Meta-PokéBase Q&A
21 votes

Decided to make a new thread myself for this so I can get the responses via email. Here you can report any minor errors with the main site instead of starting a lot of new questions. Things you can report here include:

  • Spelling/grammar errors.
  • Incorrect data (e.g. Pokemon with the wrong abilities listed, moves with the wrong power/type and so on).
  • Missing pictures (sprites, icons and artwork).

As I fix the errors, the answers will be hidden. Try and keep comments to a minimum to avoid clogging up the page, stick to important things like additions/corrections to the corrections.

Remember, small corrections only! If you're reporting something more substantial than a missing picture or incorrect data, please make a new thread!

Please, post corrections as ANSWERS, not comments. Thanks :)

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219 Answers

1 vote

Hey, Pokémon Electrode on level 34 is not shown on your site.
It is from Pokémon Fire Red in Power Plant, Kanto, two different rooms.
You can catch it, tho he uses Self Destruct every first move so you need some luck for max HP catching, I tryed Ultra ball (about 15th try it worked).

It lays on the ground as an item so you have to "interact" with it (not randomly find it)


Many encounters like this are missing.
yea, further i went in the game i saw some missing ones, but tbh i like to help with the perfection :) it is pretty much perfectly made side, helped me a lot, tho i should have played this without using the site so much, at least for the first time :D
1 vote


sadly you cannot get Marill in Fire Red what I've searched (only Trade), tho on site there is said you can.
It will be probably just swapping two pokemon, since Wooper is missing there.
My 30 minutes or trying are gone :D I've found Wooper on level 11-13 and they were more like Uncommon than Rare (I would guess that my chance was approx 1/15)

location: Icefall Cave, Kanto - 1F Room 1 - Surfing

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Bulbapedia says Marill is exclusive to LG and Wooper is exclusive to FR. PokemonDB is wrong in any case.
1 vote


Another small issue on site is that you cannot find Piloswine in PKMN Fire Red - Icefall Cave - B1F.
Only Swinub appears there on same levels mentioned on site.
Meaning that all kinds are the same as for 1F Room 2.
Other sources confirms this, you have to evolve Swinub in order to have Piloswine.


1 vote

a minor correction, on low kick
the part where it lists pokemon who are hit for 120 base damage by low kick
208: steelix (and mega)
208: mega steelix

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1 vote


I've found higher level Graveler than on the site after rock smash, lvl 60.

Game: PKMN Fire Red
location: Cerulean Cave, Kanto - 2F - Rock Smash

1 vote

The ability Leaf Guard erroneously states that it does not protect the user from self inflicted applicable statuses.

It prevents the Pokémon from resting outright.

It also stops Toxic Orb and Flame Orb.

Tested it, but I encourage further testing if needed.

Just now verified it via Bulbapedia, as well.

Hope this helps.

1 vote

Tauros' dex page only shows Kantonian Tauros' learnset. No Paldean forms. That's all.


1 vote lacks a description for Quick Draw.

1 vote

The file names for Pokémon HOME sprites where the Pokémon have gender differences are inconsistent. The great majority are named [Pokémon name].png (e.g. Male Venusaur) for the male counterpart and [Pokémon name]-f.png (e.g. Female Venusaur) for the female counterpart. However, starting with Meowstic, they are named [Pokémon name]-male.png (e.g. Male Meowstic) and [Pokémon name]-female.png (e.g. Female Meowstic).

I am using these sprites to track my National Dex completion, but I have them linked using a formula that takes the Pokémon name and its form to generate the appropriate filename. Would it be possible to homogenize them? As far as I know, the only ones with the -male and -female naming scheme are Meowstic, Indeedee and Basculegion.

Hi, the reason those Pokemon use male/female suffixes is because they are separate forms, not just visual gender differences. They have differences in moves or abilities. So it's intentional to name them like that.
Also one more you missed is Oinkologne, there are 4 in total.
Ah, the reason I didn't list Oinkologne is because it doesn't have a HOME sprite (yet). Guess I'll have to handle these exceptions in my code somehow if homogenizing them isn't an option. I did find out that all the male sprites work without the suffix either way, so it's only the females that are inconsistent.
1 vote

I imagine this is a work in progress since HOME compatibility just came out, however the rest of the sprites are fine so I'm reporting it just in case. Tinkatink, Tinkatuff and Tinkaton's HOME sprites are missing. Maushold's information page doesn't have the HOME sprites either, but modifying its Scarlet & Violet sprite URL to say "home" instead of "scarlet-violet" does bring up both Maushold forms' sprites (this is not true for the other three).

Edit: I was checking further and the Maushold issue is true for Oinkologne as well, I haven't manually checked every single entry but the Paldea dex might need rechecking.

Yes I must have been working on it at the exact time you posted, as I'd uploaded the sprites but not added them to the pages yet. They should all be listed now!
That's great, I just checked them! Thank you so much!
1 vote

Transistor was recently nerfed in Gen 9 to only boost Electric moves by 1.3, not listed on the Transistor ability page.

Does that apply to Dragon's Maw too?
“The counterpart Ability, Dragon's Maw, did not receive the same reduction.”
That's really weird, poor Regieleki that's unfair
I mean Regielek(t)i is fast
1 vote

A minor detail
Scizor's ability "Technician" is not there anymore in its db

I overhauled the code behind the site in the past week and it caused a few missing lines in places. I've fixed the abilities now, thanks for letting me know!
1 vote

The Route 110 page for ORAS lists Plusle as only available as a horde encounter for both games, which is incorrect. I’m not sure about OR, but I’ve seen many by themselves there while playing AS. Perhaps the encounters for Plusle and Minun are swapped between versions?

1 vote

While moving the mouse over the ability "Soundproof" the following text is displayed "Gives Immunity to < q > sound-based < / q > moves."
Obviously the "< q >" is a typo or a mistake due to the "/" in the last "< q >", please fix it :)

1 vote

The sword-shield version exclusives page states Appletun and flapple are not version exclusives, just they evolve with a version exclusive item. This is wrong, if for instance in shield you obtain a tart apple you will get Appletun, even though you used a tart apple, used to get flapple.

1 vote

Grassy Glide has a BP of 55, not 60 according to Bulbapedia.

1 vote

Ursaluna Bloodmoon form has an entirely different learnset, especially through TM, compared to its regular variant.

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What about its moveset? (See links above.)
1 vote

On the Darmanitan page, the page does not have an official Unovan Darmanitan Zen Mode Sugimori artwork, even though it exists as shown here:
(Extra note: Garmanitan Zen Mode the same issue, but there is no Sugimori artwork for that)
I can't imagine this was on purpose, so here you go.

(Edit: Also on the Garmanitan Zen Mode page, it says it gives out 2 Special Attack EVs, while it instead gives out 2 Attack EVs.)


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1 vote

This page or the move group page doesn’t have updated data, e.g. Flower bomb is infinite accuracy and yet is not listed.

1 vote

Pokedex numbers for the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra come after Pokedex numbers for Scarlet and Violet, despite the latter being released later. I've noticed this for Noibat, Dreepy, and Klefki, and I'm sure other pages have the same quirk.
