PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
12 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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40 Answers

0 votes

I'm currently playing a Water Type Only run on Emerald and I absolutely love my team. Hoenn has a good deal of decent Water Types to offer. I haven't really paid too much attention to moves, unfortunately. Here is my team after 6 badges, all around Lv. 40:

Kippers (Swampert) @ Soft Sand
Ability: Torrent
- Strength
- Rollout
- Mud Shot (later Earthquake)
- Surf

Donnananas (Lombre) @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Rain Dish
- Rock Smash
- Flash
- Surf
- Giga Drain

Whipper (Tentacruel) @ Cleanse Tag
Ability: Clear Body
- Acid
- Secret Power
- Cut
- Surf

Nigel (Pelipper) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Keen Eye
- Fly
- Surf
- Shock Wave
- Aerial Ace

Sir Baller (Wailord) @ Miracle Water
Ability: Oblivious
- Strength
- Rest
- Rollout
- Surf

Lil Baller (Sealeo) @ King's Rock
Ability: Thick Fat
- Surf
- Ice Ball
- Body Slam
- Ice Beam

I made this team around a year ago and don't really know what I was thinking with the moves??? Especially using Surf on all of them. That's weird. I think I did it just to create a sense of unity between them or something. I don't know. It's the Pokémon that count here. They're all pretty easy to get.

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Blaziken @ Choice Band
Ability: Blaze
- Blaze Kick (STAB)
- Sky Uppercut (Fighting STAB)
- Thunder Punch (Electric and Flying Coverage)
- Earthquake (Filler)

Gardevoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic (STAB)
- Thunderbolt (Filler)
- Ice Beam (Filler)
- Hypnosis (Support)

Azumarill @ Mystic Water
Ability: Thick Fat
- Surf (STAB)
- Ice Punch (Coverage)
- Rollout (Filler)
- Bubblebeam (Other STAB)

Aggron @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sturdy
- Iron Tail (STAB)
- Rock Tomb (Rock STAB)
- Strength (HM)
- Protect (Support)

Altaria @ Lum Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
- Sky Attack (STAB)
- Dragon Claw (Dragon STAB)
- Fly (HM)
- Dragon Dance (Support)

Absol @ Scope Lens
Ability: Pressure
- Slash (Filler)
- Shadow Ball (Filler)
- Aerial Ace (Filler)
- Swords Dance (Support)

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Gardevoir can't learn Ice Beam.
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My team that I used to FINALLY beat Ruby:

Blaze (Blaziken)
- Blaze Kick
- Brick Break
- Slash
- Rock Smash

Cro (Crobat)
- Aerial Ace
- Sludge Bomb
- Steel Wing
- Fly

Casey (Cacturne)
- Needle Arm
- Faint Attack
- Spikes
- Flash

Manny (Manectric)
- Thunderbolt
- Bite
- Strength
- Thunder Wave

Wally (Walrein)
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Dive
- Waterfall

A.A.Ron (Aggron)
- Iron Tail
- Rock Tomb
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge

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6 years late but here is the team I plan on having for end game:

Krete the Breloom @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Hasty (+Spe-Def)
-Focus Punch
-Sludge Bomb
-Leech Seed

The goal behind Breloom is to get behind a sub and leech seed. With a hasty nature it adds to the list of Pokemon it can outrun (which still isnt much) . But it can make it difficult for slower opponents to take control of the situation, especially with Leech Seed whittling them away and keeping Krete healthy enough to continue making subs. Simple strategy, only really works on slower guys.
Focus Punch is STRONG STAB move and Sludge Bomb over a grass move due to his higher physical attack.

1000v the Manectric @ Magnet
Nature: Modest (+spA -atk)
-Thunder Wave

Manectric is very straight forward. STAB Thunderbolt should be enough to take out just about nay water type Turn 1 (Modest nature+Magnet+STAB+Super Effective is a OHKO waiting to happen). Bite pairs well with Thunder Wave due to its flinch rate which can essentially make Manectric a paraflincher. Protect is there to ease prediction and pair well with Leech Seed/Toxic or Will o Wisp from the other teammates.

Vesuvia the Torkoal @ Lax Incense
Nature: Bashful (neutral)
-Body Slam

Torkoal is a tank. Period. Lax Incense to maybe put a little luck on my side and get a free move off (Lowers opponent accuracy by 5%). Once Vesuvia gets a curse or two up with no water types in the way, it's time for a sweep. Body Slam for that chance to paralyze. Protect to pair well with Toxic/Leech Seed/WoW from allies or to just stall and Overheat for the over powered STAB fire move.

IronKlad the Skarmory @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Relaxed (+Def -Spe)
-Steel Wing

Skarmory will lead most matches depending upon the matchup. Fly for STAB and to stall a little. Steel Wing for decent STAB. Spikes is the cherry of this set. Skarmory should be able to set up 3 layers of spikes and continue to roar until the opponent is whittled down. Roar is useful for phazing purposes in case an opponent gets bold and wants to set up.

cursd-imge the Dusclops @ Quick Claw
Nature: Calm (+spD -atk)
-Night Shade

Dusclops is a solid pivot in my team. Will o Wisp and Toxic allow Dusclops to burn or poison who she sees fit. Night Shade is for reliable damage (about 50-60 once at e4) and Taunt is to shut down opponents and their double teaming or status moves. Quick Claw is there for the small chance of getting a jump on an opponent with status or taunt.

Horace the Walrein @ Chesto Berry
Nature: Calm (+spD- atk)
-Ice Beam
-Sleep Talk

Walrein is my status absorber. Surf and Ice Beam provide amazing cover hitting alot of stuff for neutral. Rest and Sleep Talk are there so he ca nsleep off status and recover health. Walrein should be in the battle for a long time. Chesto Berry is the held item of choice for one early wake per battle.

I love how you try to make your teams competetive even though this is in-game, however regardless this is also a good Hoenn team 10/10
You can win battles a lot faster by using Pokemon with higher attack stats. If you don't care about your time, then just raise 6 Mightyenas to level 100 and win the game that way.
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Pokemon Ruby Team- Sceptile, Swellow, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Raichu, and Zangoose

- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace
- Brick Break
- Return

Sceptile. One of my all time favorite starters and favorite Grass type Pokemon. Leaf Blade is STAB. Aerial Ace never misses and is good coverage. Brick Break is also good coverage and can break Reflect and/or Light Screen. Return is a good last move and since your starter will most likely be very friendly to you it's power will be maxed out.

- Fly
- Facade
- Steel Wing
- Aerial Ace/Endeavor

Fly is necessary to get around, and is a decent STAB move. Facade is another STAB move and stacks with Guts which is really cool. Steel Wing is for coverage. Aerial Ace can be used for Double Team spammers, or you can use Endeavor as a strategic play.

- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Eruption

Flamethrower is STAB on the special side. Earthquake is STAB on the physical side. Rock Slide is a great coverage move that with Earthquake forms the "QuakeSlide" combo. Eruption is a very powerful move but make sure you are at max HP to take advantage of its power.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Crunch
- Waterfall / Slash / Earthquake

Surf is STAB and is extremely necessary to get around a water region like Hoenn. Ice Beam is great coverage and helps out immensely against Drake of the Elite Four. Crunch is STAB and helps out against Phoebe. Waterfall is pretty helpful in the field as well. Slash is an option for crits and one of the very few opportunities to take advantage of Sharpedo's amazing Attack stat. Earthquake is that other opportunity, and it hits it's Electric type weakness for super effective damage.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder
- Iron Tail
- Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt is STAB, and Thunder is more powerful STAB. Iron Tail is coverage against the Rock/Ground types that wall Electric type moves. Thunder Wave is a really good status move. Interestingly enough, if you get a Light Ball Pikachu from the Safari Zone, Pikachu's Special Attack doubles to terrifying levels. In that case, don't evolve Pikachu, equip the Light Ball to it for it to fire off some ridiculously powerful Thunderbolts and Thunders.

- Return
- Brick Break
- Shadow Ball
- Swords Dance

Zangoose is a stellar Pokemon, and a much much better Pokemon than its Sapphire counterpart, Seviper (who it can breed with, despite them being mortal enemies...). Anyways, Return is powerful STAB, Brick Break takes care of the Rock and Steel types that resist it, and Shadow Ball drops the Ghost types who are immune to Return and Brick Break. Swords Dance rounds out the set nicely and can be used to turn Zangoose into a physical sweeper.

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0 votes

Hoenn is arguably my favorite region in Pokémon and there is such an abundance of great Pokémon to use on your journey throughout the games. While this is specifically meant for Emerald version, I will make a mention or two towards Ruby and Sapphire as well. This is my first team post focusing on the Torchic line, and subsequent teams for Treecko and Mudkip will follow. While this team does feature a few fan favorites, there are also some Pokémon here that aren't used as much. Hope you enjoy!

- Blaze Kick (level 36 upon evolving)/ Overheat (TM50 obtained from Flannery)/ Fire Punch (use heart scale at move relearner)
- Double Kick (level 16 upon evolving)/ Brick Break (TM31 from Sootopolis City)
- Bulk Up (level 28 or TM08 obtained from Brawly)
- Rock Tomb (TM39 obtained from Roxanne)/ Earthquake (TM26 from Seafloor Cavern)

In my opinion, the Torchic line is the most balanced starter in Hoenn. Both in terms of viability against major bosses, but also in the high amount of synergy it has when building a team around it. Despite not having it's hidden ability of Speed Boost, Blaziken doesn't really need it to be an excellent team member. Both of its attacking stats are above 100 and it has a great typing that allows it to use both physical and special moves. It also has a good move pool (for a 3rd gen game) with hard hitting coverage moves like Aerial Ace, Rock Tomb, and Earthquake. Blaziken also has good speed and HP and decent defenses, so it is basically a jack-of-all trades.

- Giga Drain (TM19 obtained on Route 123) (SS/RD)
- Surf (HM03 obtained from Wally's dad) (SS)
- Fake Out (level 19 as Lombre) (RD)/ Rain Dance (TM18 obtained from Abandoned Ship) (SS)
- Ice Beam (TM13 obtained from Abandoned Ship or Mauville Game Corner) (SS)/ Toxic (TM06 obtained in Fiery Path) (RD)

While Ludicolo has gotten more love recently (deservedly so) it is still a pretty underrated Pokémon which I don't get. Ludicolo has a phenominal typing in Grass/Water meaning it is only weak to Flying, Bug, and Poison types (and all of those are covered in this team). Ludicolo is also surprisingly bulky as a special wall or it could be a monster sweeper in the rain (thank you Rain Dish and Swift Swim). Whether you want your Ludicolo to be a sweeper or more of a stall, it has the move pool to do both and do it well! While it may be a bit of a challenge to use Lombre towards the mid section of the game, once you get Surf Lombre becomes a great Pokemon.

- Thunderbolt (TM24 obtained from Watson or the Mauville Game Corner)
- Thunder Wave (level 4 as Electrike)
- Protect (TM17 obtained from Lilycove Department Store)/ Rain Dance (TM18 obtained from Abandoned Ship)
- Bite (level 39)/ Thunder (level 45 or TM25 obtained from Lilycove Department Store)/ Roar (level 31 or TM05 obtained in Fallarbor)

A definite fan favorite of Hoenn, Manectric is both fast and hits hard specially. The only downside of Manectric in 3rd gen is that it's moveset is really shallow (it's unfortunate it doesn't learn Overheat/Flamethrower in this gen), and this means Manectric is kind of a one trick pony. This is not a bad thing for the region with the most water and an abundance of Flying types, just don't expect Manectric to do other things. One amendment to this claim is Manectric being great at getting of status moves like Thunder Wave, Toxic, Rain Dance, or Roar before most other Pokémon get to move. In my opinion though, use Manectric as raw Electric type damage against all of those Water types you will be running into the back half of the game.

- Fly (HM02 obtained from May)
- Dragon Claw (TM02 obtained from Meteor Falls)
- Dragon Dance (level 40)/ Safeguard (level 21 or TM20 obtained from Lilycove Department Store)
- Rest (TM44 obtained in Lilycove City)/ Sing (level 11)/ Take Down (level 31)

Considering both Salamence and Flygon are popular options in Hoenn, Altaria goes underappreciated when it is actually a really versatile Pokémon. Altaria is a great mixed wall to go along with its typing of Flying/Dragon and it's great ability of Natural Cure (if Roost was a thing in this gen, Altaria would be used so much more!) and, it isn't too bad at dishing out both physical and special damage. Most of the time I have Altaria outfitted to be a bulky mixed attacker with Fly and Dragon Claw as my primary attacks. However, if you are looking to have a more offensive Altaria it has access to a variety of coverage moves like Steel Wing, Earthquake, Ice Beam, and Fire Blast. It also gets Dragon Dance naturally for setting up sweeping. If you do want an unkillable Altaria however, the combo of Rest, Safeguard, and Natural Cure basically makes it invincible (this is especially helpful for the Battle Frontier).

- Psychic (TM29 obtained from Victory Road)
- Explosion (level 55)/ Self-destruct (level 19)
- Light Screen (TM16 obtained from Lilycove Department Store)/ Reflect (TM33 obtained from Lilycove Department Store)/ Cosmic Power (level 42)
- Dig (TM28 obtained from Ruin Maniac)

Yes... Claydol. Look I know in a game full of great Ground types Claydol may be a little underwhelming but much like Altaria, this Pokemon is a great mixed wall with great offensive potential. Let's run down Claydol's credentials shall we? Best ability in Levitate in a game that added a lot more double battles? Check. Great offensive type in Ground/Psychic with a wide range of STAB + coverage moves? Check. Ability to set up and be annoying with moves like Cosmic Power, Light Screen, Toxic, and Reflect? Check. Has the ability to Explode? Check. Claydol has all of the things you need for a great support Pokémon who can also dish out damage.

- Shadow Ball (TM30 obtained from Mt. Pyre)
- Slash (level 36)
- Swords Dance (level 26)
- Aerial Ace (TM40 obtained from Winona)

Our final team member is by far my absolute favorite on the team. From previous playthroughs of Emerald, this Pokemon has done nothing but absolutely destroyed some of the toughest Pokemon in the game with great ease. While Dark types weren't exactly the best until 4th gen when they got the physical special split (plus many more good moves), it is more than doable to make Absol hit like a truck with its massive attack stat in 3rd gen. However, if you do want to utilize Absol's Dark type moves it does have access to Calm Mind and moves like Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt. This moveset is the exact same one that Chuggaaconroy used for his Absol in his Emerald let's play, so thank him for this.

