PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
21 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Some general optimization notes for anyone making a team:

- The Earthquake TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Ground options will usually be either Dig or Bulldoze.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Earthquake by level-up are Sandshrew (46), Sandslash (46), Piloswine (46), Numel (40), Camerupt (46), Trapinch (55), Mamoswine (46), Drilbur (33), Excadrill (36), Sandile (43), Krokorok (48), Krookodile (54), and Golurk (50).

- The Stone Edge TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Rock option will usually be Rock Slide.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Stone Edge by level-up are Onix (46), Steelix (46), Shuckle (49), Nosepass (46), Lunatone (41), Solrock (41), Probopass (46), Roggenrola (36), Boldore (48), Gigalith (48), Timburr (43), Gurdurr (49), Conkeldurr (49), and Terrakion (67).

- A myriad of other helpful TMs, like Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Dragon Claw, and Bulk Up are all postgame exclusives. Please plan accordingly.

- Though many Move Tutor moves provide a Pokemon's best coverage options, they are often not worth the amount of grinding needed. A man in Nimbasa City gives the player 10 Red Shards for use with the Driftveil City Move Tutor, making these moves the exception. Any combination of Tutor moves that costs more than 10 Red Shards should have alternatives provided.

- Egg Moves are similarly strong for some Pokemon, such as Crobat, but breeding is a complete waste of time when the aim of the game is to beat Trainers. Level-up movesets and TMs will provide all the tools you need for the average playthrough.

- In the same vein, grinding for BP is often unnecessary. The PWT and Battle Subway are slow and the rewards are not usually worth it. It's courteous to provide alternatives to TMs unlocked via Battle Points.

- Moves with low PP and high power, such as Close Combat, are generally inferior to more consistent moves like Drain Punch and Force Palm. Remember that you're building a campaign team: PP conservation on routes is just as important as KOing important trainers.

- Don't be afraid to give a Pokemon HMs if they have nothing better. For example, one of Lilligant's best options is Cut, because its moveset is so shallow that extra overworld utility is better than a third STAB move. Moves like Strength, Surf, and Fly are convenient and powerful.

- Priority moves, primarily Aqua Jet and ExtremeSpeed, are consistent options for conserving PP or getting a kill on a faster opponent. ExtremeSpeed is probably one of the few exceptions to the "low PP = bad move in-game" rule.

- Sturdy Pokemon are everywhere. Burgh's Dwebble, Marlon's Carracosta, Colress' Magneton and Magnezone, wild Boldore, and plenty others are either annoying or outright dangerous. Mold Breaker Pokemon like Excadrill are great for completely negating the problem, while priority moves like Aqua Jet are great for picking up the KO.

- Remember that the storyline is a game of hyper offense! Four attack sets (or one boosting move and three attacks) are often the best way to get through the region. If you're playing with items, healing moves are unnecessary and will usually only serve to waste time.

- Above all, playtest your team. It's clear when someone didn't actually use the Pokemon in-game and just cobbled together a moveset they thought would work. Experience is the best way to craft an effective and synergistic party!

80 Answers

1 vote

Note: To make a balanced team, have one Fire, one Water, one Grass, one Flying, one Electric, and one type of your choice (usually a Dragon slot)

Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body
Nature: Mild / Rash
- Fire Blast / Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam
- Energy Ball

Fire Blast / Overheat and Shadow Ball gain STAB, Signal Beam and Energy Ball for coverage.

Ability: Natural Cure / Illuminate
Nature: Quiet / Modest
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Hyper Beam

Your surfer. Surf gains STAB, Ice Beam for coverage, and Thunderbolt and Hyper Beam for power.

Ability: Infiltrator
Nature: Timid / Modest / Quiet
- Grass Knot / Energy Ball
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Psychic

Grass Knot / Energy Ball for STAB, Hurricane and Psychic for coverage and U-turn for switching

Ability: Defeatist
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Fly
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw

Your flyer. Fly and Rock Slide/Stone Edge gain STAB, Earthquake for coverage, Dragon Claw for annoying Dragons.

Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature: Modest / Timid
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Signal Beam

Thunder, Bug Buzz and Signal Beam are STAB, Galvantula's Compound Eyes takes care of Thunder's low accuracy and Energy Ball for coverage.

Ability: Mold Breaker
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Dragon Claw

Outrage and Dragon Claw for gaining STAB, Brick Break for coverage and Earthquake for power.

Hope I helped.

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You may also keep your starter, just replace one pokemon of it's type
1 vote

Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade
- Cut
- Aqua Tail / Iron Tail
- Dragon Tail

Your starter. Leaf Blade is STAB, Cut is an HM. Aqua Tail is for Fire types whereas Iron Tail is for Ice types, it actually depends on whether Fire or Ice types are more tough for you. Dragon Tail is for taking out strong Dragon types such as Haxorus. If you have difficulties defeating Roxie I prefer you catch a Magnemite and then release it after defeating her.

Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Signal Beam

Your Psychic type. Psychic is STAB and can also be used to KO Marshal because of its speed. Shadow Ball is to counter Ghost types. Try to get a Hidden Power [Fire] type to counter Bug types. Flying and Rock type Hidden Power are also good. Signal Beam is used to counter Dark types.

Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake / Dig
- Rock Slide
- Fly

Your team's flyer. Dragon Claw is STAB. Earthquake is a powerful move but it is not good for double or triple battles, so that's why Dig can be an option and it can also be used to exit caves. Rock Slide is for Ice types and Fly is an HM.

Ability: Oblivious
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Dive
- Bounce

Your team's surfer. Surf, Waterfall and Dive are all HMs. Bounce is for Grass types.

Ability: Regenerator
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
- Rock Slide
- Strength

Your fighter. Drain Punch is STAB and restores your HP a bit. U-turn is for Psychic types and can be really helpful since the Ability is Regenerator. Rock Slide is for Flying types and Strength is an HM.

Ability: Pickpocket
- Ice Punch
- Ice Shard
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace

Your fast Dragon/Psychic sweeper. Ice Punch is STAB. Ice Shard is STAB and always hits first. Night Slash is STAB. Aerial Ace is for Fighting and Bug types.

Pokemon locations:

Snivy (Serperior): Obtained as a starter from Aspertia City.

Eevee (Espeon): It is found in Castelia City's short area after Castelia Sewers.

Trapinch (Flygon): Found in Desert Resort.

Wailmer (Wailord): Catch a Pokemon that can learn Surf, teach it Surf and then Surf in rippling water in Undella Bay.

Mienfoo (Mienshao): Go to Route 14, you can find it in regular grass (not in dark grass).

Sneasel (Weavile): Go to Giant Chasm's forest (known as Crater Forest) and then find one in a Hidden Grotto since you want its Hidden Ability.

Hope you like it!

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1 vote

(The first three Pokémon are based on attack, defense, or speed. I also did shinnies cause I got bored)

For Attack

Leavanny, Emboar, Floatzel

- X-Scissor
- Leaf Blade
- Poison Jab
- Shadow Claw

Leavanny is one of the best Bug types. It has a high Attack and a good movepool.

- Heat Crash
- Brick Break
- Scald
- Earthquake

Heat Crash is great for Emboar. Since he weighs at 330.7 lbs. or 150 kg, he can destroy Grass, Bug and Ice types.

- Crunch
- Ice Fang
- Aqua Tail
- Brick Break

Good speed and attack. 'Nough said

For Defense

Ferrothorn, Flareon, Samurott

- Aerial Ace
- Gyro Ball
- Curse
- Thunder / Thunderbolt

This guy needs Curse for Gyro Ball, as he only has 20 speed.

- Flame Charge
- Dig
- Shadow Ball
- Iron Tail

Flame Charge for speed, Dig for Rock, Poison, Electric, Fire, and Steel types. Shadow Ball for Psychic and Ghost, and Iron Tail is for Rock and Ice.

- Surf
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Megahorn

He is the only starter with a somewhat good Defense besides Serperior.

For Speed

Serperior, Arcanine, Starmie

- Dragon Pulse
- Iron Tail
- Aqua Tail
- Leaf Blade

The tail allows the learning of both Aqua and Iron Tail, and Dragon Pulse is coverage.

- Dragon Pulse
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
- Crunch (anything physical, Thunder Fang, Dig, etc.)

This Pokémon is amazing, I know its the classic debate of Ninetales vs Arcanine, and I'm for Ninetales, but Arcanine does have better speed. Energy Ball covers all weaknesses, and Crunch is for ghost and psychic

- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Scald

Now this Pokémon is the Special attack version of Floatzel.

Now, for the last three Pokémon

(I couldn't decide between Zoroark or Weavile, so you can choose)


Zoroark or Weavile

  • Flamethrower (Zoroark) / Ice Beam (Weavile)
  • Dark Pulse
  • Aerial Ace
  • Shadow Ball

Flamethrower will help against Colress, and Ice Beam will help with Drayden, that is why I couldn't decide


  • Fly
  • Earthquake
  • Dragon Claw / Outrage
  • Flamethrower
    The only Pokémon on this team with an HM besides Samurott


  • Stone Edge
  • Earthquake
  • Bug Bite
  • Gyro Ball

The slowest Pokémon ever, also the one with the best Defense, so send him out if you have other Pokémon in bad condition so he can take hits, while you heal the other Pokémon. Also use him against Grimsley, the Dark Type Elite Four Member.

Location And How To Evolve Them

(I will go in Pokédex order because it is simpler)
Arcanine - Evolve Growlithe with Fire Stone. Growlithe is in the Virbank Complex
Flareon -Evolve Eevee with Fire Stone. Eevee can be found in the patch of grass after Castelia Sewers
Starmie -In Undella City
Shuckle -Seaside Cave
Flygon Evolve Trapinch, then Vibrava. Trapinch is Desert Resort and Reversal Mountain
Floatzel -Route 11 (Surf)
Weavile -Evolve Sneasel. Sneasel is in Giant Chasm, and evolves during night while holding Razor Claw
Serperior -Snivy as Starter.
Emboar -Tepig as Starter
Samurott -Oshawott as Starter
Leavanny -Evolve Sewaddle. Sewaddle is found in Route 20
Zoroark -Evolve Zorua. You can get N's Zorua at Driftveil City
Ferrothorn -Evolve Ferroseed, it is in Chargestone Cave

