PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
6 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Sword and Shield on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

You can assess your team's strengths and weaknesses using an online teambuilder, such as this one.

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Just so you know, richi3f put offensive coverage in this teambuilder. So now you can make sure your STAB attacks are super effective against every type. (and hope this isn't like Emerald, where a team that has every attack except thunderbolt is worse than a team of 6 thunderbolt spammers)
That link is dead! How can I access that teambuilder?
I replaced it with a different teambuilder. Follow this Smogon thread if you want updates on if/when richi3f's teambuilder will be accessible again. https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3585346/

45 Answers

0 votes

My team for Shield is as follows (FYI, my entire team can be caught throughout the main storyline):

My Starter, 1st Pokémon, Cinderace (Johana Blaze) can be found when choosing your first Pokémon. She (Yes, I DID get a female starter 1st try) has the ability Blaze and is holding Charcoal. Her moves are Zen Headbutt, Pyro Ball, Double Kick, and Iron Head. Another move I used on her was Flame Charge (although she's a speedy one already).

I always choose the Fire-type, ever since XY. Plus, the 1st gym is Grass.

My 2nd Pokémon,Coalossal (Full Steam), can be found on Route 3. She has the signature ability of Steam Engine and is holding the Hard Stone. Her moves are Heat Crash (although Flame Charge can work with his ability), Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, and Body Press. Another move I used on her was High Horsepower.

I thought she looked cool design-wise and I wanted to test out its signature ability.

My 3rd Pokémon, Grimmsnarl (Gremlin), Can be found in Glimwood Tangle. He has the ability Prankster (even though I rarely use status moves) and is holding Black Glasses (EDIT: I have found a G-Max version, but with the Frisk Ability. He now has adopted my old one's item.). His moves are False Surrender (its signature), Play Rough, Drain Punch, and Leech Life. Another move I used on him was Spirit Break (another signature) and Brick Break.

At first, I was indifferent about him. But, I wanted to test out the new Dark/Fairy dual-type.

My 4th Pokémon, Corviknight (Dark Knight), can be found early on Route 1 or 2 (I can't remember). He had the ability Unnerve and was holding Metal Coat (Because I found a Gigantimax one in the Wild Area with its HA, Mirror Armor. He now holds Sharp Beak). His moves are Fly, Iron Head, Rock Smash, and Façade. Another move he had was Brave Bird (if you're feeling gutsy).

Almost everyone tries out the regional bird when they start out in their "adventure". I really like Steel-types (as well as Fire-types, hence my starter), which is why I chose him on my team.

My 5th Pokémon, Frosmoth (Mothreez), (kinda named after Mothra, but more Freeze) can be found on Route 8 just before the sixth Gym. She has the Shield Dust ability and is holding Never-Melt Ice (EDIT: I have found a shiny variant, but with its HA of Ice Scales. She now has adopted my old one's item.). Her moves are Hurricane, Giga Drain, Bug Buzz, and Ice Beam.

Again, new dual-type of Ice/Bug. Also, Snom is soooo Cute! :3
She reminded me of Volcarona (on my previous favorites).

My 6th Pokémon, Eternatus (Necrozma 2.0) can be found and caught before you challenge the E4 in thee main storyline. It has the ability Pressure and is holding Black Sludge. Its moves are Venoshock, Flash Cannon, Flamethrower, and Dynamax Cannon.

Necrozma-looking dude. What more can I say.

For to defeat the Gym leaders, here are the Pokémon I used:

For Milo, I used my starter, Raboot, and her Fire-type moves to defeat him.

(See reasoning for Cinderace above) Self-explanatory!

For Nessa, I caught a Gossifleur (Cotton Swab) on Route 3 and evolved her into Eldegoss. She held the Rose Incense and used her plethora of Grass-type moves to defeat her. She also had the Cotton Down ability.

She had the new ability I really like.

For Kabu, I used my Carkol and her Rock Slide to defeat him.

(See reasoning for Coalossal above)

For Allister, I used the traded Impidimp/Morgrem and its Dark-type moves to defeat him. Also, I used a Runerigus (Heiroglyphia) and her Ghost-type moves. I ended up winning due to my Coalossal waking up from sleep and knocking out his Gengar.

(See reasoning for Grimmsnarl above).

For Opal, I used my Corviknight and its Steel-type moves (also used my Cinderace's Flame Charge to knock out her Mawile) to defeat her.

(See reasoning for Corviknight above)

For Melony, I switched between using my starter and my Coalossal's Fire- and Rock-type moves respectfully to defeat her.

Revisit Coalossal and Cinderace's reasonings.

For both Piers and Raihan, I had to switch out everytime I KOed any one of their Pokémon, but:

I mainly used my starter's Double Kick, Frosmoth's Bug Buzz, Coalossal's High Horsepower, and Grimmsnarl's Spirit Break/Play Rough to defeat Piers.

I mainly used my Frosmoth's Ice-type moves, starter's Double Kick, Coalossal's High Horsepower, and Grimmsnarl's Brick Break and Play Rough. Also, I used my Dragapult (Jetstream). He has the Infiltrator ability and is holding the Dragon Fang. His moves are Steel Wing, Breaking Swipe, U-Turn, and Phantom Force.

The above 2 can be reasoned with just two words "My team".

For the Leon battle, I used these 6 Pokémon:
Toxtricity Amped-form (Air Guitar) She's holding Magnet and having the Punk Rock ability. Her moves are Shift Gear, Overdrive, Poison Jab, and Boomburst.
My starter, Coalossal, Corviknight, Frosmoth, and Grimmsnarl (I think I swapped one of the 4 Pokémon in this sentence with my Dragapult.).

Toxtricity has the unique dual-typing of Electric/Poison that I really wanted to test out.

Dragapult has a very unique design (I was going to nickname him Casper, but Casper is a friendly ghost, not a sweeper XD). Also, I wanted to see what a non-legendary Ghost/Dragon Pokémon can do.

Aaaaaaand, that's ALL I have to say....about that.


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My other team (Cinderace, Coalossal, Grimmnsarl, Toxtricity, Corviknight, and Frosmoth) with their respective movesets, can cover for all types. My main team I listed above can do the same thing.

I did the whole storyline COMPLETELY blind (I even did some voice-acting for ALL of the characters, minus a few NPCs).
0 votes

Here’s my team for Pokemon Shield. All Pokemon are available in Pokemon Sword as well.

  1. Inteleon (Water)

Ability: Torrent for boosted water damage at low HP.

