PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
7 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Black and White on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

Please note that this thread is for the original Black and White; use this thread for the sequels.

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34 Answers

7 votes


The preview of the Pokemon I will select for you. There's seven because Gothitelle and Reuniclus are version exclusives, so you have to pick one.


Ability: Torrent
Sassy Nature
- Surf
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam
- Return

Mixed attacker, semi-wall, and Surfer. Surf is obvious STAB, and Ice Beam and Megahorn give you decent super effective coverage against Dragon, Grass, Psychic, Dark, Flying, Ground, Rock, and Fire. Return because your starter will probably love you enough to cause major damage.


Ability: Moxie
Jolly Nature
- Brick Break
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Chip Away

Brick Break and Crunch are STAB. Rock Slide is coverage and with Chip Away you can attack anyone that boosts up and ignore the boost. This guy can sweep three members of the Elite Four all by himself.


Ability: Defeatist
Jolly Nature
- Fly
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
- Dragon Claw

Your team's flyer. He has amazing Attack and Speed but if he gets under half his health, he's pretty useless. Fly is to travel around Unova. Rock Slide is STAB. U-turn and Dragon Claw are coverage.


Ability: Compoundeyes
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Thunder Wave

A very good Pokemon. Thunder and Bug Buzz are powerful STABs and Energy Ball is coverage. The lower accuracy of Thunder is taken care of by Compoundeyes. Thunder Wave is there to paralyze and help with legendaries or other hard-to-catch Pokemon.


Ability: Snow Cloak
Naive Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Brine
- Rock Slide
- Grass Knot

Another mixed guy on your team. Icicle Crash is STAB. Brine,Grass Knot, and Rock Slide is coverage.

Now depending on your game you will either get Gothitelle or Reuniclus as your next Pokemon.


Ability: Frisk
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Protect / Flash

Psychic is powerful STAB. Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt are coverage and Protect is for filler, or you can have Flash to lower their accuracy.


Ability: Magic Guard
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Flash/Protect

The Gothitelle of White Version. Pretty much the same except it has Energy Ball instead of Thunderbolt.

All the Pokemon can be caught before the 7th gym

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Should'nt they be holding something?
What if on beartic i replaced brine with dive?
I use HP fighting or recover on reuniclus. HP fighting to cover that dark type weakness and to hit ice and steel types. Recover for reliable recovery to last longer.
No ground types is ok I guess.I`ll replace Flash/protect with Focus Blast to cover dark types on reuniclus because I do not want to become helpless when I encounter a dark type.Also I have changed Beartic`s moveset to: Icicle Crash, Superpower,Rock Slide,Dive
I know this is risky, but is it okay if I replace beartic with darmanitan
Why is Beartic better than Vanilluxe?
2.no counter for Lenora
3.0 counters for Burgh’s Leavanny
4.nothing against Elesa.(Who is OP by the way.)
and 5.good luck against Drayden/Iris cuz’ they runs fire and rock coverage.(No ice beam at that point.)
Sure this team can help a lot at the journey at first glance,but you also need to consider the time you got them.Archeops can’t help you against Burgh and Scrafty ain’t lending you a hand for Lenora.
for Archeops, I would rather get rid of Fly for Acrobatics w/no item and give Fly to some HM slave Pidove
I wouldn't give fly to Archeops, give it Acrobatics instead
Excellent Team! I'm currently using this team for White. I just beat the Opelucid Gym, so I'm ready to challenge the Pokemon League! This team has done very well. I have only lost a couple of battles early on, but ever since the 4th Gym I've been fine. I appreciate how much time was put into this team. The MVP for me is definitely Archeops. After the Elite Four, I'll catch Zekrom and ditch Galvantula. Thanks so much for the team! It helps a lot!
For early game stages, keep Pansear until the team comes together. Can be obviously used against Cilan, then level it up to lvl 22 to learn a decent fire move in flame burst. In Castelia City, on the docks is a guy who'll give you a fire stone which will evolve it into a Simisear and help destroy Burgh. Simisear can also learn cut (temporary HM slave) and you can also teach it dig by TM28 found on route 4 to combat Elesa.
I changed galvantula's moves to one of my own which is
-Sticky Web
-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
and gave it a focus sash
I think maybe relpace Beartic with Chandelure because Ice Beam and Dragon Claw can handle dragon types and a good fire type will be invaluable. I've been building this team in White and it's really good for handling pretty much anything except the occasional palpitoad haha.
1. Ice Beam is post-game and with Beartic on the team, it really doesn't need the move. Replace it with Swords Dance or Dig
2. Chip Away is a god-awful move on Scrafty, replace with High Jump Kick or Work Up
3. Dragon Claw isn't until post-Drayden and the only mon that is hit harder with it than STAB Acrobatics is Zekrom, which OHKO's you anyways. Drop for coverage
4. Fly is only used once for the trek back to Desert Resort and Nacrene, it isn't worth a slot for one minor section. Drop for Acrobatics
5.  Beartic's Brine is much weaker than Surf and the secondary effect is near useless for Unova. Drop for Superpower
6. Rock Slide on Beartic is overkill considering you have a STAB user and another mon with the move. Drop for coverage
7. nothing to say on Galvantula based set
8.  Filler moves are useless imo. Drop for Fake Tears/Charm on Gothitelle and Recover on Reuniculus
5 votes

This answer used to contain a very different team. Then I did some research on Smogon and Speedrun.com and decided that my old team sucked. Several people commented on my old team, which is why those comments don't make sense now. I still have not yet played BW at all, so I don't understand how I got so many up-votes.

Ability: vital spirit -> intimidate
EVs: 100 Spe
- return
- crunch
- dig
- work up

Availability: Early-game (Route 1 from levels 2-4 at a 50% encounter rate).
Typing: The line's members are Normal-types and neutral against everything save Shauntal, whose Ghost-types are immune, and Marshal, who hits the line super effectively.
Stats: The Lillipup line has solid stats except for Special Attack, with Stoutland having 100 Attack, 80 Speed and 85/90/90 bulk.
Movepool: Tackle and Bite carry Lillipup well until Take Down at level 15 and (as a Herdier) Crunch at level 24. Return via TM at Nimbasa City is the line's best STAB attack once they have high friendship, and the Work Up TM can be useful to boost offensive stats.
Major Battles: The Lillipup line has a solid showing in all major battles, as few opponents resist Normal, and Ghost- and the rare Steel-types are handled by Crunch and Dig. Work Up can help the line sweep some fights from Elesa onward.
Additional Comments: Lillipup is consistently a great Pokémon for Gym Leaders but is too reliant on Work Up boosts to do its job at the Pokémon League. Get the Vital Spirit ability as Lillipup, as it turns into Intimidate as a Herdier onward, letting the line take physical hits better.

I chose Stoutland mostly because the current world record speedrun used it. The speedrun used reversal and did not use intimidate, dig, or carbos. However, I think most BW players don't want to keep Stoutland's HP low just to maximize reversal's power, and they don't care very much about the extra time it takes to use intimidate or dig or get the 10 carbos.

EVs: 100 Spe
- surf
- work up
- acrobatics
- blizzard

Availability: Early-game (Dreamyard (Snivy) / Pinwheel Forrest (Inner) rustling Grass at 10%).
Typing: Water typing is good for most Gyms aside from Drayden/Iris, being effective against Clay and neutral elsewhere.
Stats: The monkeys have all-around good stats, most notably 98 offenses and 101 Speed.
Movepool: Water Gun becomes the fantastic Scald at level 22. Simipour gets Dig, Acrobatics, Shadow Claw, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, and all Fighting-type TMs for wide coverage and Work Up for setting up. Scald later upgrades to Surf, and Blizzard is bought at Icirrus City.
Major Battles: Simipour can hit Burgh's Dwebble, Shauntal's Chandelure and Golurk, and Grimsley's Krookodile with STAB attacks. TM coverage handles almost everything else.
Additional Comments: Panpour's Water typing and wide coverage allow it to beat most Gym Leaders, but it is still reliant on Work Up boosts for the Pokémon League. Evolve at level 22 after getting a Water Stone in Castelia City.

Simipour is the special attacker of this team. Its water attacks are useful against several ground and rock Pokemon that are not weak to this team's other attacks, as well as fire Pokemon before obtaining the TM for dig. I chose this over Samurott because the Dreamyard monkey is guaranteed to have the advantage over Cheren's starter and the first gym. Acrobatics and blizzard are powerful attacks that cover grass and dragon and are not learned by any other team members.

EVs: 100 Spe
- fire punch/flare blitz
- belly drum
- rock slide
- dig

Availability: Early-game (40% chance to appear in Route 4).
Typing: Save for Drayden/Iris, Fire hits all Gym Leaders and Elite Four members for at least neutral damage and is hit super effectively only by Clay.
Stats: Darumaka is decently fast, and its high Attack buffed up by Hustle allows it to hit every foe hard; its shaky bulk is fixed by Eviolite. As a Darmanitan, it hits even harder, is way faster, and has enough bulk to take neutral hits well and even avoid OHKOs from super effective moves.
Movepool: It learns Fire Punch at level 22, Belly Drum (which it can safely set up with as a Darmanitan) at level 30, and Flare Blitz at level 33. Hammer Arm comes upon evolution, and Superpower is learned at level 47. TM-wise, it can be taught Brick Break as an alternative to Superpower, Rock Slide, and Dig, the latter of which is good for Shauntal and Ghetsis's Fire-resistant Pokémon.
Major Battles: As a Darumaka, it only ever struggles against Clay. Burgh and Elesa lose to Darumaka, although it needs Eviolite for both. As a Darmanitan, it sweeps all the other Gym Leaders, with Drayden/Iris falling to Belly Drum. At the Elite Four, it can use Belly Drum strategies again to sweep all but Marshal. It is useful against N and Ghetsis, the latter being swept if you use Substitute and X Speed in conjuction with Belly Drum.
Additional Comments: Although Hustle might be annoying, most of the misses are not fatal; it does not prevent Darumaka from being one of the best choices for an efficient run of the games.

