Meta-PokéBase Q&A
32 votes

This thread has been retired in favour of a new one. Please use that instead!

Thread Information

On this thread, you can post suggestions as to what tournaments should be hosted on the site! When you post suggestions, please make sure that you include all rules that will apply to your tournament and the amount of members in it. The most popular tournaments, determined by those with the most votes, will be hosted next. Old and not-so-popular suggestions will be hidden over time to prevent clutter.

Please check through the existing answers and the tournament winners pages linked above to make sure your suggestion hasn't already been made.

Take note that these tournaments will not be hosted on the 3DS (or a Switch or whatever fancy gadget you're using nowadays), but on a Pokemon simulator called Pokemon Showdown. Also if you have a new suggestion that has not been suggested, post it and see if it gets support!

Please read the selected answer (the first answer you'll see) for additional information.

List of Tournament Winners
Showdown/Online username thread
Guidelines for playing in tournaments
Hosting guide


Tournament Name

Brief description of tournament, eg. "All pokemon have to be the same type" (as much as people like to post long and fun descriptions, short ones are better)

List of rules and clauses, e.g
"OU/Monotype Banlist
Standard Smogon Clauses Apply
Heatran is banned from Fire Teams
No Stealth Rock" etc

Add any extra details or more complicated rules at the end. These rules will be default in case you forget to add those complicated rules.

Smogon (latest generation) OU clauses
Changes to bans (OU bans or bans in the tournament) start applying when a new round starts.
Single elimination best of one brackets
Battles are to be held on the Pokemon DB Showdown! server.
Save replays and show them to the host. You can make them private if you don't want anyone else to see them.
Players can change teams between battles.
If someone disconnects during a battle, then the opponent can take the win or redo the battle.

closed by
yes PX is a she
It says female on her profile, no?
please update current tour.
i can host
You're supposed to sign up by commenting on the answer, not the question. Also the next tournament already has a host.

115 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

If you have an idea, then share it. But we really don't need seven people trying to have tournaments constantly. If you like an idea, upvote it. If you don't like it, downvote.

  • Highest voted suggestions will go first.

  • Post whether your tournament is going to have 4 people, 8 people, 16 people, or any number of people.

  • Tournaments can only go with a moderator's go.

  • Challonge match-ups cannot be used. You must have the match-ups written on the post.

  • No signing up for the tournament before it gets a meta question.

  • Tournaments require at least six upvotes before they can go.

  • Tournaments in negatives will be hidden.

  • If a tournament seems like it will be best held for a special occasion, it will be postponed until that occasion.

  • You must put matchups in the post. Not in an answer, it just makes it difficult.

Why aren't the tournaments proceeding?

We take breaks in between tournaments, and people have to meet each other. We have due dates.

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If you make the tournament are you garunteed a spot?
No, you can enter it only if you want to.
Why are we not allowed to use Challonge? Also, since Ninja's gone, do we not have to listen to him any more?
What do you mean by "people have to meet each other"?
13 votes

Random Battle tournament.


Select all but Ubers. Must use generated natures.

Battles are two out of three, no replays required, you can change teams unless you are in the middle of a battle (Obviously.)

inb4 trachy wins.

*spams generate button*
Yep, unfortunately, people can cheat.
12 votes

Types (Japanese: タイプ Type) are properties for Pokémon and their moves.

This can mean only one thing.
Monotype Tournament (but with moves)
Each team used in this tournament must have a designated type, and every member of that team must know at least one attack move of the designated type. If a Pokemon knows more than 2 attack moves, then at least 2 of them must be of the designated type.

Random technicalities:
The tournament is subject to OU rules.
Hidden power is treated as the Pokemon's hidden power type rather than normal type.
Judgement and multi attack are treated as the user's type if used by Arceus* or Silvally while holding a plate or memory.
Nothing else (not even abilities like aerilate) have any effect on the legality of a move, because those effects can be nullified during battle. You can take advantage of this, for example, by using Pinsir on a normal team (assuming Pinsir doesn't get banned anytime soon).