Item: Miracle Water for boosted water type damage.


Shadow Ball - Ghost
Breaking Swipe - Dragon
Liquidation/Snipe Shot - Water
U-turn - Bug

Useful for Kabu’s Gym and also good counter for dragon types if taught breaking swipe. Also good with u-turn if you need to get Inteleon out of battle.

  1. Grimmsnarl (Dark/Fairy)

Ability: Frisk to know opponent’s held item.

Item: Leftovers for slow but steady health restoration


Shadow Claw - Ghost
Spirit Break - Fairy
Foul Play - Dark
Hammer Arm - Fighting

Useful as has 2 Immunities and resists many types that are super-effective against other type. Also useful for Pier’s Gym as it learns revenge and hammer arm.

  1. Toxtricity (Amped) (Electric/Poison)

Ability: Punk Rock for increased boomburst damage dealt and decreased noise-based attack damge taken.

Item: Kings Rock for boosted chance to flinch


Boomburst - Normal
Sludge Wave - Poison
Electro Ball/Thunderbolt - Electric
Hex - Ghost

Useful against Nessa’s water type Pokemon if high enough level, although best move as a Toxel is nuzzle.

  1. Corviknight (Steel/Flying)

Ability: Pressure to reduce PP of opponents moves quicker.

Item: Assault Vest to raise Corviknight’s most-likely high Sp. Def.


Iron Head/Steel Wing - Steel
Drill Peck - Flying
Assurance - Dark
Revenge - Fighting

Useful for first gym as Milo’s Pokemon are super-effective against Sobble.

  1. Dragapult (Ghost/Dragon)

Ability: Infiltrator to damage through substitute, protect, etc.

Item: Scope Lens for higher Critical Hit Ratio.


Surf - Water
Phantom Force - Ghost
Dragon Pulse/Dragon Darts - Dragon
Thunderbolt - Electric

Useful for many types and also amazingly good against Bede in Champions Cup with phantom force being super-effective against 4 of his Pokemon.

  1. Coalossal (Rock/Fire)

Ability: Flame Body for possible burn.

Item: Hard Stone for higher Rock attack damage.


Earth Power/Earthquake - Ground
Body Press - Fighting
Flamethrower - Fire
Smack Down - Rock

Useful to tank hits and also against multiple types throughout main storyline with fighting, ground, fire and rock type moves.

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Why not Snipe Shot on Inteleon?
Give Inteleon ice beam NOT breaking swipe. Then you have more power and use that high special attack. Also, give toxtricity overdrive because it’s boosted by punk rock.
0 votes


Item: Miracle Seed
-Drum Beating
-High Horsepower/Earthquake
-Knock Off

While many others say that Grookey is the worst starter, I believe otherwise. Grookey not only can handle many advantages, maybe more than the other starters, but it also has more coverage moves and can tank out more hits, especially from Dynamax and Gigantimax Pokemon. Drum Beating is for STAB. High Horsepower or Earthquake are for coverage against Fire types, if you are faster. Acrobatics is for the bug types and I say it works well with Melony if you're any risky. Lastly, Knock Off is coverage for anything and is really there because its the only other great coverage move to in its moveset


Item: Sharp Beak
-Steel Wing
-Drill Peck
-U Turn

Corvilknight is what may be the best Route 1 bird you can obtain in the Pokemon games due to its nice stats (superior to Skarmory), nice movepool, and how well it performs in the story. Steel Wing and Drill Peck are for STAB and U-Turn and Assurance are basic coverage moves that can help you out in sticky situations. Revenge is a decent alternative for Assurance if you seem to be slower than other Pokemon, although it might not be necessary.


Item: Rocky Helmet
-Heat Crash
-Rock Slide
-Iron Head

One of the slower Pokemon on this team, Coalossal is by far the best non-starter fire type in my opinion. It has great defensive stats and can dish out nice damage with its moderate 80 attack stat. Heat Crash and Rock Slide are for STAB and Iron Head and Earthquake are for coverage and can actually deal with rock Pokemon which can weaken Coalossal as it is (ironically) weak to Rock.


Item: Mystic Water
-Poison Jab/Ice Punch
-Drain Punch

With Coalossal and Rillaboom having its varying weaknesses, Seismitoad is the best Pokemon to likely counter these weaknesses. With moves such as Poison Jab, Drain Punch, and Ice Punch, it can deal with the Rock types that beat Coalossal and the Flying types that beat Rillaboom while dealing with its one weakness: Grass. Liquidation and Earthquake are great STAB moves and can be dished out well with its nice 95 attack stat.


Item: Leftovers/Black Glasses
-False Surrender/Darkest Lariat
-Spirit Break/Play Rough
-Brick Break
-Power Whip/Stomping Tantrum

Grimmsnarl is an underrated Pokemon when it comes to the story. That is sad considering the types of Dark and Fairy are excellent and its stats are amazing. With moves such as False Surrender, Darkest Lariat, Play Rough, and Spirit Break for STAB, which are already excellent moves, while having Brick Break, Power Whip, and Stomping Tantrum to deal with steel and poison types, which is amazing. The dual type Pokemon is also easy to get as you can enter the Glimwood Tangle and encounter this or its evolution by interacting with one of the mushrooms.


Item: Scope Lens
-Dragon Darts
-Phantom Force/Shadow Claw
-Psychic Fangs
-U Turn

The hardest Pokemon to get on this team (by far), getting a Dragapult is well worth your trouble as its stats make it a pseudo-legendary and its moves are fantastic such as Psychic Fangs and Phantom Force. U Turn is a great coverage move to slap dark types and escape in the process. Its signature move, Dragon Darts is very powerful on one target and also does nice against two. Dragapult is a very great Pokemon. You just need enough patience and sanity to get it.

