(PS like you see the user "NebbyY" this is Molthree's screenshot, my computers screenshot doesn't work, I'll never use Light mode)
Now, since IAmYandereAF is clearly abusing his power, is obnoxius, muted me just because he started insulting me(with cursing) and I just defended my self by saying: intimidate, some word you probably never would know about, I mean it's pretty mean, but still, he said the n- word, and other (terrible)curses without a reason.
Then I think he clearly deserves a demotion. Maybe even a short ban.
Now, Fizz, I know you are gonna say: "what you said to him isn't better.", now, he didn't only curse me, he did curse NebbyY (alot), me (alot), and probably other users.
I actually don't have a screenshot button that works, and he insults NebbyY mostly when I'm not on, and didn't know how to screenshot before at all, so I don't have some testimony for that. :/
He left that over 25 minutes since I am creating my post, he probably gonna leave it like that the whole day, and Database Showdown isn't maybe the most important thing of the Database, but I think you can't say that this is hardly abuse.
I didn't post this in the Report users page because: I didn't feel if he actually really needed a ban, I just felt for giving him a demotion, and maybe a ban.
EDIT: over one hour!
That's all!