While this was the team I used to beat Emerald the first time as an adult, there are definitely Pokemon that you could swap in for these team members (ex: Tentacruel, Dusclops, Gardevoir, Electrode, Zangoose [if playing Ruby], Cradily, Armaldo, etc.). Hoenn is full of so many usable Pokémon that the possibilities are endless for building a team. Enjoy your journey throughout Hoenn. 10/10 perfect amount of water.

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Replace Ludicolo with Tentacruel because Tentacool comes at a higher level and evolves earlier. Replace Claydol with Gardevoir for earlier evolution, higher special attack, and calm mind. Altaria has low attack stats and evolves late. You have 6 battlers, so replace Altaria with a HM slave (like Tropius) so that your other Pokemon can gain more experience.
0 votes

Ludicolo @ Mystic Water
Ability: Rain Dish
Nature: Calm (+SpD -Atk)
- Fake Out
- Surf
- Giga Drain
- Rain Dance

The goal here is to fake out whoever you're up against. This stops them in their tracks and allows you to get a smidgen of damage on the opponent--which may be enough to score a KO. Then if the match up allows it, set up Rain Dance. This will give you a little bit of heals with Rain Dish and boost your Surfs. Giga Drain adds to the healing and water/grass isn't horrible coverage!

Exploud @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Soundproof
Nature: Naughty (+Atk -SpD)
- Return
- Shadow Ball
- Brick Break
- Shock Wave

Exploud is sooo worth leveling up and evolving from a Whismur. This thing has awesome mixed stats and can punish opponents specially or physically. For my Exploud I ended up with an attack boosting nature, which is why I opt for Shadow Ball, Brick Break, and Return. Ghost and fighting allow for nearly perfect coverage and Shock wave is simply there for any opponents who decide to boost their evasion and it hits OK too. Silk Scarf is chosen to boost Return's strength.

Seviper @ Blackglasses
Ability: Shed Skin
Nature: Modest (+SpA -Atk)
- Crunch
- Flamethrower
- Glare
- Rest

Seviper is a very interesting Pokemon. Because mine is Modest natured, I opt for a special set as he'll be hitting harder. Crunch is an AWESOME move powered up with Black Glasses. Flamethrower gets you that coverage. Glare is also an awesome move that paralyzes every type except ghosts and Rest is here due to his ability being so useful (Shed Skin). Usually he will only sleep for a turn so it's instant heal, next turn fight.

Xatu @ Lum Berry
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Relaxed (+Def -Spe)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Wish
- Protect

Xatu is our set up guy as well as our wish passer. Calm Mind is used to boost Xatu's SpD and SpA to decent levels. Psychic is our only attacking move due to decent coverage versus the E4. Wish and Protect go hand in hand and add to Xatu's survivability. Lum Berry is the item of choice due to synchronize passing the status back to the opponent and then Xatu healing it off. Make sure there are no dark types or fast electric/ice/dark types in waiting before you set up.

Magcargo @ Quick Claw
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Docile (Neutral)
- Flamethrower
- Toxic
- Light Screen
- Reflect

Magcargo is our support Pokemon. With a Pokemon with this many weaknesses that is this slow, this is his best option imho. The screens are great to weaken opponents moves. Flamethrower is there for STAB and consistent damage (Can be replaced with Overheat for a one and done play style). Toxic hits anything not steel or poison and pairs well with Xatu's protect and Ludicolo's Fake out. Quick Claw is the item of choice due to the chance of getting the jump on the opponent.

Sandslash @ Lax Incense
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
- Focus Punch
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- Sandstorm

Sandslash's main purpose is to force misses. Sandstorm + Sand Veil + Lax incense lowers the opponents accuracy just enough to make use of. Focus Punch is here just in case you're feeling lucky and think the opponent will miss or if the opponent seems to be setting up. Earthquake is for a strong STAB move. Rock Tomb is to lower and opponents speed which helps Sandslash and the rest of the team. Also, sandstorm raises Magcargo's Special Defense due to his rock typing!

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But why would you want to show that, when you could be using the better Pokemon instead?
Because not everyone just wants to take OP mons….

And this way people can see what to do with mons they love and May not get used as Often
Then maybe you should preface the answer with "this uses suboptimal Pokemon on purpose", so people won't think you're trying to answer the question that asks for a hassle-free team.
I don't want to kill your enthusiasm but playthroughs don't magically level the playing field for less good mons.
It’s Pokémon. Who cares
For the record, I didn't downvote the answer.
0 votes

Here's a team I put together for Sceptile for R/S:

Ability: Overgrow
Rash Nature
- Leaf Blade (Level 29)
- Pursuit (Level 17)
- Dragon Claw (TM, Meteor Falls, requires Surf and Waterfall to get)
- Iron Tail (TM, Meteor Falls, requires Surf and Waterfall to get)

The starter! Not the best one but still a great choice. Rash nature to boost that special attack, and
a great special moveset to go along with it. Leaf Blade is hard hitting STAB. Pursuit, Dragon Claw, and
Iron Tail is coverage. It's no Swampert but this guy can pull his weight!

Ability: Rain Dish / Swift Swim (both are good in rain)
Neutral Nature
- Surf (HM)
- Giga Drain (TM, From girl south of Mt Pyre for showing her a grass type)
- Rain Dance (For ability, TM, Department store)
- Flash (HM coverage, or can use other HMs)

You can get a Lotad super early, and it's a good water HM slave till you get your true water type later on,
unless you want to keep it. It is exclusive to Sapphire though. For Ruby players you can use Sharpedo until
you get the team's water type. Neutral nature for its balanced stats. Surf and Giga Drain are STAB. Rain Dance
is for its abilities and Flash is HM.

Then when you get Spheal, replace Ludicolo/Sharpedo with it, if you want to

Ability: Thick Fat
Neutral Nature
- Surf (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM, Abandoned Ship in ocean)
- Body Slam (Level 19)
- Ice Ball (Level 13)

This guy is a tank! Hard hitting and can take hits too. Thick Fat only makes him bulkier. Surf and Ice Beam are STAB. Body Slam is coverage and Ice Ball is situational filler. You can replace Ice Ball with better moves if you want to, like Rest.

Ability: Solid Rock
Brave / Quiet Nature
- Flamethrower/Eruption/Overheat/Fire Blast (Game Corner or Level 41 as Numel/Level 45 as Camerupt/TM, Gift for beating Lavaridge Gym #4/TM, Department Store)
- Earthquake (Level 35 as Numel, Level 37 as Camerupt)
- Rock Slide/Take Down (Level 33 as Camerupt/Level 29)
- Return (TM, Gift from man in Fortree City if high enough friendship with Pokemon)

I feel like this beast is slept on. 105 Attack and 100 Sp. Attack are pretty solid. I get that its a water filled
region and that its quad weak to water but play your cards right and that won't matter. This thing is just too
strong to pass on! Speaking of weaknesses this guy only has 2, and 5 resistances! The weaknesses are even reduced by the Solid Rock ability. Flamethrower/Eruption/Overheat/Fire Blast is fire STAB, and you may have trouble getting good fire stab, but it shouldn't be too big a problem. Earthquake is strong STAB at level 37! Rock Slide/Take Down and Return are coverage. Have fun using this absolute monster.