Darmanitan has insane stats and learns fire punch and flare blitz insanely early. Rock slide and dig cover fire and rock, and I chose them over Darmanitan's fighting attacks because the team already has a fighting Pokemon.

Ability: moxie
EVs: 100 Spe
- crunch
- high jump kick
- work up
- rock slide

Availability: Early-game (20% chance to appear in Route 4).
Typing: Although it struggles with Skyla, Scraggy's typing allows it to beat Brycen and all of the Elite Four members barring Marshal.
Stats: Scraggy has good Attack and defensive stats, which can be buffed by Eviolite. Its Speed will eventually cause it problems as a Scrafty, but you should have Speed EVs to outspeed some slower threats.
Movepool: Its only STAB move is Faint Attack until it learns Brick Break at level 20. It can be taught Payback at level 23 to take advantage of its low Speed. High Jump Kick at level 31 and Crunch at level 38 are its strongest STAB moves. TM-wise, it can be taught Work Up and Rock Slide.
Major Battles: Excepting Burgh's Leavanny and Skyla, Scraggy does well against every Gym Leader, although it needs Eviolite for all of them as a Scraggy. It also does well against every Elite Four member bar Marshal and is useful against N and Ghetsis.
Additional Comments: The combination of a strong movepool and good typing that threatens a lot of major opponents makes Scraggy a very good choice for a run of the games. Always use one with Moxie over Shed Skin.

Scrafty's stats aren't the best, but its offensive typing and ability are both amazing. Additionally, Scrafty learns powerful STAB moves very early. You can use brick break if you really want, but I think high jump kick's 130 base power is more than worth the 10% chance to miss and take crash damage. Rock slide covers flying and bug.

- cut
- strength

This is the first HM slave. I don't think you can get a Drilbur before the Dreamyard, so you'll need another cut user (such as Patrat) for that.

- fly
- surf
- dive

This is the second HM slave. Ducklett is by far the most common fly user that can also learn other HM moves.

That was my new and improved team. I hope I did my research right this time and I don't have to rebuild this entire team again 4 years later.

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I use Flamethrower instead for emboar but it’s a decent team regardless
Why flamethrower when flare blitz is so much stronger?
I like how the second-most voted answer admits that its poster has no experience with BW.
Best team imo..
Dig is not compatible with Emboar.
The people on Smogon made the exact same mistake, and I wasn't even using Smogon when I wrote this answer.
Belly Drum is super hard to utilize on Darmanitan due to it's fragility, and only really shines with Substitute against Ghetsis and Caitlin. Replace with SuperPower or Work Up
I didn't want to use superpower because this team already has a fighting Pokemon. Work up might be better, though.
4 votes

(Pre-Elite Four) (Pokémon will not have moves taught by TM's obtained after the Elite Four, or moves that a Pokemon will learn higher than level 50, unless it is really necessary)

Emboar @ Quick Claw
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Brave (+Attack -Speed)

  • Flamethrower
  • Hammer Arm
  • Wild Charge
  • Assurance

Emboar is easily the best choice for your starter as the Fire/Fighting type helps Emboar a lot in-game as a lot of important trainers have Pokémon that are weak to Fire/Fighting. Flamethrower gains STAB (Heat Crash is also an option, but it's a lot more situational that Flamethrower), Hammer Arm gains STAB (Brick Break is another option, but it lacks in power) and Wild Charge and Assurance cover Emboar's weaknesses to Water, Flying and Psychic.

Seismitoad @ Big Root
Ability: Poison Touch
Nature: Balanced (Hardy, Quirky, Bashful, Serious, Docile)

  • Surf
  • Dig
  • Poison Jab
  • Drain Punch

Seismitoad has one of the best dual typings out there: Water/Ground, meaning it has only one weakness: grass and with its good movepool is a great Pokémon to have and your team. Surf gains STAB and gets you across water, Dig is the best Ground type move it gets before the E4, but it's still a good attack. Poison Jab covers its only weakness and with Poison Touch, you'll poison the foe often and Drain Punch keeps Seismitoad healthy.

Lilligant @ Wide Lens
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)

  • Petal Dance
  • Giga Drain
  • Quiver Dance
  • Sleep Powder/Stun Spore/Teeter Dance/Leech Seed

Lilligant is a great way of finishing the starter type trio with its great moves for offence, defence and support and pretty good stats and good ability. Petal Dance is a very powerful STAB move, but Lilligant is locked into it and confuses it after 2/3 turns, Giga Drain is another STAB move, but is for recovery instead. Quiver Dance is for setting up and potential sweeps and Sleep Powder, Stun Spore and Teeter Dance are for crippling the foe and Leech Seed keeps Lilligant healthy. If you are playing Pokémon White, catch one in Pinwheel Forest and if you are playing Pokémon Black, catch a Cottonee in Pinwheel Forest and trade it for a Petilil in Nacrene City. Also make sure you evolve your Petilil between level 26-28.

Krookodile @ Shell Bell
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Adamant (+Attack -Special Attack)

  • Earthquake
  • Crunch
  • Rock Slide
  • Aerial Ace

Krookodile is a great Pokémon who has been blessed with two great abilities, a good typing and a surprisingly diverse movepool, as well as great stats. Earthquake gains STAB (It's learned at level 54, but you'll otherwise be stuck with Bulldoze and Dig), Crunch is another STAB move and Rock Slide and Aerial Ace cover its weaknesses to Ice, Bug and Grass.

Archeops @ No Item
Ability: Defeatist
Nature: Naive (+Speed -Special Defence)

  • Fly
  • Rock Slide
  • Acrobatics
  • U-Turn/Bulldoze

Archeops actually has the highest base stat total of any non legendary, mega, primal, mythical and alternate form Pokémon, but has a terrible nature to nerf it. Fly gets you around quickly and is a strong STAB move, Rock Slide is another powerful STAB move, as is Acrobatics, which is why Archeops has no item, U-Turn gets Archeops out of battle and does damage as well and Bulldoze covers Archeops' weaknesses to Rock, Steel and Electric.

Vanilluxe @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Ice Body
Nature: Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)

  • Ice Beam
  • Flash Cannon
  • Light Screen
  • Acid Armour

Vanilluxe is a great Pokémon and probably your best option for an Ice Type, it's faster, bulkier and accessable earlier than Beartic and Cryogonal isn't that good anyways. Ice Beam gains STAB, Flash Cannon is for coverage, Light Screen is a great support move that cuts the damage the team from Special Attacks in half for 5 turns and Acid Armour makes Vanilluxe much bulkier (besides, it doesn't have anything else for coverage anyways).

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Small thing about Archeops; not dissing it's usefulness, but it is far from the best- it's BST is 567, Pseudo legendaries all have a BST of 600, and Slaking has a BST of a whopping 670.
I'd subsitute the Quick Claw on Emboar for the Charcoal you can get in one of the houses in Nacrene City for more fire power or try your hand at the Battle Subway to get Emboar the held item Leftovers. That's my preference, but you do you
This is definitely one of the better teams in this thread. I used it throughout my story playthrough and had no problems beating the Elite Four the first time around. I did end up swapping Seismitoad for the box legendary though because I wasn't using it that much. Also props for making sure all the Pokémon had TM moves that could be acquired before the postgame because a lot of other lists ignore this for whatever reason.
3 votes

Here is a Black/White in-game team for you. Obviously with all HMs.

Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz / Heat Crash
- Wild Charge
- Scald / Assurance
- Hammer Arm

Emboar will be your starter. Flare Blitz for high damage and STAB, but it takes recoil. Heat Crash is another STAB option if you don't like recoil. Wild Charge for covering Water and Flying weaknesses. Scald for covering Ground weakness or Assurance for covering Psychic weakness. Hammer Arm gets STAB.

Level up with high Friendship (220)→
Ability: Unaware / Klutz / Simple (Hidden)
- Fly
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- U-turn

Swoobat will be you flyer. Fly is to help travel the Unova region and it gets STAB. Psychic is for STAB. Shadow Ball to cover your Ghost weakness. U-turn is to cover Dark weakness and to change Pokemon when you dislike the opponent.

Sun Stone→
Ability: Chlorophyll / Own Tempo / Leaf Guard (Hidden)
- Giga Drain
- Petal Dance
- Quiver Dance
- Cut

Lilligant will be your Pokemon that has Cut. Giga Drain is for recovery and STAB. Petal Dance is a strong STAB move that confuses, but Own Tempo stops the confusion. Quiver Dance to set up. Cut is only an HM.

Ability: Intimidate / Moxie / Anger Point (Hidden)
- Earthquake
- Foul Play
- Aerial Ace
- Strength

Krookodile will be a help against two of the Elite Four (Shauntal and Caitlin). Earthquake and Foul Play are both strong moves that get STAB. Aerial Ace is for covering Fighting, Bug and Grass weakness and Strength is an HM.

