Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I just tried to take down a thread for being on the wrong section. I left a notice to the asker why I was doing this as a comment, and then tried to hide the question. But the site blocked the action and asked me to "please click again to confirm". So I pressed the "hide" button again, but the exact same message appeared when the post loaded again, and there seems to be no way to take it down otherwise. The "flag" button behaves the same way.

It's half an hour later and this message is still appearing when I try to take down the thread. I've tried accessing it through different devices/browsers and all different ways of reloading the page, but it still blocks me with this message repeatedly. I've never encountered this message before: is it a new feature that's not working properly?

EDIT: it seems this message has broken the hiding and flagging systems entirely. A hidden thread was linked in a comment, and we're all entirely unable to reshow it or clear its flags. Nobody has had any luck with the thread I linked either. So this is urgent now: if it's going to be recurring we're going to have an issue on our hands very quickly.

Screenshot linked here.

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Not just a problem on your end. I'm unable to hide or flag it either. And just that question, it works fine on any other.
Have you tried closing all windows and restarting your computer?
I couldn't hide it either! I felt dumb hiding my comment... clearly the question has discovered the secret to immortality. I get the same message when trying to clear the flags from this question:
I can't clear flags or reshow that question, either, I get the same message.
I can't do anything either. I think we've got a problem. I edited the post, hopefully it draws some quick attention.
I, too, cannot flag that question. Also, I can't flag this question, despite somebody, I'm assuming sumwun, already flagging it. Could the issue have to do with ranks? All of the people who have confirmed that they can't hide or flag it are a higher rank that "registered user" and sumwun (Who is still at the "registered user" rank) having the ability to flag a question that I wasn't able to flag.. I doubt that it  does, but I thought it might help to bring it up.
Nope, that's not it either; I don't have any special ranks, and I'm unable to flag any of the aforementioned questions as well.
I can still hide/reject/clear flags on things from the admin tab, but not from the question itself. Flagging/unflagging comments and answers is fine for me too, but idk about anyone else :\
You could just post them on your own wall you know
I just remembered why I put them here. Can someone else try flagging or hiding those questions? It seems that the questions that can't be flagged vary from user to user.
Can not flag any of them

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

This should be fixed now! I updated Pokebase a few days ago to the latest "beta" version of the Q2A software and there were a few of my customisations that broke and needed updating. Let me know if there are still problems.

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Everything seems to be working normally now! Will keep you posted if anything comes up.