Nice team. I just wanna say I haven't thought of using Seismitoad ever so I might consider using one. I do dislike how everyone's using the pain-in-the-butt-to-get Dragapult when there are way better Pokémon you could be using without wasting any time at all. It just makes me feel annoyed to be honest.
True. While Dragapult is very hard to get, I feel like the other dragons, which are also late-game just don't go up to par with Dragapult, especially on this team. Dragon Darts just shreds in comparison to other moves such as Dragon Claw and Dragon Pulse. Plus, Dragapult has a bit more coverage than other dragons like Haxorus.
Hey I’m very new to any kind of team building in Pokémon so have been trying to dive in and learn as much as I can. That being said, this team seems to lack Sp. Att options and is very physical focused. Is that not as big of a deal during the story?
@Skalrzo I had 0 special attacekrs and ssill beat teh game
dragapult cant learn shadow claw, and phantom force is very late game
0 votes

I don't like non-exciting teams, so I use Pokemon that are not like ground or normal types, instead I use dragon and electric types.
Adamant nature
Wood Hammer
Drum Beating
Grookey as your starter, useful in sword for Gordie and Nessa.
Mild Nature
Sludge Bomb
Toxtricity is a great electric type, I use PIkachu in addition but use Toxtricity as yours.
Iron Head
Drill Peck
Brave Bird
Bulk Up
Corviknight is the reign's flying type and the steel is useful too. Use a Rookidee from Route 1 for Milo and also for the fairy gym as Corviknight is steel.
Naive Nature
Giga Impact
Body Slam
Thunder Punch
Snorlax is fairly easy to obtain, you can get a Munchlax early on, and it is really strong on teams.
Hasty Nature
Aqua Tail
Rain Dance
Dragon Dance
Mine is actualy shiny. Get a magikarp from max raid/fishing and evolve it as your water type.
Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
I'm using a lot of previous generation Pokemon here, and this is no exception. A fast physical fire type is just what you need.

Hope I helped!

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0 votes

From all my research, I've come up with what I think is a fairly solid team:


Pyro Ball
Electro Ball
Fire Punch
Blaze Kick

3 of these are fire type moves and all of them are physical, as physical attack is easily its strongest stat. All are capable of causing burns, and Blaze Kick also has a high critical hit chance. Electro Ball is coverage against Water types.


Steel Wing
Drill Peck
Iron Head

All of them are good STAB moves with good advantages: Steel Wing can boost your defense, Fly makes you almost totally invincible on the turn it's used, Drill Peck hits non-adjacent foes in triple battles, and Iron Head can make the target flinch.


Bubble Beam
Muddy Water
Mud Shot

All are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Both Bubble Beam and Mud Shot can slow the target down, and both Muddy Water and Earthquake hit all opponents in multi-battles.


Psycho Cut
Zen Headbutt
Drain Punch
Brick Break

All as always are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Psycho Cut has a high critical hit chance, Drain Punch replenishes health, Zen Headbutt can cause flinching, and Brick Break bypasses Light Screen and Reflect.

Toxtricity(either form is good):

Poison Jab
Sludge Bomb

All are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Overdrive hurts all opponents and gets a boost if your Toxtricity has the Punk Rock ability(which it most likely does), Discharge can cause paralysis and hits all in multi-battles, and both Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb can cause poisoning.

Spirit Break
False Surrender
Play Rough

All are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Spirit Break weakens the opponent's Special Attack, False Surrender never misses, Assurance gets stronger if you've been hit right before using it, and Play Rough can weaken the enemy's attack.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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dude u need some coverage on Cinderace. slap gunk shot over flame charge and electro ball over fire punch and replace the final move w/ u-turn
why have Bubble beam and Mud shot when you could have other coverage moves? Plus you already have powerful stab on it with Muddy Water and Earthquake, I would replace Mud Shot and Bubble Beam with Drain Punch and Sludge Bomb/Wave.
0 votes

Here's my usually most efficient and consistent SwSh team.
Gengar (Focus Sash)
Cursed Body Ability,Male +Speed -Attack
Shadow Ball
Ally Switch

Toxtricity (Choice Specs)
Punk Rock Ability, Male +Special Atk -Atk (Modest)
Boom burst
Volt tackle

Whimscott (Eject pad)
Prankster Ability Male +Speed -Special Atk
Beat up
Seed bomb

Arcanine (Sitrus Berry)
Justified ability Male +Speed -Special Atk
Extreme Speed
Flare Blitz
Play Rough

Slyveon (Life Orb)
Pixelate ability Male +Special -Attack
Baby Doll Eyes
Hyper Voice
Mystical Fire

Gyarados (Choice Scarf)
Intimidate. Male, +Attack -Special Attack
Dragon Dance

You won't be able to get a HA Sylveon in game, chances are. You'll probably have to breed for one, which is not used in game often. Have moonblast instead.
0 votes

So I chose scorbunny because I knew that the first gym will be a grass type, and this is the moveset:
Flame charge
Low sweep
Good against milo and melony (shield)

Helioptile into heliolisk with dry skin:
Parabolic charge
Volt switch
Good against nessa, and immune to water, restores hp from both water type moves and rain.

Obstagoon, it really helped me against oleana’s milotic.

Drain punch

Gmax sandaconda:
Drill run
Brutal swing
Poison tail

Smart strike
Jaw lock
Rock tomb

This team really helped me although pyro ball doesn’t exist here.

0 votes

Team for Pokemon Sword. All Pokemon available in Sword, locations given as well.

Inteleon (Torrent) Mystic Water. Starter (level 5)
Snipe Shot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Roserade (Poison Point) Black Sludge or Miracle Seed. Wild area (Rosalia in rolling field, level 14)
Dazzling Gleam
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain
Shadow Ball

Noivern (Infiltrator) Dragon Fang. Galar Mine 2 (level 22-24)
Dragon Pulse
Air Slash
Steel Wing

Aegislash (Stance Change) not to sure what item to use. Hammerlocke hills as honedge (Snowstorm, level 28-30)
King’s Shield
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
Iron Head

Centiskorch (Flash Fire) Leftovers possibly? Route 3 (level 8-13, 1% chance, or with Pokemon with Flash Fire, 50% I believe) or Kabu gym (level 25)
Fire Lash
Leech Life
Power Whip

Grimmsnarl (Prankster) Life Orb. Glimwood tangle (level 30-32 as Impidimp, or level 38 as Morgrem)
Spirit Break
False Surrender
Brick Break
Ice Punch, or any elemental punch

Any suggestions and edits are welcome.

