Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

Welcome to the Wonder Guard tournament! As the name suggests, all Pokemon will have the Wonder Guard ability, which gives immunity to all attacking moves that aren't super effective. Making use of type coverage and residual damage will be critical in this format.


  • No type changing (i.e. Trick-or-Treat, Camouflage, etc.)
  • No damage-reducing berries (i.e. giving Jolteon a Shuca Berry)
  • Magnet Rise, Air Balloon, and other moves/items that manipulate weaknesses are banned
  • Photon Geyser is banned
  • Ring Target is banned
  • Heavy Duty Boots is banned
  • All Pokemon must have a minimum of two weaknesses
  • Cinderace and Galarian Darmanitan are unbanned


  • Battles should be held on the DB Showdown server if possible
  • The base format will be Gen8 OU (with some changes if it comes to that)
  • In the event of a stalemate (neither player can damage the opponent), the player with more Pokemon wins, and if they have the exact same amount of Pokemon, the player whose Pokemon have a higher average % of Max HP wins.
  • For battles that might take too long, you are allowed to forfeit or ask for a rematch at any given point in a match
  • Spectators can't influence any player's decisions and players can't accept outside help during a match
  • You can switch teams throughout the tournament
  • Matchups will be randomized every round
  • Make sure you save your replays!

Signing Up

Guidelines for participating in tournaments

If you would like to sign up, answer below with your Pokemon Showdown username(s), your time zone, and the days and times you will generally be available to battle. Remember that GMT-based time zones are different during daylight savings time! It would also be recommended to use a time zone converter for scheduling battles.

Additionally, please list any changes you want to make to the rules/format of this tourney. For example, you may want to ban an overpowered/meta-defining Pokemon, move, or item that isn't a problem in the normal metagame, and/or unban Uber Pokemon that may be balanced under the new restrictions. If possible, at least give your input on the debatable rules which can be seen above. Explaining your decisions could be helpful. Also, please state whether or not you want the tournament to be single elimination or double elimination. For a quick rundown, double elimination puts people that lose into a separate bracket that takes place simultaneously as a the main bracket, making it so you have to lose twice to be eliminated from the tourney.

An example of a sufficient sign-up post would be

PsyKlone Wars
EST (GMT -4)
Available all day on weekends and noon-midnight on weekdays
Double elimination, ban heavy duty boots, allow weather, minimum of three weaknesses, switching in consecutive turns is allowed

After sign-ups close, I'll go over the votes and any changes that get majority support will be implemented. If two different suggestions are very similar they will be grouped together and the majority of that will be used if there's enough votes for it to be added (for example, if 4/10 want a minimum of three weaknesses and 3/10 want a minimum of two weaknesses the former will be implemented)

The deadline for signing up is Friday 6/11 at 12:00 P.M. GMT. You won't be penalized for signing up later so please think about whether or not you're committed to scheduling one battle per week before answering.


Once you've met your opponent on the DB showdown server, you'll need to challenge your opponent with a command so wonder guard can be added. Go to their username, click chat, and message them with /challenge gen8ou@@@!obtainable abilities, -all abilities, +wonder guard, +cinderace, +darmanitan-galar, -heavy-duty boots or type /challenge (username), gen8ou@@@!obtainable abilities, -all abilities, +wonder guard, +cinderace, +darmanitan-galar, -heavy-duty boots in chat. After any unbanned Pokemon are accounted for I will update the command in the Round 1 post.

Once the battle is finished, someone must upload the replay and send it as a comment to the thread (will be selected as BA once the tourney starts). I'll review the replay and make sure the rules were followed. If the winner broke the rules the first offense will call for a rematch, but I might DQ people who repeatedly break the rules.

If two players are unable to come up with a time to battle within a week, extensions may be given, but disqualifications will be given to players that fail to communicate or constantly fail to follow schedules properly.

Good luck!

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So it would be useful but not broken?
Obviously it would be useful, but not this much broken to be banned.

