Meta-PokéBase Q&A
12 votes

Username changes are now closed until the autumn.

It comes around so quickly, doesn't it? It's name change time!

Pokemon Name Rater

If you would like to change your username, you can do so very soon. As usual this thread is open for a few days before the names can be changed, to give everyone time to see they are coming. You may also wish to post an answer asking for others' opinions on possible names you're considering.

Username changes will open Saturday 3rd April and close Monday 5th.

Username restrictions:

  • The maximum number of characters for usernames is 20. This includes all letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
  • Due to technical restrictions these 3 characters cannot be used: @ + /
  • Usernames may not contain 'Pokemaster' or any profanity in them.
  • Invisible characters (e.g. zero-width spaces) are not allowed. Regular spaces are fine.

You will keep the username you choose for another six months, so ensure that the name you choose is one that you like!

If you change your name, please post an answer below with both your old name and new name, so other members know who has changed. Thanks!

closed with the note: Closed until autumn
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Yeah how do I change my username?
I think it will roll out later, or Pokemaster just forgot
*Jeopardy theme song*
It truly was april fools....
Sorry for the delay, I've opened the changes now. I think it's technically still Friday somewhere ;)

44 Answers

5 votes

Chao220 ---> Epic Gamer

epic gamer send tweet.

4 votes

I'm gonna change mine to either First Sinner, Lost Raven or Satan Himself. At least I still have time to think about this

Anyone else thinks it's kinda sus that this came out on april first or is it just me being on a different timezone?

I changed mine to First Sinner

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That's probably you in a different time zone, it's March 31 where I am.
for me its still march 31st lol
Me too
It's 7:20 AM for me, March 31st, just you lol
It’s 1:39 PM March 31 for me right now; I’m in EST.
Oh. I guess that's just me living in asia then
4 votes

Thunder Clapper™ ---> Thunder Clapper


You finally came to your senses and decided to remove the ™. I'm proud of you.
I've decided that awhile ago but thanks lol
Yeah, ™ kinda bland when you could have ~. :P
4 votes

What i'm thinking about for now:

  • ZenDaruma (my Showdown username)
  • The Crystal Shards (snom+kirby)
  • The Crystal Shard
  • Igne Aqua Herba (Latin translation of Fire+Water+Grass, a trio which I use a LOT when playing competitively)
  • Igneus Aqua Naturae
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I like Igne Aqua Herba, personally
The Crystal Shard is cool lol
Kirby 64: the crystal shards. I love that game

Change it to Wwooperiority lol.
no more of those types of usernames lol
I really like Igne Aqua Herba and Igneus Aqua Naturae.
zendaruma is the catchiest ngl so id say go with that one
The crystal shard is dope
4 votes

Wow, impeccable timing. I want my new name to just be “Matt” or “Matthew”. If neither of those are taken, anyway.

Wow everyone else’s name is so much cooler haha it’s okay though
4 votes

this time I might actually do something significant with my name. I’m definitely taking away the squiggles and TM. The following are options
Sixer (gravity Falls reference here)

Honestly, I feel like the first one is most likely, knowing myself. :p

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Yes, I know that reference, good choice!
4 votes

★~Furret1034~★ ----> ~Polaris~

Polaris is the brightest star in the Ursa Minor constellation, and it's a fun name :D
(also reference to Ruins of Ark Polaris Salmon Run map in Splatoon 2 lol)

3 votes

I want to change my username to Gr8_Pokémon_Guy
What do you think. Could I make it better somehow or maybe keep the old one?

I changed it to Gr8 Pokémon Guy now :)

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Maybe without the underscores?
I like it man
3 votes

I changed my name before this but to anybody who doesn't know yet:
EspeonUmbreonDaKings----------> IsItReallyTho

But WasItReallyTho ?

Sorry about that
It's fine, I'm used to it.
3 votes

Its time I don't pick any more generic names.

I'm thinking these names, whaddayasay?