Really good team! I used this all through Sword, and it works like a charm! For Grimmsnarl, I'd suggest Thunder Punch, for pokemon like Skarmory and Corviknight, and also, the team needs something against poison types! Oleana was a pain in the rear to deal with, but otherwise, this team is perfect!
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G-Max Intelelon @Mystic Water
Nature: Rash
Ability: Torrent

Sucker Punch-Fast Dark Damage
U-Turn-Damage Switch
Ice Beam-Grass Coverage
Snipe Shot-Water Damage

G-Max Corviknight@Life Orb
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Mirror Armor

Brave Bird-Flying Damage
Steel Wing-Steel Damage
Body Slam-Defense Damage
Hone Claws-Attack/Accuracy

G-Max Toxtricity@Throat Spray
Nature: Modest
Ability: Punk Rock

Sludge Wave-Poison Damage
Overdrive-Punk Rock Electric Damage
Boomburst-Powerful Punk Rock Damage
Gear Shift-Speed Boost Twice

G-Max Sandaconda@Weakness Policy
Nature: Brave
Ability: Sand Spit

Slam- High Normal Damage
Coil-Attack/Speed/Accuracy Raise
Drill Run-Ground Damage
Screech-Defense Lowering

G-Max Flapple or Appletun

Flapple@Power Bracer
Ability: Hustle
Nature: Adament

Grav Apple
Dragon Rush
Air Slash

Dragon Dance

Appletun@Power Lens
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Modest

Apple Acid
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Beam
Gyro Ball

G-Max Charizard
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Serious

Dragon Claw
Work Up

...you’re gonna have fun looking for all those g-maxes.
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Inteleon (Starter)
-Snipe shot/Scald
-Ice beam
-Mud shot
-Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball/Air Slash or another coverage move

Scald is an amazing STAB move it can learn but Snipe shot is a good substitute. Inteleon makes beating Kabu and Gordie very easy. Ice Beam is great for dealing with Grass types like Rillaboom as well as Raihan's dragon and alot of ground types. Mud Shot is good for taking out any electric threats. The last move is for coverage, so you can use any move which may benefit your team. Inteleon is also strong against Hop's team.

Coalossasl (Rolycoly - Route 3)
-Fire Punch/Heat Crash
-Rock Slide

You can use Flame charge/Fire Punch temporarily until you get access to Heat Crash. Coalossasl is very bulky so Heat Crash is extremley powerful. Rock Slide is amazing STAB and makes it easy to beat Kabu and Melony. You can use bulldoze temporarily until you get Earthquake. Earthquake is very powerful and is always needed. Will-o-wisp can be really useful when facing off against strong physical attackers like Leon's Haxorus.

Roserade (Budew - Route 4)
-Giga Drain/Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam

Giga Drain/Energy Ball are both great STAB and makes beating Nessa easy. Sludge Bomb is the best Poison STAB it has and is great for dealing with Opal. However if you don't want to find the TR then you can always use Venoshock. Shadow Ball is good for it's Psychic weakness as well as dealing with Allister. Dazzling Gleam is really powerful when battling Leon's dragons , Raihan's dragons , Marnie and Bea.

Lucario (Riolu - Giant's Cap)
-Aura Sphere
-Flash Cannon
-Ice Punch
-Extreme Speed/Earthquake/Swords Dance

I really wanted to take advantage of it's amazing special/physical attack stat so here it it. Aura Sphere is very powerful as it does significant damage and is great for dealing with Gordie/Melony, Piers, Marnie and Chairmen Rose. Flash Cannon is useful since it makes easy work of Opal and Gordie/Melony. Similar to Ice Beam, ice punch is just a phenomenal coverage move as it can easily take out any dragon and ground types in Galar. Extreme Speed is very strong and has priority making it a fantastic move to use or you can use swords dance if you want to setup and sweep. If your looking for more coverage you can use Earthquake since it's so powerful.

Snorlax (Munchlax - Motostoke Riverbank)
-Body Slam/Iron Head
-High Horsepower/Earthquake
-Zen Headbutt
-Thunder Punch

Snorlax isn't only a tanky Pokemon but it has an amazing movepool to choose from making it a good filler Pokemon. Body Slam is great STAB , but if you want more coverage use Iron Head. You can get High Horsepower earlier than Earthquake and ground types are pretty useful. Zen Heatbutt is to deal with Snorlax's fighting weakness. Thunder Punch is great coverage, you can use fire punch but in my opinion thunder punch is more useful.

Grimsnarl (Morgrem - Glimwood Tangle before Bea/Allister)
-Spirit Break/Play Rough
-False Surrender
-Brick Break
-Fire Punch/Ice Punch

Spirit Break does decent damage and is great when facing off against special attackers or If you want more power you can use Play Rough. Fairy types are powerful against Raihan and Leon's dragons as well as Bea's Team. False Surrender is the dark version of Aura Sphere meaning it is very powerful. Brick Break is also another deadly move as it is useful against Gordie/Melony, Piers, Marnie and Chairmen Rose. As I said earlier, Ice Punch is an amazing coverage move but if you want something else , Fire punch is always a great option.

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This is a team I created that I feel is the best well-round in-game team for Pokemon Sword, although I'm pretty sure everyone in this team is available in Pokemon Shield. I play as a casual, just for fun Pokemon Trainer, and so I'm not big on EVs, IVs, natures, etc. Feel free to add your own, but I will just include the Pokemon, location, and a small pool of moves.

Trust me, I went through all of the starters, but I have to say that the best starter (and I promise I'm not being cliche) is Scorbunny. Here's why.

The Grookey line in terms of design is fantastic. Rillaboom is the bulkiest of the three, and is a strong attacker. However, Rillaboom in the beginning of the game, is paired equally for the first gym [Milo / Grass] , effective against the second [Nessa / Water] but weak to the third, [Kabu / Fire]. I'll only be comparing with these, as these are where you have the limited team options. Grookey will only have Grass and Normal moves when you reach Milo, so it's not the best. Obviously he'll do great against Nessa, but he really does not have much to counter Kabu. He gets no Ground or Rock coverage by level up, so you're kinda screwed there.

The Sobble line in terms of design is ehh. Sobble I can get by, Drizzile is okay, not the best since I feel he is stereotypical (how sad people are always depressed, IDK man it just seems weird) and Inteleon is no. He does not retain any features of Sobble which made him appealing, and just subtly freaks me out. The shiny is a bit better, but they are shiny locked so SMH. Okay, Sobble is weak to the first gym unless you have the willpower to level up to 24 for U-Turn, for a decent attack, but it's a switch attack so once again, you're screwed. Equal against Nessa, and great against Kabu. He's not effective against the first two, so not a viable option.

Scorbunny however, is effective against Milo, not so great against Nessa, and even against Kabu. The reason he is ranked the highest, is because the gym he is most effective against, is the first. Later, in the game, he does better as a Cinderace, but for the beginning he is okay.

I would select Cinderace top pick, and then Rillaboom, but I really wouldn't consider Inteleon.

I wrote all about the starters, but here I'll actually talk about the team.

