Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Welcome to the 2023 promotions thread! We’re either very early or fashionably late — hope no one cared too much about 2022 promotions. Staff got together to determine who we wanted to nominate, and there were a few users that really stuck out. Keep in mind these changes aren’t valid until Pokemaster recognizes them (so please do, O blessed site owner).


If you don’t know, users are automatically promoted to Expert once they reach 6,000 points, but some users are handpicked before that benchmark. Unfortunately, we have no new users we’d like to Expert-ize in this round, but those that have passed the benchmark since last time still deserve an acknowledgement.

Congrats to ohioscyther, Hexahedron, McRibFarewellTour, Master Mirror, and themodernage for reaching 6,000 points! Some of you reached Expert in 2021, but weren’t recognized –- sorry about that! We appreciate your contributions to the site. :)


Experts that have contributed a great deal are considered for the rank of Editor, selected by existing staff. This time around, we’d like to promote -VoltMadness- and McRibFarewellTour. Let us know if you accept the nomination!

Volt has historically been an amazing contributor to the site, with high-quality answers and a clear willingness to improve Pokebase’s quality. Anyone that knows him should know how easy this nomination was for us to make.

McRib has been a consistently helpful presence. Thanks for all your hard work with post quality!


Editors that have been consistently active and been leading forces in site upkeep and quality are nominated for Moderators, the final level of staff. It should be no surprise that we’ve chosen ~Scarlet~ for the incredible amount of work they’ve put into the site in recent years. From moderating chat to impeccable activity on the Q & A to being a communicative bridge between staff and other users, they’re absolutely deserving of the role. We hope you agree, PM :)

Now usually this is where the nominations end, but we’ve got one more we’d like to make this year.

Promoting Fizz to Super Administrator would give the site a more active admin that can be more responsive to issues as they come up. This post perfectly explains why this would be a great change. Fizz is a massive part of the DB, and while there’s risk in giving someone so much power, we’re confident he’d do an amazing job.

…And that’s it for promotions this time! Here's to another great year on the DB :)

Let us know what you think about these nominations @Pokemaster.

Thank you mods! I'll do the best I can

Congrats to VoltMadness, Ty, and HT! You guys deserve it.
reign of the burrito has now rebegun
Go Fizz!

GZ to the Taco, Volt , Rib and Scarlet.
Can I give this a bump?
And another bump?
I'm not active on this site anymore but Fizz for Super Admin seems like a no-brainer to me.
Bump again?
le bump

1 Answer

7 votes
Best answer

Hey! Sorry for the delay in getting to this. I've added VoltMadness and McRibFarewellTour as editors, and Scarlet as mod. Congratulations and thank you for all you contribute to Pokebase!

Regarding the Admin role, I don't think it's necessary as it wouldn't really give Fizz the ability to do anything more than he does already. The IP range banning is one but that's been rarely used and you can email me if anything like that needs updating urgently.

The rest is changing various options which I don't think need changing. Also, although I trust Fizz it's easy to make a mistake with some of them and render the site unusable without going into the database directly. If there are specific options you think should be changed I'm happy to discuss it.

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