Ability: Solid Rock / Sturdy / Swift Swim (Hidden)
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dive
- Stone Edge

Carracosta will have two HMS, but it's still very useful. Sturdy is to survive one Grass move. Waterfall and Dive are HMs and get STAB. Earthquake is a very useful move and is to cover Electric weakness. Stone Edge is a strong move and gets STAB.

Ability: Snow Cloak / Swift Swim (Hidden)
- Icicle Crash
- Surf
- Brick Break
- Aerial Ace

Beartic is the surfer. Icicle Crash is for STAB. Surf is an HM and covers Fire and Rock weaknesses. Brick Break is to break Light Screen and Reflect, and Aerial Ace is to cover Fighting weakness.

Pokemon Locations

  • Tepig → Pignite → Emboar: Gift from Professor Juniperin Nuvema Town. It comes at Lv5.
  • Woobat → Swoobat: In Wellspring Cave. It comes at Lv10~Lv13.
  • Petilil → Lilligant: Trade a Cottonee for Petilil in Nacrene City (Black). She comes at Lv15.
  • Sandile → Krokorok → Krookodile: Route 4. It comes at Lv15~18.
  • Tirtouga → Carracosta: Reviving the Cover Fossil. The Cover Fossil is obtainable in Relic Castle (received from a backpacker). You can revive it in the Nacrene City Gym (just at the right of the entrance of the museum).
  • Cubchoo → Beatic: Twist Mountain. It comes at Lv28~Lv31.

Move Locations

Tepig → Pignite → Emboar
- Flare Blitz: Reaching Lv62 (Emboar); Lv52 (Pignite); Lv43 (Tepig) / Heat Crash: Reaching Lv31 (Emboar, Pignite); Lv27 (Tepig).
- Hammer Arm: Relearning in the house at right of the Pokemon Center in Mistralton City (Emboar).
- Wild Charge: TM93: Outside, very bottom of long slope (Emboar, Pignite, Tepig).
- Scald: TM 55: Near entrance on ice in Cold Storage (Emboar) / Assurance: Reaching Lv38 (Emboar); Lv36 (Pignite); Lv31 (Tepig).

Woobat → Swoobat
- Fly: HM02: After defeating Bianca in Driftveil City.
- Psychic: Reaching Lv41 (Swoobat, Woobat) or TM29: On a cliff in the southwestern corner in the Route 13 (requires Strength) (Swoobat, Woobat).
- Shadow Ball: TM30: In Relic Castle B2F (after obtaining National Dex) (Swoobat, Woobat).
- U-turn: TM89: Dropped by Wingull after all three Grams are returned in Route 13 (Swoobat, Woobat).

Petilil → Lilligant
- Giga Drain: Reaching Lv26 (Petilil).
- Petal Dance: Reaching Lv46 (Lilligant)
- Quiver Dance: Reaching Lv28 (Lilligant)
- Cut: HM 01: Received from Fennel after defeating the Gym Leader in Striation City (Lilligant, Petilil)

Sandile → Krokorok → Krookodile
- Earthquake: Reaching Lv54 (Krookodile); Lv48 (Krokorok); Lv43 (Sandile) or TM26: in Relic Castle 1F; in the room that leads to the exit to the northwest of the desert, near the stairs. (Krookodile, Krokorok, Sandile)
- Foul Play: Reaching Lv42 (Krookodile); Lv40 (Krokorok); Lv37 (Sandile).
- Aerial Ace: TM40: In Mistralton City Runway (after defeating Skyla and talking to the Youngster in the house behind the Pokemon Center) (Krookodile).
- Strength: HM04: From a man in the building northwest of the Pokémon Center in Nimbasa City (Krookodile, Krokorok).

Tirtouga → Carracosta
- Waterfall: HM05: At the western edge in the Route 18 (Carracosta, Tirtouga)
- Earthquake: TM26: in Relic Castle 1F; in the room that leads to the exit to the northwest of the desert, near the stairs (Carracosta, Tirtouga).
- Dive: HM06: Received from a girl in front of the house where Cynthia is in Undella Town (Carracosta, Tirtouga).
- Stone Edge: TM71: In the Challenger's Cave B2F, east of Protein.

Cubchoo → Beartic
- Icicle Crash: Reaching Lv37 (Beartic).
- Surf: HM03: Gift from Alder after defeating Cheren in Twist Mountain (Beartic, Cubchoo).
- Brick Break: TM31: Gift from an old lady in the Pokémon Center's lobby in Icirrus City (Beartic).
- Aerial Ace: TM40: In Mistralton City Runway (after defeating Skyla and talking to the Youngster in the house behind the Pokemon Center) (Beartic, Cubchoo).

Hope it helps you ^_^

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Emboar & Lilligant are weak to Flying, Emboar & Carracosta are weak to Ground, Emboar & Krookodile are weak to Water, Swoobat & Beartic are weak to Rock, Swoobat & Carracosta are weak to Electric, Swoobat, Lilligant, & Krookodile are weak to Ice, Lilligant & Krookodile are weak to Bug, Lilligant & Beartic are weak to Fire, Krookodile, Carracosta, & Beartic are weak to Fighting, & Krookodile & Carracosta are weak to Grass
They have coverage moves too.. and why don't you do that to the other answers, then?
Great team!Going to use it after i beat the Elite Four with Serperior!
Good team!I will use it.
I like this answer I was considering a team very similar to this one. Except my starter was going to be Snivy. I think maybe I'll try for a different fighting type or a normal type to make up for not choosing Emboar.  And I even though I love Krookodile I was going to try for an Excadrill instead.

I just have to get Pokemon Black first then I'll play through to see what happens.
Stone Edge isn't available until after the league so that's kinda pointless
I will replace stone edge with rock slide for carracosta (since it's available before elite four, if not mistaken).
3 votes

This is for you people who like the Water type starters.

Samurott @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Brave Nature
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Swords Dance

This is for the people that choose the Oshawott. This guy is prepared for almost anything! Megahorn is a great move and, due to it's unbelievable power, makes almost every move a one hit KO. Ice Beam is coverage and destroys those Grass types that just get in the way. Surf is STAB and an HM. I was thinking of putting Return in the fourth slot, but Samurott has a better moveset, so we can change that to something better! Swords Dance is to up his great Attack stat and to make Megahorn an extreme threat.

Chandelure @ Power Belt
Ability: Flame Body
Rash Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball

This is your guy for covering the E4 and your main Fire type. The Power Belt is for upping Chandelure's Defense stat. Shadow Ball is coverage for Ghost and Psychic types, plus STAB gives this move nice power. Psychic is to cover the Fighting types in the E4, real threats like Conkeldurr or Sawk. Flamethrower is another STAB move and covers those annoying Steel types that have high Defense. Without this, there would be no way to beat bulky Steels with this guy. Energy Ball is for covering all the weaknesses of Fire types.

Druddigon @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Rough Skin
Adamant Nature
- Superpower
- Outrage
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Tail

This'll be your Dragon type for the team. I choose him mostly to help Chandelure for Dark types (which can be covered by Druddigon's Superpower). Outrage is STAB and covers Dragon types. I'd rather have this instead of Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor because Draco Meteor doesn't have enough PP and Dagon Pulse is too weak. Stealth Rock is to set up my only hazards in this team and helps on destroying another weakness, Ice types.
Iron Tail is to cover Ice types that can be a big threat to this Druddigon. I'm thinking of putting some kind of Rock type in later, so it's good that this guy covers the Steel advantages. Superpower can cover Dark types for Chandelure.

Archeops @ Hard Stone
Ability: Deafeatist
Brave Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fly
- Heat Wave

This is your main defensive Pokemon on your team, and it's also your flyer. Earthquake can cover Electric types like Zebstrika that can be a threat, plus I needed a Ground type move on this team somewhere! Rock Slide can cover some types that can be a challenge, and this move gets STAB on Archeops. Fly is needed to get around Unova efficiently, plus it covers those Grass or Fighting types that you just can't beat. Plus it's STAB on Archeops. Heat Wave is purely for Steel types that can be hard to knock out.

Galvantula @ Razor Fang
Ability: Compoundeyes
Mild Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder Wave
- Double Team

This is your Electric type on the team. It's got a pretty good moveset, with a status inflicting move and a move to annoy the heck out of your opponent. Thunder can be awesome when you need a powerhouse move to knock out your opponent, plus 120 power with 10 PP, I'll take that any day. Bug Buzz is way better than X-Scissor because of it's accuracy and power, this is just like Megahorn and for some reason, I think it always works. Thunder Wave can help on practically everything and is very helpful when catching legendaries like Kyurem. Double Team can be very useful when you want to be a nuisance to your opponent because this move repeated can annoy the heck out of your opponent.

Whimiscott @ Light Clay
Ability: Infiltrator
Lax Nature
- Hurricane
- Energy Ball
- Light Screen
- Substitute

This guy is mostly my last hope. It's also your main Grass type on this team. Hurricane has great power and can knock out those annoying Fighting types. Energy Ball is STAB and can take over as your powerhouse even though it has low power compared to Petal Dance or Solar Beam. Light Screen and Substitute are for helping him last for a long time. With Light Clay, Light Screen lasts for eight turns.

Well, that's my Samurott team. There will be 2 more for Serperior and one for people that don't like the starters.