*This rule has a tiny chance of becoming relevant someday if Arceus is ever un-banned.

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that.. thats AMAZING!
Woah my idea is on the first page.
Do Status moves count as a move of that type? If so, If a Pokémon knows Less than 2 attacking moves, does that move have to be of the designated type? :P
> every member of that team must know at least one **attack** move of the designated type. If a Pokemon knows more than 2 **attack** moves, then at least 2 of them must be of the designated type.

11 votes

Pokémon DB Super Staff Bros

Note: This tournament won't necessarily be "ready" until at least 20 sets are made, although I plan for 40-60 (or when all of the Experts and higher are added) for more variety.

Super Staff Bros is a concept originally a format thought up by Smogon where members of Smogon Staff are represented by Pokémon with cool custom sets that you can use. As this concept is endearing, I thought we should do this but with members of the Pokémon DB. Since it was based off of staff members of Smogon, Staff members of the DB are basically Pokemaster, Mods, Editors, Experts, and some Users that have contributed much to this community.

This thread is where the Roster and General rules have been decided. If the community is able to, it may make a randomized format for it (no promises). If we can't do so, this will be played in custom games, with these restrictions:

  • You must use the exact sets from the Roster, including names and shininess
  • You may only bring 6 Pokémon (as custom games allows more)
  • You may not bring more than one Poémon with the same set (For example: you may bring a Scizor named "Sciz" and a shiny Scizor named "X-Scizor", but you can't bring more than one Farfetch'd named "sumwun")

This will be a standard bracket elimination tournament, as always. :P

Have fun!

10 votes

Monotype + Monoitem Tourney

somewhat restrictive tourney that can lead to fun stuff like those classic 6 choice item teams from early gen 8 ou :D

All the Pokemon on your team must hold the same held item as well as share the same type.

Additional Rules:
Standard (Gen 8) Monotype rules
Save replays of battles (please provide replays publicly if possible)
Any number of players
Allowed to edit team between tourney rounds

Trick, Switcheroo, Thief, Covet, Bestow, Pickpocket, Magician (forbidden from getting a different item in any way)

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Great idea, except you then realize poison has an exclusive leftovers that damages non-poison types AND has toxapex on their side
it's not like toxapex is unbeatable with black sludge
You can have an entire ground team holding choice bands. Those are pretty broken.
and water still has 5 turn drizzle, swift swim, and life orb
And water is weak to cloryphyll grass types
No grass Pokemon currently has drought.
9 votes

The Rental Tourney

I don't know much about competitive battling so I've added no rules or anything. The public can debate that.

At the end of each round, the victor of each pairing copies their losing opponent's team exactly for the next round. They are given no tips on how to use the team, and they are not allowed to edit the team in anyway to suit themselves.

I hope it doesn't screw up the DB. :D

Now to make the crappiest team ever!
this sounds like a terrible itour idea tbh :I
I like your rental tourney idea, but the rules needed to be improved.  This is my idea:
 1. You create a team with six Pokémon, like you would for regular OU battling.
 2. One (or two for the later rounds) of your Pokémon will be randomly selected to battle for your team.
 3. For the rest of your Pokémon, you must choose from teams that the other competitors have made.
 4. After each round, the teams are recalculated.
convert this to a comment on Indigo's suggestion.
It's the same thing as Indigo's.
It's more or less Indis, If you wish a rule change, it's better to comment it. Which is what I just did for you.
Ok.  Thanks, Sempi!
Kinda made a twist on this tourney.  It saves so you won't have a team of crappy pokemon tho :P
8 votes

Same Type Stealth Rock

In this metagame, Stealth Rock damage can be any type. The type is based on the primary type of the Stealth Rock user. For example, if Skarmory uses Stealth Rock, it will deal Steel type damage on switch-in. Or if Garchomp uses Stealth Rock, it will deal Dragon type damage on switch-in.

