PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
200 votes

I breed Pokemon in the game and am pretty good at IVs and EVs and such. I have thought of a few good tactics, such as

  • Safe Guard and Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash (avoids confusion ailment)
  • Mimic and Imprison (permanent Disables last move)
  • Swagger/Flatter and Psych Up/Haze (either gives you upped stats or resets theirs)
  • Defense Curl followed by Roll Out (makes roll out stronger)
  • Rain Dance and Thunder (Thunder never misses)
  • Belly Drum and Rest (works best with a chesto berry. Maximizes attack)
  • Sunny Day and Solar Beam (solar beam no longer needs to charge)
  • Endure and Flail/Reversal (makes the attack moves really strong compared to normal)

What are some of the best move combos that you have found so far? :D
Explain your choices, and why they make good combos.

Please read all the answers before posting, to avoid duplicate answers. Yes, all 200+ of them.

And no full on movesets either, there are separate questions for that :-)

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212 Answers

2 votes

Fling + Recycle

Sitrus Berry + Recycle

I don't think Recycle can restore items lost to Fling.
Sitrus Berry only activates at 1/2 health and below, so no unlimited health BTW
2 votes

Heres one:

Toxic Orb item
Toxic Heal ability

Focus Punch


2 votes


Belly drum + Rest + Chesto berry + Stockpile x3 + Crunch

Works best with Snorlax, because when done at the right time, it turns him into a sweeping beast!

I just chose crunch because its a good high power move that snorlax learns, and isn't weak to much.

You could even replace crunch with baton pass!

2 votes


Belly drum + Sitrus berry + Aqua jet + Huge power

This works so well, it sweeps entire legendary teams. It really does.

2 votes

A move that lowers a stat (e.g. draco meteor) + Contrary.

Almost everyone knows this :I
It's still a good combo and it hasn't been posted yet.
2 votes

Double Battles:
Send out a Male Meowstic, and use Safeguard.
You should have a Mega Kangaskhan out with the Meowstic. Make sure Mega Kangaskhan has Power Up Punch.
Be sure for Meowstic to move first with Safeguard.
Then make Mega Kangaskhan uses Power Up Punch.
Now that the turn is over (after the opponent moves). Make Meowstic use Swagger on Mega Kangaskhan. Yep, on your own teammate.
Swagger will make it go up +2 with the other +2. And Safeguard will not make Mega Kangaskhan confused!
Now make Mega Kangaskhan use Power Up Punch.
You will then have a +6 Mega Kangaskhan!
Now sweep until the end. Until you die, at least lol.

This usually only works on inexperienced players, since the very experienced ones will realize your trick, but it is still fun to do lol. Also, if this was already posted, I will hide it away immediately.

2 votes

have a malamar and a white Kyurem in a double battle have malanar use Topsy-Turvy on white kyurem then have W-Kyurem use Draco Meteor which gives it a Sp.attack boost Making White-Kyurem a huge threat

2 votes

First have an Ampharos that is holding a Damp Rock.
(Ampharos has really high special attack)
Then in battle: start of with Rain Dance.
Then use Charge.
Then finish with Thunder.
Thunder will have 220 power 100% accuracy
(Normaly it has 110 power and 70% accuracy)
This will take three rounds, but it is totaly worth in places like the Elit Four and very hard battles. You don't need to have Damp Rock, but if you do have it you can use this combo three times. (if you survive).

2 votes

Sigilygh with Magic Guard

  1. Give it a Flame Orb
    (It won't take damage because of Magic Guard and the halving of the attack stat won't matter if it is a special attacker - which it should be).
  2. Make it use Psycho Shift burning the opponent and halving its attack.

  1. Have it use Cosmic Power to max out its' defence and special defence
    (great if the opponent is burned due to halved attck stat).
  2. Use Roost when it is necessary to restore HP.
  3. Make it use Stored Power which now has a base power of 390 [including STAB].
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2 votes

sorry if this is already posted.

{for double or triple battles]
ability:water absorb

Have Vaporeon use aqua ring on itself. Than have a teammate use a water type move, such as surf, on Vaporeon. It's water absorb literally ''absorbs'' the damage taken. Than leftovers and aqua ring restore even more HP.