I made usage statistics for the Tournament till r3, excluding the Losers round and KRLW890 vs Ignis match. This might help the players to have a better understanding of the tournament, and remake their teams than using the teams they have already used before, because their opponents can cteam them quite easily.
Hope it helps :)
I think 100% should be used in every team in every battle, not just used in every battle. It shouldn't be possible for Ferrothorn to have 114% usage. Also will you include the loser round when that round finishes?
No I'll not do Losers Round.
It is very much possible for any Pokémon to have >100%~ usage. A battle is 6v6, and two teams can have the same Pokémon. By the battles, 16 teams incorporated Ferrothorn. This means that, even with the Species Clause, Ferrothorn reached >100%~ usage.
And first sentence I didn't understand that.

22 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Congratulations to sumwun for winning the tournament! Thanks to everyone who participated and made hosting this tourney a memorable experience.

  • 1ST: sumwun
  • 2nd: J™
  • 3rd: Frozen Inferno 火
  • 4th: PrimordialSea
  • 5th: PsyKlone, KRLW890
  • 7th: tester, Ignis Aqua Herba


With that being said, hosting signups for the next tournament are now open. If you would like to host the next tournament, leave a comment on this answer saying you’d like to host. The requirement for hosting is having scheduled and played one tournament battle before. Once sumwun, PX, Fizz, or KRLW890 approves you, it’s your responsibility to host the next tournament.

Please make sure to read the hosting guide before asking to host.

Congrats uwu~~
And well played everyone!!
I would love to host. I have hosted a private tournament before, so I have experience with these. I understand that this will be much bigger than the tournament that I held, but I'm up for the challenge.

Also, congratulations sumwun, J, Frozen Inferno, Primordial Sea, PsyKlone (lol), KRLW890, tester, Ignis Aqua Herba and everyone else!
approved because why not
Thank you :)
4 votes

Happy Pride Month!!
Good luck to y'all!!


Pokémon Showdown! username: AssaultDestiny

Time Zone: GMT +5.5 (Indian Standard Time)

Availability: I have a life, so I'm usually on from 1300 GMT to 1400 GMT on all days of the week. Next week onwards, I can make my life a hell, so I can try to be on from 0400 GMT to 0630 GMT.
(PS: Please talk to me in the 12-hour clock, I wrote this in 24-hour because that makes me sound official. Thanks.)

Elimination that I prefer (didn't know what else to write): Single Elimination. Double would only be possible when we get a nice amount of players, which probably would be difficult (?). I'm rooting with Single Elim for now.

Further Bans / Unbans:

  • Heavy-Duty Boots: I'm a person who has played Pure Hackmons since over an year, and got more vocal when a PH Ladder was introduced, making way for a bigger playerbase. I totally know how difficult it is to hurt the Wonder Guard's (WG's from now on, for simplicity's sake), and in PH we have Mold Breaker and clones! Here, without Mold Breaker and co, damaging WG's is extremely difficult, and ramping up Hazards seem to be the best way to me. Boots would make a match oh so boring to watch, something like 2014's Ubers.
    And no we don't want that.
    Tbh I feel that per se, this tour can be boring, and making it interesting would be extremely important. Boots would centralise itself, especially on Poison- and Steel- types which can't be Badly Poisoned. Ban Boots immediately.

  • Not switching out on consecutive turns: Heavily disagree. This would mess with competitive Pokémon at its core. Switching is extremely vital in any battle. A good predict may end a Pokémon's life if they don't get to switch out.

  • Weather: Allow, imo. We all know what type Weather Ball is in what Weather, so not a big issue. The only thing is the chip damage from Sand and Hail (which was a popular way to damage opponents prior to Gen 6 in PH, especially Hail), I guess we can accept that also.

  • Minimum three weaknesses: Disagreed. This won't allow us to use defensive staples such as Ferrothorn, Clefable and Lando-T.

  • Cinderace, Marshadow, Darmanitan-Galar and Pheromosa: Extremely frail Pokémon, so taking them down won’t be a problem. Also, each and every one of them suffers from 4MS, so the correct WG can handle them quite easily. Cinderace and Darm-G also loose their epic abilities, so walking them would be even more easy. The only thing is that Cinderace has so many options, so at first, choosing the correct WG may be difficult, but then, 4MS, and we can also scout for moves by switching. Court Change is also a very nice move, will have to look out for it.