Ability: Guts
Adamant Nature
- Fly (HM)
- Aerial Ace (Level 38 or TM, Gift for Fortree Gym #6)
- Facade (TM, Gift for Petalburg Gym #5)
- Steel Wing (TM, Gift from Steven for delivering his letter)

Swellow is one of the best regional birds, right below Staraptor and Corviknight. Guts is your only ability choice, but it will come in handy. Fly is STAB and to get to places. Aerial Ace is never missing STAB that does more damage in two turns than Fly. Facade is strong STAB, and monstrous if you have status (Guts+Facade Boost). Steel Wing is coverage for Ice and Rock types (two weaknesses).

Ability: Thick Fat
Adamant Nature
- Brick Break (TM)
- Smelling Salts (Level 33)
- Earthquake (TM, Seafloor Cavern or Pickup)
- Rock Tomb (TM, Gift for Rustboro Gym #1)

The sumo wrestling champion! You can get one through trade in Rustboro City. This thing hits like a truck and takes hits like one too. Brick Break is STAB, but use Vital Throw (Level 13) till then. Smelling Salts and Earthquake are strong coverage. Rock Tomb covers Flying weakness. This guy single-handedly covers 9 types! Jeez!

Ability: Pickup
Adamant Nature
- Strength (HM)
- Rock Smash (HM)
- Cut (HM)
- Shadow Ball (TM, Mt Pyre)

Ah Linoone. Call it whatever you want: HM Slave, HM Mule or HM Whore. Fact is, this dude pulls the most weight on the team. Pickup is one of the most busted in game abilities. Strength, Rock Smash, and Cut are HMs. Shadow Ball is coverage. Fun fact: This dude is your only way to deal with psychic or ghost types (aside from pursuit on Sceptile). I can tell you from experience that with one or two X Attacks and that base 100 speed this little guy can sweep Phoebe. He is the true MVP.

Overall a really solid team that should get you through the main story with ease.

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Blaziken @ Charcoal/Shell Bell
- Blaze Kick (Level 36)
- Sky Uppercut (Level 59)
- Earthquake (TM26)
- Strength (HM04)

Blaziken is the starter of the team. It is fast and hits hard. Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut are for STAB, Earthquake is for coverage, and Strength is an HM move.

Ludicolo @ Mystic Water
- Surf (HM03)
- Giga Drain (TM19)
- Ice Beam (TM13)
- Fake Out (Level 19)

Ludicolo is how this team gets around. Surf and Giga Drain are for STAB, Ice Beam is for coverage, and Fake Out is for chip damage.

Grumpig @ Twisted Spoon
- Psychic (Level 37)
- Shock Wave (TM34)
- Thief (TM34)
- Calm Mind (TM04)

Grumpig is a cool pig with some cool abilities. Psychic is for STAB, Shock Wave and Thief are for coverage, and Calm Mind is for boosting Special Attack and Defense.


Gardevoir @ Twisted Spoon
- Psychic (Level 26)
- Thunderbolt (TM24)
- Thief (TM46)
- Calm Mind (Level 21)

Gardevoir is a strong Psychic Pokemon with a high Special Attack stat. Psychic is for STAB, Thunderbolt and Thief are for coverage, and Calm Mind is for boosting.

Swellow @ Beak
- Return (TM27)
- Fly (HM02)
- Steel Wing (TM47)
- Endeavor (Level 28)

Swellow is how this team moves in the air and is a fast little bugger. Return and Fly are STAB, Steel Wing is for coverage, and Endeavor is for sticky situations.

Aggron @ Leftovers
- Iron Tail (Level 29)/Metal Claw (Level 13)
- Rock Tomb (TM39)
- Dragon Claw (TM02)
- Double Edge (Level 63)

Aggron is a specially defensive wall on this team because both of its weaknesses are physical. Iron Tail and Rock Tomb are STAB, Dragon Claw is for coverage, and Double Edge is for big damage.

Absol @ Black Glasses
- Bite (Level 21)
- Slash (Level 36)
- Shadow Ball (TM30)
- Swords Dance (Level 26)

Absol is this team's Dark type, even though its attacks are mostly special it can still do work against unprepared enemy teams. Bite is STAB, Slash is for Crits, Shadow Ball is coverage, and Swords Dance is for that +2 attack.

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For the experienced player looking for an in-game run with a challenge to find them all, expect some grinding with weaker evolutions — but anticipate a huge payoff once fully assembled and evolved — look no further.

Blaziken @ Charcoal
Neutral Nature
- Flamethrower
- Sky Uppercut
- Bulk Up
- (filler)

Gardevoir @ Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Confusion

Slaking @ Silk Scarf
Adamant Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Strength
- Cut
- Yawn (Utility)

Flygon @ Black Glasses
Lonely Nature
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Fly

Magneton @ Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shock Wave
- Flash
- Thunder Wave

Milotic @ Mystic Water
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Dive
- Ice Beam

All HMs are covered, and the team can inflict statuses on wild Pokémon/legendaries for catching.
The team counters each Gym well at the time you can recruit each member.
Good luck in finding the Feebas, though. But trust me, Milotic is worth the effort.
The Elite Four is a breeze by the time the team is fully assembled and evolved.

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Why Confusion on Gardevoir if you have Psychic? Why Shock Wave on Magneton if you have Thunderbolt?
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Here is a team for Blaziken

- Fire Blast/Flamethrower (STAB)
- Brick Break (STAB)
- Earthquake (Coverage)
- Bulk Up (Setup)

I think Blaziken is the best starter in Hoenn, there are better grass types than SceptileCoughCradilyCough and Hoenn has water so Swampert is more redundant

- Ice Beam (STAB)
- Surf (STAB)
- Rock Tomb (Speed issues and coverage)
- Body Slam (Speed issues and just a strong Normal move)

It may be Late-Game but it will serve you well, it's so insanely Bulky that NOTHING without a Super Effective Hit would even get it to half HP in 1 hit.

- Giga Drain (STAB)
- Ancient Power (STAB)
- Ingrain/Confuse Ray (Healing/Chip Damage)
- Toxic (Chip damage)

Cradily is a wall that can hit back hard, its STABs have great second effects and it is impossible to kill because of its bulk.

- Sludge Bomb (STAB)
- Fly (STAB and movement)
- Steel Wing (Coverage)
- Shadow Ball (Coverage)

Crobat is a fast and hard hitting attacker that can tear through enemies with ease, it isn't horribly frail either which is why I chose it over Swellow.

- Shadow Ball (STAB)
- Calm Mind (Setup)
- Thunderbolt (Coverage)
- Psychic (Coverage)

Banette may be frail but the Pokemon it's good against are way. WAY slower than it or can't hit it back that hard, plus we have it in case Cradily goes down and we need Water Coverage.