Aureus (Gold in Latin) (my opinion)
Anancites (Diamond in Latin)
Sapphirus (Sapphire in Latin)
Argentius (Silver in Latin)
Aes (bronze in Latin)
Ruby (Ruby in Latin) (lol)
Adams Ruber (Red Diamond in Latin)
Platinum (Platinum in Latin) (lol x2)
Smaragdi (Emerald in Latin)
Jade (Jade in Latin) (lol x3)
Crystallis (Crystal in Latin)
Obsidian (Obsidian in Latin) (lol x4)
Mythril (mythril in Latin) (lol x6969696969696)
Margarita (Pearl in Latin) (insert pizza reference here)

If you think of any more ores in Latin then just comment.

oh and also I'm still keeping the TM mark

oh and also it's probably time to change the grav, that meme is dead now

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Isn’t “gold” in Latin aurem?
There are many variations of gold in Latin. I chose Aureus cuz it sounds cooler.
Latin gang
well ok um so the vote didn’t go well cuz no-one even voted so I’m gonna go for anancites.
3 votes

Pkbeam10 to Pkfire10 or Pkstarstorm10 I'm not sure you guys can choose.Maybe BananaDee10(banana is intentional.with or without the 10?)?Pkthunder10 or Pkfreeze10 could work too.

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Pkstarstorm10 sounds really cool if you ask me.
Yeah,Pkstarstorm10 sounds pretty cool.
Pkfire or BananaDee10

In all seriousness though, i love BandanaDee10
I am now PKThunder10
3 votes

My username doesn't match my grav so I'm changing it.

Midnight_X_Twice -----> ~FlameTheVulpix~

I should have thought about my name matching my gravatar...

2 votes

And now for the departure from Lucario that I hinted at in the username story thread!

I will be going from [GMax]StellarLucario to either of:

Aetherborn Rogue OR
Ætherborn Rogue

Help me decide!

Ætherborn Rogue imo
2 votes

~BlazingStaraptor~ ----> Umm.... idk

1) Here are some names which I'd like to use:

  • ~BlazePhalon~
  • ~SnowBlaze~
  • ~Blaze~
  • ~Blaze-ee-Chick-ken~
  • ~GmaxBlaziken~

I want Blaze in my name because I'm Blaze, not Staraptor.

2) If you don't want me to be Blaze, then... Here you go

  • ~Cyrus-Is-Snom~
  • TeamRocket = Magikarp
  • (I had nicknamed my Zekrom in White as ~N is Mad~)

3) or you don't need such things... Let me get a ~ShroomishFace~ >:( or ~TastyMushroom~ >:(

4) However, do you liek ~Mudkipz~ or ~Torchikz~? (Sorry if that came wrong)

Any suggestions?

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Let's go with ~GmaxBlaziken~
I want '~~'
Is it okay now?
Yaas xd
Do u liek mudkipz?
2 votes

OI. My new name nerdz.
yes very creative

It could also be ~SlashingAbsol~ or ~XxXEpicGamer6969XxX~

TPB is my final choice

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lmfao I might have to do that D:
I think I might just go with tpb tho. Simple and effective
2 votes

♪Barbara Bingbong♪™ —> JaJaDingDong

(Pronounced YAR YAR DING DONG)

If you don’t know what this is, go look it up on YouTube. NOW.

I could also go with FatEarBuffers as a spur of the moment thing.

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2 votes

You guys decide but I want to keep Waluigi in my name. I'm thinking about adding ™ or maybe The Waluigi

Ok. GmaxWaluigi will stay around forever
Don't change. Waluigi is nice.
Wa wa!
Ok. I was going to keep Waluigi but maybe change something else about the name, although I agree GmaxWaluigi is perfect
2 votes

So, I have decided to embrace my Inner Marnie-Fanboy and my like of Obstagoon and change my name from Marill4Life to ~Obstagoon-Marnie~. I hope people like it!


2 votes

Lucky 6☆ EX ---> Clobboot

Friendship with Masters ended. I've now combined my two favorite Galar Pokémon.

1 vote

Ok so i know i already answered but I'm also considering Spleens now, so maybe TY ™ ---> Spleens? thoughts are highly appreciated

Just edit this into the first one lol
N o .

N o .
but i want fresh thoughts the other already has comments
Spleens is a weird name but go for it lmao
Eh..this one is ok
Keep Ty please
this one is kinda random i think the other ones better lol
what the hell is a spleen it sounds like banana dlc for splatoon
@SSuperiority haha I can totally see it now but I still like the name
a spleen is an organ lmfao
Actually it has multiple meanings but the organ is probably the most common one.
Keep TY
@dracovish i can guarantee you one of the meanings isnt banana dlc for splatoon lol
Yes, that isn’t what I was trying to say lmfao