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This team has a few problems that I want to address. It is a strong team, however, Oshawott / Dewott will be the only Pokemon on the team, making Cilan and Lenora extremely hard to defeat without training another Pokemon and discarding it later. Even with Cottonee on the team, Burgh is definitely a challenge with his Leavanny, resisting Dewott and Cottonee both. Same with Elesa later on when Archen is obtained.
You should change haxorous for druddigon
3 votes

Team Preview:

(Pre-Elite Four)

Samurott @ Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
- Surf (HM03 - Twist Mountain from Alder)
- X-Scissor (TM81 - Route 7)
- Dig (TM28 - Route 4)
- Aqua Jet (Level 33)

While Samurott may not be as good as Emboar for advantages throughout the game, automatic access to Surf as well as other options for Fire and Fighting types means Samurott is still great. Surf is your main STAB move and gets you across water, X-Scissor covers his weakness to Grass (Megahorn is another option, but it is somewhat inaccurate), Dig covers his weakness to Electric and Aqua Jet is another STAB move but is mainly for finishing others off.

Conkeldurr @ Quick Claw / Gurdurr @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
- Hammer Arm (Level 45)
- Rock Slide (Level 33)
- Bulk Up (Level 29)
- Brick Break (TM31 - Iccirus City)

While Gurdurr isn't fully evolved, with the Eviolite, it can actually take hits better than his evolution and dish out great damage with base 105 Attack; however if you do have access to trading, do evolve it into Conkeldurr. Hammer Arm is your main STAB move but has its drawbacks, so Brick Break is also included. Rock Slide covers his weakness to Flying and Bulk Up allows it to set up for sweeps.

Krookodile @ Shell Bell
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
- Earthquake (Level 54)
- Crunch (Level 28)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
- Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton City Runway)

Krookodile is a great Pokémon with two solid abilities, an amazing in-game typing and great moves to help cover many different types. Earthquake is your Ground STAB move (if you don't get EQ, you'll be stuck with Dig and Bulldoze), Crunch is your Dark STAB move, Rock Slide covers his weaknesses to Ice and Bug, and Aerial Ace covers his weaknesses to Bug, Grass and Fighting.

Darmanitan @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Sheer Force
- Flare Blitz (Level 33)
- Fire Punch (Level 22)
- Superpower (Level 47)
- Thrash (Level 27)

Darmanitan is probably your best option for a Fire type in BW other than Emboar as he has a great ability in Sheer Force, great moves to go with it and great stats for attacking. Flare Blitz deals huge damage but also does a lot back to Darmanitan, so Fire Punch is also provided. Superpower covers his weakness to Rock and Thrash is for filler.

Archeops @ No Item / Wide Lens
Ability: Defeatist
- Fly (HM02 - Driftveil City from Bianca)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
- Dig (TM28 - Route 4)
- Acrobatics (Level 28) / U-turn (Level 45)

Archeops is a great Pokémon, learning Acrobatics shortly after being obtained, having amazing offensive stats and great moves to cover his weaknesses. However, he does have quite a bad Ability, but that's because he'd be OP otherwise. Fly is your main Flying STAB move (unless you run Acrobatics) and gets you around quickly, Rock Slide is your Rock STAB move, Dig covers his weaknesses to Electric, Steel and Rock and normally you'd have to be wary of EQ's with Dig, but since he's Flying, foes won't think to use EQ. Acrobatics is your main Flying STAB move if you run it (if you do run Acrobatics make sure you have no item on him) and U-turn gets him out if he's in a pinch.

Haxorus @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Mold Breaker
- Dragon Claw (Level 28)
- Dragon Dance (Level 32)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
- False Swipe (Level 24)

Haxorus is one of the coolest designs for a Pokémon, and it's also amazing in battle, despite spending quite a while as Axew and Fraxure. Dragon Claw is your main STAB move, Dragon Dance helps set up for potential sweeps, Rock Slide covers his weakness to Ice and his last move slot can really be anything, so I have him False Swipe to help out more with catching hard-to-catch Pokémon.

A lot of the choices I made were influenced by this site here, so check them out: http://www.smogon.com/ingame/misc/bw_ingametiers.

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3 votes

Team Preview:

(Pre-Elite Four)

Serperior @ Big Root
Ability: Overgrow
Serious Nature
- Leaf Blade (Level 32)
- Return (TM27 - Nimbasa City Pokémart) / Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton Runway)
- Coil (Level 36) / Growth (Level 13)
- Giga Drain (Level 44) / Leech Seed (Level 20)

In all honesty, I was putting off making a Serperior team for a while, mainly because I was really struggling to come up with a solid team that didn't retain any team members from my Emboar and Samurott teams; however, I think this team is pretty solid overall. Serperior is easily the worst of the 3 Unova Starters. It is very fast and has good bulk, but really lacks any solid attacking power, mono-Grass isn't very good defensively, and without Contrary, Serperior can fall behind. But she is definitely still usable. Leaf Blade is your main STAB move, Return can hit hard with full happiness whereas Aerial Ace covers her Bug weakness, Coil and Growth are for setting up as Serperior doesn't deal out much without some buffs (luckily she has plenty of speed and bulk to get off a Coil or Growth) and Giga Drain and Leech Seed are for keeping Serperior healthy.

Simipour @ no item
Ability: Gluttony
Hasty Nature
- Surf (HM03 - Twist Mountain)
- Scald (Level 22)
- Acrobatics (Level 31 as Panpour / TM62 - Reward from Skyla)
- Dig (TM28 - Route 4)

While Serperior may be the worst of the 3 Starters, at least you get the best of the 3 Elemental Monkeys. Simipour is easily the best of the 3 as he comes with Water Gun which is better than Vine Whip and Incinerate, gets Scald very early which is amazing, and mono-Water is just better than Fire and Grass due to fewer weaknesses. Surf is your main STAB and gets you across water, Scald is for Double battles or trying to burn your opponents (which helps with his bad Defence), Acrobatics covers his Grass weakness and deals a lot of damage with no item, and Dig covers his Electric weakness.

Excadrill @ Shell Bell
Ability: Sand Rush / Sand Force
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake (Level 33 as Drilbur / Level 36 as Excadrill)
- Hone Claws (Level 22) / Swords Dance (Level 42)
- Rock Slide (Level 29)
- Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton Runway)

While on both my other teams I used Krookodile, this time I went with Excadrill (although, in all honesty, I probably would've used Krookodile again if I was allowing myself to repeat team members). That's not to undermine (no pun intended) Excadrill though. Excadrill has amazing Attack, great HP, solid Speed and gets most of his best moves through level up. This Pokémon is truly a monster. The only issues are that when you first get Drilbur, you'll be using Mud Slap for a little bit, but Dig comes around soon enough. Earthquake is a great STAB move that comes early, Hone Claws and Swords Dance are for setting up to sweep (it comes down to whether you want disgusting power, or slightly less disgusting power with a more reliable Rock Slide), Rock Slide allows him to hit Flying-types and cover his Fire weakness and Aerial Ace covers his Fighting weakness.

Scolipede @ Scope Lens
Ability: Poison Point
Adamant Nature
- Megahorn (Move Reminder)
- Poison Jab (TM84 - Route 6)
- Bulldoze (TM78 - Reward from Clay)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)

Scolipede was a Pokémon I never really thought about, but when I hit Burgh, I was completely stuck. His Leavanny would've destroyed me. But when I looked into Venipede, I realised that he would actually be incredibly useful. Scolipede is very quick and has a great Attack stat as well as pretty good moves to make him really useful. Megahorn is a very powerful STAB move that also covers his Psychic weakness, Poison Jab is STAB (you could probably just switch this move out for more coverage or a different Bug STAB), and Bulldoze and Rock Slide covers all his remaining weaknesses: Fire, Rock and Flying.

Sigilyph @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Magic Guard
Modest / Timid Nature
- Psychic (Level 44)
- Air Slash (Level 41)
- Shadow Ball (TM30 - Relic Castle)
- Flash Cannon (TM81 - Twist Mountain)

Just like Scolipede, Sigilyph was a Pokémon I never really thought that much about, it was just that one Pokémon that N had that I couldn't beat when I first played Pokémon White. But after looking into it, Sigilyph is actually really good. She has great Special Attack and Speed, great STAB moves and coverage moves which destroy the majority of Team Plasma. Psychic and Air Slash are both STAB, Shadow Ball covers her Ghost weakness and Flash Cannon covers her Ice and Rock weaknesses.

Chandelure @ Wide Lens
Ability: Flash Fire
Timid Nature
- Flame Burst (Level 20)
- Shadow Ball (TM30 - Relic Castle) / Hex (Level 28)
- Confuse Ray (Level 10, requires Move Reminder) / Will-O-Wisp (Level 16)
- Fire Blast (TM38 - Icirrus City Pokémart)

While Chandelure doesn't become incredibly strong until the post-game as Flamethrower and most of her coverage attacks are post-game, her monstrous Special Attack mixed with a decent main-game Special movepool makes her a huge force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, since Flamethrower is post-game, Flame Burst will have to do as STAB, but coming off of Chandelure's 145 Special Attack, it still does loads of damage. Shadow Ball is STAB as is Hex (only have Hex if you are willing to spend a turn inflicting a status condition first). Confuse Ray and Will-O-Wisp can help with her frailty and cripple the opponent. Fire Blast, while not as accurate, still deals insane damage and thanks to the Wide Lens, gets boosted to 93.5% accuracy.