This means that if you set Fairy type Stealth Rock, it would be super effective against 3 types, resisted by 3 types, and neutral against 12 types. If you set Ground type Stealth Rock, it would be super effective against 5 types, resisted by 2 types, neutral against 10 types, and Flying types would be immune.

Protean sets Rock type Stealth Rock.

Dark type Pokemon are immune to Psychic type Stealth Rock.
Flying type Pokemon, Pokemon with Levitate, and Pokemon holding an Air Balloon are immune to Ground type Stealth Rock (except under Gravity).
Volt Absorb removes Electric type Stealth Rock.
Water Absorb removes Water type Stealth Rock.

Rapid Spin (without Scrappy) does not remove Ghost type Stealth Rock.

Standard OU clauses apply.

So statistically, Fighting or Ground Stealth Rock is the best to have
Rock and Ice are probably most useful though
Make it a rule that you must have at least 2 stealth rock users and no phasing moves.
8 votes

"If the strong and able do too much, they limit the contributions of others. The strong must show restraint. This enables everyone to live together and share responsibility."
--a veteran, Hearthome City, Pokemon Platinum Version

With that in mind, allow me to explain the
Level-balanced tier shift tournament!

Every species of Pokemon (except those with no legal abilities) is allowed, but those on higher Smogon tiers must have lower levels. Based on statistics from May 2018, these are the max levels for each tier.

Untiered (less than 3.41%* usage in PU): 100 (ABST 478)
PU: 97 (ABST 502)
PUBL: 97 (ABST 478)
NU: 97 (ABST 506)
NUBL: 97 (ABST 499)
RU: 93 (ABST 551)
RUBL: 92 (ABST 556)
UU: 92 (ABST 547)
UUBL: 92 (ABST 551)
OU: 91 (ABST 576)
"Ubers UU" (banned in OU but less than 3.41% usage in Ubers): 85 (ABST 657)
Ubers, 3.41% < usage < 50%: 83 (ABST 680)
Ubers, usage > 50%: 80 (ABST 730)
Maractus: 79 (ABST 9001)

I decided to split the Ubers tier into three parts, because Pokemon near the top of Ubers are significantly stronger than the ones near the bottom and I wanted to make the game fair for both groups.
As for the details, this tournament will be set in Ubers, but use the OU banlist for abilities and moves.
Light balls and Eviolites are banned.

*Throughout this post, when I say 3.41%, I mean 1-(1/2)^(1/20). I say 3.41% because it's easier to type.
If a generation started recently, and not all usage tiers have been out of beta for a month, then please delay this tournament until they are.

If this tournament is to happen after I leave the site, then the host is to do this to determine the max level for each tier.

Step 1: Find the right usage statstics
Go to and click the latest date on the page. You should now see something like


for each playable tier. The numbers right before the .txt are GLICKO ratings. The higher numbers imply more experience, so you will use stats from players with the highest GLICKO rating (gen21ou-1825.txt in this case) to calculate the maximum levels.

Step 2: Calculate the average base stat total (I'll call it ABST) for each tier
These calculations involve base stat totals. If a Pokemon can't change form on the first turn before anything moves, then the BST of the base form will be used.
Calculating the ABST is pretty straightforward for the usage tiers (OU, UU, etc.), as well as the Ubers Pokemon whose usages are between 50% and 3.41%. It's the average base stat total for the first 150% of Pokemon on the statistics you just found. The ABST of the Ubers Pokemon with more than 50% usage is calculated using the BSTs of all Pokemon in this "tier".
The ABSTs for "borderline tiers" (Ubers UU, the BLs, and Untiered) is slightly more complex. Because they aren't playable, their ABSTs are calculated using the tier above them. The Pokemon used in the calculation are the first however many Pokemon were used for the tier above that were used less than 3.41% in the tier above. For example, if Ubers and OU used the first 3 and 4 Pokemon, then Ubers UU and BL will use the first 3 and 4 Pokemon with less than 3.41% usage.
If a tier's ABST is lower than the ABST of the tier below, then the higher tier's ABST will be set to the lower tier's ABST for the next step. For example, if the ABST of OU is less than the ABST of BL, then the ABST of OU will be set to the ABST of BL.