CINDERACE / scorbunny, raboot
from postwick town
- Pyro Ball
- Zen Headbutt
- Iron Head
- U-Turn

Amazing speedy physical attacker, and has a good movepool. Interchange as you desire.

THIEVUL / nickit
from route 1
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch
- Grass Knot
- Psychic

I put Thievul as he is a good special attacker and is found early game. He has decent stats and a okay movepool, but he performs really well with the moves he haves. Just trust me.

from route 8
- Ice Beam
- Bug Buzz
- Giga Drain
- Play Rough

Frosmoth is a fantastic special attacker, and Snom is GOD. You get Snom late game, but he makes up for it, being able to help all through the rest of the game. You can evolve as soon as you get him if you're good enough, and Frosmoth is really good.

from route 5
- Sludge Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Boomburst

Toxtricity is one of my favorite mon from this generation, and he is not subpar in battle. His design is flawless, and gets a good movepool. Just be careful of the 4x weakness to Ground.

CORVIKNIGHT / rookidee, corvisquire
from route 1
- Drill Peck
- Iron Head
- Body Press
- U-Turn

Corviknight is one of the best regional birds. Being Steel and Flying gives him really good physical attacks, and is really strong against pesky Fairy types. He is available early game, and if you choose to ditch Scorbunny, then he puts work into the Grass gym.

HATTERENE / hattena, hattrem
from motostoke outskirts
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Future Sight
- Mystical Fire

Hatterene is phenomenal with a great special attack, but her speed is lackluster. Trick Rooming isn't the best in-game, but Hatterene can take a hit or two so you're okay. I love Gardevoir, but I wanted something new in Galar, and Hatterene is amazing. Pretend Rapidash Galar Forme doesn't exist. Hatterene is better, I think. (also I added Mystical Fire because it's a good special move, but mainly to pay tribute to the fact Delphox isn't in Galar, RIP loved you in Kalos miss you okay bye)

Looking back, this team is really mostly Special Attackers, but Cinderace is physical and so is Corviknight, and those mons are really powerful. I know there is probably better alternatives, but in my opinion, this worked really well for me. Thanks, see you later.

Personally, I'd change future sight for draining kiss. Also, you should probably add a link for the location of all of the TR's you're using
Just so that you know, you can’t get some of the moves until the post game at the battle tower.
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In this team I decided to use Scorbunny as the starter, and I also decided to limit myself to only Galar Pokémon, but I'm still very happy how it turned out! All Pokémon are also catchable before the 2nd gym, with 4 of them being available before the first gym. I'm playing Sword so I will be using Flapple, but if you're playing Shield then Appletun works just as well.

Cinderace recieved as a Scorbunny at level 5
Ability: Blaze
Preferred Natures: Adamant, Jolly

  • Pyro Ball Powerful Fire STAB
  • Fire Punch Reliable Fire STAB with more PP and Accuracy
  • Iron Head Coverage
  • Acrobatics/U-Turn Extra coverage OR Option to switch out with damage

Orbeetle caught as a Blipbug at level 2-5 on Route 1
Ability: Swarm
Preferred Natures: Bold, Modest, Calm

  • Bug Buzz Bug STAB
  • Psychic Psychic STAB
  • Reflect Bulky support for the entire team
  • Light Screen Same as above^

Corviknight caught as a Rookidee at level 3-6 at Route 1
Ability: Pressure/Unnerve
Preferred Natures: Adamant, Impish, Careful

  • Drill Peck Flying STAB
  • Iron Head Steel STAB
  • Bulk Up Useful setup move which works well with either Power Trip or Body Press
  • Power Trip/Body Press Both coverage moves which work well with Bulk Up

Barraskewda caught as a Arrokuda at level 4-6 on Route 2
Ability: Swift Swim
Preferred Natures: Adamant, Jolly

  • Liquidation Water STAB
  • Ice Fang Coverage for Grass types
  • Drill Run Coverage for Electric Types
  • Close Combat Extra powerful coverage

Flapple caught as a Applin at level 16-18 on Route 5
Ability: Ripen
Preferred Natures: Adamant, Jolly

  • Grav Apple Grass STAB
  • Outrage Powerful but risky Dragon STAB
  • Dragon Dance For setting up
  • Acrobatics/U-Turn Coverage moves

Grimmsnarl caught as a Impidimp at level 21-24 in the Motostoke Outskirts
Ability: Prankster
Preferred Natures: Adamant, Impish, Careful, Jolly

  • False Surrender Dark STAB
  • Spirit Break Fairy STAB
  • Thunder Punch Extra coverage
  • Thunder Wave Utilizing Prankster to cripple opponents

And that's that! I hope you liked it!

0 votes

This is the team that I used for my sword game.I don't believe it's any good but I'm posting it anyway
I Used all Galar Pokes in this team but you can switch one out for what you want

Inteleon@Mystic Water

Snipe Shot-Evolution
Ice Beam-TR05
Dark Pulse-TR58
Shadow Ball-TR33

Flapple@Muscle Band

Grav Apple
Dragon Rush

Centiskorch@Weakness Policy

Fire Lash-Lv.67
Thunder Fang-TM66

Toxtricity(Amped)@Throat Spray

Sludge Bomb-TR22
Shift Gear-Lv.52

Corviknight@Expert Belt

Drill Peck
Steel Wing
Body Slam
Body Press

Sandaconda@Life Orb

High Horsepower
Rock Slide
Zen Headbutt
Iron Head

Well That's all 6 Pokemon on my Team.Goodbye!

0 votes

Here's my in-game team:

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Timid Nature
Habitat: Bridge Field, Hammerlocke (Trade), Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl
- Air Slash
- Dazzling Gleam
- Flamethrower
- Psychic

Togekiss can be annoying to foe sometimes, because of its serene grace ability. You can flinch them with air slash. Also, there is a stab fairy type move. Psychic can cover you from poison types, and flamethrower can cover you from steel types.

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
Bold Nature
Habitat: Giant's Cap, North Lake Miloch (Wanderer)
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse

My lucario was a special attacker. Aura sphere and flash cannon have stab bonus. Nasty plot can turn lucario to a special monster, I think this move is very useful.

Roserade @ Focus Sash
Ability: Poison Point
Bold Nature
Habitat: Route 4, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Mirror, Axew's Eye, South Lake Miloch, Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills
- Petal Dance
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball

Roserade has Petal Dance, which is stab and also can do good damage. Giga Drain is very useful too. Sludge bomb is another stab move, and shadow ball is a coverage for psychic types.

