That can't be sempi! That'll break my heart :p
And I remember seeing Deso's account here once. He only put out maybe 1-2 answers, and that was his contribution here. But aside from that he's massively helpful and was consistently around the server regardless of who was present. Although he's not a huge part of the site here, he's definitely one of the reasons the server was active at all during the slump(s). I'd log in at random intervals and he'd be the only guy around, even if others had not come online in days ( I think, the timestamps were a bit messy). I wouldn't be surprised if Yandereaf is one such user who's rarely active here but was around the server a lot, and was hence promoted, in case the others were absent. For a long time (maybe it's a coincidence) I noticed him/her and one-two other users who were active (the name monoumbreon comes to mind but this was a while ago and I doubt my memory a bit) and so it was okay. Now that we have newer users, obviously the misuse of powers is an issue, but in the past it resembled a lawless wasteland. Idk what level Mike is at on the server, but if he or New or someone comes along and does the needful, it'll be easier for the rest of us