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6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Incineroar, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Incineroar Pokédex and learnset for reference.



25 Answers

8 votes

Incineroar @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Impish / Careful Nature
- Swords Dance / Bulk Up
- Flame Charge / Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Earthquake / Cross Chop / Leech Life

A great physical attacker with Life Orb and access to Swords Dance while having max Attack. Flare Blitz / Flame Charge and Darkest Lariat are STAB moves. Swords Dance allows it to set up and sweep, while Bulk Up raises its decent defence to withstand physical attacks, but with little less attack boost than Swords Dance. Flame Charge which has no recoil can raise the speed, allowing it to be faster than some slower attackers. The recoil of Life Orb and Flare Blitz will allow Incineroar to take down itself slowly, so Leech Life is an option for recovery if you chose Flare Blitz. The others are coverages that hits really hard.

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Do you think the ability Blaze would pair well with a Flare Blitz/Life Orb Strategy?
I'd say stick with Intimidate, it's much more useful than blaze.
This is probably the best set I have seen for incineroar and I will be using it for my incineroar for my fire type team. Great job!
Shouldn't it have the Incinium Z?
Z-crystals are overrated, sure they're powerful but you can only use them once whereas other items last the whole battle boosting your attack power. Also Blaze would be a much better ability than intimidate for this moveset. Blaze, with it boosting fire type moves when hp is low, would make a pretty nasty Flare Blitz along side two Swords Dances with the life orb. Intimidate however would only work on physical attackers and not effect mixed or special attackers. Hidden abilities are not always better, for example Scizor. No explanation needed.
3 votes

Incineroar @ Assault Vest / Choice Band
Ability: Blaze / Intimidate
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Darkest Lariat
-Flare Blitz
-Leech Life
-Outrage / Earthquake / Cross Chop

Incineroar, with its amazing bulk for such an offensive Pokemon, is a great user of Assault Vest. The speed EVs allows to outspeed non-invested base 70 like Skarmory. The attacks are rather straightforward, being dual STAB and Leech Life for recovery, and finally your choice of a coverage move.

2 votes

Incineroar for gen8 Battle of the Legends:
(my set):
Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 124 HP / 200 Def / 140 SpD / 44 Spe
Impish Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Fake Out
- Snarl
- U-turn

Incineroar is mainly used as an intimidate pivot to threaten Zacians and Dusk-Mane Necrozmas whilst simultaneously presenting fake out opportunities for teammates. The set is extremely standardized. However, the EV investments aided me enormously in the tournament, allowing me to survive several crucial hits which would have been a K.O had it been a typical, standard Incineroar with Figy Berry, which is why I found potential in AV Incineroar.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Lunala Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 144-170 (78.6 - 92.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 148-176 (80.8 - 96.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 158-186 (86.3 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Solgaleo Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 126-150 (68.8 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Meteor Beam vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 136-162 (74.3 - 88.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs. 100 HP / 204+ Def Incineroar: 156-187 (85.2 - 102.1%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Turboblaze Reshiram Focus Blast vs. 100 HP / 160 SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 156-184 (85.2 - 100.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

^Just a benchmark for anyone interested in using Incineroar for BoL format or any format with legal gen8 legendaries.

1 vote

Incineroar @ Incinium Z
Ability: Blaze / Intimidate
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Darkest Lariat
-Bulk Up / Swords Dance
-Fire Punch
-Leech Life

Incinium Z transforms Darkest Lariat into Malicious Moonsault once, through which Incineroar sees himself able to muscle past a tough foe. However, Darkest Lariat remains decently strong, and its Unaware-on-Offense effect is welcomed. Incineroar boasts good bulk and can force some switches, so it can definitely utilize Bulk Up to great ends. Swords Dance is a more offensive alternative. Leech Life provides recovery mainly as its coverage is not very good. Fire Punch is used as not to rack up too much damage from lack of Leftovers, the need to take a hit as Incineroar remains quite slow and boosting makes the tiger wrestler's attacks powerful enough.
The exact EV spread allows Incineroar to outspeed a few crucial Pokemon such as Rotom-Wash and adamant Tyranitar, while maximizing damage output and investing the rest into HP.