6.Zangoose (Emerald or Ruby) or Girafarig (Sapphire)

- Return (STAB)
- Swords Dance (Coverage)
- Aerial Ace (Coverage)
- Dig / Iron Tail (Both Coverage)

- Return (STAB)
- Psychic (STAB)
- Crunch (Coverage)
- Shock Wave (Coverage)

Both are great; while Zangoose is better, it's not in Sapphire. Girafarig is still a great alternative -- both are fast and hit hard, and Swords Dance can stack up on Zangoose while Girafarig's Psychic typing helps a lot.

So there is the team! What do you think?

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Late but Im going to say one thing, Thank You for giving girafarig some attention its an underrated pokemon with an interesting typing and wide movepool to use. Ive used it in playthroughs before and it was really good.
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Here is a team for Emerald that I used.

Blaziken @ Charcoal
- Sky Uppercut (Level up)
- Flamethrower (TM)
- Cut (HM)
- Aerial Ace (TM, Keep Peck until Winona)

This can sheer force through a lot of things, with Sky Uppercut even hitting Drake's flying Salamence.

Pelipper @ Any Item
- Fly (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM)
- Hydro Pump (Level up)
- Surf (HM)

Fly is just there so you can fly around. This Pokémon is important to beat Team Magma because Surf/Hydro Pump kills everything they have.

Gardevoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Psychic (Level up)
- Thunderbolt (TM)
- Substitute (Move Tutor at Lilycove Store, use Shock Wave from Wattson until then)
- Calm Mind (Level up)

This can beat almost anything. It starts weak as Ralts and Kirlia, but after evolving it thrashes everything. It can usually even beat Sidney solo because Dark type moves are special, so after some Calm Minds, they won't break the Substitute and Thunderbolt kills everything.

Azumarill @ Any Item
Ability: Huge Power
Any Nature
- Dig (TM)
- Rock Smash (HM)
- Dive (HM)
- Strength (HM)

Azumarill is the HM slave. Dig and Strength still hit fairly hard with Huge Power.

Linoone @ Amulet Coin
- Belly Drum (Level up at 52, Zigzagoon gets it at 41)
- Secret Power (TM)
- Shadow Ball (TM)
- Pin Missile/Anything (Pin Missile is only Zigzagoon by level up)

After each battle, Linoone will have a chance to pick up an item. The full list is on Bulbapedia, but after you get this to level 21+, it will start having a chance of picking up Rare Candies. Goes along with the Amulet Coin for extra cash while you pick up sellable items.

Shedinja @ Quick Claw
- Swords Dance (Evolution)
- Shadow Ball (Level 38)
- Fury Cutter (Tutor)
- Toxic (TM)

Now you might think that Shedinja cannot learn Swords Dance. But, because Shedinja inherits the moves of Ninjask when Nincada evolves and Ninjask can learn Swords Dance at level 25, simply evolve Nincada at level 25 instead of the regular 20 and Ninjask will try to learn Swords Dance. Then when you let it learn it, the Shedinja that appears if you have an empty party slot and a spare Poké Ball will know the same moves as Ninjask, including Swords Dance. Now that you have Swords Dance, you might think: "But doesn't Ninjask learn Fury Cutter as an evolution move at level 20 so you can't get both on Shedinja?" There is a move tutor in the Verdanturf Town Pokémon Centre who will teach Fury Cutter to a Pokémon only once.

Shedinja is good in-game because it walls certain trainers like Juan. If you paralyze Shedinja, it can also solo Wallace. Normally, you would just keep Shedinja in the back of the party because it loses against many trainers. Shedinja's level isn't really a concern anyway because if the opponent cannot hit you, that's it. Either stall with Toxic or get enough attack boosts and spam Fury Cutter until it kills everything.

Hope you enjoyed my explanation or a playthrough with this team.

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Team Preview:

This team is geared toward Pokemon Emerald version. It will work for the other jeweled editions, but with less compelling coverage moves in place of the tutored elemental punches.

- Leaf Blade
- Dragon Claw
- Thunder Punch
- Aerial Ace

- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Punch

- Bulk Up
- Brick Break
- Rock Slide
- Rock Smash

- Fly
- Sludge Bomb
- Steel Wing
- Shadow Ball

- Return
- Hyper Beam
- Earthquake
- Overheat

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Strength

This team is divided into three pairs: Sceptile & Crobat, the fast hitters: Gardevoir & Hariyama, the boosting sweepers: Exploud and Whiscash, the bulky tanks. Each pair has one physical attacker and one special attacker, except the tanks, who both fire off mixed sets.
The team boasts enough coverage to handle most any threat, including the game's pervasive Water types, without requiring too much in-game expense. The team enjoys Fly, Surf, Strength, and Rock Smash utility without compromising the strategic integrity of the team. However, it does suffer from a lack of Waterfall and Dive utility (I suspect most teams would anyway), and most of the learnsets rely on broad type coverage instead of raw potency.

Locations, in order:
Choose Treecko as your starter.
Find Ralts east of Petalburg City.
Find Zubat in Granite Cave by ferry.
Find Makuhita in Granite Cave by ferry.
Find Whismur in Rusturf Tunnel.
Fish Barboach out of Meteor Falls.

You can catch them all before the 5th gym, giving you a working team to play with early on.
I believe that having a good-enough Pokemon early is better than having a superb Pokemon later; there's more fun that way and less grinding. Whiscash is an inferior Swampert, for instance, but serves well enough in the same capacity: Walrein would do the job better, but is caught too late in the game: Salamence is better than Crobat, but takes forever to catch and to raise.

Informed critiques are welcome.

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Exploud doesn't get Thunder in Gen 3. Solid team, though.
Replace Sceptile with Vileplume for sleep powder and higher special attack. Replace Crobat with Swellow for earlier evolution and a stronger STAB move. Replace Whiscash with Swampert for better stats. Exploud evolves late and still doesn't have the best physical attack after evolving. Replace it with a HM slave (like Marill) so your other Pokemon can get more experience.
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My Pokemon Team

Swampert @ Chesto Berry
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam (Found in Abandoned Ship)
- Rest
Explanation: Rest can be used as a form of recovery, with Chesto Berry curing it. Chesto Berries are found all around Hoenn, so it's easy to farm for one. Earthquake and Waterfall are reliable for damage since they both deal STAB. Ice Beam are for grass types to deal with. Swampert is best pick for starter since it has a great typing and has the highest BST out of all starters, including those after generation III. It can also make for a great wall and can hit hard.

Crobat @ Any Item
- Aerial Ace/Fly (Aerial Ace is given by Winona, in the mean time keep Wing Attack)
- Sludge Bomb (Dewford Town)
- Shadow Ball (Mt. Pyre 6F)
- Double Team/Toxic (Mauville Game Corner/Fiery Path (Strength Needed))
Explanation: Crobat's purpose is to hit fast and hit hard. Since you have a speed advantage, Double Team is a good move to avoid incoming attacks since Crobat is a bit "squishy". Aerial Ace and Sludge Bomb are STAB moves, while Shadow Ball takes care of Psychic types.

Breloom @ Leftovers
- Sky Uppercut
- Giga Drain (Route 123)
- Bulk Up (Given by Brawly)
- Iron Tail (Meteor Falls)
Leech Seed or Counter are other options.
Explanation: Breloom is a good physical Attacker, so I gave it Sky Uppercut as well as Iron Tail with Bulk Up to raise Attack. Giga Drain is STAB providing recovery, and Leech Seed as an option for adding health. Even if leftovers are post game, other items can be okay as well such as Black Belt in Route 129.

