasted from its description and does not match the quality of other effects on the site. An improved description would be " The user deals damage and has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch, if the target has not yet moved. (Enter) Pokémon with the ability Inner Focus or those behind a Substitute cannot be made to flinch.

What a ride it has been, but I have gone through all the moves and hit all the issues I've seen. Hope this list helps out, and thank you for the good resource! :)

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3 votes

It doesn't say that shadow tag fails against ghost types

3 votes

Defog's page is a little outdated. Defog now removes Aurora Veil, the Sharp Steel entry hazard from G-Max Steelsurge, and Psychic/Misty/Electric/Grassy Terrain.

3 votes

The "additional artwork" page of Zorua, Zoroark and Braviary now needs to be updated to show their Hisuian forms.


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Thanks, I finally got around to updating this!
3 votes

Two things that happen when you're banned, and I can't see any reason as to why they're intentionally meant to be that way:

  • You can't access the Rules page, which is just ironic af. The "Rules" tab straight up disappears from the Pokebase section, and clicking on it from other sections or entering the link to it takes to a page which says "You do not have the permission to perform this operation."

  • You can't see others' Gender box in profiles, its gone. Like why? If anything, would it not make more sense to hide others' Country box from banned users?

Please tell me if any of these have been reported before.

Source: Experience

To be honest this is probably worth making a separate thread about. The gender issue is especially weird, it might be a problem with the software.
You're right, should I make two separate posts about these or just one? If one, what should I keep the title as (refering to these as errors or suggestions)?
One works fine because it's related to a single issue (banned users not being able to access certain features of the site). Error or suggestion both work in the title in my opinion, but error seems to be a better fit. Though others may disagree.
3 votes

disguise should be updated to show its gen 8 nerf(instead of taking no damage from the first attack, it takes 1/8 of its hp)

revelation dance should tell you that its type is the primary type of the user rather than the style of oricorio

3 votes

For Double Shock and Burn Up, the description should include that the move cannot be used if the user is not an/a Electric/Fire type. Also, Burn Up’s description should also include that it thaws the user on use.

3 votes

Rillaboom's page, and it's preevolutions doesn't mention that it can learn Grassy Glide by TM in S/V.

3 votes

Hello, first post ever here haha. Just wanted to point out an outdated info. I guess it must be linked to the fact that the blueberry extension was recently released.

I know there is a lot of Pokemon that need update because of that. If it could make your life easier I noticed that Hisuian Qwilfish evolve in Overqwill at lv 28 in violet. (Probably only if you learn the move Barb Barrage, would need further testing) but I didn't have to use the move at all. As soon as I learned it (reaching lv28) the Pokemon evolved. Have a nice day! :-)

3 votes

Hi! I noticed the ‘Dancer’ ability is missing some moves that are used with the ability. Other websites include these moves as well:

Aqua Step
Clangorous Soul
Victory Dance

I’ve tried Aqua Step and Clangorous Soul with the Dancer ability and they both worked. Though I can’t try victory dance because I don’t have Hisuian Lilligant…

Aqua Step and Clangorous Soul are dancing moves? Cool
3 votes

In Pokémon Silver Gen 2, the website incorrectly lists Sandshrew as appearing on 1F and B1F in the Union Cave.

The 'Where to find Sandshrew' section also has the wrong location of Union Cave for Silver

3 votes

Water Sport and Mud Sport's descriptions are lacking. First of all, these moves reduce the damage of the affected type by 67%, not 50%. Second of all, starting with Generation 6, the moves last 5 turns, rather than until the user switches out.

2 votes

On the page about IVs:
> In Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can find out what type Hidden Power would be for any Pokémon by showing it to a man in the game corner Prize Exchange building (Veilstone City for Platinum, Celadon City for HG/SS).

This needs to be updated.

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2 votes

Jynx's Virtual Console Pokémon Yellow sprite is missing from its spritedex. (It's the exact same as the regular yellow sprite, except it's skin is now purple, for obvious reasons.)

2 votes

Berserk Gene is a hold item from generation 2 (I just learned this from a question on PB and decided to search for it) but it's not listed anywhere on the site.

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A whole lot of items are missing from the item page. PM never really finished it.
People actually learn from me? Maybe not everything I say is silly garbage after all.
2 votes

On the Amulet Coin page. There is an Amulet Coin in Gold/Silver/Crystal.
Its description is Doubles Monetary Earnings
I know this because it is currently attached to my Jolteon while I'm fighting the Elite Four.

2 votes

For the page on sand rush it should also list that it grants immunity from sandstorm if the pokemon does not already have immunity.

2 votes

Sorry if I have no idea what I’m talking about, but here (
It says “fishing with a super rod” but in USUM there is only one rod to fish with and that rod is called just a “Fishing Rod.” I’m not sure if this applies to every gen 7 fishing-mention also

I'm not sure if it's the same, but in bw the only rod is the super rod, so the fishing rod might be called a super rod
Yes it should say Fishing Rod, it's a limitation of how I store the encounters in the database, which I never got around to resolving.
2 votes

The descriptions for Scrappy and Inner Focus should mention that it blocks Intimidate.

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