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Can you tell me any good nature for mix attack serperior
What a good team
but I'd prefer Darmanitan to Chandlure as it has great ability and movepool, also compatible to the Gym Leader
2 votes

Serperior Chandelure Seismitoad Archeops Eelektross Haxorus

Serperior @ Big Root
Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade
- Giga Drain
- Leech Seed
- Toxic

Easily the coolest looking of the 3 Unova starters. Serperior may have a shallow movepool, but that doesn't really matter since its stat distribution is unique enough to make this set work. Leaf Blade is STAB and the primary attacking move. Giga Drain is also STAB but is mainly for recovery. Leech Seed is a must have for this stall set, as is Toxic, which in tandem will quickly wear down the enemy. Big Root is a great item for this set.

Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

Chandelure is one of the coolest looking Pokemon out there, and has a wicked Special Attack stat. Flamethrower and Shadow Ball are STAB, with Energy Ball and Psychic as coverage.

Ability: Swift Swim / Poison Touch
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Drain Punch
- Sludge Bomb / Poison Jab

Frogs are objectively some of the greatest animals to ever exist. So Seismitoad makes the cut, and especially since it's one of the best types in the game, Water/Ground. Surf and Earthquake are STAB, Drain Punch is coverage, and Sludge Bomb/Poison Jab is there since it can't learn Ice Beam for whatever reason.

Ability: Defeatist
- Fly
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- U-turn

Despite its Ability, if you use Archeops right, it is a force to be reckoned with. Fly is STAB and useful for getting places, Stone Edge is also STAB, Earthquake is coverage, and U-turn was pretty much made with Archeops in mind.

Ability: Levitate
- Thunderbolt
- Brick Break
- Crunch
- Thunder Wave

Eelektross has one of the best types in the game (Electric), and every Pokemon team needs a good Electric type. That's what Eelektross is, especially thanks to Levitate, which means it has no weaknesses! Thunderbolt is STAB, Brick Break and Crunch are nice coverage moves that hit the E4 hard, and Thunder Wave is one of the best status moves to ever exist.

Ability: Mold Breaker
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Brick Break
- Shadow Claw
- Dragon Dance

Haxorus is pretty much this generation's substitute for a psuedo legendary, since it at least evolves way earlier than freaking Level 64 and is actually useable in the main story (evolves at Level 48). Dragon Claw/Outrage is STAB, Brick Break and Shadow Claw destroy most of the Elite Four, and Dragon Dance Haxorus destroys EVERYTHING, including Ghetsis's Hydreigon.

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1 vote

Let's get this team started!

Emboar @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
Impish Nature
- Hammer Arm
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

This guy will be your starter. I basically focused on offence with this guy. I prefer Hammer Arm over Low Sweep or Focus Blast because of its power and efficiency. Flamethrower I prefer over Overheat and Flare Blitz because Flare Blitz has recoil and Overheat has low PP. Flamethrower is also STAB, like Hammer Arm. Earthquake and Stone Edge are for Fire's weaknesses, and he will also be my Rock type (except for my Carracosta) so I can fit in a Dragon type.

Eelektross @ Quick Claw
Ability: Levitate
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge
- U-turn
- Acrobatics

Eelektross! Let's get started! This guy is also offensive because he has no weaknesses due to his Ability, Levitate. Thunder Wave is my only status inflicting move on this and paralysis is the best. Discharge I took for STAB and for its high PP. U-turn is the only Bug move on this team and helps me back out if I need a strong defensive Pokemon. Acrobatics is just for coverage and a finisher move.

Carracosta @ Water Incense
Ability: Sturdy
Lax Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Shell Smash
- Stone Edge

Carracosta is from the person at the Relic Castle, and is your main defensive Pokemon. Water Incense is to boost Surf's power because I want it to be strong. Surf is STAB, and also has the Water Incense to help.
Plus you can Surf over water now. Ice Beam is my strong Ice type move, so I don't need an Ice type on the team. Crunch is just for coverage and my random type finisher move. Stone Edge is STAB, which makes it have 150 power, which is pretty strong for a defensive Pokemon.

Ferrothorn@ Rose Incense
Ability: Iron Barbs
Naughty Nature
- Power Whip
- Flash Cannon
- Payback
- Swords Dance

Ferrothorn covers my slot for Grass and Steel because Emboar covers Ground with Earthquake, and Carracosta covers Rock and Ice with Stone Edge and Ice Beam. Power Whip is a strong STAB move with 10 PP, making it 180 power. Flash Cannon is also STAB, and finally completes the defensive (Rock, Ground, Ice and Steel) group of moves, which is useful.
Payback is strong, and will probably have 100 power because one of your Pokemon would've fainted by the time you use it. Swords Dance is good for improving Ferrothorn's Attack.

Ability: Klutz
Quiet Nature
- Psychic
- Fly
- Shadow Ball
- U-turn

This Swoobat is mostly for the E4. Psychic is STAB and covers the Fighting types in the E4. Fly is also STAB that covers Fighting types, plus you need to fly all around Unova, don't you? Shadow Ball is to cover Ghost and Psychic. U-turn covers Dark types and if there's a Dark type Pokemon faster than my Swoobat, I can switch out!

Haxorus @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Pulse
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

This will be your last chance in a battle Pokemon. It has a pretty good offensive moveset, and can cover its weaknesses well. You can use Dragon Dance a lot with Substitute for increasing it's strongest stats.
Dragon Pulse is STAB that covers other Dragon types, one of Haxorus' weaknesses.
Rock Slide helps cover Haxorus' other weakness, Ice types.
Substitute helps you sweep with Dragon Dance and attacking moves, plus this will make Haxorus really last for a while.

Well, that's all folks! Commenting on things that can be improved is appreciated! :D

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Pokemon do not use Potions, Revives, or other man-made Medicines in battle. Remove the Max Elixir on Swoobat, as it is pointless.
Impish > Bold if you are trying to have a defensive haxorus... Bold just Lowers its awesome attack stat
Sure,i'll change that.
What the heck who puts Dragon Pulse on a Haxorus?
dragon pulse on haxorus is the stupidist idea...
Loving this team. I am going to use it ;D
Here's a better move set for Eelectross
Wild Charge
1 vote

This is a team I recently used, and I had a lot of fun using it, since it's pretty different than what you usually see.

Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Aqua Jet / Swords Dance
- X-Scissor / Megahorn
- Revenge

This guy doubles as a Fighting type with Revenge, as well as a nice mixed sweeper. You can also run Aqua Tail over Surf for the Elite Four.

Ability: Intimidate
- Return
- Crunch
- Strength
- Fire Fang

Great physical attacker, and you can get it early on too. Lillipup really helps out in the first gym, and is awesome when it evolves. Make sure to catch one with Vital Spirit, so that Stoutland will have Intimidate. Fire Fang is on there because this team doesn't have a Fire type, and it's nice for coverage. It learns it via Move Relearner.

Ability: Sand Rush / Sand Force
- Earthquake
- Metal Claw / Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance / Hone Claws

Yet another good early game physical attacker. Drilbur is a little annoying to train up until he learns Metal Claw, but it's more than worth it when he evolves into this beast! Excadrill wrecks teams in this game. There's a reason he was in 5th gen Ubers.

Ability: Magic Guard
- Psychic
- Air Slash
- Energy Ball
- Cosmic Power / Light Screen

This little beast can be caught right after the Castelia City Gym. It's very powerful, with an extremely diverse movepool. Energy Ball is for coverage due to a lack of a Grass type on this team. Cosmic Power adds to its bulk, and is an extremely overpowered move in general. If possible, get a Sigilyph with Magic Guard. Light Screen directly counters the Hydreigon from Hell you face later in the game, as does Sigilyph's typing.

Ability: Ice Body
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Mirror Coat / Acid Armor
- Icy Wind

Vanillite can be caught in the Cold Storage, right before the Ground Gym. Good Ice type coverage is hard to come by in this game since you don't get the TM for Ice Beam until the postgame, and that leads to problems with all the Dragons. It learns Ice Beam upon evolving into Vanillish at level 35; not a bad level to get such a good move. Vanillite is a pain to train up, but it's worth it. If you have trouble evolving Vanillish into Vanilluxe (Level 47), then run Eviolite on it until it evolves. Flash Cannon is for coverage, Icy Wind lowers Speed and conserves Ice Beam PP, and the other two are for filler or for your own creative strategies.

Ability: Compoundeyes
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Bug Buzz / Signal Beam
- Sucker Punch

Joltik is a good Pokemon to begin with, its typing countering a lot of things. It can also be caught right before the Flying type gym. Galvantula is very fast, and if you run Compoundeyes (easy to spot since its only other ability is Unnerve, which you are alerted to upon entering battle with it), Thunder will hit almost every time. Thunder Wave is great for slowing things down for the rest of the team (cough Hydreigon cough), Bug Buzz and Signal Beam are good STAB and coverage, and Sucker Punch is great priority if you use it right.

So that's my team that I just thought I'd share with y'all. Hopefully it makes the game a little more fun with the different team layout!
~Good luck, and battle on!.. or something like that.

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What a unique and nice team!This is how unova teams should have been like.
Agreed!This team somehow turns out to be fantastic
1 vote

This is my team in Pokemon Black:

Ability: Torrent
Hasty Nature
- Surf
- X-Scissor
- Slash / Return
- Ice Beam

Samurott has good attacking stats, so I used both physical and special moves.

Ability: Motor Drive
Hasty Nature
- Wild Charge
- Flame Charge
- Stomp / Return
- Thunder Wave

Zebstrika was mostly used to paralyze, since he dies very easily due to is low Defense and Special Defense.

Ability: Swarm
Adamant Nature
- X-Scissor
- Leaf Blade
- Slash / Return
- Swords Dance

Leavanny has a high Attack, so if you can use Swords Dance one or two times without dying then you just need to attack and most of the time the opponent will faint.