Incineroar can't learn Fire punch
incineroar can learn fire punch at move tutor in ultra sun and moon
that was before usum
1 vote

Incineroar @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze / Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Atk
Careful Nature
-Darkest Lariat
-Flame Charge / Fire Punch

Intimidate is actually a must for this moveset, so it will need to wait until HA is released.
Until then, a specially defensive Incineroar could work thanks to a surprise factor, interesting typing that grants resistance to key Psychic-, Ghost-, Dark-, Fire-, Steel- and Ice-type attacks as well as access to gems like Will-O-Wisp and U-Turn.

1 vote

Incineroar (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze / Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bulk Up
- Darkest Lariat
- Will-O-Wisp
- Leech Life

This is the set you want if you want to play dirty and stay true to Incineroar's heel personality. The Intimidate ability and Bulk Up, Will-O-Wisp, and Darkest Lariat will all help you shut down opponents trying to set up stat boosts on you while increasing your own stats. With the boosted Attack from a few usages of Bulk Up, Leech Life is guaranteed to do at least neutral damage, and combined with Leftovers it's a sure health recovery.

Although Drain Punch is weaker, wouldn't it be better? It provides coverage to Rock, while Leech Life provides no type coverage.
1 vote

Incineroar (M) @ Assault vest
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
Evs: Atk 252 / Def 4 / Spd 252
- Darkest lariat
- Flare blitz
- Earthquake / Leech life
- Fake out / Leech life
This is a physical attacker (obviously). Assault vest is so it can survive special hits. Intimidate allows it to lower an opponents attacks to survive physical hits. Adamant is to give it as much strength as it can get. Fake out is to do a little damage in the beginning. The other 3 attacks are for, well, attacking. Leech life is to heal itself. (such a shame that it can't learn fire punch or even sucker punch)

Could I do Flame Charge instead of Flare Blitz?
+TheSavage Flame Charge isn't a good idea on Incineroar, since it doesn't even outspeed with +2 Spe, and Flare Blitz does a much better job for attack
It can learn fire punch in USUM from the akala move tutor in Heahea beach
1 vote

Weakness Policy Incineroar

Incenaroar (Incineroar) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Flame Charge
- Power Trip
- Drain Punch / Rest

Bulk Up boosts attack and defense, and allows Incineroar to easily set up against physical attackers. Flame Charge is STAB, and also boosts speed by one stage. This improves Incineroar's sweeping capabilities. These two moves, when used in conjunction with Weakness Policy, provide a huge power boost to Power Trip. For example, if you used Flame Charge and Bulk Up once each, and Weakness Policy has activated, the move will have a base power of 160, which is further increased to 240 thanks to STAB. That's a lot of damage! Drain Punch is super effective on Rhydon and opposing Incineroar, and restores a lot of HP. Rest can be used instead to improve its matchup against stall a lot, but it is not as flexible as Drain Punch.

Weakness Policy capitalizes on Incineroar's many weaknesses, not only boosting its attack by 2, but increasing Power Trip's Base Power by 80. Intimidate lets Incineroar decrease opposing Pokémon's attack, giving it an opportunity to set up. Max Speed investment and a Jolly nature makes Incineroar fast as possible. Max Attack investment makes it as powerful as possible.

This moveset is most viable in the NU format. Since Incineroar's bulk is only average, and needs to use a plethora of setup moves, Dual Screens support is mandatory for this set to work.

1 vote

Massive boost from DLC.................!

Incineroar @ Figy Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Atk / 20 SpA / 156 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Burning Jealosy
- Lash Out
- Fake Out
- Parting Shot

  • Burning Jealosy - Burns with Intimidate, hits both opponents in doubles.
  • Lash Out - Double damage from Intimidate.
  • Fake Out - Flinch ya!!!
  • Parting Shot - Annoying, switch out goes well with Intimidate and Fake Out.