Ninetales @ Charcoal
- Flamethrower
- Iron Tail
- Confuse Ray
- Sunny Day
Explanation: Charcoal can be found in Lavaridge Town providing even more STAB to your moves. Iron Tail is used for Rock types and Confuse Ray to have a chance setting up Sunny Day. Sunny Day also gives Flamethrower another boost like Charcoal, so it hurts even more.

- Iron Tail
- Earthquake (Seafloor Cavern)
- Surf
- Rock Tomb
Rock Tomb may be replaced, such as Headbutt or Double-Edge or Aerial Ace.
Explanation: Aggron is a good Pokemon for Defense, with 180 in the Defense Stat. Iron Tail and Rock Tomb are STAB moves, with Earthquake providing a wider area of type advantages. Surf counters ground-types, while Rock Tomb slows Pokemon for Aggron to outspeed several slow Pokemon. Like Surf, Aerial Ace can be taught if Crobat didn't have it.

- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt/Shock Wave (Mauville City)
- Thief
Explanation: Gardevoir is a really good Sp. Attacker Pokemon, which is found early in the game. Psychic is STAB, and Calm Mind boosts it. Thunderbolt/Shock Wave and Thief are also special attacks, so Calm Mind can boost these two moves too. Thunderbolt is found when you solve the issue with the electric generator in Mauville City and Shock Wave is when you beat Wattson.

That's it! I made it so that Swampert has high HP, Crobat has high Speed, Breloom has high Attack, Ninetales has decent Sp. Def, Gardevoir has high Sp. Atk and Aggron has high Defense. All excel in a particular stat (except Ninetales). I also made it so that it completes the Fire-Water-Grass trio. And this took me an hour to make~



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- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Strength

The best starter for a Hoenn playthrough, good typing and very defensive having only one weakness with access to the most needed HMs in the game and Ice type coverage will be your answer to Drake's Dragon types.

- Aerial Ace
- Sludge Bomb
- Confuse Ray
- Fly

The best in-game flyer, characterized by its favorable typing, extensive movepool, and remarkable Speed and Attack. It can be hard to raise from a Zubat as it doesn't gain Flying type STAB until Level 21. However, maximizing its friendship is worthwhile once you obtain Crobat.

- Brick Break
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- Bulk Up

The best Fighting type to use in R/S/E, featuring high HP and Attack with a versatile movepool and early evolution, becomes your sturdy physical sweeper thanks to its impressive HP stat.

- Thunderbolt
- Lock-On
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave

My favorite to use possesses excellent utility, high Special Attack, and sturdy defenses due to its typing. This Pokémon serves as your primary counter to Water types and proves invaluable against Winona. Additionally, the combination of Lock-On and Thunder makes for a potent strategy, although you can opt for Protect and Flash over Thunder and Lock-On for added utility. Its Electric/Steel typing positions it as an exceptional Electric type Pokémon.

- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb / Iron Tail
- Flamethrower / Crunch

One of my favorites, although annoying to raise from a Trapinch, evolves into Vibrava with balanced stats and gains the Dragon/Ground typing with Levitate as an ability. Once it reaches Level 45, it becomes a formidable force, boasting exceptional speed and power with a base Attack and Speed of 100 each. With an 80 base Special Attack, it effectively utilizes its diverse special movepool. Note that Flygon does not share the same weaknesses as Swampert, so using both Flygon and Swampert is viable.

- Psychic
- Shock Wave
- Thief
- Calm Mind

Alakazam stands as a special attacking powerhouse with its high special stats. Although frail, setting up with Calm Mind and unleashing Psychic on everything tears opponents apart. Acquiring one can be tedious, but overcoming obstacles is worth it. This Pokémon serves as your answer to Wallace if your Magneton gets knocked out. Note that Kadabra is still a viable option if you can't trade to evolve it into Alakazam; provide it with the same moveset.

If you prefer not to waste Poké Balls and wish to use Abra, follow these steps:

  1. Catch a Zigzagoon.
  2. Engage in battles with wild Pokémon until your Zigzagoon picks up an Ultra Ball.
  3. Seek out Abra and use the Ultra Ball for a higher catch rate.

- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Thief
- Calm Mind

Alternatively, if trading isn't an option, Gardevoir fulfills the same role as Alakazam. However, it can learn a superior Electric type move in Thunderbolt, and its accessibility is earlier than Alakazam, as it can be found as a Ralts at the start of the game.


Mudkip (your starter so it's right at the start of the game)
Zubat (Granite Cave)
Makuhita (Granite Cave)
Magnemite (New Mauville)
Trapinch (Route 111, Desert Area)
Abra (Granite Cave)
or alternatively Ralts (Route 102)

This is a team I've assembled. Hoenn offers a diverse selection of Pokémon, making it my favorite region. Keep in mind that this predates Gen 4 with the special/physical split, which is why Alakazam/Gardevoir learns Thief instead of Shadow Ball -- Ghost moves are physical in Generation 3.

Have fun using this team :)

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Heres another team I've come up with for Torchic users.

- Blaze Kick
- Brick Break / Sky Uppercut
- Bulk Up
- Earthquake / Rock Tomb

The first-ever Fire/Fighting starter, boasting excellent typing and mixed attacking stats with good speed, and having access to Bulk Up, allowing it to sweep through teams. This will be your answer to Sidney and Glacia. (P.S., make sure you evolve your Torchic into Combusken before facing the first gym so you will have super effective damage.)

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain

This Pokémon is underrated, with an insane special defense stat and high speed, coupled with good special attack. This mon will outspeed and KO opponents while taking special hits well. At the same time, it's an underrated pick, and it's very common; you can find it at the start of the game.

- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
- Explosion
- Double-Edge

Golem is a really solid Pokémon, boasting good physical stats, and it's accessible before Watson, meaning you will have an answer to his entire team of Electric types and Winona's Flying types. If you can't trade, still use Graveler because it's still a decent Pokémon. Give it the same moveset, and you will be good to go. Access to Rock Blast is nice as Rock Slide is hard to get outside of breeding.

- Thunderbolt
- Thief
- Explosion
- Light Screen

Electrode is a really good Pokémon with the highest speed stat in the game and access to good Electric STAB and utility, being able to set up with Light Screen and then use Explosion in emergency situations. Its special attack stat is good enough to be viable. However, there are better Electric types, but Electrode is a decent choice if you're looking for something with good utility and is very fast. This will be your answer to Winona as you get it as a Voltorb right before the 6th gym.

- Return
- Shadow Ball / Brick Break
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast / Shock Wave
- Ice Beam / Blizzard

Exploud is another solid but overlooked Pokémon as it has really good mixed attacking stats and a high HP stat with a wide movepool and early accessibility. Although its defenses are low, its outstanding HP stat backs it up, and its coverage is good against most of the E4, especially Phoebe with Shadow Ball and that immunity to Ghost types. A good Pokémon overall.