Two questions..

  • ModChat? Do we allow players to set ModChat in each battle, as some spectators can be noisy? Asking for the community's view on this.

  • Predictions? Will there be a separate thread for predictions? Or would we even have predictions?

That's it people, have fun, I can provide sample teams just Discord me.
Good luck again!!

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Modchat: I don't see why not.
Predictions: You can do that in the chat room or Discord server.
Ohh okay thanks!
3 votes

Grand Finals

Winners Round One

Because two people left the tourney after getting a bye, Stephwheel8 and Ignis Aqua Herba get to move on to winners despite losing.

Winners Round Two

Frozen Inferno moves on because his opponent left the tourney after winning.

Winners Round Three

Winners Semifinals

Winners Finals

Losers Round One

Losers Round Two

Losers Round Three

Losers Quarterfinals

Losers Semifinals

Losers Finals

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After 462 turns of glorious PP stalling, I just couldn't see any feasible way for me to win and conceded defeat. gg, wp.
By the way, swampert isn’t allowed because it only has one weakness, but in this case nothing will change because it didn’t affect the outcome of the match
@PsyKlone The hosting guide changed. Make sure you post a new answer saying that people who want to host should comment on the new answer.
more importantly, ggs to everyone who battled against me in this tournament. It was fun.
1 vote

EST / GMT -4
Pretty much any weekday or weekend after noon
Double elimination, 3 weakness minimum
Also wanna add that hdb should probably be banned and there shouldn't be a switching rule like that

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I’ll probably be on today at 6 PM to 10 PM. Otherwise, Wednesday at 2 PM or later would be fine. :P
I'm ready rn
My comment might have gotten eaten lmao but anyways I'm ready
I should be able to battle any day at 2 pm your time except Saturday. When do you want to play?
I just saw this mb
If you have time we can still do it today but if not then 2 PM tommrow works
This comment wasn't in my updates because someone else posted a comment right after you did. Can you still do 2 pm on Tuesday or Thursday?
Yeah I can do that
Ready rn
0 votes

PikaPaul900 / PsyKlone Wars
EDT (GMT -4)
Available noon-midnight on all days of the week but can probably go later on Friday and Saturday
Double elimination, ban heavy duty boots, allow weather, minimum of two weaknesses, allow switching out on consecutive turns, unban galar-darmanitan, cinderace, pheremosa, and marshadow

I think banning HDB is a better deterrent to switching out a lot than banning switching out on consecutive turns because the latter is too large of a gameplay difference in my opinion, especially since I don't see stalemates being very common because of Toxic's availability.

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My sleep schedules a little off so can we play midnight your time instead? If not I should be able to return to our normal time the next day.
Me parents won't allow me after 10 PM ):
So let's do the same time tomorrow
On both main and DB server as AGCL6 Swas. Chall whenever you want, I will be up till 2 and half hours from now.
Looks like we missed the scheduled time. Wanna go tomorrow same time?
Yeah I overslept again, sorry. Do you think you can be on at 9:30-10:30 AM?
0 votes

Good luck have fun, nerds!

Username: AGCL6 Swas ♫
Time zone: IST (GMT +5:30)
Availability: Available from noon-midnight in all days of the week.
Further Bans: Single Elimination, ban HDB, allow Weather, 2 weakness minimum, allow Cinderace and Darmanitan-G, but not Pheromosa and Marshadow.

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Mimicry is already banned because a Pokemon can't have both mimicry and wonder guard.
Also how is weather ball surprising or broken when both players already know what the weather is before either can use weather ball? Does weather ball do anything that flamethrower or ice beam can't do, other than get used by Venusaur?
@sumwun Oops, my bad about Mimicry. I guess I see the point about weather not being broken...Will change it then.
Can we try to battle at 8:30 pm your time?
Sure, I will confirm via Discord when I can battle.
goo frozen and sumwun!!
0 votes

It's not about winning, it's about sending a message.
Showdown! Username: Jhnfui
GMT -4
Availability: 6-8 pm on weekdays. On weekends, 9-12 am and 6-8 pm.