By the way, Burning Jeaslosy is for the burn, not the power mostly.

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Lash Out doubles in power only if the USER's stats have been lowered, and not the enemy. Also, Burning Jealousy burns if the opponent's stats are boosted and not if they're lowered, so I'd suggest replacing Lash Out with Darkest Lariat and Burning Jealousy for Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, or Flame Charge
1 vote

Doubles Incineroar

Incineroar @ Sitrus Berry / Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 80 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Fake Out
- Parting Shot / U-turn
- Snarl
- Knock Off / Flare Blitz

Fake Out is for flinching an opponent, allowing your ally to set up or attack more safely. Parting Shot and U-turn are for pivoting. Snarl is for lowering both oppnents' special attack. Knock Off and Flare Blitz are STAB options. The EV spread makes both defence stats equal with the Careful nature while getting the jump on opposing 0 Speed EV Incineroars.

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1 vote

Gen 9 NU Swords Dance

Incineroar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Fairy / Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Knock Off
- Earthquake / Close Combat / U-turn

None of the Swords Dance sets on here are fast, so here is a Swords Dance set that has Speed EVs. Incinceroar is currently nice in the current NU meta since its typing is useful to check Sun teams. Offensive Swords Dance is the set Incinceroar uses since it takes advantage of Incineroar's power.

Swords Dance lets Incineroar boost its Attack stat to allow it to break through teams easily, making it a potent breaker. Flare Blitz is used for the Fire STAB since it is quite powerful. Knock Off is used over Darkest Lariat for the Dark STAB since it has utility of removing items, which is useful against Pokemon such as Swampert, Diancie, Talonflame, and Slowbro, Pokemon who either check Incineroar or resist Flare Blitz. The last slot depends on what you want Incineroar to deal with. Earthquake is used to hit Diancie super effectively since it resists both of Incineroar's STABs. Close Combat is an option to OHKO Umbreon after a Swords Dance boost and allows Incineroar to still have a move to hit opposing Incineroar with. U-turn allows Incinceroar to switch out against checks while dealing some chip damage to them. There are a couple of other options Incineroar can use in the last slot. Flame Charge can be used to rack up a speed boost(s) if you find the opportunity to do so. Protect is also a neat option so Incineroar can safely scout opposing Pokemon, which is useful against Choice locked Pokemon.

Heavy-Duty Boots is used so Incineroar doesn't take chip from damage from Stealth Rock. Tera Fairy allows Incineroar to resist Fighting moves while still being able to resist Dark moves. Tera Flying is also an option since it allows Incineroar to resist Fighting moves and have an immunity to Ground moves. Intimidate provides useful utility by lowering the attack stat of opposing Pokemon, which can give Incineroar opportunities to get off a Swords Dance.

This set uses Max Speed EVs and a Jolly Nature to allow Incineroar to outspeed slower Pokemon in the tier. The Speed EVs and Jolly Nature is useful against Choice Specs users Sylveon and Magnezone, as it allows Incineroar to outspeed Sylveon and Magnezone (it has to deal with speedties if Magnezone is Timid). Incineroar wants to incinerate Sylveon and Magnezone first, not take a Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice or Specs Thunderbolt first, making the Speed EVs relevant on this set.

0 votes

Incineroar @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs : 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Impish Nature
- Bulk Up
- Leech Life
- Fire Fang
- Darkest Lariat

This set is actually very hard to deal with, and makes use of Incineroar's bulk. Leftovers heals it slowly, together with Leech Life's recovery. Fire Fang can make the opponent flinch or burn, which is quite useful. Bulk Up raise Defence together with Impish nature and Intimidate, raising Incineroar's bulk. Bulk Up also raises Attack which boost the Attack of Fire Fang, Darkest Lariat, and Leech Life. Using it against physical attackers would be the best.

