Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

Suggestion: Add a list of the Active (posted something in the last thirty days) Experts, Editors and Moderators to the Welcome/Initial rules page, (you know, that page you are SUPPOSED to read before you do anything)
or a link to one.

It might be helpful for newer users, to let them know who's in charge if they need to ask a question, but don't want to ask it through the site. It could be useful for older users, too. They could check the list to see who has been active recently, and try to get in touch with them.

I don't know how useful this would be in practice, but it seems weird that we don't have a list for these guys somewhere.

If we do, tell me where it is, please. I can't find one.

There's already a list of auth, but for some reason its not available to regular users e.e. Agree though, could PM make the list public? It's not like its a secret or anything Fizz has shown us it several times.
Although that list isn’t much better than the front page of users as a gauge for who is active, which I agree is something that would be useful.
Adding it to the rules page would be good, though we’d need to update it regularly for that, which is difficult seeing as that would depend on Pokemaster. It would be cool if auth was given the ability to edit the page. Maybe we should make an FAQ page of sorts, which we could update constantly.
For the time being, the people I suggest you go to if you need something are me, Hellfire Taco, PX, sumwun and Indigo in no particular order. Probably some others as well, but those are off the top of my head.
Adding to Fizz's comment, you'd probably get the fastest respons from sumwun or myself. I pretty sure that we're the most active experts, so it'd probably be best to ccontact either one of us if you think something should be edited or converted into a comment. Fizz is the most active mod, so I'd suggest going to him for stuff that the rest of us can't do.
Woah people are coming to me when they need something?
I am actually very active, I'm on UK time though
A lot of the mods are inactive or appear to be
Works with me. Thanks!
I try and come here even if I do nothing :D?
I do think this is a good idea but I feel the Activity page gives a good indication for now.
I think the admin page is censored so new users don't know who to avoid; if they knew they would cause trouble when admin aren't around... I think that's the reason anyway.
But they could literally just go to people's profiles and check to see if it says editor/mod or not. I don't think that'd be the reason as people still could just find out and avoid auth, it'd just take longer.
Even if they do cause problems, most other users report it. They would still get kicked or banned.

The activity pages kinda work, but the main issue there is they aren't connected. Activity by a user must be checked in the corresponding section. My main request here was a single resource for all of the active "statused" users... they would only be on the list if they had done something recently.

So, yeah. Basically a combined activity page.

Again, I have no Idea if this would have any real practical use.
Well, it could have practical use if some mods/editors leave and we need to judge if we need more or not.

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