I suggest to use Vaporeon as a bulky special attacker. Give it 252 Hp EVs; it already has a base 130 HP stat. It also has 110 sp.atk

2 votes

You can use charge, and if you use discharge as your next move, it will do more damage than charge would to another electric-type move.

I think this one is already there but good call!
2 votes

Mega Glalie ( has refrigerate)
-explosion ( if low on health use this gains stab and handles landorus and dragons)
-protect ( speed boost from mega)

thias answer is mainly about explosion stab

2 votes

hammer arm and gyro ball (I think it works best with chesnaught)-hammer arm makes them slowerand gyro ball gets more powerful depending on how slow the Pokemon is.
blizard and hail-blizard never misses(I think it works best with abomasnow)

2 votes

I use this in Doubles UU
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Discharge

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Giga Drain
- Protect
- Focus Blast

1.You will be hated for this because of the boost that Sceptile will get and because high paralysis chance.

Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Beat Up

Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Wave

2. Obsiously,the same thing as the previous set but now with physical treats.

2 votes

Double Battle:
Send out Smeargle with SpA lowering nature, 0 IVs and EVs, and Balloon with Camerupt with Anger Point. Have Smeargle use Frost Breath on Camerupt, boosting its Attack stat to 4x instantly with way less damage than Belly Drum. Camerupt can then sweep with Earthquake and Rock Slide, perhaps with a Rock Polish boost. This also works with Primeape.

2 votes


Mega Charizard Y Drought and Solarbeam spam works excellently.

Then there's the Bulky Vaporeon with Aqua Ring and Baton Pass...

But my favorite move combo has to be the tried and true Belly Drum Sitrus Berry Combo with an Azumarill Huge Power. Sweeps, baby, sweeps!

2 votes

Here's a Good Lanturn Moveset I had in mind:

Lanturn (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Doesn't matter
Evs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)

  • Soak
  • Agility
  • Electro Ball
  • Thunder Wave

Explanation: Electro Ball Lanturn Sweep. No problem. Soak turns your foes into water type and are affected by Thunder Wave and Electro Ball. Agility Raises your speed to 2 Stages outspeeding foes and Doing more damage with Electro Ball. Electro Ball is STAB and it really pack a good punch with Agility Boosts and Thunder Wave. Thunder Wave Paralyses the Foe so you can outspeed the Foe.

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2 votes

First, you have a pyukumuku in-battle.

I just fell in love with this soak + toxic + stall (recover). This makes pyukumuku very annoying.
Goes as following

Turn I:

  • Pyukumuku uses soak for steel-types and poison-types.

Turn II:

  • Pyukumuku uses Toxic.

Turn III:

  • Stall. (use recover.)
2 votes

This isn't very useful in battles, but it is fun to see the reaction on the opponent's face when you use it! Try teaching Smeargle or Mew the moves Swagger, Switcheroo, and Clear Smog. Your Pokemon should be holding a Lum Berry, Mental Herb, or any treatment for confusion. Use Swagger to give +2 attack and confusion, Switcheroo to give the cure of confusion and have it keep the attack stat, and then use Clear Smog to remove its Atack Stat when the opponent has a hope of winning. it isn't very useful in battles, but it is a good trolling technique!

2 votes

Finally! A compeditive use for False Swipe!

WARNING: This requires a strategic IV and EV placing, and this will not work if the speed stat was lowered.

Format: Triples

Pokemon 1: Knows False Swipe, is the strongest (highest Atk) and fastest
Pokemon 2: Knows Endeavor, is 1 speed point slower than Pokemon 1
Pokemon 3: Ribombee knowing Pollen Puff, 1 speed point slower than Pokemon 2
At least 1 Pokemon should have a priority move (preferably Extreme Speed) or has the ability Prankster and a status move (preferably toxic/will-o-wisp)

1. Have PKMN 1 use False Swipe on PKMN 2.
2. Have PKMN 2 use Endeavor on the opponent's Bulkiest Pokemon that is not immune to Endeavor.
3. Have Ribombee use Pollen Puff on PKMN 2.
4. Use the priority move on the Pokemon.

If done correctly, the Pokemon that got Endeavor'd should be fainted.

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