Step 3: Calculate the max level for each tier
The max level for Untiered will be 100. The max level for all the other tiers are given by
where a is the ABST of Untiered and b is the ABST of the tier whose max level you're calculating. Round down.

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Acupressure Maractus op pls nerf. This seems like a really great idea. +1
Okay, I nerfed it.
Well, glad that's over with. Acupressure Maractus just beats PU.
8 votes

Rainbow Tournament

Basically, the opposite of Staka~’s Color Clash Tournament. No two Pokémon on a team can share a Pokedex color.

OU with a few bans.


Ban List

I think it's time to edit this.

Shinies (they are too confusing, and I stand by it)



Zen Mode Darmanitan (not Galarian)

Standard OU Bans


Credits to NebbyY for helping me with the bans. Thank you! :)


Now, for the rest of the rules.

16 people may participate, though more or less can work.

Colors should be decided by looking at the Bulbapedia page, not as a guess.

There will be standard elimination rounds, nothing fancy like teams.

Have fun! :D


So this is my first tournament suggestion.... hope it’s good! :D

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Ah yes I forgot about them. They’re getting banned for the same reason as Castform/Cherrim/Zen Mode Darmanitan.
How come my 2nd favourite Pokémon is banned :(
Confusion problems, due to its different forms being different colors (Alcremie, correct?).
Poxedex color is very different that actual color: if this tour is done based on pokedex color than Alcremie should be allowed due to every form having the pokedex color of white. Note that Vivillon can have two Pokedex colors which are form dependent: Black (which the Pokeball Pattern and others are) and White (which the modern pattern and others are). Shinies inherit their nonshiny pokedex color; the only reason I made shinies different than their pokedex color was so that some colors could gain a little bit more variety. :P
I think Castform, Cherrim, and zen mode should be the only additional bans because all other Pokemon, like Minior, can't change their color in battle. Shiny Pokemon should be no problem if we use Pokedex colors.
7 votes

World Cup Tour.

(Name given in honour of the World Cup and because it is based off the structure of the World Cup.)

What this tour involves is all of us travelling to one country to play football and determine a winner xD

Seriously though these are the Rules for the tourney:

  • Tourney will have 16 participants
  • There will be 4 Groups; Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D.
  • Participants will be randomly assigned to one of the 4 Groups.
  • 4 Participants per Group.
  • Once you have been put into a Group with three other people, you will face them all exactly once.
  • If you win the match you get 3 Points, I don't think you can draw on Showdown but if someone does manage to draw with someone else then they will both be reward with 1 Point. If you lose a match you get 0 Points.
  • The two participants with highest amount of points will go through, in the event of two people having the same amount of points, goal difference in this case "Pokémon difference" will be taken into account to determine who advances and who doesn't. If two participants have the same amount of "Pokémon difference", then they will play a separate game to determine who advances. For all those who don't know what I'm getting at when I say "Pokémon difference" it's how many Pokémon of the opposition you faint to how many Pokémon of your's the opposition faints. Simple enough?
  • After the Group Stage the winner of Group A will face the runner up of Group B, with the runner up of Group A facing the winner of Group B. The winner of Group C will face the runner up of Group D, and the runner up of Group C will face the winner of Group D.
  • After that the winner of the "winner of Group A vs. the runner up of Group B", will face the winner of the "runner up of Group A vs. the winner of Group B". The winner of the "winner of Group C vs. the runner up of Group D", will face the winner of the "winner of the runner up of Group C vs. the runner up of Group D". (Sorry if I've worded this confusingly.)
  • Then of course after that it's the final :D
  • Normal Smogon clauses apply e.g. Sleep Clause etc.
  • Or and of course this is Pokémon so there will be a twist; Group A is NU, Group B is RU, Group C is UU and Group D is OU. The next leg after that is Ubers, then UU again for the semi-finals and OU for the final!