Ability: Illusion
Modest Nature
- Night Daze
- Extrasensory
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot

Zoroark is so strong, it can defeat most of the Elite Four easily.


Ability: Moxie
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Aerial Ace
- Dragon Claw / Stone Edge / Brick Break

As you can only get Zoroark from event, Krookodile is the other option, being a really powerful Pokemon as well.

Ability: Mold Breaker
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Slash
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

One of my favourite Pokemon, Haxorus is SO freaking awesome, cool design, and he can defeat most Pokemon easily.

Ability: Sheer Force
Adamant Nature
- Crush Claw
- Fly / Brave Bird
- Hone Claws
- Rock Slide

I was so damn lucky with this one. I was catching Rufflet, trying to catch one with Adamant Nature, then a shiny one appeared with an Adamant Nature and Sheer Force.

Hope it helps you and good game :D

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You should take out zebstrika and add
Darmanitan or Chandelure
1 vote

Team Preview: Serperior Seismitoad Scrafty Archeops Galvantula Chandelure

Serperior @ Miracle Seed (Answer Snivy in Nacrene City)
Ability: Overgrow
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace / Return
- Dragon Tail / Leech Seed
- Coil

Leaf Blade gets STAB and has a high Critical Hit Ratio. Aerial Ace is for coverage, however when Serperior has high happiness, Return will be stronger. Dragon Tail is also for coverage and brings out a different Pokémon. However, this move has -6 priority, making it go last most of the time. Leech Seed keeps Serperior from fainting and Coil buffs Serperior's Attack, Defence and Accuracy by one stage.

Choose Snivy as your Starter.

Seismitoad @ Mystic Water (Wellspring Cave BF1) / Soft Sand (Desert Resort)
Ability: Poison Touch
Serious Nature
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab
- Drain Punch

Surf gets STAB and can help you get good items (For some reason you don't need it for the story). Earthquake gets STAB, Poison Jab in combination with Poison Touch means you will have a high chance of poisoning the foe and Drain Punch helps keep Seismitoad alive and can also activate Poison Touch.

Find Tympole in the Pinwheel Forest exterior, west of Nacrene City.

Scrafty @ Leftovers (Village Bridge with Dowsing Machine)
Ability: Moxie
Adamant Nature
- Brick Break
- Poison Jab
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Payback

Brick Break gets STAB and breaks through screens which can be useful, and Poison Jab can poison the foe. Rock Slide is weaker but more accurate and has a flinch chance whereas Stone Edge is stronger, has a high Critical Hit ratio but has a 20% chance of missing. Payback gets STAB and deals double damage if it moves after the foe (this includes being attacked, swapping out or item usage) and Scrafty has base 55 Speed (very slow).

Find Scraggy on Route 4, north of Castelia City.

Archeops @ Sharp Beak (Mistralton City) / Hard Stone (Mistralton Cave)
Ability: Defeatist
Jolly Nature
- Fly
- Dragon Claw
- U-turn
- Rock Slide

Fly gets STAB and gets you around Unova, Dragon Claw is for coverage and U-turn allows to to return when in trouble but still dealing damage. Rock Slide is better than Stone Edge on Archeops due to abilities. Defeatist will halve Archeops' Attack when his HP falls below 50%, meaning you don't want miss your attack -- not to mention Rock Slide has a chance to flinch as well.

Choose Plume Fossil in the Relic Castle and resurrect Archen in Nacrene City's Museum.

Galvantula @ Magnet (Chargestone Cave)
Ability: Compound Eyes
Modest Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Volt Switch

Thunder will be hitting a lot more with Compound Eyes (91% accuracy) and also gets STAB and can paralyse. Bug Buzz break through Substitute and also gets STAB. Energy Ball is for coverage and Volt Switch gets STAB and lets you swap to another Pokémon.

Find Joltik in Chargestone Cave, south of Mistralton City.

Chandelure @ Charcoal (Route 16) / Spell Tag (Celestial Tower)
Ability: Flame Body
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower
- Psychic / Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball / Hex
- Energy Ball

Flamethrower gets STAB and can burn the foe. Psychic is coverage and can lower the foe's Special Defence, but Will-O-Wisp burns the foe and halves their Attack. Shadow Ball gets STAB and can also lower the foe's Special Defence whereas Hex deals double damage to anything with a status condition, meaning anything burned by Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower or Flame Body will take double damage from Hex. Energy Ball is for coverage.

Find Litwick in Celestial Tower, north of Route 7 (north of Mistralton City).

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Great team, my preview is around that. The difference is that I will use Sigilyth (special) and Eelektross (mixed), they will cover some main weakness, mainly dragon claw on Eelektross cause I don't have any ice type.
1 vote

Here's a great team that will get you through the entire game and has all the HMs!

To start with, pick Oshawott as your starter.

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Dive
- Revenge / Ice Beam

So, not the greatest set in the world but he is helpful as a slave for all the water you have to deal with. Revenge doesn't cover any of its weaknesses but it is the only Fighting move on the team, and I wouldn't have defeated Ghetsis' Hydreigon without it. Ice Beam covers Grass, but we have another Ice type on the team.

Now continue onwards until you reach Route 4. The next two Pokemon come from there.

Krookodile @ Soft Sand
Ability: Moxie
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Strength
- Outrage / Aerial Ace

Now we're talking! I chose Crunch over Foul Play because it’s more reliable; your opponent won't always have a huge Attack stat. Strength is another HM, and need I say anything about Earthquake? Aerial Ace covers three weaknesses (Bug, Grass and Fighting) but, like Ice Beam on Samurott, we already have Flying moves. Outrage, on the other hand, is the only Dragon move on the team.

Now head into Relic Castle and choose the Plume Fossil to get:

Archeops @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Defeatist
- Fly
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- U-turn

The idea behind Archeops is to use his huge Attack to hit as many enemies as possible before Defeatist kicks in. Fly is the fifth HM, and Earthquake is coverage. As for the Rock moves, Stone Edge has more power but is less accurate, which means you could miss and have your stats halved before you can even attack! Rock Slide is less powerful, but is more reliable. Finally, U-turn lets you escape when Defeatist activates.

When you get to Driftveil City, your next Pokemon is waiting in the Cold Storage.

Vanilluxe @ Icy Rock / Nevermeltice
Ability: Ice Body
- Ice Beam
- Hail
- Blizzard
- Flash Cannon

Every team needs an Ice type to deal with dragons, and Vanilluxe does just that! If he's just battling wild Pokemon, Ice Beam will suffice but if he's battling a Gym Leader/Elite 4 he should use Hail, then Blizzard away. Flash Cannon is pretty good coverage.

Chargestone Cave has your fifth team member.

Galvantula @ Magnet
Ability: Compoundeyes
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Cut
- (Filler Move)

It’s also really useful to have a Bug type and an Electric type on your team - and Galvantula combines these. With Compoundeyes, Thunder's accuracy is much higher than before and Bug Buzz is solid STAB. Cut is the final HM (someone had to have it) and for a filler move I would suggest Energy Ball, which covers the Rock weakness, but it’s really up to you.

The final Pokemon is in Celestial Tower.

Chandelure @ Charcoal / Spell Tag
Ability: Flame Body
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

Let’s get right into this. Shadow Ball and Flamethrower are obvious STAB choices. Energy Ball covers three weaknesses and Psychic is coverage. It’s simple.

That's the entire team completed. Thank you very much for reading.

P.S. Some of these moves are only available post-Elite 4. Its meant to be a final/E4 rematch team.

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Team Overview :


Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
- Coil
- Leaf Blade
- Return
- Dragon Tail

Your starter. Her Attack is not really that high, so Coil is there to boost her Attack and Defence, as well as accuracy. Leaf Blade is physical STAB. Return is there because she is your starter and will be with you throughout the game. Dragon Tail to inflict damage and also to switch out the target if it's a strong one. Miracle Seed gives a nice boost to Leaf Blade.

Krookodile @ Blackglasses
Ability: Moxie
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge

Krookodile helps you take on most of the Elite 4. Earthquake is powerful STAB. Crunch is reliable STAB too. Outrage is a powerful coverage move. If you don't want to be locked into Outrage for few turns and being confused, Dragon Claw is also a choice. Stone Edge is powerful coverage. Krookodile will do well against Caitlin and Shauntal.

Crustle @ Expert Belt
Ability: Sturdy
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

Crustle also takes on most of the Elite 4. It will threaten Grimsley and Caitlin. Stone Edge and X-Scissor are powerful STAB moves. Earthquake is nice coverage. Swords Dance is to make Crustle's moves more deadly.

Swanna @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Keen Eye
- Fly
- Surf
- Brave Bird
- Ice Beam

Teams need a surfer and flyer, so why not have both in one? She will help you take on Marshall. Fly and Surf are great STABs and needed HMs. Brave Bird is surely an OHKO, only use it if you need the power. Ice Beam is great coverage.

Chandelure @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire

  • Inferno
  • Shadow Ball
  • Energy Ball
  • Calm Mind

Chandelure's special moves will surely OHKO. Calm Mind gives a nice boost to Special Attack and Special Defence. Inferno is STAB with amazing power. Shadow Ball is STAB. Energy Ball is coverage that covers most of Chandelure's weakness.

Haxorus @ Muscle Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
- Brick Break
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Swords Dance

The simplest Haxorus set. Brick Break is coverage. Earthquake hits levitating Pokemon because of its Ability, Mold Breaker. Outrage is a powerful STAB move but leaves the user confused after a few turns. Swords Dance is to give the physical moves a great boost so that it will be more powerful.

