Ah, my times at the Pokemon Database. Such wow.
I started my love for Pokemon when I was about 5 years old. Every day, I used to watch this guy named Danny play Pokemon Emerald on the GBA, and that just triggered everything. I wanted to get my own Pokemon games, but unfortunately, I didn't get one for awhile.
This all changed when my friend Christian gave my FireRed and Emerald for my Birthday. It was one of the best days of my life. I whipped out my DS Lite and finished both games in 3 days. They were so much fun, but Diamond and Pearl had been released for awhile, and I wanted to get my hands on them. By the time I did, HeartGold and SoulSilver had been announced, and I wanted them all. Of course, I never ended up doing that, but close enough.
I finished Diamond and got my hands on HeartGold and Platinum, and finished both within a month. After my DS got taken away from my parents after they thought my grades were slipping from playing too much, I went online and sought another way to be involved in Pokemon. After going through Bulbapedia and Serebii, the two well known ones, I stumbled onto the Pokemon DB. And that's when the story all began, my friends...
I started on this site as a complete noob. With the username MeW2011, which was crappy as hell....
I was confused on the difference between what a Physical Attacker was, what a status move was, and all that good stuff. In terms of points and all that jazz, what was I? Nothing. I was struggling to get 100 points for the first 3 months on being on the site. When I finally reached 1000 points on the site, Pokemaster changed the points system and I was at 800 again. Nooooooo :D
I worked my way back up to 1000 points, and started going to the one place that changed by DB life here - the chat room. Now, the chat room was absolutely nothing like it was today. None of those roleplaying shenanigans, but people actually interacting with each other about the various things that interested them, and people actually paying attention to each other. I met some of my closest DB friends there - trachy, ψPsychic., Pokenubz, Josh, and Fate Itself. Although most of you only know ψPsychic. and Pokenubz, those other two are bound to show up sometime.
Once I braved the chat, I started to become more active on Pokebase, rocketing my points, little by little. I got my username changed to Mew, and that's what most people called me until I received a higher ranking. The DB slowly became my home, where I'd procrastinate from doing my HW, where I could have a chat, and talk about Pokemon, which was sweeping the nation. Once I got a little known, I decided to try for Expert. Me being at 500 and the Expert limit being at 10,000 at the time, I thought I would take a year to reach that. Until Pokemaster redid the ranks.
The Editor rank was returned, which was now situated between Moderator and Expert. Expert was lowered down to 6000 points, and now I thought I had a chance. This chance was further increased by a troll named Mr.Shadow, who would spam the chat and write inappropriate questions on all 3 sections of the site. No Moderators were really active back then, and I'd frequently have to bring on via email or something. That New Year's Eve, I was very close to Expert. That also happened to be the night Shadow was spamming again, and nobody was online to stop his posts. The users online at the time pushed me up some points in order to become Expert, and I quickly began to dismantle his posts. I remember changing " u **, i eat ***" to something like "I fart rainbows and ride on ponies <3", which was a great edit for me at the time.
After becoming Expert, I thought I would stay there forever. However, I just kept answering questions constantly, and apparently people liked my answers. Quite odd. I got past 10,000 points and was now a pretty well known member. I was making more friends at the site, and I quickly gained the ability for competitive battling. I began more activity at the RMT section, and my teams were decent, at most. I spent a lot of time helping people edit sprites and stuff into their answers.
A couple of months later, when I had about 16,000 points here, Psychic decided to ask Pokemaster about promoting me to Editor, a rank I never thought I'd receive. PM did a round of promotions, and I received the coveted Editor, while Psychic got Moderator. I was ecstatic because of this new world I was in, being able to see all the hidden posts. Pretty soon, Pokemaster added moderation, meaning Editors had a new job :D
After a couple of months as an Editor, I was really well known, mainly due how fast I gained points and how fast I answered questions. I also had 30,000+ points, which was a ton of points at the time. After I passed Speed freak, a former moderator of the site, Psychic decided to ask Pokemaster to promote me to Moderator. The post, magically, is still alive today:
And Pokemaster agreed to the post, and I became the moderator. And everyone dubbed me as the Mewderator, so that's what I'm stuck with today. I banned my fair share or people, of course, and had a few arnings and such. I made a great deal of enemies, and at the same time, a great deal of friends.
Around this time, the DB Pokemon Showdown server came along, and I decided to be active on it. I quickly worked my way up to & (Leader), which is the highest next to Admin. Although the power is enticing, I hardly need to use them unless trolls come along. However, the friends I made there, such as PikaDaGreat, i suck qq, Oncoming Storm, JarJar, MrKijani, Le Scraf, and many more users, were definitely more important.
And today, I accomplished one of the impossible. With the help with friends and me answering questions, after 2 1/2 years, I have finally taken over the #1 spot in Pokebase. Thanks to everyone who had helped my achieve that goal.
Although this post I just made was all about points, points, and more points, and ranks, ranks, and even more ranks, keep in mind that even though points are a staple on this site, the friendships you have, even though they are just internet friends, are more important. Being social is way better than being rich.

~ Mewderator