Good job bro!I was looking for a unique answer like this.Thanks
Weavile has really Low special Attack. You should replace dark pulse, shadow ball, and ice beam to moves like ice punch and night slash.
Ninetales is actually faster than Arcanine. Arcanine-95 Ninetales-100
@Origamifox I had many reasons for this.\
1) Arcanine does have better stat total, such as Attack and Special Attack, and Defense is better slightly.
2) Arcanine has access to Agility, Flame Charge (Which is more effective for Physical Pokemon), and Extreme Speed (if you want to change it up)
3) If you include Egg, HM, TM, Pre-Evolution, Regular, and Move Tutor, Arcanine has access to one extra move.
4) Main Mandatory trainers (Gym, Elite, Champion) have 95 physical moves total, 49 special, and 26 status, and since Arcanine has a stronger defense (if you trade both at the beginning) it helps last longer (ignoring EVs, IVs, and Natures).
5) Growlithe is found in Virbank, allowing a good time to make it close to the Gym level, where as you require Waterfall to get Vulpix/Ninetales, but they will be around level 34, where Victory Road (when you get it) is around 50.
How did you even beat roxie with this team?
1 vote

Team Preview:

Samurott @ Shell Bell
Ability: Torrent
Recommended Nature: Balanced (Docile, Serious, Bashful, Quirky, Hardy)

  • Surf (HM03 - From Cheren on Route 6)
  • Waterfall (HM05 - From N on Victory Road)
  • Ice Beam (TM13 - Giant Chasm)
  • Megahorn (Move Reminder) / X-Scissor (TM81 - Route 7)

The Oshawott Line has to be one of my favourite evolution lines in the series, all three Pokémon are great: Oshawott is adorable and both Dewott and Samurott are awesome. They also have great stats, a great movepool and good matchups throughout the game, making it most likely the best starter in Unova. Surf is STAB and can get you across bodies of water, Waterfall is another STAB and gets you up and down waterfalls (having both a Physical and Special STAB also allows Samurott to be a good mixed attacker as having both will allow him to hit different things harder. For example, Surf is going to hit Aggron much harder than a Waterfall would), Ice Beam covers his Grass weakness, as does Megahorn/X-Scissor (X-Scissor is for if you dislike the 85% accuracy on Megahorn), but having them both allows Samurott to cover even more types, even if he’s not weak to them (You could also swap out Megahorn/X-Scissor for Dig to cover his Electric weakness, but it takes two turns to use and doesn’t hit incredibly hard).

Weezing @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
Recommended Nature: Relaxed (+Defense, -Speed)

  • Sludge Bomb (Level 34)
  • Will-O-Wisp (TM61 - Celestial Tower)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30 - Reversal Mountain Exterior)
  • Explosion (Level 40)

While Poison may not be a good offensive typing (pre-Fairy), it has to be one of the best defensive types in the game, and Weezing really fits that. Weezing has great Defense, good moves and a great ability (Levitate gives it only one weakness) that adds on to his bulky nature, and that makes for probably one of the best Physical tanks in the game. Sludge Bomb is STAB, Will-O-Wisp burns the foe, halving their attack adding to the defensive nature, Shadow Ball covers his only weakness: Psychic, and Explosion is if you want to really dent something if you don’t mind sacrificing Weezing. You can play around a bit with Weezing's moveset if you want: you can use the Toxic to Venoshock combo, you can give him Destiny Bond, Flamethrower, Gyro Ball, Fire Blast and even more if you want.

Krookodile @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate/Moxie
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)

  • Earthquake (Level 54)
  • Crunch (Level 28)
  • Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
  • Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton City Runway)

Krookodile is one of those Pokémon who has been blessed with two amazing abilities that can basically decide how he plays. Intimidate makes him a very good switch-in and Moxie makes him an excellent Physical Sweeper. Krookodile also has great stats and a great dual-typing giving him constant usage throughout the game. Earthquake and Crunch are STAB and between Rock Slide and Aerial Ace you cover almost all of Krookodile’s weaknesses (all except Water). You can also experiment a lot with Krookodile as he a huge amount coverage moves such as Dragon Tail, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Low Sweep, Brick Break and more.

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
Recommended Nature: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)

  • Power Whip (Level 40)
  • Iron Head (Level 46) / Gyro Ball (Level 21)
  • Iron Defense (Level 26) / Curse (Move Reminder)
  • Toxic (TM06 - Seaside Cave)

While Ferrothorn is very popular in competitive battling, I think he’s very underrated when it comes to in-game teams. He is another extremely good tank with both amazing Defense and Special Defense, as well as having solid attack so he can deal damage. Also, just take in the Iron Barbs + Rocky Helmet deal ¼ of the foes HP if they use a contact move on Ferrothorn, making him an amazing switch in on Physical attackers. Power Whip is STAB (Seed Bomb is another option if you dislike the accuracy, but you need to get Seed Bomb from a tutor, and 85% accuracy is still pretty good), Iron Head/Gyro Ball is STAB, Iron Defense/Curse is for setting up (if you’re running Gyro Ball, definitely choose Curse, but if running Iron Head, you can use either) and Toxic is for even more chip damage and works well with Ferrothorn’s bulk. You could also run Ingrain, but I decided not to as it prevents Ferrothorn from switching out.