- Psychic
- Wish
- Fly
- Calm Mind

Another underrated Pokémon. Xatu has solid special attack and speed with access to good utility. It can be your wish passer and be a good special sweeper at the same time with access to Calm Mind + Psychic, which will tear everything apart. It also serves as your flyer. In Gen 2, it was good; however, in R/S/E, it got better with access to Calm Mind. Its special stats will be properly utilized. Xatu is a bit late-game, but it's worth getting.


Torchic (Your starter so you get it at the start of the game)
Tentacool (Defword Island where you can get the Old Rod or in any water route)
Geodude (Granite Cave)
Voltorb (New Mauville)
Whismur (Rusturf Tunnel)
Natu (Safari Zone)

I highly recommend this team if you're looking for something that's not always overly used. Using the same Pokémon over and over again can be boring, and this team is good enough to get through the game.

Have fun with this team and go out there and play some R/S/E :)

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Heres the last team for R/S/E, this is for players who chose treeko only

- Leaf Blade
- Earthquake
- Solar Beam
- Sunny Day

Sceptile may be classed as "the worst starter" for R/S/E, but in later gens, it's not as good as it currently is in R/S/E. Its insanely high speed stat base of 120 makes it one of the fastest in the game with its good special coverage and decent attack stat, being able to make use of Earthquake to take advantage of its resistance to Electric types. It's a solid Pokémon; it's a shame the grass typing gets battered in Hoenn.

- Surf
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Return
- Dragon Dance

Gyarados might not have the special/physical split to back it up, but I still find it to be useful with access to Dragon Dance. It can set up and then sweep with Return, a move that has 102 base power at max friendship. You will have Magikarp in the early game right after the 1st gym. (P.S. You can get the Flamethrower TM from the game corner and teach it to Gyarados to counter Watson's team of Electric/Steel types. However, you will need to catch a full team of Zigzagoon and run around and defeat wild Pokémon until you get nuggets to sell them for a good profit.)

- Cross Chop / Brick Break
- Rock Tomb
- Return / Facade
- Bulk Up

Machamp is a really good Pokémon; it has one of the highest Attack stats in the game and on top of that, it has access to Guts, an Ability that raises its Attack stat when it has a status condition. With its already high Attack, it will do an immensely good amount of damage, and it's decently bulky as well. Overall, Machamp is a really solid Pokémon. (P.S. If you can't trade, Machoke is still a decent Pokémon; just give it the same moves as I have.)

- Earthquake
- Psychic
- Cosmic Power / Light Screen / Reflect
- Explosion

Claydol is underrated, period. High defenses and average attacking stats with access to Cosmic Power to raise its high defenses even further. With Levitate, its immunity to Ground type moves is helpful in double battles and good utility in Explosion for emergency situations and Light Screen/Reflect to then help set up against the opponent. Overall, Claydol is a good Pokémon; it's a shame it's outclassed by other Ground types.

- Thunderbolt
- Thief
- Return / Strength
- Iron Tail

Raichu is a really solid Electric type. It has good mixed attacking stats and insanely high Speed with access to some good physical coverage and STAB-Thunderbolt and Return at max Friendship for some terrific damage. This will be your answer to the 6th and 8th Gym along with other Water type trainers. A good Electric type overall.

- Drill Peck
- Return
- Fly
- Steel Wing

One of the best flyers for R/S/E, its accessibility is late game; however, level it up at the optional Route 123 and you will be good to go. Access to Drill Peck, one of the strongest Flying type moves in the game that does not take 2 turns to use with STAB Return for disgusting damage and coverage against Rock and Ice types with Steel Wing. Dodrio has good stats in general, with base 110 Attack and 110 Speed. It will outspeed and KO anything, especially anything weak to its typing or coverage. I highly recommend Dodrio if you want something solid that's not a Flying type that acquires friendship to evolve and is tedious. Although Swellow with Guts boosted Facade is another option as it's early game, Dodrio is just better.


Treecko (At the start of the game)
Magikarp (Dewford Island or any route with water via fishing with Old Rod)
Machop (Route 112)
Baltoy (Route 111, Desert Area)
Raichu (Safari Zone)
Doduo (Safari Zone)

R/S/E are probably one of the best sets of Pokémon games in the series with the region and the diversity it has. I enjoy using different Pokémon every time I play as there's more diversity that way. 10/10 best starter line and unique Pokédex.

Have fun using this team :)

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For many players, the toughest decision is starter choice. While I do think Mudkip is the best starter in this game, I will be providing alternative Pokemon for the other 2 as well. Also, I will be listing early/late movesets.

Swampert @ Nevermeltice
- Water Gun / Surf
- Mud Shot / Earthquake
- Rock Tomb / Stone Edge
- Ice Beam

Swampert can learn Muddy Water as well, which is very similar to Surf if you don't have it yet... but he learns it at level 37, which is around the time you should be getting Surf anyways. I gave him Never-Melt Ice so he could do "STAB" damage with Ice Beam.

Swellow @ Sharp Beak
- Quick Attack / Return
- Peck / Aerial Ace
- Steel Wing
- Fly

Swellow is a favorite of mine, since it's the only flyer I've ever really gotten. I really like Aerial Ace's accuracy, but you can use Wing Attack as well. Steel Wing you get from Steven early on, and there's really no other move to use until Fly.

Hariyama @ Muscle Band
- Arm Thrust / Brick Break
- Vital Throw / Earthquake (Or you can keep Vital Throw)
- Bulk Up
- Fake Out / Strength

A lot of people have been sleeping on Hariyama's power... but it's an amazing Pokémon to have on your team! It has really good damage, and it's pretty bulky. Vital Throw makes good use of its slow speed, but Earthquake is gonna do more damage once you get the TM. Bulk Up can be acquired as soon as you get him since he's in the cave next to Brawly's gym.

Manectric @ Magnet
- Spark / Thunderbolt
- Thief / Bite
- Quick Attack / Rain Dance
- Shock Wave / Thunder

Now, I'll admit, this one is only on here because I love him. But, he's incredibly useful once he gets to Level 20 and learns his first Electric type move. He's difficult to level up at first, but more than makes up for it later on. You can get Thunderbolt as soon as you get Surf; just go back to Mauville and talk to Wattson. He'll give you a little quest that'll get you Thunderbolt. You can grab Thief real quick by talking to the Team Aqua Grunt at the Ocean Center (he'll stay there once everyone else leaves), and Shock Wave can be obtained by defeating Wattson.

Camerupt @ Soft Sand
- Ember / Flamethrower
- Magnitude / Earthquake
- Overheat / Eruption
- Amnesia

Side note: If you can grab a Ninetales, I'd highly suggest taking that instead of Camerupt. Ninetales is just faster, deals more damage, and isn't 4x weak to water. This will be the best fire type available to you that's not version exclusive. It does decent damage, but Overheat just kills its damage after only one use. It's bulky, and Solid Rock reduces its 4x weakness to 3x, but there are so many water types out there in Hoenn. It's a pain to grind, but at least in Emerald, it gains access to Magnitude at level 19.

Now, the last Pokémon here is up to preference. If you'd like an HM mule to carry some of the workload for you, I'd highly suggest Lombre if you can get it. If not, Crawdaunt is an HM mule that has the same coverage, except instead of Flash, it can learn Cut. But the best HM mule to start with would be Linoone, which evolves from Zigzagoon at level 20.