Good luck.

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Team Preview: Samurott Excadrill Darmanitan Archeops Eelektross Beartic
(All Pokémon, TM's and Items are accessible before the Pokémon League)

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
Hardy Nature
- Surf (HM - Twist Mountain)
- Megahorn (Move Reminder)
- Aerial Ace (TM - Mistralton City Runway)
- Dig (TM - Route 4)

Surf gains STAB and allows you to cross bodies of water. Megahorn is a very powerful coverage move, and Aerial Ace and Dig are other coverage moves.

Choose Oshawott as your starter Pokémon.

Excadrill @ Soft Sand
Ability: Sand Force / Sand Rush
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake (Level 36)
- Metal Claw (Level 15)
- Rock Slide (Level 29)
- Poison Jab (TM - Route 6)

Earthquake gains STAB and is very powerful, Metal Claw is its only Steel Type move so it will have to do and Rock Slide and Poison Jab are excellent coverage attacks.

Catch a Drilbur from a dust cloud in Wellspring Cave.

Darmanitan @ Charcoal
Ability: Sheer Force
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz (Level 33)
- Hammer Arm (Level 35)
- Fire Punch (Level 22)
- Bulldoze (Driftveil City - Clay Gift)

Flare Blitz gains STAB and is very powerful but the recoil is a large drawback, which is why Fire Punch is there: a solid STAB attack with no drawback. Hammer Arm is a great coverage attack and Bulldoze is for more coverage.

Archeops @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Defeatist
Jolly Nature
- Fly (HM - Driftveil City - From Bianca)
- Rock Slide (Level 51)
- U-turn (Level 45)
- Dragon Claw (TM - Victory Road / Level 56)

Fly gains STAB and is useful for getting around the region, Rock Slide gains STAB, U-turn is coverage and allows Archeops to get out of battle quickly while still dealing damage and Dragon Claw is more coverage.

Choose the Plume Fossil from the Backpacker in Relic Castle and resurrect it at Nacrene Museum.

Eelektross @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
Hardy Nature
- Thunderbolt (Level 44 as Eelektrik)
- Dragon Claw (TM - Victory Road)
- Crunch (Level 39 as Eelektrik)
- Volt Switch (TM - Nimbasa City - Elesa Gift)

Thunderbolt gains STAB, Dragon Claw and Crunch are both excellent coverage attacks and Volt Switch allows it to get out of battle quickly.

Catch a Tynamo in Chargestone Cave.

Beartic @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Snow Cloak
Adamant Nature
- Icicle Crash (Level 37)
- Superpower (Move Reminder)
- Aerial Ace (TM - Mistralton City Runway)
- Rock Slide (TM - Mistralton Cave)

Icicle Crash gains STAB and Superpower, Brick Break and Aerial Ace are all excellent for coverage.

Catch a Cubchoo in Twist Mountain.

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I'll write one for the Fire-type starter, Emboar!

Ability: Blaze
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Wild Charge
- Assurance

The starter for your team. Flare Biltz gives you recoil damage, but it's a powerful STAB move. Hammer Arm is your only viable option for Fighting STAB, and even though it does lower your Speed, you're not really outspeeding everything. Wild Charge is coverage for its Water and Flying weakness. Assurance helps destroy Psychic types and Ghost types.

Ability: Own Tempo
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Petal Dance
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder

The Grass type of your team, the perfect counter to Emboar's weakness to Ground types. Giga Drain is STAB and drains your opponent's HP. Petal Dance is also STAB, which hits opponents hard for 2-3 turns, Own Tempo prevents Lilligant from being confused by Petal Dance. Quiver Dance is there to raise your Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Sleep Powder is there so you can puts foes to sleep.

Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Thunder Fang
- Stone Edge

Krookodile is good for the Ghost and Psychic Elite 4, Shauntal and Caitlin. Earthquake is the most powerful Ground STAB move. Crunch is STAB, with a nice bonus of lowering your opponent's Defense. Stone Edge is for Bug and Ice types, while Thunder Fang is for Water types.

Ability: Mummy
Modest Nature
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Psychic
- Nasty Plot

The Ghost wall of your team. Hex is your Ghost STAB, which pairs perfectly with Will-O-Wisp, a move which burns your opponents. If your target has a status ailment, Hex's base power doubles to 130, which is more powerful than Shadow Ball. Psychic is coverage to destroy Fighting and Poison types. Nasty Plot is there to boost your Special Attack by 2 stages.

Ability: Magic Guard
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Air Slash / Fly
- Shadow Ball
- Charge Beam

Your team flyer Sigilyph is the best Flying type you can catch early in the game. Psychic is your Psychic STAB move, which destroys Fighting and Poison types. Air Slash or Fly is your Flying STAB move, with one being useful in the overworld, while the other is a special move, for Sigilyph's higher Special Attack. Shadow Ball is coverage for Sigilyph, which kills Psychic and Ghost types, while Charge Beam is coverage for other Flying types and Water types, plus it has a 70% chance of increasing your Special Attack by 1 stage.

Ability: Solid Rock
Quiet Nature
- Surf
- Stone Edge
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast

The surfer for your team. Surf is useful in-game and gets STAB, which helps against your Ground weakness. Stone Edge is your Rock type STAB. Ice Beam is for your Grass weakness, and Focus Blast is coverage for Steel and Dark types.

All of these team members are accessible after the 3rd gym.

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Here is my suggested team:
Samurott Stoutland Zebstrika Sawk Scolipede Cofagrigus
Here are my six recommended Pokémon, all off which can be obtained with regular play and no trading. If your playing Pokémon White, than feel free to switch Sawk for Throh. With this being said, on with the first Pokémon:

Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Grass Knot
- Hydro Pump / X-Scissor

Samurott is a great mixed attacker that has decent bulk. Surf is STAB, Ice Beam / Blizzard are powerful coverage moves, Grass Knot is good against opposing Water types, and Hydro Pump / X-Scissor are good moves. Samurott does good against most opponents and can take hits whilst dealing massive damage with its wide movepool.

Ability: Intimidate
- Return
- Crunch
- Ice Fang
- Fire Fang

Stoutland is possibly the best Normal type in-game with its big Attack stat, decent Speed, good bulk, and Intimidate. Return is STAB, Crunch is good against some Ghost and Psychic types, Ice and Fire Fang are coverage. Stoutland has some other moves not mentioned above that could be helpful, such as Work Up, Retaliate, Aerial Ace, Rock Tomb and Wild Charge. I had to put this guy on the team, he does so well the whole game.

Ability: Lightning Rod
- Thunderbolt / Wild Charge
- Overheat / Flame Charge
- Volt Switch / Return
- Thunder Wave

Zebstrika might not be the absolute best Electric type in the game, but it's still a great Pokemon with its high Speed and decent offensive stats. Thunderbolt / Wild Charge are STAB, Overheat / Flame Charge are coverage moves, Volt Switch / Return are good utility / coverage against Ground types, and Thunder Wave is utility. Zebstrika is overall a great Electric type even if it has a somewhat limited movepool.

Ability: Sturdy
- Brick Break
- Earthquake / Bulldoze
- Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
- Close Combat / Bulk Up

Sawk is great in Unova with its type, moveset, amazing Attack, and decent Speed. Brick Break is good reliable STAB, Earthquake / Bulldoze are coverage, Rock Slide / Rock Tomb deal with Flying and Bug types, and Close Combat / Bulk Up are good moves Sawk gets by level up. Sawk is great against Lenora and has a fantastic end game. Make sure Sawk has Sturdy and not Inner Focus, it's way better.

Ability: Swarm
- X-Scissor / Megahorn
- Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
- Earthquake / Bulldoze
- Poison Jab / X Scissor

Scolipede is one of my favorite Gen 5 Pokemon, so I’m using it. X-Scissor / Megahorn are Bug STAB, Rock Slide / Rock Tomb are great coverage, Earthquake / Bulldoze are also great coverage, and Poison Jab / X-Scissor are STAB. Scolipede has great Speed and Attack along with good Defense. STAB Megahorn destroys Unova's bulky and slow Psychic types, even though Scolipede is weak to them. This is a really fun Pokémon I hope you enjoy using.

Ability: Mummy
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Grass Knot / Psychic
- Calm Mind / Substitute

Cofagrigus is an amazing physical wall with good Special Attack. Shadow Ball is STAB, Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers, Grass Knot / Psychic are coverage, and Calm Mind / Substitute are good utility moves. Cofagrigus and its amazing defense, Ghost type, Will-O-Wisp, and the Rocky Helmet basically make it wall almost any physical attacker. I suggest waiting till you can catch Cofagrigus in the wild after Dragonspiral Tower, raising Yamask can be tedious.

Thank you for reading!

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Ability - Blaze
- Hammer Arm
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Wild Charge/Rock Slide

Use Arm Thrust until you heart scale Hammer Arm onto Emboar.
Go with Flame Charge-->Heat Crash-->Flamethrower or keep Heat Crash, I believe Flamethrower is just p4p more useful in the big fights against neutral mons and the burn chance. Grass Knot for those Rock types that have less SpDef than Def and are heavy and for Seismitoads and Carracostas should the need arise. Pick your poison whether you want to have more coverage against water or flying types but Rock Slide is more useful in the elite four and obtainable before Victory Road. Good for Gym 2, 3, 7 and elite fours' Grimsley, all of Champion Adler besides Druddigon, all of N besides legendary, and half of Ghetsis.