Haxorus @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mold Breaker
Jolly Nature
Habitat: Axew's Eye, Route 6, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Haxorus' dragon claw is a stab move, dragon dance can be really tough if you do it multiple times. Earthquake can do some good damage, and rock slide can be a coverage for ice types.

Galvantula @ Wide Lens
Ability: Compound Eyes
Modest Nature
Habitat: Route 4, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 7, Lake of Outrage, Giant's Seat (Wanderer)
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Bug Buzz
- Protect

Galvantula's ability is compound eyes, which is wonderful for accuracy. You can hit thunder more safely with it. Volt switch is a perfect move too. Bug buzz is also a stab move.

Vaporeon @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Water Absorb
Modest Nature
Habitat: Meetup Spot (Requires Let's Go Eevee), Route 4, Lake of Outrage (Wanderer)
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Toxic

Vaporeon has good Sp.atk and It has 2 water type moves that are stab. Toxic can be helpful, and Ice Beam is a good coverage for grass types.

I think this team could help you a lot, the main game is easy with that team.

I hope you can find it helpful :)

0 votes

Cinderace @ Muscle Band
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Liberlo
Evs: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Hp
Iron head/Pyro ball
High jump kick

This guy has excellent coverage and can also pivot.

Seismitoad @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Poison Touch
Evs: 252 Hp 252 Attack 4 Special Defense
Aqua ring

This Pokémon can basically be indestructible and can heal 24/7.

For catching other Pokémon
Tapu Koko @ Safety goggles
Nature: Serious
Ability: Electric surge
Evs: 252 Speed 252 Special Attack 4 Attack
False swipe
Thunder wave
Dazzling gleam

False swipe and thunder wave makes everything easier to catch and the rest is coverage. If you don’t have the Crown Tundra dlc Zacian is ok too.

Bulky Attacker
Sillvally @ Dark memory
Nature: Adamant
Ability: RKS system
Evs: 252 Attack 252 Hp 4 Speed
Crush claw/Double edge
Parting shot

This gives you excellent neutral coverage and is pretty bulky. Earlier in the game you can use obstagoon instead.

Setup Sweeper
Centiscorch @ King’s rock
Nature: Adamant
Ability: White smoke
Evs: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Hp
Fire lash
Leech life
Power whip

Coil fixes bad defense and power whip’s low accuracy while boosting attack. White smoke reduces Pokémon spawn rates so you can travel through the wild area without bumping into other Pokémon. It also stops intimidate.

Special Sweeper/Staller
Eturnatus @ Wise glasses/Black sludge
Nature: Modest
Ability: Pressure
Evs: 252 Special Attack 252 Speed 4 Hp
Venoshock/Sludge bomb
Dynamax Cannon

Eturnatus has both good offense and defense black sludge and venoshock is for a more defense set while wise glasses and sludge bomb is more offensive.

Why do you think Eternatus is a good choice when you get it literally right before Leon? Why is Zacian a good choice when you only get it after a tedious post game story? Why is Silvally good when it's only accessible post game? Setup moves waste time in-game, you're better off going full offense with Centiskorch and Seismitoad.
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I played Pokemon sword so I'll give my team for Sword but I'll also give options for shield players:

Ability: Blaze

Pyro Ball (level up)
Zen Headbutt (max raid battle)
Low Kick (Axew's Eye, Wild Area)
Double Edge (level up)

Cinderace is my personal favorite starter and it's really powerful with great speed and attack. Pyro ball is an extremly strong fire type move with no downsides, Zen Headbutt is great coverage, Low Kick helps with all the Team Yell people and Double edge is a very strong normal type move to have.

Ability: Unnerve

Drill Peck (level up)
Iron Head/Steel Wing (max raid battles)
Body Press (body press through max raids or watt traders)
Hone Claws (level up)

The undisputed ace on this team, Corviknight completely dominates in Galar. It's very strong and can take hits as well. Drill Peck is very strong and doesn't cause recoil like Brave Bird does, Iron Head is the strongest steel type move Corviknight can learn, Body Press is fantastic with Corviknight's ridiculous defense and Hone Claws to set up and sweep with Corviknight.

Ability: Strong Jaw

Liquidation (level up)
Jaw Lock (level up)
Head Smash (level up)
Dig (route 6)

While Drednaw isn't the strongest Pokemon in the world, it gets the job done for this team and helps out big time in the early game. Liquidation is Drednaw's strongest water type move, Jaw Lock forces the opponent in and they can't switch out while doing very strong damage with the ability Strong jaw, Head Smash is a very powerful rock type moves that does great damage and dig for electric types.

Ability: Punk Rock

Overdrive (level up)
Sludge Wave (max raids)
Boomburst (level up)
Nuzzle (Toxel already has it)

Toxtricity both looks really cool and is fantastic. Punk Rock ability is an amazing ability and you can really use it to your advantage. Overdrive and Boomburst are even stronger with Punk Rock ability that makes Toxtricity very scary, Sludge Wave is the strongest special attacking poison move Toxtricity can learn and nuzzle to paralyze the opponent.

Ability: Steadfast

Brick Break (level up)
First Impression (move relearner in Pokemon centers)
Brave Bird (max raid battles or level up)
Leaf Blade (max raid battles)

If you're playing through Sword, I highly highly recommend using Sirfetch'd. It's very powerful on it's own but with a leek, it crits so often that it's broken in game. Brick Break is really strong and it breaks through light screens and reflects, First Impression always gives you the first attack if you attack first which is fantastic against psychic types, Brave Bird for a very strong flying type move and along with Leaf Blade, good diversity.

Galarian Darmanitan
Ability: Gorilla Tactics

Icicle Crash (level up)
Dig (route 6)
Grass Knot/ Flare Blitz/ Fire Punch (max raid battles)
Will-O-Wisp (motostoke)

Speaking of broken Pokemon in Sword, we have Galarian Darmanitan. Gorilla Tactics is one of the most broken abilities I've ever seen and it's amazing late game. Icicle Crash for a very strong ice type move for dragon types, dig for electric types, grass knot or fire type moves for coverage and will-o-wisp for a quick burn.

If you have shield:

Ability: Reckless

High Jump Kick
Blaze Kick
Poison Jab
Rock Slide

Ability: Frisk

Play Rough
Foul Play
Hammer Arm
Bulk Up

0 votes

Rillaboom @ whatever
Ability: Overgrow

Drum Beating
Swords Dance
Drain Punch

Reason: Good attacker with good coverage moves like Earthquake and Drain Punch.