Chandelure @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Flash Fire
Recommended Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)

  • Shadow Ball (TM30 - Reversal Mountain Exterior)
  • Flamethrower (TM35 - From Old Man in house on Route 23)
  • Energy Ball (TM53 - Aspertia City)
  • Psychic (TM29 - Route 13)

Chandelure has the highest Special Attack of any non-legendary (at least when this game was out), so no doubt that it is very powerful. It also has solid enough Speed and Defences to not have to rely on set ups, and its great Special movepool makes it even better at destroying everything. Shadow Ball and Flamethrower are STAB (Chandelure has many other options for strong Fire attacks, such as Inferno, Fire Blast, Overheat and Heat Wave, but I went with Flamethrower since it is the most consistent), Energy Ball covers her weaknesses to Ground, Water and Rock, and Psychic is just for more type coverage, but you could swap this around for other things like Sunny Day to burn the world to a crisp, or some of those other Fire attacks, or Confuse Ray for status, Fire Spin for chip damage, and the list goes on.

Mienshao @ Wide Lens
Ability: Regenerator
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)

  • Drain Punch (Level 33)
  • U-Turn (Level 41)
  • Hi Jump Kick (Level 56)
  • Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)

Mienshao is easily one of the best Fighting types in the game, despite how late it evolves. It has amazing Attack, Special Attack and Speed, a fantastic Physical movepool and an amazing ability in Regenerator. Mienshao also happens to be my second favourite Fighting type ever behind Gallade. Drain Punch is STAB and heals Mienshao, U-Turn covers Mienshao’s weakness to Psychic and also gives an automatic swap (You can use U-Turn in combination with Regenerator to do damage and heal at the same time), High Jump Kick is another STAB and deals huge damage, and its drawback of hurting the user if it misses it almost negated by Wide Lens (buffs up accuracy to 99%), and Rock Slide covers her weakness to Flying. You can also experiment with a lot of different moves like: Acrobatics, Stone Edge, Fake Out, Dig etc.

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1 vote

Vi the Samurott @ Shell Bell
Ability: Torrent
Serious Nature
- Scald / Surf / Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Jet
- Encore

Scald is STAB of choice for a chance to burn. Surf CAN be used as it is stronger. Waterfall can also be used if you happened to get an Attack-boosting Nature, but I got Serious, so I went mixed. Ice Beam to take down the Champion's Dragon types. Aqua Jet for some much-needed priority. Encore to lock opponents into Dragon Dance or other stat boosting moves. Encore can be replaced with any move you want really.
Shell Bell for some passive healing.

HomeWreckr the Crustle @ Lax Incense
Ability: Sturdy
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Shell Smash
- X-Scissor
- Rock Wrecker / Stone Edge / Rock Slide

Stealth Rock to get some chip damage and break some opponents' Sturdy Ability. Shell Smash paired with your own Sturdy is bonkers. That's also why Lax Incense is the item of choice: it may allow you a free Shell Smash while maintaining your Sturdy. X-Scissor is STAB of choice. Rock Wrecker can be replaced with Stone Edge/Rock Slide if needed.

Beck the Excadrill @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sand Rush
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake / Drill Run
- Rock Slide
- Shadow Claw

Moveset is basic. Set up a Swords Dance if you need to and sweep according to type advantage. In the e4, I just went for power and didn’t set up Swords Dance at all. Scope Lens for a better chance to crit. Could replace EQ with Drill Run for even better crit odds.

Xerxes the Heatmor @ Wide Lens
Ability: Flash Fire
Rash Nature
- Flamethrower
- Rock Tomb
- Toxic
- Will-O-Wisp

Xerxes was my status poke essentially. His moveset is VERY raw and this is what I could muster out of him. Flamethrower hits decently hard. I never used Rock Tomb, but it was there to lower Speed if I needed it. Toxic and Will-O-Wisp paired with Wide Lens allowed me to status accordingly.

Grunt the Gurdurr / Conkeldurr @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
Brave Nature
- Bulk Up
- Hammer Arm
- Stone Edge
- Facade

Toxic and Guts is the main appeal to this set. At level 57, a Brave Conkeldurr was sitting at a healthy 209 Attack. STAB plus Guts was absolutely insanity. You’re KOing anything. Facade was there for a neutral hit when Hammer Arm was NVE. Stone Edge I never used but helped versus the Ghost e4.

El the Beheeyem @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Synchronize
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock / Psychic
- Charge Beam / Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball
- Recover

El was probably my least useful poke in the e4. The Fighting e4 was strong enough physically to take me below half before I could set up. She struggled against Ghost and Dark and I didn’t have anything super effective versus Dragon or Psychic. Having said that, she was still OK. Calm Mind to set up, and Charge Beam for that off chance Special Attack boost. You can replace Charge Beam with a number of moves (Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball namely) if you'd like more power. Psyshock as her STAB, but you can use Psychic as well. Recover is mandatory.
Sitrus Berry was my item of choice, as it allowed me to get below half and set up a Calm Mind, get back to above 50%, and Recover.

Overall this team didn’t seem to blend well. It seemed like every poke was on their own. It ended up working but, idk.
All solid pokes though!