Additional bans/requirements: I think that HDB should be banned to allow some play with Hazards. I don't agree with the weaknesses rule. I think just banning all Ubers Pokémon is best. And also Single Elimination.

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Can we do Monday 6 pm your time?
Sure, that sounds good to me.

Edit:  I may have something going on at 6, but I'm not sure yet.  I'll update you.  Would around 3pm my time work if I can't do 6?
Turns out I can't do 6 tonight.  I'm available until 4ish my time today
It's already past 4 pm. I cannot do 6 pm Tuesday, but I should be able to do 3 pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Unfortunately the next time I can battle is Saturday.  I have Marching Band Practice every day this week.  Saturday I'm available the entire day though.  Sorry about this.
0 votes

Alright, Lemme get killed in this tourney!

Showdown Account: Alakazam Lover )

EST (GMT -5)

Available: when I'm Online! (That is usually always)

I've decided to throw in the towel. I'm not gonna be in the tourney. That being said, Good luck, everyone!
0 votes

I'm gonna get my ass kicked.
Showdown name: PKThunder10
Type of time: Central daylight time
Monday-Friday at 8:10-9:00(central daylight time)and Saturday-Sunday on 8:10-8:45(central daylight time)
Idk what to ban.

Also if I'm online just challenge me. I'm also on showdown a lot.
I probably won't be able to do the match today.
Are your preferred times in AM or PM? Regardless I should be able to get on at those times next Monday and Tuesday.
I’ll be on the server at 8PM your time today. If you want to play some other time instead please tell me.
0 votes

Showdown Name: PrimalKyogre555
EST (GMT -4)
Availability:Most of the time from 10:00 AM EST through 8:00 PM EST

Heavy-Duty Boots, to allow for hazards to make consecutive switching less of an issue.

Unban on Cinderace and G-Darm is fine, their abilities are what make them so overpowering. Pheromosa and Marshadow are still too fast and powerful, in my opinion.

Double elimination would be interesting.

I think a minimum of 2 weaknesses would be fine.

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Sorry, I was a little busy today with something I didn’t anticipate. Tomorrow at the same time would work, or we could play later today from somewhere between 6 and 8. Which would work better for you?
Let’s do tomorrow at 2PM again
Something popped up so i cant make it by 2 but I’ll be available from 4PM today or later.
Alright, I should be there somewhere between 4 and 4:30 PM.
Can you battle around 7ish pm EST tonight?
0 votes

Showdown! Username: Groudon72
Timezone: EST
Availability: Anytime except Friday morning/afternoon and Sunday morning

Heavy-Duty Boots should probably be banned. Then switching won't have to be.

I agree with the at-least-two-weaknesses rule. Can you imagine getting your whole team Toxic stalled by a Blissey because your only Fighting-type is dead?

Double elimination would be cool

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Can we do Thursday 1 pm your time?
Yes (filler)
0 votes

Username: KRLW890
Time zone: American Central (GMT-5)
Availability: Whenever on most days. 3 PM or later on Sundays.
Further bans: Allow weather. No limit on number of weaknesses. Ban Heavy-Duty Boots. Allow switching on consecutive turns.

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When can you battle?
Can you battle tonight around 8-9 pm CDT?
Sorry for taking a while to get back to you. I won’t be able to battle tonight, but I can make any time tomorrow.
Aaaa...I can't do today.  Could you do anytime Friday?
I’ll be able to make anytime before 8 pm tomorrow (my time), although these battles can take pretty long, so we should probably plan to meet no later than 7.
Ok.  I can probably do around 5ish your time, so whenever works for you.
I'm ready whenever you are
0 votes

Pokemon Showdown Name: Zangoose360
Time Zone: GMT-4
Availability: 10:00 AM GMT-4 - 1:00 AM GMT-4

Bans: Heavy Duty Boots so you can be creative with hazards. I think Cinderace and Galarian Darmanitan can be unbanned.
I'm not sure if any one mentioned this, but should status moves like Toxic and Will-o-wisp be banned?