Before I get some idiot who says "can more than one person from the same country compete?" or something ridicules like that. This isn't really a competition country wise but individual wise, to see who is the champion of the world! ;) Besides seeing how the majority of people are either from the UK, the US or Australia it wouldn't exactly be much of a tournament.

I'm relieved to say no football is involved in this tournament thank God... well go ahead thank me :3

>Also guys after some decisions we've decided it would be unfair to have the Groups different tiers even if people were being randomly assigned. So please vote in this straw poll what tier you want the Groups Stages to be. Thank you!

commented 2 minutes ago by Sir Dan

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OU for final imo
It's the most common tier and the one the majority of people will be more used to
Yeah I'll change it :)

Also guys after some decisions we've decided it would be unfair to have the Groups different tiers even if people were being randomly assigned. So please vote in this straw poll what tier you want the Groups Stages to be. Thank you!
I was thinking about a tournament like this. But I already have 3 ideas on this thread. This tournament is going to be really fun.
I wanted to post an idea like this at the start of the WC, but I couldn't word it properly. Anyways, +1!
I would upvote this, but the rules are too intelligent and complicated for my simple mind. :3
7 votes

After hearing about things like monotype, monocolor/monochrome, and mono-generation, I decided to make a total rip-off of these ideas and post this answer.

Mono-egg group
It'll be a single elimination tournament latest generation OU singles tournament, except all Pokemon on a team must share at least one egg group. Undiscovered counts as one egg group.

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6 votes

Little Big Cup

This tournament is going to be odd. There are a few rules.
1) Everything must be level 5.
2) Everything must be in its final form. (ie, level 5 Charizard)
3) No legendary Pokemon allowed.
4) There are no bans on 3 stage Pokemon, as being level 5 basically allows the entire game to be turned on its head.
5) Weather is allowed
6) Blaziken is allowed, since Talonflame checks it and so forth. Plus, at level 5, it's mostly about base power.
7) Megas are allowed.
8) There may not be more than 2 OU or greater Pokemon on your team, for balancing purposes

reshown by
This tier already exists
Called...? =o
STABmons exists. It got like 18 upvotes.
No legendaries is meh. I think just use smogons tiers. All pokemon should just be level 5 with no other restrictions
@Whatson, hawtcakes, it's basically level 5 OU.
The tier we'd have to use is custom-game, obviously. There's no way around it.
@tazzie, the no legends thing is more of because of evos and such. I guess we can lift that rule, tbh
6 votes

"Attack on Titan" Titan Battle

Based on Shingeki No Kyojin's antagonists, the Titans, this tournament is a way for you to creatively use sets and ideas based on their behaviors.

Titans are human-like creatures that find and devour humans for currently unknown reasons. They don't starve, so it seems they do it for annihilation. Years in, they were classified by a measurement system. I am translating them to Pokemon size, so they are divided by four. Then rounded for size groups.

Regular Titans

  • 3-6 meter class: 0.8 - 1.5 meters
  • 7 meter class: 1.7 - 1.8 meters.
  • 8-14 meter class: 2 - 2.9 meters.
  • 15 meter class: 3.3-3.8 meters.

Special Titans:

  • Rogue / Coordinate is 15 meter class.
  • Dancing is unknown. We'll throw it in the 8-14 meter class.
  • Female Titan is 14 meter class.
  • Armored Titan is 15 meter class.
  • Beast Titan is 17 meter class, which is 4-5 meters.
  • Colossal Titan is 60 meter class. 15 is too big, we will make it anything over 5 meters.

List of Pokemon by height.


Lots of them.

