Meta-PokéBase Q&A
15 votes

Hey, everyone! You can tell what this thread is from reading its title, so I'm going to keep it nice and simple. Sorry for taking so long to get around to it!

PX, HT and I convened and came to an agreement about who we will be promoting to expert, and which names we'll be putting forward to Pokemaster as new editors and mods.


The main criteria for experts is a long history of quality posts that show the ability to improve the standard of content across the site. They should be experienced, active and trusted users of the main Q&A, and should have community involvement through the Meta section or external platforms like our Discord and Showdown servers.

Accordingly, we've decided to promote Staka and Jimmy to expert. As of submitting this post, they've each been given their titles. Congrats! We also want to properly congratulate StellarLucario for reaching expert through the traditional 6000-point benchmark. You beat us to the punch, really – well done for being the probable last person to ever get expert using points before we promote them anyway. :P

We also want to ask if there is anybody else you believe should be promoted to expert. If you keep to the criteria above, we'll grant the wishes of the community if there's enough support!

Editors and mods

Editors (and mods) should be enduring members of the community who make significant contributions to the Q&A and the community as a whole. They should be responsible and effective communicators who are willing to run PokeBase with us using the staff Discord server.

It should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody that we want KRLW890 to become an editor. If I'd been less negligent and made a promotion thread at any point last year, we would have suggested this promotion then, as well. Way overdue.

The second editor we'd like to add is sumwun, who has amassed a huge quantity of posts in all areas of the community and become one of the site's most important contributors in recent times.

I'd also like to put both Hellfire Taco and PX forward as new mods. They can lend me a massive hand during my many Australian off-hours, and begin taking matters into their own hands as they've both shown they're capable.

...And that's all I've got this time! I have plenty of ideas for things we could do as a new staff lineup, so you might hear from us again sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading :)

EDIT: I promise to do another promotions round this year. Promise.

edited by
A pop in to say a hearty congratulations to and PX & Taco :) you two have been amazing these past couple years, picking up a lot of the slack left behind. Similar appreciation to KRLW890, and welcome to the family.

Imagine not grinding 6k points for expert :(
I'll have you know we worked hard to get point spammed by mods until we got expert, y'all need to hit 6k the old fashioned way through hard work
Just wanna say thanks to everybody who is continuing to moderate this site. It holds a special place in my heart, so even though I am unable to do any modding, I am very invested in having the site do well. I especially want to thank Fizz for being the primary moderator. Taco and PX to mod are great choices. They're both very active on the discord and they are integral to moderating the site. I fully support giving them the ability to no longer need to fetch Fizz when some bannings need to be doled out.

Also, try being made Expert back in the olden days. That required 10000 points.
Late to the party here, but again thanks to everyone still moderating the site. I know I'm not on as frequently and I lurk behind a lot, but based on everything I've seen Fizz is doing a great job holding the site up and making sure it is the best it can be.

Congrats to everyone! I still remember when I got promoted to Moderator. Those were some good times...
Ha. I didn't know a thread was made for me, that's where all my congrats came from. A belated thanks everyone.

See, not like I'd have ever been promoted anyway without the point threshold, I've been in and out of the site over the years and it's just spiked lately :P

3 Answers

11 votes
Best answer

Thanks for being on top of this as always, Fizz. I've implemented your suggestions.

  • KRLW890 and sumwun are now Editors
  • Hellfire Taco and PX are now Moderators

Congrats to our newest promotees! I know I'm not around a huge amount these days but I do check in here and there and I know you guys are all great members and will do a good job moderating.

I've also gone ahead and removed mod status for various inactive people. Although it's a low risk I prefer to keep banning privileges to just the active users. If they become active again they can be re-promoted.

selected by
Thanks for promoting me. Now I can watch this site 24/7 and reject everything until new users stop posting.
Thanks PM.

Also where is the ban Jimmy button
2 votes

Hi again, everyone! This is the first of what could be multiple updates to this thread.

We've decided that we want to increase the amount of direct contact that editors and mods have with experts on this site. As such, we've created a new channel for our staff server on Discord that experts can use to communicate with us, and vice versa. This provides a direct avenue for the site's top users to contribute toward decision-making, and even press their case as proper staff members later down the track.

If you want to join in, let me know here on PokeBase or through Discord, and I'll send an invite link to your PMs on Discord. That process should be simple if you're already a member of the PokeBase Discord server and you have server DMs turned on. Participation is 100% voluntary; you don't have to join if you don't want to.

2 votes

I promised multiple updates, so here's another one!

Following a brief conversation, we've decided to add sumwun to our promotions wish-list. I've added this to the original post as well. Please offer your congratulations, as you've done with all the others. :)


he really puts in SO MUCH WORK
Did you just assume my gender?
yes i did
congrats suwmun
Thanks I guess.
congratulations Someone.