PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Milotic, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Milotic Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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39 Answers

5 votes

Staller Milotic

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 58 SpA
Bold Nature
- Toxic
- Scald
- Recover
- Protect / Ice Beam

  • Protect / Ice Beam (Depending on whether you want an extra attack or an extra turn of stall for Leftovers and Toxic)
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Since you have Toxic, replace Scald with Surf.
Why not give her a Flame Orb to activate her ability?? You dont have any physical attacks, so you wont suffer from the attack drop.
Surf is better than Scald here because you already have Toxic, and as of Gen V you can't have more than one major status ailment (poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, frozen) on a pokemon. Plus Surf has better power; 95 as opposed to Scald's 80. Other than that this is pretty good. My random shiny Milotic has this moveset, only I have Surf instead of Scald, of course. I picked Ice Beam over Protect because it gets rid of Milotic's Grass weakness.
replace scald with aqua ring for an awesome wall
3 votes


Mixed Wall

Milotic @ Flame Orb
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Protect
- Scald
- Skitter Smack
- Recover

So, this is a version of the Flame Orb + Marvel Scale Milotic set. Flame Orb activates Marvel Scale, boosting its mediocre Defense. The EVs are invested fully into its defenses, its not a set meant to do a bunch of damage. Bold boosts its maxed out Defense, and lowers its pretty much useless Attack. Protect is to get a free turn for the Flame Orb to activate. Scald is STAB with a 30% chance to burn, which aids its Defense even more. Skitter Smack is the "main" move of this set. With so much focus on its Physical Defense, Skitter Smack makes it a Mixed Wall by lowering the opponent's Special Attack. Once the opponent is at -1 or -2 Special Attack, they won't be doing much damage with Special or Physical moves. Recover is to shrug off any damage it may have taken.

2 votes

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 96 HP / 160 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Mirror Coat
- Recover

Modest nature is for sweeping but Milotic can wall special hits also. Surf for stab and Ice beam for good coverage except water types. Mirror coat is to destroy special attackers since it will most likely not get KOed even by a stab super effective move. Then recover those damages taken and repeat this process over and over to kill special attackers. Predictability is important here, might not work all the time.

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2 votes

Gen 6 Milotic Moveset
(second moveset post of mine)

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Ring
- Recover

Milotic is perhaps my most favorite water-type Pokémon I have ever rigorously trained; they can be sturdy, strong and tactical all at once.

Despite the many move-sets I've seen for Milotic, none of them seem to truly capture the capability of this Pokémon; to be able to wall and stall against strong opponents whilst slowly overpowering them.

For starters, leftovers is our chosen item for this Milotic build; we're going for Endurance. Our EV spread gives us moderate bulk in the 3 main longevity stats: HP, Defence and Sp.Defence. Note we are not devoting any of our EVs to attack-based stats, I'll explain why soon.

It doesn't go unnoticed that Miotic's lowest relevant stat is it's Defence: its a base stat of 79, which is inferior compared to it's Sp.Def stat, which tops 125. With the choice of our first move, Scald, we have a 1-in-3 chance of inflicting a burnt condition onto our opponent; which we all know, halves the physical attack stat of anyone inflicted by it. By combining increased defence, a burn victim and a steady stream of health provided by leftovers, your opponent is forced to either switch out to a Special attacker or face the inevitable fate of the burn.

Ice Beam is our next choice of move. If you have been on this site long enough, I'm sure you would have noticed people stating that it goes without saying that water Pokémon need Ice Beam if they can learn it; and they wouldn't be wrong. Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, 90 Power, Unique type coverage and an (albeit unreliable) immobilising status condition. By having Ice Beam on Milotic, or on any water Pokémon for that matter, you have covered 50% of all their weaknesses (Grass, out of Grass+Electric). Ice Beam is on this particular Milotic because I have had the unpleasantness of facing other Grass types who try to Out-Wall us, such as Trevenant or Amoongus, who has a tendency to set up a Leech-Seed.

Aqua Ring works hand-in-hand with our held item Leftovers, having the combined power of restoring an 1/8th of our max health at the end of each turn. Doesn't sound like much, but remember, we're here to bide our time, not rush like a sweeper would.

Recover is a move I have found myself having to use quite a bit against the larger sweepers; this is for a number of reasons: firstly, it allows you to scout out the different moves your opponents try to use on you. Additionally, combined with both Aqua Ring and your Leftovers, you'll be sat on the front line for ages.

