Gen 9 NU Choice Scarf

Krookodile @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie / Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot
- Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Close Combat / Crunch / Foul Play
Krookodile's typing, attack stat, and coverage moves allow it to be a nice offensive Pokemon in Gen 9 NU, being a nice Choice Scarf user. Earthquake is a powerful Ground STAB that can deal out nice damage. Knock Off is a nice Dark STAB to cripple opposing Pokemon by removing their item. Gunk Shot is a useful coverage moves to hit Grass-types such as Tsareena, Brute Bonnet, Rotom-Mow, and Wo-Chien super effectively. Gunk Shot also hits Sylveon, Florges, and other Pokemon that decide "Hey! I want to be a Fairy-type now!" using Tera Fairy.
The last slot can be used to fit your team's needs. Stone Edge lets Krookodile knock out Flying-types such as Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus of out the sky, as well as their hopes and dreams of switching in on an Earthquake (or Talonflame Flame Body burn fishing on a predicted Knock Off). Stealth Rock, while a weird option on a Choice Scarf set, is useful for role compression if you need a Stealth Rock setter on your team and can be used on a predicted switch. Close Combat is an option to hit opposing Krookodile super effectively. Crunch may seem like not a good option since Krookodile has Knock Off on this set, but Crunch is used for another Dark STAB to use after Krookodile Knocks Off an item from Pokemon such as Slowbro. Foul Play is a funny option to revenge kill a Shell Smash Torterra.
Choice Scarf is used to let Krookodile have some more speed. Black Glasses may be an option to boost Knock Off a little should you not need to use Choice Scarf. Moxie lets Krookodile rack up attack boosts when it defeats a Pokemon. Intimidate can be used should you need the utility to lower the attack stat of opposing Pokemon. Tera Poison is used to let Krookodile resist Fighting and Fairy moves and have a more powerful Gunk Shot. Tera Dark can be used to boost the power of Knock Off.