Meta-PokéBase Q&A
24 votes

Hey everyone! Welcome to the second promotions thread of 2020. This is a little bit sooner than usual, but I did promise we'd do this – and given there were no promotions in 2019 (and this year was PokeBase's most active in half a decade), it makes sense to get things started now.

We (the staff) had a chat about who we'd like to have along for the ride – here are the results of that! If we named you for a role, let us know whether you accept it.


First of all, a congratulations is in order for the multiple people who passed 6,000 points and earned expert after the last promotions thread in March. Well done and thanks to Giga Blade X, Chocolatte, J, KyogrePulse, fwoofyy and SadisticMystic for all their contributions to this site.

We agreed on a few more names we'd like to add to the list: Felix, SYL and Ty. They are people who've been part of the community for a long time, and have earned the expert role in their own ways during that period. Let us know if you want to be experts! We can promote you ourselves.


For editor, we'd like to nominate Giga Blade X. Anybody who has used PokeBase in recent times will know how much work X puts into this platform and how easy this decision would have been for us. I've mentioned his name once already, which should show how quickly he's positioned himself among the site's top contributors. Well done X, and thanks for all your efforts so far :)


We talked internally about who we'd like to bring up as a mod (and who'd like to have the role). We think KRLW890 is a perfect fit and very deserving of the distinction, given all that she's done for the site both as a contributor and staff member. Congrats and thank you for your work, if we didn't already say that in the server. :p

Let us know what you think of these nominations @Pokemaster!

Thank you for the nomination :)
Congrats to Felix, Syl, Ty, and KRLW as well!
Congratulations everyone!
Congrats Felix, Ty, Giga~Blade X, KRLW890, and Syl!!
For the majority of the time I’ve been on this site I thought KRWL890 was a mod lol
Oh heck yeah! Thank you so much, and congrats to everyone else!!
And to think it only took 7½ years, lol... Thanks very much to the staff team for giving me this opportunity, and congratulations to all the other recent promotions!
Tysm! I haven’t really active recently but i’ll make sure to get on the site more often. ‘Grats to the others who got a promotion!
yay! so happy for my friends <3
I 100% support Blade X for editor. He's been so active lately that promoting him will likely halve the work that I have to do.
Also it's nice that Pokebase in general is more active now (probably because more people are stuck at home and reluctantly playing Pokemon). Back when I became an expert in 2017, the only active experts, editors, and moderators were Fizz, Toucanadian, Taco, Emty, Jofly, Dragoon, and PX. It took almost 3 years for Stellar Lucario to become the next expert after me.
Glad you see me as a way to lighten your workload :)
I want to add that i honestly think krlw shouldve been mod ages ago and i'm so happy for her, i feel like she really deserves the spot. Good pick! Congrats!
A full congratulations to everyone here! Thanks for all you do here!
“Glad you see me as a way to lighten your workload”

Such splendor!
congrates to all of you (mostly felix though) but you forgot me
Congrats everybody on here!
Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gg X and everyone else!
Lol I’m so late and so dead but hey at least I’m an expert :P

1 Answer

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Done and done. Congrats to Giga Blade X and KRLW890, I know you'll do a great job!

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Thank you! :)
Aww yis.