Other notable moves include:
•Toxic (If you prefer the traditional route of whittling away your opponent's health, then try toxic; much more efficient compared to scald in terms of inflicting a guaranteed status condition, but has a lot more immunities, including steel types, poison types and Pokémon with the ability 'Immunity'.)
•Rest (Someone else using status conditions on you? Rest is the way forward. Not only will it fully heal you and remove you from all ailments, but your Marvel Scale will also activate whilst you sleep, giving you increased protection: combine that with your Aqua Ring/Leftovers combo to remain at a substantial amount of health by the time you wake up.)
•Surf (If you're up against an opponent who uses an overabundance of Special attackers, then the Burn infliction from Scald may not entirely appeal to you. in this case, you may switch it out for Surf, which has an additional 15 more power over Scald)
•Whirlpool ( -Generation VI - "The end turn damage of Whirlpool is increased from 1/16 to 1/8 of the target's maximum HP. If the user is holding a Binding Band, the end turn damage of Whirlpool will increase to 1/6 of the target's maximum HP. " - taken from Bulbapedia: As you can see, Whirlpool has received a massive boost within the past two generations, and if you enjoy going for the "trap and destroy" method this is an excellent way to go about it; just watch out for that 85% Accuracy, it could let you down when you least want it to.)

My final comment is watch out Walls with type match-ups, such as Ferrothorn, because they will do everything they can to get the advantage over you.

I don't think I have missed anything out... so let me know what you think of this moveset, and your opinion on how well i've done; sorry if it is a little word-y, but I like to explain things thoroughly :)

Hope I helped

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This is the right moveset!
thank you. this is perfect. exactly what i would run on a milotic!
2 votes

Bulky Sea Serpent (Doubles)

Milotic Banner

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Icy Wind
- Protect
- Recover

Scald is for STAB and that 30% burn chance to bulk it up Defensively. Icy Wind is for speed control for your team and coverage. Protect is to scout super effective moves and get some leftovers. Last is Recover to increase it's longevity.

252 HP EVs is for overall bulk and 252 SpA + Modest is to hit hard. Competitive is great for opponent Intimidate leads to a +2 boost.

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1 vote

Milotic (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Aqua Tail
- Dragon Tail
- Coil
- Recover

So Milotic learns Coil in ORAS, and I attempted to make a Moveset that utilizes it. :P

Make sure you have Stealth Rock and or Spikes set up beforehand to maximize this set's effectiveness. Anyways, Coil boosts your Accuracy, Defense, and Attack, making this set possible. Now having good accuracy and a bit of extra bulk and power, Aqua Tail is your STAB and Dragon Tail causes a switch. Recover is for recovering HP.

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1 vote

This is a dedicated Landorus-T counter. It's made specifically to hard counter it, being able to switch in, threaten it with Ice Beam, Bounce back its Stealth Rocks, get a Special Attack boost from Intimidate, and essentially cancelling it out of the battle. Considering that Landorus-T is arguably the best Pokemon in OU, and that it is the most used Pokemon in the tier, having a dedicated counter for it is very beneficial to teams that are weak to it. Another plus of using Competitive Milotic is that it breaks through Sticky Webs teams almost as well as Bisharp.

Milotic @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Def / 100 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Recover
- Magic Coat

Rocky Helmet - Chips away at Landorus-T when it uses U-Turn and helps to take on other Physical Attackers by taking a sixth of their health every time they make contact with you.
Ability: Competitive - Doubles Milotic's Special Attack if Landorus switches into it, giving it the ability to 1HKO the dog without a hitch.
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Def / 100 Spe - The Speed stat is high enough to outpace defensive Landorus-T while retaining as much Physical bulk as possible.
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Take less damage from confusion/Foul Play.
- Ice Beam - Deals at least 86% damage to Landorus-T while also being able to damage most Grass Types super-effectively.
- Scald - In my opinion the third best move in the game, being able to do sizable chunks of damage to any opponent while having roughly a one in three chance of burning them, in turn rendering Physical attackers useless.
- Recover - Getting 50% HP back for free by pressing the gray button sounds good to me!
- Magic Coat - Bounce back a lot of status moves, including Lando's Stealth Rocks, Skarmory's Spikes, Smeargle's Spore/Sticky Webs, Chansey's Toxic/Thunder Wave, Tapu Koko's Taunt, and more!*

Running a Choice Scarf set is usable to purely abuse Competitive, but it's really not that strong without the Competitive boost, and the Defensive set does its job very well anyways. There's not much reason to use Milotic other than to hard counter Landorus-T, which is arguably the best Pokemon in OU

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1 vote

Doubles Milotic

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Coil
- Hypnosis
- Recover
- Muddy Water

Coil is for the defence and accuracy boosts. After two Coils, Hypnosis becomes 100% accurate. There's no sleep clause in doubles so you can spam Hypnosis as much as you want. Recover improves Milotic's longevity. Muddy Water causes spread damage and is 100% accurate after a single use of Coil. The 30% chance of Muddy Water lowering the opponent's accuracy adds another level of infuriation to this Milotic. Competitive punishes Intimidate attempts, increasing Milotics special attack by two stages every time an Intimidator hits the field.

