Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Hellfire Taco has more than 10,000 points, which is usually around the point (no pun intended) where Experts get promoted to Editors. IDK what number PX and sumwun are at, but they became Experts a while ago. So fizz or PM, if you're reading this, can you promote our favorite Taco Man?

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The thing about promotions is if we need them, I don't know if we do or don't :P

Guess we'll find out... (but seriously, HT is basically an editor already)
HT's edit are helpful. He should be an editor. But when he retag our post....
HT's edits are really helpful. But Sumwun's edits are trolling me. Yeah you read'en it Sumwun I spelled your name as "Sumwun". Haha. (I edited it back :P)
A while ago, when Astro and Indigo were promoted, Fizz suggested that, if we need more editors, PX and myself would be good choices. I don't know about Indigo, but Astro's been gone for half a year or more...
I personally feel that we need Editors, or at least we will when Pokemon Switch hype starts rolling in. On who that should be, the two other names mentioned are good candidates (obviously won't comment on whether or not I'd be good as an Editor, although I will say that if I am in contention I'd naturally increase my activity).

Btw Fizz can't promote to Editor, no Moderators can. Only PM can promote actual auth.

And lastly, points aren't an indicator for authority or potential authority (or at least shouldn't be). 10k is sort of an artificial benchmark, it was never directly stated but with one exception it has always been upheld. But having around 10k doesn't make someone Editor material necessarily, and neither does having less than disqualifying someone.
My edits? Trolling? I don't know what you guys are talking about.
I know that I'm kinda late, but thanks for suggesting this. I agree that we need more editors, and PX and sunwum are both good choices. (I'd rather not say anything about myself because I don't want to sound arrogant) On top of this, Fizz and Will, as far as I know, are the only pretty active mods, and I don't think that Will does much other than talking in chat. The last editors that were promoted were Indigo and Astro nearly a year ago. Indigo is active, but not super active, and I haven't heard from Astro (or even seen any activity from him anywhere) for quite a while. Having a few more editors to approve questions and do whatever else editors do would be great.
Stay tuned -- I'll be posting something formal about this soon. Along with a bunch of other stuff.
As in the past, I won't shut up until it happens. :P

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Damn it guys, stop sniping my threads the day before I post them. D:

I guess what this shows though, is that we’re all on the same page in terms of what we want done on this site. I am 100% in support of all three, and I should have pushed more for some of this when that other thread went up last year.

The reasoning no more complicated than these guys have been among our best contributors for years and have well and truly shown they’re capable in an auth role.

So Pokemaster, if you’re reading this: make this quick and easy. Promote... ™ Taco

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Because you have to type at least 6 letters to add a comment. This is here to avoid spam, but its really useless since you can just type extra letters, spaces or (six characters) to bypass the filter.
sounds legit
The support means a lot to me, it's nice to be noticed. Thank you, this made my day, promotion or not :P.
JarJar for Super Adminstrator
I'm so happy that this topic was able to be approached without mentioning how inactive I've been lol it makes me feel so much better about myself! I want every single one of them to be Editors and I am proud of all of them, especially PX who was here before me and has managed to maintain some level of activity for all this time. Man I'm so EXCITED to feel less bad about being inactive (although as holidays approach I'll pressure myself to be more active).
1 vote

Editors have to approve posts, right? I don't think I'm ready for any sort of responsibility on this site. Can you try asking again in about a year?

Also, "among the best contributors" is debatable. I think most of my "contributions" have been either pointlessly expanding Pokebase's unanswered list or making one additional person quit competitive battling by bashing his/her/its team. Promoting me will only result in more pointless questions and a smaller competitive battling community.

If you're not up for it that's fine -- though I'd like to make clear that it's really not a huge deal. If you're ever unsure, you can even just hit approve, and others can make an assessment of whether it's OK. Leniency is a good quality anyway.
I don't how much of that last part is hyperbole, haha. For what it's worth you have my backing. I hope you don't actually think you have a detrimental effect on this community, lol.
Yeah you crushing me inspired me to improve and keep trying, not the other way around.
Come on sumwun, don't be a spoil sport.
You and PX are the reason I am half good at competitive :P
Of course I'm detrimental to the community. I've been banned on Pokebase for at least 13 days and even longer on the Showdown! server for being detrimental.
Survivorship bias also has an effect on my reputation; people who hate me (especially Ninja) all leave the site and I'm left with you guys.
Nobody likes everyone, and that's fine. You've probably changed since ninja's known you, since I've known you. Hopefully ;^)
If Fizz thinks you're up to it, I think that's a pretty good credential. On the other hand, if PX supports you then we know something's fishy, never trust a pom.
I guess I'll clarify further: I don't care that you got a ban two years ago for the lightest offences we've ever given bans for. :P
Ninja hated a lot of people (including me for a time!), but he doesn't mod here anymore. And otherwise, nobody except yourself has taken any issue. Still not sure if you're joking, and again it's fine if you really aren't up for it. But I support you if you want to go for it.
I have written sumwun so much,
So my computer autocorrects "someone", "Sumwun" to sumwun.
Oh wow lol