LEAVANNY /Use gift Pansage only for the 1st gym if required then get Sewaddle in Pinwheel Forest/
Ability - Swarm
- Leaf Blade
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Swords Dance

Use Razor Leaf until you learn Leaf Blade at Lvl 36. Use Bug Bite until you learn X-Scissor at Lvl 39 or teach it early by TM NorthEast of Mistralton City. Get Aerial Ace after defeating Skyla and talking to Orange Cap kid in the house up the path from pokecenter where you then go down the runway to the left and collect the tm. Swords Dance is learned at Lvl 46. Good for Gym 5 and Elite Fours' half of Shauntal's team, half of Grimsley's, all of Caitlin besides Sigilyph, N's Carracosta and Zoroark, and Ghetsis's Seismitoad and Hydreigon.

Ability - Moxie
- Crunch
- Bulldoze/Earthquake
- Smack Down/Rock Slide
- Brick Break

Catch Sandile at level 15 to avoid being stuck with Assurance rather than Bite then from there learn Crunch at Lvl 28. Teach it Dig by TM for Electric gym until you get the Bulldoze TM then swap it for Earthquake that is learned at Lvl 54. Get enough BP in the Battle Subway to get Smack Down for those pesky flying types and certain electric types with levitate as it will negate their ability so they can be hit with ground moves. If you do not want to grind for BP then teach it Rock Tomb for the flying types in and out of the electric gym until you get Rock Slide. Brick Break is for coverage against Dark, Normal and Ice types and can be obtained in Icirrus City in pokecenter by speaking to grandma. Good forGym 4, Gym 5's Excadrill, Gym 6's Swoobat and Unfeazant, all of Shauntal, Grimsley's Bisharp, all of Caitlin, Alder's Volcarona, all of N, all of Ghetsis besides Seismitoad.

Ability - Keen Eye
- Surf
- Air Slash/Fly
- Feather Dance
- Roost

Use its Natural learnset water moves until you get Surf. Same with its flying attacks and keep Air Slash or swap for the convenience and extra power Fly has. Feather Dance and Roost are learned naturally and are for sole purpose of destroying the fighting types of this region by lowering their attack to begin then roosting then lowering their attack again and so on to eliminate them easy. The only issue is Mienshao that might be faster than your Swanna and if it is then just brute force your way through with Emboar. Good for Gym 5 and Shauntal's Chandelure, Grimsley's Krookodile, all of Marshal, Alder's Volcarona and N's Archeops maybe :(.

Ability - Compound Eyes
- Thunder
- Signal Beam
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt

Buy the Thunder TM at the Icirrus City pokecenter and get Thunderbolt after surfing West of the starting town. Signal Beam is learned at Lvl 34. Volt Switch is obtained after defeating the Electric Gym. Destroys Flying gym and useful for elite fours' Jellicent, Liepard, Krookodile, all of Caitlin's mons, N's Carracosta, Zoroark, Archeops and Ghetsis's Hydreigon.

Ability - Levitate
- Ice Beam
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Blizzard

Everything is learned naturally except Blizzard which is bought in Iccirus City pokecenter. Cryogonal is faster than all the dragons and its sole purpose is to kill them with Ice Beam or Blizzard before they can get a hit off. If things go wrong set up the screens to set the stage for your other mons. Cryogonal should destroy the dragon gym and be helpful in any battle with its screens and against Zekrom or Hydreigon.

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Here is my favorite Pokemon Black team.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Leech Seed
- Leaf Blade
- Return

This is an amazing set for Serperior. Coil is the crux of it so he can soak most hits, and who can resist choosing a move that ups Attack, Defense, and accuracy in one go? Leech Seed is a must with Coil. Leaf Blade is STAB and good power. Return is going to have high power so it is definitely worth it. Miracle Seed can be obtained by Castelia City. I personally chose Serperior in Black and Black 2 because of its superior Speed and good bulk compared to the others. I remember that Chili, Lenora, Elesa, and Clay fell to its amazing defenses teamed with Speed unmatched by most in-game trainers.

(Note: Panpour will only be needed to shortly help beat Chili then can be discarded)
The next Pokemon you get will be from Route 4.

Ability: Sturdy
Adamant Nature
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake
- Shell Smash
- Stone Edge

He is a great Pokemon for beating Burgh to death. Any Rock type move he knows (even as a Dwebble) will just destroy the Gym, and he can even be used right up through the E4. X-Scissor is for STAB and great power. Earthquake is for more coverage. Shell Smash is for later in-game when you will be in need of a great sweeper. And his defenses + Sturdy do not mind the defense drops anyways. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB move.

Ability: Defeatist
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Acrobatics

He is the powerhouse of early in-game. He has Stone Edge as STAB. Earthquake completes the EdgeQuake set. U-turn for coverage and quick getaways. Acrobatics is very useful in-game. Because of the lack of items, he will usually have that at 110 BP letting him rip stuff apart. Although many prefer Carracosta over Archeops, the nice little niche Archeops has is the ability to be a special sweeper. So if you get a Modest Nature, don't worry, you can just make a mixed set.

(Note: no one has to worry about 3 physical attackers in-game because they will destroy anything in their path nonetheless.)

After destroying Clay with Serperior, get your next team member.

Ability: Compoundeyes
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Volt Switch

Thunder + Compoundeyes = 91% hit rate = DESTROY. Yup that is it. Thunder is STAB. Volt Switch is STAB and allows to you switch in Archeops when you anticipate a Ground type move. Energy Ball is for killing Rock or Ground types.

You will continue to kill Skyla with Galvantula and then get your next Pokemon.

Ability: Ice Body
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ground]

Most will choose Beartic over Vanilluxe. Why my choice? His 79 base Speed. The fastest Unova Ice type, Vanilluxe is unstoppable in the 8th gym. Ice Beam is STAB. Toxic is very useful when fighting types that resist you but cannot KO you. Flash Cannon for coverage. Hidden Power [Ground] to cover 3/4 of its weaknesses.

Last one [hard to find FYI] :

Ability: Levitate
Naive Nature
- Crunch
- Dragon Pulse
- Charge Beam / Surf
- Fire Blast

Crunch for STAB and is viable because of this mixed set. Dragon Pulse is STAB and hits like a tank. Charge Beam can be chosen over Surf because it can quickly become more powerful, but sometimes the additional coverage Surf adds is better than just power. Fire Blast is amazing on this set. With Fire Blast and Dragon Pulse, NOTHING resists him!

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You have two physical Rock type attackers that share weaknesses to Water, Steel and Rock. You also recommend people hunt for a specific Hidden Power on Vanilluxe, and you say Toxic stalling is effective in-game. Besides that, you recommend *Hydreigon* of all things, which is hugely inefficient in-game.

None of this is particularly effective for beating the game.
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I try to have my teams as well rounded as possible. I always have Fire, Water, Grass, Flying, Electric, and Ground or Rock. These types I always need because I love type advantages. But, I figured, the more types the better! So I went with these Pokemon.

Ability Flash Fire
- Flame Burst
- Fire Blast
- Fire Spin
- Shadow Ball

I prefer Chandelure because it cannot be hit by Normal type moves. It is super- effective against Dark, Psychic, and Fighting types, which are three of the Elite Four types.

Litwick Lv.42 --> Lampent + Dusk Stone --> Chandelure

Ability Big Pecks
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hurricane
- Fly
Swanna covers two of my necessary types: Water and Flying. The problem is, Swanna is TWICE as susceptible to Electric attacks than if it were just Water or just Flying. And, Swanna no longer resists Grass moves. But, Swanna allows me to train my Water and Flying types in one Pokemon and also allows me to have other Pokemon in my party.

Ducklett Lv.35 --> Swanna

Ability Chlorophyll
- Sunny Day
- Petal Dance
- Synthesis
- Energy Ball

Lilligant is a very good Pokemon for your Grass type. It is a perfect balance of defense and offense. It has helped me through many a pinch, and can definitely be a great Pokemon in the hands of a skilled trainer.

Petilil + Sun Stone --> Lilligant

Ability Plus
- Zap Cannon
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder
- Shift Gear

Klinklang is a powerful Pokemon. It comes in handy when fighting the Ice type Gym Leader Brycen with its Steel moves. Most people do not want to take the time to train the very weak Klink, but Klinklang is a big reward.

Klink Lv.38 --> Klang Lv.49 --> Klinklang

Ability Rivalry
- Dragon Pulse
- Dragon Dance
- Guillotine
- Dragon Claw

Haxorus is an incredibly strong Pokemon. Only two types are super effective against it: Ice and Dragon. Not advisable against Brycen but encouraged against Drayden or Iris. Haxorus is one of very few Pokemon that can learn Guillotine, an OHKO move.

Axew Lv.38 --> Fraxure Lv.48 --> Haxorus

Ability Moxie
- Foul Play
- Embargo
- Dig
- Focus Blast

Krookodile is very crafty. Like all Dark Pokemon, it uses the enemies' power against it. This Pokemon comes in handy against Elesa, the Electric type Gym Leader. Krookodile has good HP and good moves.

Sandile Lv.29 --> Krokorok Lv.40 --> Krookodile

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You don't need three Fire moves on Chandelure. Mold Breaker is better than Rivalry on Haxorus. Guillotine is a waste of a moveslot. Crunch is better than Foul Play, Earthquake is better than Dig, if you're willing to overlevel a bit. Focus Blast is useless, and a physical Fighting move like Brick Break is better.