1 vote

National Dex RU Defensive Pivot

Milotic @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 60 SpD / 48 Spe
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Toxic / Refresh / Ice Beam
- Recover

There's no Milotic set on here that utilizes Flip Turn, so I'd thought I'd post this set that utilizes Flip Turn. Milotic appreciates getting Flip Turn, as it allows Milotic to be a defensive Water-type that can create/keep up momentum.

Scald is used for Milotic's STAB move, as it threatens physical wallbreakers with a 30% chance to burn. Flip Turn is used to let Milotic create/keep up momentum, as Milotic can bring in a teammate on the turn it uses Flip Turn to escape a Pokemon that threatens Milotic. Toxic allows you to cripple Pokemon such as Volcanion, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon, as their immunities to Water-type moves prevent Milotic from using Scald and Flip Turn. Toxic is also useful to cripple Pokemon who don't really mind taking a burn. Refresh can be used instead to let Milotic heal itself of any status conditions inflicted on it. Ice Beam can be used instead to threaten Grass- and Dragon-types such as Noivern, Roserade, and Mega Sceptile trying to switch in.

252 HP EVs along with 60 SpD EVs and a Calm Nature allow Milotic to avoid a 2HKO from Nidoqueen's Thunderbolt. 48 Speed EVs allow Milotic to outspeed Adamant Golurk. The rest of the EVs are used in defense to help Milotic take physical hits better. Heavy-Duty Boots is used for the item since Milotic appreciates not being chipped by Stealth Rock and Spikes, hazards that can cut into Milotic's bulk.

Note: This set is for National Dex RU, a National Dex format. This means Milotic can have both Refresh and Heavy-Duty Boots on the same set.

0 votes

lol wat
Milotic @ Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass] /Hidden Power [Electric]
- Dragon Pulse / Recover

Hydro Pump is STAB, and is very powerful. If you have had some nasty surprises with 80 accuracy moves, Surf is a solid aternative.
Ice Beam hits Grass types hard, and gets good coverage along with the Water move.
Hidden Power Grass hits Lanturn, Swampert and Quagsire while Hidden Power Electric hits Empoleon and both hits Water types for nice damage.
Dragon Pulse hits Kingdra hard, while Recover is excellent healing.
If you use Specs, Dragon Pulse should probably be used because Milotic will be locked into Recover if it's using Specs.
Life Orb should be used with Recover, but if your team needs a solid move for Kingdra Dragon Pulse is a decent alternative.
Also, a sprea of 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid is an option if you would like to just max out speed, and works well with life orb.

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0 votes

RAAHHH!!! Why can't he learn calm mind?!

Whew, here we go.
This set is pretty similar to the others... but I might as well.

Milotic @ Lum Berry
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm / Modest Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Dragon Pulse
- Recover

-Scald (for burning and stab and to cripple threatening physical attackers)

-Ice Beam (For the grass and flying types)

-Dragon Pulse (I'll explain in a minute)

-Recover (Ermm... to... recover)

Alright, so you're probably thinking WHY WOULD YOU HAVE ICE BEAM AND DRAGON PULSE?! Well, the answer is kingdra. I am sick of facing him and Ice Beam just does not do the job!

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0 votes

Here's my Suggestion for a Physically defensive Milotic:

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Confuse Ray
- Aqua Ring
- Double Team

-Scald STAB and chance to burn 30%
-Confuse Ray Annoy the foe basically so they can't attack, and they can do damage to themselves
-Aqua Ring Boost your HP each turn gradually along with leftovers
-Double Team Annoy the foe so that they can't hit whilst you restore HP with Aqua Ring & Leftovers

So, here's out it goes, makes you Physically bulky on the Defensive side and even though Milotic doesn't have the greatest Defense in the meta-game at only Base 79, it can still be trained pretty well with its ability: Marvel Scale to excel it's Defense by 50% when Marvel Scale raises the Defense stat by 50% if the Pokémon with this Ability is suffering from a status ailment. Also, you can annoy the opponents so long as they don't come equipped with Taunt or Encore because you don't really want to be locked by only using Scald or using a status move that will potentially cripple Bold Milotic. This can work also if if Pokémon that have Synchronize mostly Psychic Pokémon and Umbreon can give it a burn if it burns the opponent to increase your Defense, very strategic.