Double elimination sounds nice.

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It's not very creative when everyone just uses stealth rock on the first turn.
0 votes

GMT -13
I can play most days between 4 pm and 4 am GMT, but sometimes I might have stuff between 11 pm and 2 am.

double elimination
allow heavy-duty boots (allowing it makes people rely on toxic and steel Pokemon, but banning it makes people rely on stealth rock and steel Pokemon. I don't think banning heavy-duty boots helps anyone very much)
allow switching on consecutive turns
allow weather (how is this any more broken than toxic, will-O-wisp, or any entry hazard?)
allow any number of weaknesses
allow Galarian Darmanitan and Cinderace (they can't have their broken abilities in this tournament)
allow Pheromosa and Marshadow (they have a lot of weaknesses)

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Ok.  Sounds good to me.
I'm On now.
You're GMT -4, right? Doesn't that mean you said "I'm On now." at 3 pm your time, and now is 6 pm your time?
Ohhh...I thought you meant you were fine with 6 pm GMT which was 2 pm my time.  I can battle now though if that's fine.
I am GMT -4 though.
Can we just try 6 pm tomorrow your time?
That should work for me.
0 votes

Ooooooo this is cool

Time Zone PDT
Generally available any time after 12 PM, every day

I have no real preferences, but double elimination sounds kinda fun!

Oh my god I forgot

Still available?
I guess not.
Same time tomorrow?
Actually I am lol
I can be ready soon if you're still up to it but if it's not convenient its whatever
Ok, right now?
Yeah I'm ready
0 votes

showdown name: KitkatKK2
Timezone: MDT
Availability: 4:00 PM-7:30 PM on weekdays, 9:00 AM-8:00 PM on weekends.
Pokemon bans: ban marshadow
double elim tourney
min 3 weaknesses

Can we try to play Thursday 6 pm your time?
You didn't show up today, so can we try again at 4 pm on Friday and Saturday?
Hey, sumwun accidentally disconnected but they’re back online now waiting.
Sorry I went afk when you came. When is the next time you can go online?
I have off work tomorrow so I’ll try to be on the times you’re available. If you have a specific time you want to meet, DM me. :P
I’ll be on from 6:30-7:30 (Your time) for the remainder of the weekdays, so if you show up in DB Showdown! then just challenge if you see me. :P
I’m quitting the tournament. I have other things I have to do, and I really don’t like this battle type.
0 votes

Let's see how I do in this one...

ZenDaruma (main) / zen tests stuff (alt)
Availability: On weekends, 14:00 - 20:30, on weekdays, 17:30 - 20:30.
Single elimination, ban Heavy-Duty Boots, allow weather, allow switching out on consecutive turns, ban Cinderace and Marshadow, no minimum 3 weaknesses clause.

Good luck gamers! :)

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I have off tuesday will be on right now today. What time would you want to fight tomorrow? :P
That or hmu on Discord. :P
When can you battle?

Edit:  I can do tonight from 17:30 to to 19:30 CDT if that works.
My bad for not making it.  Can you do today at the same time?

I'm on now
Can you battle today?
0 votes

PS! Username: RCM889
Time Zone: UTC-3
Available only this month.

Baton Pass
Swords Dance
Nasty Plot
Tail Glow
Cotton Guard
Horn Drill
Sheer Cold

But baton pass and OHKO moves are all already banned in OU
I can battle at around 7:00 pm your time
Guillotine and Horn Drill aren't super effective against anything. Unless wonder guard works different
0 votes

Imma try to participate but I’ll quit if I can’t.

Username: DeltaEmerald
GMT: +1
Available: certain times on weekends. Some weekdays will work.

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When are you available to battle?
0 votes

Showdown Name: Mageod
Time Zone: EDT
Availability: Its pretty fluctuating ,but I'm usually on by 8
Banning Opinions: Ban Heavy duty boots, Double elimination, 2 minimum weaknesses

I call that I'll lose first round. Good luck everyone!

When are you available to battle?  Are you On by 8pm or 8am?