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1 vote

I used this team in my recent run of Black 2, and it worked wonderfully.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
- Strength (HM) / Return (TM found in Aspertia City)
- Leaf Blade (Level 32)
- Coil (Level 38)
- Leech Seed (Level 20)

Serperior is one of my favourite Grass types, which is why I chose it as my starter. Leaf Blade is nice STAB. Coil is to gain a stat boost if needed, which it usually won’t be. However, there’s always the option. Leech Seed is for whittling down an opponent’s health. You’re usually better off with Leaf Blade, but it can be a nice alternative. Strength is a solid HM move. If you don’t want that, Serperior also works well with Return.

Chandelure @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
- Flamethrower (TM found on Route 23)
- Shadow Ball (TM found in Reversal Mountain)
- Energy Ball (TM found in Aspertia City)
- Psychic (TM found on Route 13)

Chandelure is my favourite Fire type in Unova, above the likes of Arcanine and Darmanitan. It has a nice moveset that gets the job done. Flamethrower and Shadow Ball are both great STAB moves. Energy Ball is a defense against Water, Ground, and Rock types. Psychic is general coverage that helps against Trainers like Marshal. Chandelure is pretty reliant on TMs, but it’s worth it.

Swanna @ Mystic Water
Ability: Big Pecks
- Fly (HM)
- Surf (HM)
- Aqua Ring (Level 24)
- Roost (Level 30)

Swanna is a nice Pokemon for HMs, as it can conveniently get STAB on both Surf and Fly. The other two moves, Aqua Ring and Roost, are recovery options, though I rarely used either.

Krookodile @ BlackGlasses
Ability: Intimidate
- Earthquake (Level 54) / Dig (Level 32)
- Crunch (Level 28)
- Brick Break (TM purchased with 12 BP)
- Shadow Claw (TM located in the Celestial Tower)

Krookodile is a very nice Ground type, which is why I chose one for my team. Earthquake is powerful STAB, but due to the prevalence of Rotation and Triple battles in the game, you may find that Dig is a better option, even though it takes two turns. Crunch is also solid STAB. Rock Slide is simply coverage and helps Krookodile against Skyla and other Flying types. Shadow Claw is likely inferior to Crunch, but it’s a nice filler move. Replace with whatever you feel is necessary.

Mienshao @ No item
Ability: Regenerator
- Fake Out (Move Reminder)
- High Jump Kick (Level 56)
- Acrobatics (Given by Skyla after you receive the Jet Badge)
- U-turn (Level 41)

Mienshao is amazing in this game. Fake Out is basically free damage. High Jump Kick, despite it being a little risky, is tremendously powerful STAB that will likely be worth it. Acrobatics is excellent coverage without an item equipped. U-turn is great for escaping an unfavourable situation.

Vanilluxe @ Life Orb
Ability: Ice Body
- Hail (Level 42)
- Ice Beam (Level 46)
- Light Screen (TM can be purchased in Nimbasa City)
- Uproar (Level 10)

I like Vanilluxe, but this moveset is decidedly iffy. Hail is to power up Ice Beam, and regain health with Ice Body. Ice Beam is great STAB powered up by Hail. Light Screen is to reduce damage of Special Attacks, though I didn’t use it all that often. Uproar is just another move alternative, but it can be replaced by a lot of things.

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I love this team, it’s a good one!
Thank you!
1 vote

This is for White 2, it's a very spicy team that's a little unorthodox but fun.

Samurott @ Mystic Water / Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Brave Nature
- Surf
- Razor Shell / Waterfall / Ice Beam
- Aqua Jet
- Revenge / Ice Beam

Since Samurott has a tendency to miss a lot of OHKOs, I left Aqua Jet to pick off Pokemon that survive on a sliver of HP. Having both physical and special Water attacks is useful. Revenge is good early game and can be swapped out for Ice Beam. I'm not a fan of Bug type moves on this poke since I won't really be leaving it in on a Grass type Pokemon since it's really slow and isn't likely to one-shot anyway.

Lucario @ Expert Belt
Ability: Inner Focus
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance / Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Me First

This one is a little out there, but basically Ice Punch is for those Flyers and Dragons. Drain Punch is reliable recovery and keeps you from needing to use any recovery items if you're Nuzlocking; however you can also just use Brick Break or Close Combat. I like set-up sweeping more and a +2 Drain Punch/Brick Break can take out nearly anything allowing you to EV for HP, Defense and Speed if you're inclined. Me First has some really funny applications and it's more of a niche choice (you can do whatever you want here) but I used a Me First Brick Break on Marshall's Scrafty to clean kill it when Lucario's Brick Break didn't cut it since it gets a 30% boost. Do it for the lolz and to spice up your set.

Krookodile @ Leftovers / Soft Sand
Ability: Moxie
Jolly Nature
- Smack Down / Rock Slide
- Dig
- Crunch
- Sandstorm

You CAN swap out Dig for Earthquake but I like the combination of getting two rounds of Leftovers. It's just fun especially if you set up sandstorm and get added chip on Pokemon before one-shotting any bulky mons. Always use Moxie over Intimidate, this mon clean sweeps through Caitlin easily. Smack Down is to drop down Levitating Pokemon (like Eelektross and Weezing) but you can just as easily use Rock Slide if you want the power. I've also swapped out Smack Down for Stealth Rock in the post game as well as Sandstorm for Bulk Up, but these are entirely optional.