Corviknight @ whatever
Ability: Pressure

Steel Wing
Drill Peck
Bulk Up

Reason: Good Steel-type capable to tank hits well.


Gallade / Gardevoir @ whatever
Ability: Steadfast / Trace

Drain Punch / Moonblast
Zen Headbutt / Psychic
Thunder Punch / Thunderbolt
Swords Dance / Calm Mind

Reason: Good Attackers with lots of coverage moves.

Boltund @ whatever
Ability: Strong Jaw

Thunder Fang
Fire Fang
Play Rough

Reason: Good Attacker plus ability Strong Jaw to boost Thunder Fang, Fire Fang and Crunch Power.

Centiskorch @ whatever
Ability: Flash Fire

Fire Lash
Leech Life
Thunder Fang

Reason: Good Attacker but with a few coverage moves.

Falinks @ whatever
Ability: Battle Armor

No Retreat
Brick Break
Rock Slide
Poison Jab

Reason: Good sweeper with No Retreat and good coverage moves.

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Chandelure @ Charcoal

Location: Bridge Field
Nature: Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
Ability: Flame Body

Flamethrower (TR02)
Shadow Ball (Move Relearner)
Energy Ball (TR65)
Psychic (TR11)

Gyarados @ Expert Belt

Location: Route 2
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
Ability: Intimidate

Waterfall (TR16)
Ice Fang (Level 8)
Earthquake (TR10)
Crunch (Level 24)

Magnezone @ Magnet

Location: Challenge Beach
Nature: Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
Ability: Sturdy

Thunderbolt (TR08)
Flash Cannon (Level 34)
Tri Attack (Move Relearner)
Thunder Wave (Move Relearner)

Weavile @ BlackGlasses

Location: Hammerlock Hills
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
Ability: Pressure

Ice Punch (TM04 Wyndon)
Night Slash (Level 60)
X-Scissor (TR60)
Poison Jab (TR57)

Ribombee @ Pixie Plate

Location: Bridge Field
Nature: Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
Ability: Shield Dust

Pollen Puff (Evolution)
Dazzling Gleam (Level 48)
Energy Ball (TR65)
Psychic (TR11)

Gallade @ TwistedSpoon

Location: Rolling Fields
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Ability: Steadfast

Brick Break (TM43)
Psycho Cut (Level 48)
Ice Punch (TM04 Wyndon)
Night Slash (Move Relearner)

0 votes

Hey Guys! Here's the team I used to beat Pokemon Shield, some of the 'mons were caught in the Isle of Armor however I'm also providing alternatives. I've tried to cover for weaknesses and I feel this team is mostly airtight. I hope you like it!

1) Cinderace

Cinderace(Bugs) @ Charcoal
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Jolly
1) Blaze Kick
2)Pyro Ball
3) Iron Head
4) Counter/Bounce

For my starter I decided to go with Cinderace. Blaze Kick and Pyro Ball are STAB, plus they are far more preferred over moves like Flamethrower, Heat Wave etc. since Cinderace has a high Attack Stat. Furthermore, they become Max Flare on Dynamaxing which sets up the sun boosting the power of Cinderace's Fire type Moves. Iron Head is, well, a Steel type move, again using Cinderace's Attack and on Dynamaxing becomes Max Steelspike, Raising its Defense by one stage. The 30% flinch chance doesn't hurt either. Finally, you can opt for any moves between Counter and Bounce since on Dynamaxing they become Max Knuckle and Max Airstream(one which boosts Attack and one which boosts Speed respectively).
Based on this moveset,
If you choose Counter, Cinderace is super-effective against: Ice, Grass, Rock, Fairy, Steel, Dark, Normal, Bug
If you choose Bounce, Cinderace is super-effective against: Ice, Grass, Rock, Fairy, Steel, Bug, Fighting

2) Krookodile

Krookodile (Killer Croc) @ Leftovers [Isle of Armor]
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly
1) Earthquake
2) Crunch
3) Close Combat

Earthquake and Crunch are STAB again focusing on Krookodile's high Attack stat. Close Combat and Outrage are mostly used to decimate opponents if you end up in a tough spot. I used Krookdile mostly as a "Get in first and hit hard" kind of Pokemon, relying heavily on its attack and decent speed.
Based on this moveset,
Krookodile will be super-effective against: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel, Psychic, Ghost, Normal, Ice, Dragon


2) Excadrill

Excadrill(Holy Moley) @ Leftovers[Galar Mine 1]
Ability: Sand Rush
Nature: Jolly
1) Earthquake
2)Iron Head
3)Rock Slide
4) Swords Dance

Earthquake and Iron Head are STAB moves, and focus on Excadrill's High Attack. Use Swords Dance in the beginning to boost the attack even further. Rock Slide is to mostly provide additional coverage to Excadrill and deal with the those pesky flying types while you're at it
Based on this moveset,
Excadrill will be super-effective against: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel, Fairy, Ice, Flying, Bug


Blastoise(Tsunami) @ Choice Scarf [Isle of Armor]
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
1)Water Spout
3)Ice Beam
4)Dark Pulse

Water Spout is its strongest move, boasting a 150 Base Power when Blastoise is at full health. Thanks to the Speed boost it gets from Choice Scarf, it can outrun even Timid or Jolly Dragapult! Surf is a weaker but more reliable Water-type STAB for late-game matches and if Blastoise has already suffered some damage. Ice Beam and Dark Pulse provide coverage.
Based on this moveset,
Blastoise is super-effective against: Fire, Ground, Rock, Grass, Flying, Dragon, Psychic, Ghost



Gyarados(Tidus) @ Sea Incense
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Adamant

Waterfall provides STAB, Earthquake deals with annoying electric types, the only real danger to Gyarados, Crunch and Outrage provide coverage. Use Outrage to wreak havoc on your opponent thanks to Gyarados' high attack!
Based on this moveset,
Gyarados will be super-effective against: Electric, Fire, Ground, Rock, Poison, Steel, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon


Hawlucha(El Bravo) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Limber
Nature: Adamant
1)Flying Press
2)Iron Head
3) X-Scissor
4)Dual Wingbeat/Fly

Hawlucha has been my favourite fighting type since Pokemon X and Y and even in Sword and Shield it doesn't disappoint. Flying Press, its signature move and Dual Wingbeat/Fly provide STAB, Iron Head provides coverage and has a 30% chance of flinching and X-Scissor helps against those annoying Psychic types.
Based on this moveset,
Hawlucha will be super-effective against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, Steel, Grass, Fighting, Bug, Psychic, Fairy