However, if you want a powerful, gym/route sweeper for your team, look no further than....

Salamence @ Dragon Fang
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Flamethrower
- Double Edge / Earthquake

He's not really easy to get, but boy is he worth it. If you don't use the Earthquake TM on Hariyama, you can have an absolute beast to dominate any and all Elite Four members, as you can't really get him earlier than that. But trust me, once you have him on par with the rest of your team, he is worth it.

Blaziken @ Muscle Band
- Ember / Blaze Kick
- Peck / Aerial Ace
- Double Kick / Sky Uppercut
- Bulk Up

This Pokemon is fantastic, even through the post-Surf stages of the game. You can also use Flamethrower and Brick Break if you feel like it.

Gardevoir @ Wise Glasses
- Confusion / Psychic
- Shock Wave / Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind

Accompanying Blaziken is this crazy Pokémon, found in the same grass Wally finds one. Shadow Ball is tricky, as you can't really use another move in its place, and it's considered a physical move in this gen. Thunderbolt provides more coverage, and Calm Mind is for setting up.

Vileplume @ Miracle Seed
- Absorb / Giga Drain
- Acid / Sludge Bomb
- Sunny Day (If you have Chlorophyll) / Sleep Powder
- Solarbeam

A decent Grass type later on, it's useful only if you need a Grass type. I'd highly suggest taking Shroomish if you don't have a Fighting type. Speaking of Grass types...

Sceptile @ Miracle Seed
- Absorb / Leaf Blade
- Quick Attack / Brick Break
- Pursuit / Aerial Ace
- Any Setup move / Earthquake

Sceptile is cool, and everyone who doesn't care about type matchups loves this one. Its amazing Speed stat is what really drives its moves, and it has a decent attack to back it up.

Gyarados @ Nevermeltice
- Bite / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Dance

Sadly, Gyarados is a bit confused when it comes to his damage type. He WANTS to use physical moves, but his kit is special attack. He WANTS to use a Flying-type move for STAB, but he only gets Hurricane in later generations. So, even though he's figuring his stuff out, he's still here. Why? Because other than tanky Mctank Wailord, and Tentacruel (who's good, but I don't really like him), and Feebas, who's basically impossible to catch in the first place, he's the easiest to access, easiest to level (after he evolves, of course), and he's just downright badass. Who doesn't want a gigantic dragon/fish thing on their team?

And that wraps up my teams kind of neatly. I didn't want to include pseudo-legendaries since they're so hard to find, level, and use, but Salamence deserved a spot here and all of the other Pokémon available didn't seem to match the team in mind. Shout-out to Breloom, Torkoal, Whiscash, and Magneton for being good alternatives for other Pokémon here, and I really hope this helped someone out... eventually.

(P.S., sorry for having it so long! It took me a while to write it, and I do realize that I didn't add any natures. Typically, what you'd want is something boosting your higher attack stat and lowering the other, but as this game is kind of confusing as to which moves are what type of attack, it's best to get natures that lower your weaker defensive stat. If you need more help, well... look to Pokemondb.net! It's got everything you need to succeed.)

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I would suggest a few Pokemon, depending on the starter. I've researched a fair bit more than when I was first introduced to this forum, and I think I have a better team now than before. I will be including a grass, water, and fire replacement depending on which starter you get.

Swampert Team:
Swampert (Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Strength), Breloom (Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut, Giga Drain, Bulk Up), Exploud (Hyper Voice, Shockwave, Flamethrower, Earthquake), Crobat (Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing), Manectric (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Bite, Thunder), Camerupt (Flamethrower, Overheat, Earthquake, Rock Slide)
I chose Breloom because you will want a grass type on your team, and also because he is freaking strong (and adorable). Camerupt is the best fire type to get your hands on, unless you want a Vulpix. Crobat, in my opinion, is not just the best flying type, but he's the best flyer in THIS generation, as the physical special split hasn't happened and he can use Sludge Bomb. Exploud, in theory, is weaker than Slaking, but that Truant ability really does Slaking in, as he's only performing at 50% power. If he didn't have Truant, I'd have included him on this team.

Sceptile Team:
Sceptile (Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Dragon Claw, Cut), Hariyama (Brick Break, Earthquake, Bulk Up, Strength), Manectric (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Bite, Thunder), Gyarados (Surf, Bite, Ice Beam, Waterfall/Dive), Camerupt (Flamethrower, Overheat, Earthquake, Rock Slide), Crobat (Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing), Manectric (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Bite, Thunder)
Gyarados is an old but reliable water type that, in this game, has a Sp. Atk moveset. He's also sort of an HM mule. Hariyama is a good fighting type other than Breloom, and while he doesn't learn Sky Uppercut, He makes do with Vital Throw and Brick Break. Also, since Exploud isn't on your team anymore, guess who can learn earthquake?

Blaziken Team:
Blaziken (Flamethrower, Sky Uppercut, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance), Gardevoir (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind), Gyarados (Surf, Bite, Ice Beam, Waterfall/Dive), Manectric (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Bite, Thunder), Crobat (Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing), Exploud (Hyper Voice, Shockwave, Flamethrower, Earthquake)
These teams, should you choose them, will get you through pretty much the entirety of the games and none of them are version exclusive or have egg/tutor moves that you can't get until endgame. Also, they are relatively early to get, and easy to get when compared to the likes of Feebas (who can't evolve until you max out it's beauty stat).

Alternatives include, should you decide to: Swellow (Get one with guts and give it Facade and a flame orb), Magneton, Sharpedo, Walrein, Machamp and Alakazam (If you can trade), Ninetales, and Slaking (if you REALLY want to).

Hope this helped you out!

(P.S. All of the teams above can help with Steven in RS, but Manectric makes Wallace a piece of Cake in Emerald.)

0 votes

Team for Emerald:
Swampert @ Mystic Water (Starter)
-Ice Beam

Surf is STAB and a HM, Ice Beam is good coverage, Earthquake is also STAB, and Return will be stronger than Strength as your starter's friend ship increases but it is interchangeable with Strength. Mystic Water from Castform given to you at Weather Institute.

Gardevoir @ Twisted Spoon (Route 102)
-Calm Mind

Psychic is STAB, Thunderbolt is hard hitting coverage, Thief to get Twisted Spoon from Abras and Black Belt form Black Belt Nob on Route 115 after you battle him five times and it special in this gen, and Calm Mind makes this thing a Special Tank.

Breloom @ Black Belt (Petalburg Woods)
-Mach Punch
-Sky Uppercut/Brick Break
-Giga Drain
-Leech Seed

Mach Punch is STAB priority, Sky Uppercut if you want power or Brick Break if you want accuracy and to break screens, Giga Drain is STAB and healing, even though its is special, and it pairs well with Leech Seed.

Crobat @ King's Rock (Granite Cave)
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Steel Wing

Fly is STAB and a HM, Sludge Bomb is strong STAB and is physical in this Gen, Shadow Ball is also physical and good coverage, Steel Wing is the only powerful steel type move to have decent accuracy, King's Rock can be obtained by a person in Mossdeep City

Linoone (HM 1) (Route 101)
-Rock Smash

Self Explanatory

Lombre (HM 2) (Route 102)

Self Explanatory

Hope this helps! :)
