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My team is

Alolan Raichu

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If is in-game you can keep both easilly, don't even have to choose one. Exp all in gen 6 and 7 allow all your pokemons to be overpowered in terms of level even if you have 15 or more with no need to stop for grind.

2 Answers

0 votes

I’d suggest A. Ninetales because you seem to be lacking in special attackers.

0 votes

Out of Alolan ninetales and Kantonian ninetales I would say kantonian ninetales would be better than alolan , so if you want to imwould try trading with someone to get a kantonian vulpix with drought.

Moves: solar beam , flamethrower , will-o-wisp , overheat

That was my kantonian ninetales set , I tried using alolan but I didnt like it as much so , this is another option.

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Alolan Ninetales can't have drought...
sumwun I think he meant Kantonian Ninetails
Yeah, but the person who asked the question asked whether to use Mimikyu or Alolan Ninetales.
Yeah i just realized the A. In the title was alolan not a typo but hey more options
@Orange you do realize that you can edit your posts after posting them, right?
@Ginny Can you please call me "sumwun" and not "Sumwun"? Thanks.
You can't make people use bad grammar because you like the aesthetics of "sumwun". "Sumwun" is a name hence it should be capitalized. Also, spite.
No i wont edit it
Why won’t you edit? You made a mistake so you should resolve it so your answer is more accurate.
So the guy can see if he wants alolan or normal
Most people playing SM don't even have the choice of getting a regular Ninetales, so by most standards this answer is completely wrong.
It really isnt hard , if they could post that they have wi fi so they van wonder trade or gts or transfer with pokemon bank
If he/she can use GTS then he/she can just get a Lunala and sweep the game. There's no point in talking about in-game teams when you assume that everyone can use GTS.
Nobody will put lunala up on gts for something other than a legendary
Usually, in an in-game play-through, you use Pokemon available in that game, and don't mess with GTS. Just take a look at every In-game team question, and the answers have Pokemon you can get from the game. Also, there are people out there who will trade you a Lv. 60+ Lunala for a non-legendary Pokemon.
Look its an OPTION , IF. he/she wants to use gts
So calm the ham about it.
This person asked whether to use Mimikyu or ALOLAN Ninetales, meaning this particular person doesn’t want to use GTS. Also, I’m perfectly calm.
Also, he/she already has a fire type on their team, so Alolan Ninetales would be better than Kantonian Ninetales either way.
You arent getting my point of OPTION
I get your point, but if the asker is asking between Mimikyu and Alolan Ninetales, you should probably at least mention which is better between the two, and then add other options.
Ther i edited it , happy now? Jeez
Lol why are you so annoyed at me? I am just making a suggestion, that's all. Though I must say that I think Alolan Ninetales would fit the team better since the asker already has Incineroar.
Well if your "suggesting" then its sounding pretty rude buddy and he could swap out incineroar for kanto ninetales and use mimikyu as well
I don't understand how I am being any more rude than you rn...
Im only mad because if you look back and think , you were pretty bloody rude
End of disscussion im fed up of getting emails
I am not being rude at all. I am calmly suggesting minor stuff. Sorry if I made you think otherwise. And btw, if you don't want to receive emails, you can uncheck the box that says, "Email me (email address) if a comment is added after mine"

I wasn't intending on being rude; I'm really sorry if I sounded like that.
You are saying it in a rude way and i know! Its just i ticked it in a previous comment so its just continued so lets both just stop talking.
Pokebase QA exists for several reasons, and making sure everyone's being nice is not one of them. If you're not willing to argue with other people or possibly improve your answer, then you should just not answer.