5) Galvantula

Galvantula(Zippy Zap)@ Magnet
Ability: Compound Eyes:
Nature: Timid
1)Bug Buzz
3)Energy Ball

There isn't much to choose among electric types and Toxtricity, Boltund is fairly common. I chose Galvantula as its Compound Eyes ability makes Thunder much more accurate and it's additional bug typing negates its weakness to the fairly common Ground type. Besides, Bug Buzz and Thunderbolt provide STAB and Energy Ball allows you to hit any Rock types that you may find yourself against. Just watch out for Fire.
Based on this moveset,
Galvantula is super-effective to: Water, Flying, Grass, Psychic, Dark, Ground, Rock

6) Dragapult

Dragapult (Speedy) @Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Jolly
1)Dragon Darts
2)Dragon Dance
3)Phantom Force
3)Psychic Fangs

The nickname accurately summarizes the latest pseudo-legendary. It has amazing Speed and Attack which is further amplified using Dragon Dance. Dragon Darts and Phantom Force provide great STAB, Psychic Fangs is mostly for coverage.
Based on this moveset,
Dragapult is super-effective against: Dragon, Fighting, Poison, Ghost

This is my team for Pokemon Shield! Please let me know if this can be improved any further.

0 votes

This is the team from my second successful playthrough of Shield. To my knowledge, everything on this team is accessible in Sword, so you don't have to worry about making substitutions. This team focuses on two big things-type coverage, and hitting everything as hard as possible. There are a few setup moves, but you may not find yourself using them very often. I'll put in the natures I got, the items I gave them, and, just for fun, their nicknames.

Bubble 07 the Inteleon
Received as Sobble in Postwick
Item-Mystic Water

U-Turn (level 30 as Drizzile)
Snipe Shot (learned upon evolution)
Ice Beam (TR05)
Tearful Look (level 19 as Drizzile)

Sobble is your primary special attacker, though its Attack stat isn't too shabby either. It's fast, it hits hard, it learns some pretty great moves, what's not to like? Snipe Shot is Inteleon's signature move, with high Base Power and STAB, and while there are options with higher Base Power, it works well enough for the main story. Up until your starter learns Snipe Shot, I'd recommend using Water Pulse. U-Turn is mostly in case things get dicey and you need a free switch, but it can be used to deal with Piers and Marnie. Ice Beam gives you a massive advantage if you can get your hands on it, and hits for decent neutral or super-effective damage on most things. Tearful Look is filler, as I couldn't think of anything else to add, but it at least reduces the opponent's Attack.

Nevermore the Corviknight
Caught as Rookidee on Route 1
Item-Expert Belt

Brave Bird (level 50)
Steel Wing (learned upon evolution
Revenge (TM found in Ballonlea)
Hone Claws (level 8 as Rookidee)

If I had to describe Corviknight in a word, I would say-BULKY. Its Steel typing negates the Ice weakness from its Flying typing, it resists nearly everything, and its Defense and HP are high enough that it can usually tank a couple of super-effective hits. Brave Bird is Flying STAB and hits hard, at the expense of some HP. Steel Wing is Steel STAB, Revenge is coverage for Ice- and Dark-types, and Hone Claws makes Corviknight hit harder.

Roxie the Obstagoon
Caught as Zigzagoon on Route 2
Item-Black Glasses

Thunder Punch (TM Shop in Wyndon)
Night Slash (level 30 as Linoone)
Obstruct (learned upon evolution)
Shadow Claw (TM found at the Lake of Outrage)

Obstagoon will be your main physical attacker. It's a bit like Inteleon in that it's fast and hits hard. It's also immune to Ghost-Types, so that's neat. Thunder Punch is there to take out Flying- and Water-types if you can't use Roserade for some reason, but it'll hit for pretty good neutral damage on a lot of things. Night Slash is Dark STAB, and utterly demolishes Ghost-Types (like Allister's team) and Psychic-Types, of which there seems to be an abundance. Obstruct is just to be annoying and keep the opponent from doing anything. Shadow Claw is general coverage.

Haru the Roserade
Caught as Roselia in Rolling Fields
Item-Big Root

Toxic (level 40 as Roselia)
Giga Drain (level 30 as Roselia)
Synthesis (level 35 as Roselia)
Venoshock (TM found in Stow-on-Side)

Do you want to just breeze through the first half of the game? Of course you do. Just catch the Roselia in Rolling Fields and you can pretty much cheese your way through the first five Gyms. Roserade is your secondary special attacker. She's a bit bulkier than Inteleon, and hits just as hard. Toxic badly poisons the opponent, and powers up Venoshock. Giga Drain is Grass STAB and restores HP. Synthesis keeps Roserade in the fight longer and keeps you from having to use a healing item.

Kyubey the Sylveon
Caught as Eevee on Route 4

Moonblast (level 50)
Psyshock (TR25)
Sunny Day (TM Shop in Hammerlocke)
Last Resort (level 55)

This one and the next one are mainly here to handle what the others can't deal with. Sylveon is slow, but he can take a lot of hits and do a lot of damage, he's immune to Dragon-types, and he can act as a support 'Mon if need be. Moonblast is Fairy STAB, and your answer to Leon's Dragapult and Haxorus. Psyshock is coverage for Poison-Types. Sunny Day is to help the others, as it lets Roserade heal even more with Synthesis, and powers up Flygon's Flamethrower and lets it use Solar Beam without having to charge.

And last, but not least...

Sandy the Flygon
Caught as Trapinch in a Max Raid Battle
Item-Assault Vest

Earthquake (level 44 as Vibrava)
Solar Beam (TM found in Turffield)
Dragon Claw (learned upon evolution)
Flamethrower (TR02)

FLYGON OP PLEASE NERF. Even as a Trapinch, she was destroying everything in her path. I was supremely lucky to find one before Route 6, but if you can't find one as early, you should still do fine until then. She'll be your mixed attacker, even though her Special Attack isn't quite as good as her Attack. Her stats are good all-around, and she has a surprisingly diverse moveset. Earthquake is Ground STAB, and will pretty much 1HKO or 2HKO everything. Solar Beam is just in case things get ugly and you need to hit really hard. It should be used in tandem with Sylveon's Sunny Day. Dragon Claw is Dragon STAB. Flamethrower is coverage for Ice-Types.

Shadow ball is a better move for Inteleon because of the chance of SpD drop that's really handy. Besides, sunny day is great for most of your team, not all of it.