For many players, the toughest decision is starter choice. While I do think Mudkip is the best starter in this game, I will be providing alternative Pokemon for the other 2 as well. Also, I will be listing early/late movesets.

Swampert @ Nevermeltice
- Water Gun / Surf
- Mud Shot / Earthquake
- Rock Tomb / Stone Edge
- Ice Beam
Swampert can learn Muddy Water as well, which is very similar to Surf if you don't have it yet... but he learns it at level 37, which is around the time you should be getting Surf anyways. I gave him Never-Melt Ice so he could do "STAB" damage with Ice Beam.

Swellow @ Sharp Beak
- Quick Attack / Return
- Peck / Aerial Ace
- Steel Wing
- Fly
Swellow is a favorite of mine, since it's the only flyer I've ever really gotten. I really like Aerial Ace's accuracy, but you can use Wing Attack as well. Steel Wing you get from Steven early on, and there's really no other move to use until Fly.

Hariyama @ Muscle Band
- Arm Thrust / Brick Break
- Vital Throw / Earthquake (Or you can keep Vital Throw)
- Bulk Up
- Fake Out / Strength
A lot of people have been sleeping on Hariyama's power... but it's an amazing Pokémon to have on your team! It has really good damage, and it's pretty bulky. Vital Throw makes good use of its slow speed, but Earthquake is gonna do more damage once you get the TM. Bulk Up can be acquired as soon as you get him since he's in the cave next to Brawly's gym.

Manectric @ Magnet
- Spark / Thunderbolt
- Thief / Bite
- Quick Attack / Rain Dance
- Shock Wave / Thunder
Now, I'll admit, this one is only on here because I love him. But, he's incredibly useful once he gets to Level 20 and learns his first Electric type move. He's difficult to level up at first, but more than makes up for it later on. You can get Thunderbolt as soon as you get Surf; just go back to Mauville and talk to Wattson. He'll give you a little quest that'll get you Thunderbolt. You can grab Thief real quick by talking to the Team Aqua Grunt at the Ocean Center (he'll stay there once everyone else leaves), and Shock Wave can be obtained by defeating Wattson.

Camerupt @ Soft Sand
- Ember / Flamethrower
- Magnitude / Earthquake
- Overheat / Eruption
- Amnesia
Side note: If you can grab a Ninetales, I'd highly suggest taking that instead of Camerupt. Ninetales is just faster, deals more damage, and isn't 4x weak to water. This will be the best fire type available to you that's not version exclusive. It does decent damage, but Overheat just kills its damage after only one use. It's bulky, and Solid Rock reduces its 4x weakness to 3x, but there are so many water types out there in Hoenn. It's a pain to grind, but at least in Emerald, it gains access to Magnitude at level 19.
Now, the last Pokémon here is up to preference. If you'd like an HM mule to carry some of the workload for you, I'd highly suggest Lombre if you can get it. If not, Crawdaunt is an HM mule that has the same coverage, except instead of Flash, it can learn Cut. But the best HM mule to start with would be Linoone, which evolves from Zigzagoon at level 20.
However, if you want a powerful, gym/route sweeper for your team, look no further than....

Salamence @ Dragon Fang
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Flamethrower
- Double Edge / Earthquake
He's not really easy to get, but boy is he worth it. If you don't use the Earthquake TM on Hariyama, you can have an absolute beast to dominate any and all Elite Four members, as you can't really get him earlier than that. But trust me, once you have him on par with the rest of your team, he is worth it.

Blaziken @ Muscle Band
- Ember / Blaze Kick
- Peck / Aerial Ace
- Double Kick / Sky Uppercut
- Bulk Up
This Pokemon is fantastic, even through the post-Surf stages of the game. You can also use Flamethrower and Brick Break if you feel like it.

Gardevoir @ Wise Glasses
- Confusion / Psychic
- Shock Wave / Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
Accompanying Blaziken is this crazy Pokémon, found in the same grass Wally finds one. Shadow Ball is tricky, as you can't really use another move in its place, and it's considered a physical move in this gen. Thunderbolt provides more coverage, and Calm Mind is for setting up.

Vileplume @ Miracle Seed
- Absorb / Giga Drain
- Acid / Sludge Bomb
- Sunny Day (If you have Chlorophyll) / Sleep Powder
- Solarbeam
A decent Grass type later on, it's useful only if you need a Grass type. I'd highly suggest taking Shroomish if you don't have a Fighting type. Speaking of Grass types...

Sceptile @ Miracle Seed
- Absorb / Leaf Blade
- Quick Attack / Brick Break
- Pursuit / Aerial Ace
- Any Setup move / Earthquake
Sceptile is cool, and everyone who doesn't care about type matchups loves this one. Its amazing Speed stat is what really drives its moves, and it has a decent attack to back it up.

Gyarados @ Nevermeltice
- Bite / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Dance
Sadly, Gyarados is a bit confused when it comes to his damage type. He WANTS to use physical moves, but his kit is special attack. He WANTS to use a Flying-type move for STAB, but he only gets Hurricane in later generations. So, even though he's figuring his stuff out, he's still here. Why? Because other than tanky Mctank Wailord, and Tentacruel (who's good, but I don't really like him), and Feebas, who's basically impossible to catch in the first place, he's the easiest to access, easiest to level (after he evolves, of course), and he's just downright badass. Who doesn't want a gigantic dragon/fish thing on their team?
And that wraps up my teams kind of neatly. I didn't want to include pseudo-legendaries since they're so hard to find, level, and use, but Salamence deserved a spot here and all of the other Pokémon available didn't seem to match the team in mind. Shout-out to Breloom, Torkoal, Whiscash, and Magneton for being good alternatives for other Pokémon here, and I really hope this helped someone out... eventually.
(P.S., sorry for having it so long! It took me a while to write it, and I do realize that I didn't add any natures. Typically, what you'd want is something boosting your higher attack stat and lowering the other, but as this game is kind of confusing as to which moves are what type of attack, it's best to get natures that lower your weaker defensive stat. If you need more help, well... look to! It's got everything you need to succeed.)