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I suggest flare blitz instead of fire fang
0 votes

Incineroar @ Incinium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Darkest Lariat
- Flare Blitz
- Revenge
- Bulk Up

Two STABS + a z-move
Revenge makes use of slow speed
Between Intimidate and Bulk Up, you can gain a sizable defense on the opponent

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0 votes

Role: Sweeper
Incineroar @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Darkest Lariat
- Fire Fang / Flare Blitz
- Earthquake / Leech Life

Life Orb: A good item that boosts moves attack power, and doesnt lock you in the same move.
Ability: Intimidate To drop the attack of Hard Hitters

Swords Dance: A great move for setting up a sweep.
Darkest Lariat: STAB, and decent Power
Fire Fang/Flare Blitz: Both are STAB, Flare Blitz hits hard, but has recoil. Fire Fang hits Decent, but no recoil, and has a 5% chance to miss.
Earthquake/Leech Life: Leech Life has pretty good power, and is its only Recovering move, Earthquake hits pretty hard, and is strong against a lot of types and it hits all foes.

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0 votes

Incineroar (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Jolly Nature
- Darkest Lariat
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz

Totally not the best, but I mainly just use it to activate pressure. Still I hope that it helps!

0 votes

This is for double battles, I have posted one for single battles

Incineroar @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat

  • Fake Out > Flinch
  • U-turn > After Used, Bring Incineroar Back in to intimidate
  • Flare Blitz > STAB
  • Darkest Lariat > STAB

This moveset is meant for double battles and is really good against Physical Attackers.

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Bruh where Is parting shot ?
0 votes

Incineroar @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 172 HP / 84 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Fake Out
- Bulk Up
- Darkest Lariat

My good friend Whimsicott-W recently bred me a Careful Intimidate Litten with Fake Out, so I decided to post this set. It’s supposed to be a mixed tank, even though the EVs don’t show it. Really, my goal with the EVs was to make it as Specially Bulky as possible. 172 HP is to balance it out slightly. Before you give me the “maxing out HP and splitting EVs into two stats is better than maxing out a defensive stat” argument, I’ll tell you right now that I’m highly aware of it. I just feel that I should max out the defensive stat that the set doesn’t buff. With Intimidate, that’s technically already a boost to your defense, but this set doesn’t help it tank specially without the EVs or nature. Anyway, 84 attack EVs are for the boost to your 2 physical attacking moves, because this is supposed to be a tank that can hit hard right back. Will-O-Wisp cuts your opponents Attack in half, allowing it to tank physically even better. Fake Out is free damage, assuming that the opposing Pokémon can be flinched. Bulk Up increases your Attack and Defense, and this combined with Will-O-Wisp and Intimidate makes you bulky enough on the physical side. Darkest Lariat is your STAB move of choice (thanks to NebbyY, who told be I should pick Dark STAB instead of Fire STAB). It also ignores your opponents stat changes, which is usually nice.

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0 votes

An scary opponnent in double battles, here is my first set for Incineroar
Incineroar @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 HP
Nature: Adamant
- Blaze Kick
- Darkest Lariat
- U-Turn
- Fake Out

Darkest Lariat and Blaze Kick are STAB
U-Turn is for pivoting and pairs well with Intimidate
Fake Out is always useful in doubles

0 votes

Now it's time for the single battle Incineroar

Incineroar @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 HP
Nature: Adamant
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake

Flare Blitz is STAB and piars well with Drain Punch
Darkest Lariat is also STAB
Drain Punch and EQ are for coverage

0 votes

Gen 8

Incineroar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 244 HP / 100 Def / 164 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Bulk Up
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake

Fake Out to have the next attack while your foes is flinched or have the chance to escape from the favor of water types, rock types, ground types, Flare Blitz for stab, Earthquake for Coverage to those pesky rock types, and bulk up for powering your defense and be bulkier enough.
Source: Moves to my incineroar and entering a local tournament( not lived but fun)

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