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Similar to the move set you have chosen, I have given my Milotic rest. I found this to be an extremely defensive and a bit slower approach when battling. Because of Marvel Scale, rest does activate it. So during times, I have found Aqua Ring and Leftovers being very good together and also Double Team as a filler when you could. Since rest completely heals Milotic, its great when taking periods of heavy damage combined with extra heals coming in, and if you were able to get a few scalds off, I must say, the 30% chance of a burn is fairly common, so the opponent slowly starts to lose health
0 votes

Here is a fav.

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Rest
- Substitute
- Ice Beam / Toxic

^-^ I love this! Scald is for STAB and a great chance to burn the opponent. Substitute is used to help this guy set up. Rest works great after a few Substitutes cause then your defense is 423 making him very hard to break! Ice Beam is for extra coverage, or you can use Toxic to shorten bulky Pokemon's sweeps.

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0 votes

Milotic @ Life Orb
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Recover

Sticky Web gained a lot of attention the minute it was released and Intimidate has always existed.
And currently Milotic is the most unexpected user of Competitive in general. All this put together means that a Sticky Web team is pretty much screwed by this Pokemon.
Hydro Pump for STAB and does a number on Pokemon that don't resist it.
Ice Beam almost rounds off coverage in general.
Only Pokemon that resist it are water types (usually bulky ones like Jellicent/Vaporeon). Toxic wards them off and disable them for nearly the entire game.
Recover to heal off Life Orb recoil and any other damage taken in the duration.

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0 votes

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Mirror Coat

Explanation: Marvel Scale is Milotic's best ability, raising its defense by 50% when its HP is below 50%. That's why it should have 252 EVs on Defense as well as a BOLD Nature to raise its defense the most possible. It also has 252 EVs on Special Defense to protect it when its opposition uses Special Attacks when its defense is raised. Its Special Attack is enhanced by a whopping one point with the remaining 4 EVs. Surf and Ice Beam both have 100% accuracy with dependable power. Recover becomes very effective when you are in endurance matches and can frustrate your opponent, especially with a BOLD Nature, Marvel Scale and the EVs. Mirror Coat is a great choice when battling Pokemon like Alakazam, Roserade, Magnezone, with high Special Attack and/or type advantages. Only use Mirror Coat when you are confident in a Special Attack hit that Milotic can still recover from later.

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0 votes

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 128 Def / 128 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Attract / Aqua Ring
- Thunder Wave
- Scald
- Confuse Ray

  • Attract/Aqua Ring. Extra Status/Extra Healing Your Choice
  • Thunder Wave. More annoying status!
  • Scald. If you get that burn and with those Def EVs you'll be fine against physical sweeps
  • Confuse Ray. Annoyed yet?
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This is my Milotic :
Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 6 Spe
Bold Nature
- Surf / Scald
- Toxic / Protect
- Substitute
- Recover

  • Surf/Scald -I sugest Surf but You can use Scald too to get a chance of burn however with toxic will be worse than surf.
  • Toxic/Protect Toxic with surf or protect with scald
  • Substitute To protect from powerfull attacks, and let the opposite Pokemon faint with Poison or Burn
  • Recover to recover some HP when Milotic is almost fainting, and let the opponent cry and the Pokemon faint with toxic

If the Opposite trainer switch out the Pokemon you can poison all his Pokemons :D

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0 votes

Come on, doesn't anyone think evil?? Looks like its my time to shine

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic
- Confuse Ray
- Aqua Ring
- Recover

Toxic: Obvious stalling must-have. Part 1 of dealing damage
Confuse Ray: Confuses opponent, if they hit themselves then its part 2 of dealing damage
Aqua Ring: Part 1 of re-gaining health, combined with leftovers makes it a formidable force
Recover: If you ever get low on health, initiate part 2 of regaining health

This set is ultra annoying because you keep gaining health, and dealing damage at the same time. Attract is another move you could use with this set but it isn't as good as confuse ray. Both moves make your opponent have a chance of not being able to use a move but confuse ray makes the opponent take damage and attract isn't as reliable.

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0 votes

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Substitute
- Protect
- Scald / Surf
- Toxic / Recover

Set up a Substitute, and spam Scald or Toxic depending on the enemy. When the enemy has Toxic or Burn, alternate Protect and Scald. You can sweep and stall at the same time.

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0 votes

This is a beast on showdown

Milotic (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Surf
- Toxic
- Recover
- Protect

-surf(stab, makes sure she is not taunt bait)
-toxic(must I say?)
I am aware that many milotics hold a flame orb but I don't find it usefull
Because people are usualy nice enough to poison me anyway.

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Scald > Surf, you'll need to fish for those burns on Physically-oriented attackers, plus you'll not be complete deadweight against Steel- or Poison- types, they also usually don't like a burn.