  • The Rogue Titan doesn't work well with others. It cannot use support moves, it can only set up and attack.
  • The Dancing Titan cannot attack special titans.
  • The Female Titan is a loner, but can call upon other Titans. Must be the fastest member of the team.
  • The Colossal Titan is incredibly slow. Must be the slowest member of the team. (Debatable.)
  • The Armored Titan has various speeds. Must have higher defensive stats than offensive. This is after EV investment.
  • The Beast Titan has interest in humans. It also communicates with other titans, and has not attacked any notable things. Therefore, it cannot deal direct damage. You may not use Taunt on the Beast Titan.
  • Non-special titans are mindless and can only use attacking moves.
  • Best of three.
  • Each titan must appear once in the match. Also, you can't have two of the same special titan in a battle. This means you have to use two teams. 6 titans, 6 special titans. How will you organize them?
  • Only a special titan can Mega evolve.
  • 16 players.
  • Replays required.
  • Ubers are allowed.
  • Titans like to move together, so these will be double battles.

That's a lot to take in. Different, isn't it?

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Seems interesting.
seems complicated
Highly complicated, but it'll make teambuilding tough and I like that :3
That's the idea :3
6 votes


MegaMons is an unique metagame for three reasons. The first one is that it does not change the mechanics of any moves, items, abilities or how any pokemon get those. The second is that it is based off of the Ubers metagame, and not the OU one. The third major difference is that it allows mega evolutionas to be used without their mega stones, and for multiple mega evolutions to be used on the same team.


  • All six of your Pokémon have to be Megas
  • You can use any six Megas, even those that are in Ubers
  • You can use mega evolutions without megastones
  • Standard Ubers clauses
Make it so that you can mega evolve multiple times in one battle
6 votes

The Bookemon/Moviemon Tourney

Many people liked the idea of the anime tourney, but not everybody has knowledge of anime. Most user would have already read a book or watched a movie already, so most people could participate.


Regular OU bans/clauses
1 Uber Pokemon allowed on each team
Every team of Pokemon has to be based off a single book or movie.
For every round, the category of the book or movie changes
If your team is not based off a book or movie, you could get DQed unless there is a valid reason.
You need to name the Pokemon after the character in the book/movie to avoid confusion.
You can choose the same book/movie as someone else, but you cannot have the same Pokemon intentionally.
(Optional) Pokemon should have some physical resemblance to the character if possible.


The first round's category is Fantasy. I choose Harry Potter as my book/movie.
I can choose a Pyroar for Ron (red hair), an Alakazam for Hermione (smart), Hoopa-Unbound for Voldemort (no nose, and dark with magic powers), and Xurkitree for Harry Potter (messy, short hair, strong Special Powers). If I win, I have to make a new team based off of a different book/movie that fits the category.

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This is actually pretty cool. Media tours are normally pretty fun and creative.
This sounds amazing.
6 votes

Charizard Tournament
This is one of the craziest things here
Well this is really crazy
1. All Pokèmon must be Charizard
2. The items has to be Charizite Y/X
3. Any Pokèmon that aren't Charizard? They'll be banned
That's all I can say...

It seems as if the entire tournament will be decided on speed ties.
Isn't this just Gamefreak Tourney?
K so as of gen 8, if this gets done I think gmax Zard should also be allowed with any item.
Edit: Dmax is OP tho, so maybe not
Dynamax was OP on only a few specific Pokemon, like Gyarados and Hawlucha. Gmax Charizard should be fine.
6 votes

The Points System

This is similar to another suggestion I saw earlier but a little different.

  • LC = 0 Points
  • PU = 1 Point
  • NU = 2 Points
  • RU = 4 Points
  • UU = 7 Points
  • OU = 9 Points
  • Ubers = 15 Points
  • AG = 20 Points
  • Any BL is 1 point less than the tier above it

You get 20 points to spend. Ubers are basically unsusable as they cost 3/4 of your points. Mega Rayquaza is almost 100% unusable because it costs ALL your points. There are 3 rounds against each player. Every round, you MUST lose 3 points somehow. (Ex. Get rid of 3 PU pokemon, an NU and a PU, etc.)