Braviary @ Leftovers
Ability: Defiant
Jolly Nature
- Fly
- Pluck
- Tailwind / Return
- Hone Claws / Bulk Up

This is a Pokemon you can get pretty early on in the desert. I'd strongly recommend getting the TM for Pluck from the Pokemon World Tournament since it has some hilarious utilities - especially when battling Marshall, you can pluck his Conkeldurr's berry and rob it of its recovery. You can trade out Hone Claws for Bulk Up after getting the TM in the post-game, OR you can just get Superpower if you want to smack some Rock and Ice types. Personally, I don't like leaving these Pokemon against its weaknesses but to each their own. Fly hits hard on some Pokemon and can OHKO if Pluck isn't enough. Tailwind can be useful if you want some team utility but you can just easily get it STAB Return for some hard neutral damage.

Arcanine @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
Naughty Nature
- Flamethrower / Flare Blitz
- Thunder Fang / Wild Charge
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed

This was my absolute favourite mon. You can use Flare Blitz for hard hits or you can use Flamethrower if you're not a fan of the recoil. Thunder Fang and Wild Charge are great for Flying and Water types and is just fun to use. Outrage is brilliant for all the Dragons. Extreme Speed is good to pick off any Pokemon that survive. I loved this one so much.

Magnezone @ Magnet / Expert Belt
Ability: Sturdy
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Electro Ball
- Flash Cannon
- Barrier / Tri Attack / Discharge

Magnezone is just the bees knees and a must for any White 2 run. Its combination of Thunder Wave + Electro Ball OHKOs nearly every Pokemon in front of it and is absolutely broken. Flash Cannon is good STAB generally. You can do anything you want in your fourth slot - Barrier can be fun to use if you give your Magnezone Special Defense bulk. Tri Attack can hit reasonably hard and inflict status. Discharge hits hard, has a high paralyze chance and synergizes nicely with Electro Ball although you won't see this happen very often (you can just as easily teach it thunderbolt)

Zoroark @ Black Glasses
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Foul Play
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Snarl / Dark Pulse / Night Daze

N's Zoroark is quite fun to use since it can pretend to be the Pokemon in the back until hit once. I've used it to bait in moves and U-turn for chip allowing other Pokemon to absorb resisted attacks and pick up KOs. It can also clean sweep through Shauntal's entire team without ever breaking Illusion if you give it Dark Pulse. You can also give it Flamethrower later on but I don't use that at all considering I already had a Arcanine (although you could use it more if you opted for Flare Blitz / Fire Fang on Arcanine)

Haaxorus @ Expert Belt
Ability: Mold Breaker
Careful Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dual Chop
- Rock Slide
- Low Kick

This is the shiny Haxorus you can catch post game. You don't need this Pokemon at all, I'm only including this because I caught a Careful one, gave it max bulk in Special Defense and HP and Dragon Danced ONCE in front of Iris' Hydreigon (comfortably taking a Dragon Pulse) before clean sweeping through her whole team. I like Dual Chop over Dragon Claw since it hits twice (thereby having the same power) and can break Sturdy / Focus Sashes and I like it over Outrage since you don't get locked in.

Lilligant @ Wide Lens
Ability: Chlorophyll
Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Sunny Day / Substitute

Lilligant is a bit of a niche pick since you don't need both Magnezone and Lilligant in the same team especially since Samurott is enough to take on Rock and Ground types. This is mostly for fun. I made a max Def Lilligant that could take hits surprisingly well on the physical side after investment and Quiver Dance made it a powerhouse very easily. The only times I used it, in earnest, were against Quagsire, Whiscash, and Carracosta (it was notably dominant against Marlon's whole team). You're free to not use this, I just included this because it's a lot of fun to use if you're inclined towards having a Grass type on your team.

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0 votes

Errr... Lazy... xP. I'll put all easily.

Your team: Emboar, Beartic, Zoroark, Golduck, Braviary/Mandibuzz, Lilligant

Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz / Heat Crash
- Hammer Arm / Focus Blast / Brick Break
- Wild Charge / Thunder Punch
- Assurance / Scald

He will be your starter. Flare Blitz is strong, but takes recoil. Heat Crash is a option if you don't like recoils. Hammer Arm is strong, but lowers the user speed. I think this will not cause much difference cause he has low speed at the start. Focus Blast if you want a little more power, but have low accuracy or Brick Break to crash the walls. I'll go with Hammer Arm. Wild Charge is to cover Water- and Flying-types weakness. Thunder Punch is a option if you don't like recoils. Assurance is to get some Psychic-types. Scald is to K.O. the Ground-types.

Ability: Snow Cloak
- Icicle Crash
- Brick Break
- Strength
- Dive

Icicle Crash gains STAB. Brick Break takes some Rock- and Steel-types. Strength is HM. Dive is HM plus can take some Rock- and Fire-types.

Ability: Illusion
- Foul Play
- Night Daze
- Aerial Ace
- U-turn

Foul Play and Night Daze gain STAB. Aerial Ace is for Bug- and Fighting-types. U-turn is to deal a bit of damage before changing the Pokemon. Is good put Braviary/Mandibuzz in the last slot to make a Illusion because she/he is a Flying-type so Bug- and Fighting-type maybe not very effective.

