Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

I've just been going through the user list and it seems a few Moderators and Editors are no longer active.

Mewderator and Kameko were last active a month ago, while Shining Yin was last active a few months ago and Ninja a year ago. DT and Will were active within the past few days, but I'm not sure exactly what they did. I think maybe approving posts doesn't show up in activity.

For Editors: new Editors Indigo and Astronautical are still active. Sempiternus was active a month ago, while fondant was on 8 months ago and the_netts 2 years ago. DarthDestiny asked a question a month ago but before that has no activity for 2 years.

And there's some guy called Pokemaster who is not very active :D

So all in all, I think we have 1 very active mod, 3-4 semi active mods, and 3 active Editors. So it seems like we may need a few more editors. If you have any recommendations or would like to put yourself forward, please post an answer below and we'll consider it.

Note: as I said I think approving posts doesn't show up in activity, so please do correct me if I'm wrong about a user's recent activity.

Will is actually really active; he comes on every 2 or 3 days. He really only comes on chat nowadays though; I don't think I've seen him on the DB in... Well, ever. But if you needed more mods on the DB, I can't speak for him, but I'm fairly sure he would be ok with helping out. But yeah, DT was on a couple days ago to say one thing in chat and then leave. Before that, he had been gone for months, I believe, so it's safe to say he's not really active.
Astronautical and Indigo were promoted recently, so right now nobody knows whether the current staff will be enough to do whatever they were supposed to do.
Thank you for the promotion, PM! I'll try my best not to destroy this place.
Gratz @ Indigo and Astro, both of ya deserved it.

With regards to my activity I'll have random spurts ;P but great to see more people promoted on the site!
You got a point there, I haven't seen Pokem on very often.
Wanted to bump to keep it visible.
I think that I could eventually be a decent editor... Not for a long, long time, tho

2 Answers

6 votes

Thought I'd just quickly take the opportunity to say congrats to Astro and Indigo! I pushed hard for this because you both deserve the spot and I think you'll both do great as formal staff members going forward. :)

To address the question though, I'm personally not at all opposed to having a few more editors. I mentioned once or twice that there's really no reason to be stingy here. I don't think auth positions are as much of a deal or an undertaking as they're made out to be, and I think it would be good to give some reward for effort and keep freeing up the admin queue. If they're up for it, these two would have my support:

  • PX has been a good quality contributor for many years and has had lots of community involvement in that time. He pitches in plenty with the abilities he already has and can also help fill a timezone gap.

  • Mega_Septile is now our most active expert. He has close to two thousand posts and has a couple years of very consistent activity to his name. He makes use of his current powers. Would also do well as an editor.

trachy's point is fair enough and we'd probably do alright with what we have now, but again I don't see why we should hold back.

(Also Pokemaster, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this thread and this thread from a while back, as I think they'd both tie in really well with these promotions. I went a bit crazy with their length and I've since realised that, so I added short versions to both so they're digestible. Sorry to bother you again...)

Thanks for the mention Fizz! I'll definitely be more active and more dedicated to the site regardless of promotions. I'm much more free now time wise.
Years ago I commented on Septiles wall that he should be an mod by now but he said he would be a terrible one. Jokes on him.
That was quite awhile ago. I feel as though I have changed a lot since then.
Also, as PX said, thanks for the mention, Fizz.
2 votes

I don't use the chat often (since my timing is weird and I'm never around when others are on ;-;) so I don't know if we need mods for that. But for question/answer approval and editing, I think we're fine. It's never been too backed up when I've taken a look at the moderation queue.