Let me know why this tourney is the worst thing you've ever heard of and why you wish I was banned

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I feel like that was a shot at me good idea  upvoting
No I always end like that you can check my Chat Room Improvements post
You should edit this to 99.999% unusable. :P
I actually really like this idea for some reason. :P
just give more points, like 30
6 votes

I've seen variations of this go pretty okay on Smogon, so
Ubers Ban-happy Tournament
This starts as an Ubers tournament, but every time someone signs up or wins a battle, they bans one Pokemon*, move, ability, or item. The bans become effective at the beginning of the next round, and people can discuss and edit their bans until they become effective. I think each round should last at least 2 weeks in case players want to test their new teams.

*except Arceus. If someone wants to ban Arceus, then they needs to ban it one form at a time.
Also this should be obvious, but no voting on bans because that kind of defeats the purpose of the tournament.

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could I sign up just to ban something?
yes (6 characters)
6 votes

ViAbilities tour!

[Gen 8] Anything Goes

Based of on Smogon's Ubers Super Hidden Ability Tour
Each Pokemon in Gen 8 AG Viability rankings will get a viable ability based on to make the Pokemon viable.

Anything Goes ruleset and clauses

Ruleset - Team Preview, HP Percentage Mod, Cancel Mod, Endless Battle Clause

  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
  • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
  • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
  • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Baton Pass is banned, except for Nasty Plot + Baton Pass on Calyrex-Shadow.
  • A team can't have more than one Zacian-C for balance purposes.

List of allowed abilities

S+ rank

: Psychic Terrain

S rank

: Poison Heal
: Berserk
: Long Reach

S- rank

: Unaware

A+ rank

: Neutralizing Gas
: Guts
: Sheer Force
: Ice Scales

A rank

: Flash Fire
: Magic Guard
: Adaptability
: Transistor

A- rank

: Prankster
: Magic Guard
: Primordial Sea

B+ rank

: Desolate Land
: Oblivious

B rank

: Magic Bounce
: Pure Power
: Filter

B-, and C rank

: Intrepid Sword
: Protean
: Swift Swim
: Aerilate
: Refrigerate

So that's my idea for the tour. Suggestions, especially recommendations for new Pokemon and abilities are appreciated, and I promise that it was tried the best to ensure that abilities were given unfairly fairly.

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Refrigerate Regieleki I like >:) This is really cool and I want this to be a thing
I wanted Refrigerate Regieleki because the only thing that can gets neutral/not every effective against BoltBeam coverage is Kyurem-White which is in Galar VR >:)
I wanted it because of Zygarde lol
5 votes

Seeing as how we've seemingly revived the DB Tourneys (oh god I hope I haven't jinxed it), I'll revive this thread with an idea...

Pimpnite Tourney

So, perhaps you've heard of this guy. If you haven't, he's basically just a wi-fi battler who does one pokemon sweeps, or theme teams, among other things. A whole lotta theme teams... hopefully you see where this is going. Basically, you take any one of his theme teams and make it your own. Then, we do battle with them. Yep. Heres all 300+ theme teams, for reference.

Couple of guidelines:
- Don't pick any theme teams that are just 6 of one pokemon; thats not really much fun, and kinda defeats the purpose.
- You don't have to stick exactly to the movesets and stuff he chose; just the Pokemon, unless its something like the illogical items team, where the items are integral to the theme.
- Stay away from any Uber-heavy theme teams; this should be a bit obvious.
- Anything I'm forgetting, mention it below, and I'll add on.

Other than that, thats all. Hopefully this can help snowball the DB tourneys a little more!

Always upvote Pimpnite. That dude is rad af. Also, his vids are some of the most intense and fun matches I've ever seen! :D
Pimpnite is amazing. I am personally a fan of his Cosmog sweep.