Ability: Damp / Cloud Nine
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Psychic / Psyshock / Zen Headbutt

Surf and Waterfall gain STAB and are HMs. Ice Beam is for Grass-types. Psychic/Psyshock/Zen Headbutt is for hitting the Fighting and Poison types.

Ability: Defiant
- Fly
- Return / Slash / Crush Claw
- Superpower
- Sky Attack

He is available in Pokemon White 2. You can catch a Braviary (not Rufflet) in Route 4 (Mondays only) with Defiant as the ability. Fly gains STAB and is anHM. Return/Slash/Crush Claw gains STAB. Superpower is to take some Rock- and Ice-types. Sky Attack is the best Flying-type move in my opinion.

Ability: Weak Armor
- Fly
- Foul Play
- Bone Rush
- Heat Wave

She is available in Pokemon Black 2. You can catch a Mandibuzz (not a Vullaby) in Route 4 (Thurdays only) with Weak Armor as the ability. Fly gains STAB and is HM. Foul Play gains STAB. Bone Rush is to take some Rock- and Electric-types. Heat Wave is to kill some Ice-types.

Ability: Chlorophyll / Own Tempo / Leaf Guard (Hidden)
- Cut
- Quiver Dance
- Petal Dance
- Hidden Power [Rock] / [Ground] / [Fire] / [Fighting] / Leech Seed

She is available only in Pokemon White 2 but you can get it trading a Cottonee for Petilil in Black 2. Cut is HM. Quiver Dance boosts the Speed and the deadly Special Attack. Petal Dance + Own Tempo = Destruction. Hidden Power: Rock to take Fire, Ice, Flying and Bug. If can't you may try to have Ground/Fire/Fighting-type Hidden Power to take out some Steel-types. If you can't get any of this Hidden Powers you may use Leech Seed.

Hope it helps ^_^

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@UltimateFlygon: If you want to talk about me behind my back, please be polite enough to do it somewhere I can't see it. That's plain rude. You should judge someone when you know them, not when they post advice on an ingame team for B/W2.
This team is still a bit... meh. You'd have like 5 Pokemon before Gym 4, which can be very problematic. And Emolga isn't very good. I don't want you to put in an electric/grass type, just a suggestion.
hey ppl... may I use vaporeon as a slave and put a Gigalith in the place of the Beartic? The moveset will be: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Hidden Power(Grass/Fly/Ice) or Solar Beam if I can't get any of this 3, Curse.
You don't need our permission.
I don't want your permission, I want your opinion
0 votes

This is for you Fire type starter fans who picked Tepig in Black 2.

Emboar @ Leftovers

Ability: Blaze
Rash Nature
- Flamethrower
- Hammer Arm
- Thunder Punch
- Scald

This will be your Fire type starter for the game. The Rash nature is for upping the Special Attack stat by 10%, and there's no chance that Emboar can get great Special Defence. I choose Flamethrower over Fire Blast or Overheat because I prefer high usage and Fire Blast doesn't necessarily have the best accuracy, and I choose a Fire type move because I don't think there will be any others on this team and STAB. Hammer Arm gives STAB and I like it because of it's surprisingly strong power. Thunder Punch covers the Water, and Flying weaknesses. Scald covers the Ground weakness and can give a nice burn once in a while to your opponent.

Crustle @ Hard Stone

Ability: Sturdy
Adamant Nature
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Slide

This Crustle will be your Rock type and your main defensive Pokemon on your team. X-Scissor has STAB, and this will be strong. I'll take it over U-Turn because U-turn makes you switch out and you only need that when you encounter a Water type, because Water types is one of Crustle's only weaknesses. Earthquake is just for the type coverage, plus I need a Ground type move somewhere in here, right? Stealth Rock is my only hazard, plus it'll be early in the battle because it's my second Pokemon. Rock Slide is once again, STAB. I like it better than Stone Edge because of its higher PP.

Magnezone @ King's Rock

Ability: Sturdy
Naughty Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Explosion

This is your Electric type. I also choose it because of its secondary Steel type. Anyways, Thunderbolt is STAB and I choose it over Thunder because I wanted a lot of PP usage and this had the best when it comes to that, and power. Flash Cannon is STAB, and now I have the final type move of the three main strong types (Steel, Ground, and Rock). Thunder Wave can really help when your catching legendaries and being a nuisance to your opponent. I couldn't find anything for the last slot so I did Explosion for when you're about to faint.

Swanna @ Sea Incense

Ability: Big Pecks
Quiet Nature
- Fly
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Roost

I needed a flyer for my team and I needed a surfer, so I took Swanna. It's got the Sea Incense to boost Surf so it'll have great power and high PP. Everyone needs a Pokemon that knows Fly! (Unless you really like walking in the game or you're trying to hatch an Egg.) Plus this gives STAB to Swanna. Surf is also STAB and you need to Surf to win the game, so this is how you're going to "Walk on water". Ice Beam I needed there because of those bulky special Dragons that you can't beat with anything. Finally, Roost I use when I'm about to die.

