(artwork by LynxGriffin on DeviantArt)
Hello and welcome once again to the most recent installment in the ongoing series that is the DB's quarterly competitive tournaments! Today I bring you Toucanadian's Sky Battle Tournament, and while the days of Gen 6 are long behind us now, we can still run with it in the present day!
- This tournament will be conducted in OU format, and all bans of that tier apply
- Only Flying Pokemon or Pokemon with Levitate whose models do not touch the ground will be eligible to participate (in other words, factoring in OU restrictions, any Pokemon on this list)
- Some moves cannot be used in Sky Battles, and as such, they are also banned. The full list of these moves can be found here.
- Stealth Rock is banned for this tournament.
Other Basic Rules:
- Battles will be conducted on the Pokemon DB Showdown server
- Standard Smogon battle clauses apply
- Spectators may not influence a player's decisions, nor can players accept outside help during a battle
- You are not required to have the same team throughout the tournament; you may swap out team members between matches if you so choose
- Save your replays
Please post all battle replays to the thread here. If a battle between two players is not conducted before the set deadline, then I will decide whether an extension will be granted or if a player will be disqualified for inactivity.
I will be watching each replay to ensure these rules are followed, and should they be broken, the results will not be accepted and the battle must be redone. Further rule violations will result in disqualification.
Please read sumwun's guidelines for tournament participation before signing up.
For those interested in signing up, please post an answer below. Your answer should include your Pokemon Showdown username, your time zone, and what hours and days you will be available to battle normally.
Additionally, the original post left room open for bans on certain Pokemon or moves-- namely Cresselia, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Latios, Latias, Celesteela, and Stealth Rock. Obviously, however, the metagame has shifted a lot since the original post was made in 2017, so I'll instead just extend this to say if there's any Pokemon or move that you guys think would be too polarizing in this tour and think should be banned, include it along with your signup. I follow competitive casually, but not enough to have the intuition about how powerful certain Pokemon could be under restrictions like these, so I feel more comfortable leaving it in your guys' hands-- if any one Pokemon or move gets a majority support for a ban, then it shall be done.
As for an example of how to sign up:
Showdown Username: Finchwidget
Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Generally available all day on weekends, or on weekdays after 9:00 PM
Further Bans: Landorus-T, Stealth Rock
Sign-ups will close on Sunday, April 10th at 12:00 AM EST, and first round match-ups will be posted within 24 hours of closing.
Use a time zone converter to help you decide battle times.