Scrafty @ Leftovers

Ability: Shed Skin
Adamant Nature
- Payback
- Focus Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Substitute

This guy is mostly for the E4. I like to think of this guy as your last hope. The Adamant Nature is to boost Attack. I also choose this one because this Scrafty has no special moves so there's no use in the Special Attack stat. Payback is STAB, and it is given another boost because somebody probably already fainted in your team, and it covers Ghost and Psychic types like Golurk and Gothitelle. Focus Punch is very strong and it's a guaranteed hit if it has its Substitute out, plus this move gives STAB to Scrafty. Zen Headbutt was the only Psychic move Scrafty could learn so I can cover Fighting types in the E4 like Mienshao, this is good because Fighting types are Scrafty's only weakness in the E4. Substitute can really help make Scrafty last when it's your last Pokemon and it can help guarantee that Focus Punch hits your opponent.

Roserade @ Leftovers

Ability: Poison Point
Modest Nature
- Petal Dance
- Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb

I needed to get a Grass type in here somewhere and I finally came up with this one. Petal Dance is STAB and has (for some reason) 10 PP for a 120 power move. Now that's a deal! Spikes is my second hazard on my team. I thought of putting something else here but there wasn't anything else that was that great and I didn't need Toxic Spikes because of Roserade's poison point. Giga Drain is STAB. 'Nuff said. Sludge Bomb is STAB, and can cover the Grass types that just get in the way.

Well, this is my suggestion for a good in-game team for Emboar. I hope this will become a great team!

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Swords Dance on a special Roserade. -_-
^ I just died a little
I had nothing else to put there,so why not!
Because Roserade has an abysmal 70 attack. And why not Giga Drain?
Nice idea. Ok, i'll go with Giga
2 fighting types
Why not replace scrafty for zoroark. its one of the best pokemon to have in a team. It has a good moveset, and what can you go wrong with ILLUSION. you can use that to your advantage :D
* Earthquake is postgame in BW2. Use Bulldoze or Dig instead.

* Stealth Rock is unecessary. If you want a status move, use Shell Smash, but even that is outclassed by Strength and/or Cut for their utility.

* Tri Attack is a more consistent and more easily accessible Normal move than Explosion. You could also use Volt Switch if you're playing on set mode.

* You'd only be getting Focus Punch just before the end of the game -- besides, SubPunch is needless strategy in-game. Scrafty gets both Brick Break and Hi Jump Kick by level up much earlier, so use one of those instead of Focus Punch.

* Payback doesn't work like that. If you'd prefer more consistent damage, use Crunch instead.

* If you don't want to grind Blue Shards for Zen Headbutt, detour to Mistralton Cave for Rock Slide, or just use Facade/Strength/Return. You don't *have* to have an answer for Fighting types when you have Swanna.

* Substitute is incredibly unnecessary (and postgame exclusive), but there's not much to replace it with -- random level-up moves are fine.

* Consider Energy Ball instead of Petal Dance if you want to evolve Roselia earlier than Level 37.

* Spikes is an Egg Move. Use Shadow Ball for Psychic types.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame. About all you can do is something like Stun Spore, though -- unfortunately, the next best Poison STAB is Poison Sting.
0 votes

This team is for Black 2


Emboar @ Quick Claw
Ability: Blaze
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Wild Charge
- Superpower

A powerhouse attacker with Flare Blitz and Superpower as STAB. Wild Charge is for coverage against Water and Flying. Don't ask why Earthquake is there.


Heracross (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
Careful Nature
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Strength

Enter the mighty Bug users!! A powerhouse of your team with Megahorn and Close Combat as STAB. Stone Edge to screw the likes of Arcanine and Unfezant. Strength obviously for pushing rocks in game.


Flygon @ Choice Band
Ability: Levitate
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fly
- Fire Punch

The team's flyer. Another one of my favourite Pokemon with Outrage and Earthquake as STAB. Fire Punch to screw the likes of Vanilluxe and Weavile.


Walrein @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Signal Beam

Finally, the surfer of the team!! Pretty much an HM slave. Ice Beam and Signal Beam for coverage against those Grass types.


Eelektross @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Wild Charge
- Aqua Tail
- Crunch

Yeah dudes!! Enter the Eel! Must recommended Pokemon for any team in BW2! Wow! just a big movepool for this guy. Drain Punch does damage and also recovers at the same time, Wild Charge for STAB, Aqua Tail for those Ground types and Crunch for more coverage.


Metagross @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Clear Body
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

Now for the final Pokemon, Metagross!!! Awesome Pokemon to have on your team. Meteor Mash for STAB, Earthquake to screw those Fire types, Hammer Arm for more coverage and Ice Punch against those Ground Pokemon.

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epic team ever!
This team is not that good it having 2 fighting types. I would replace Heracross with Zoroark or Umbreon and replace Walerin with Lapras
hell yeah! metagross ftw, b**chs! P.S. Walrein is way better than Lapras
Actually, I speak from experience with this. Walrein and Lapras are both phenomenal pokemon. They both do a great job
Good team but i`ll replace Walrein with Golduck and Hereacross with  Zoroark or Drapion. Plus Metagross is a beast.
why putting strenght on heracross? Why both surf and watterfall in the pokemon used to fight instead of the HM especialist? You have to split the pokemons you will use to fight and the ones you will use to do another tasks like HM especialist.
* You're unlikely to get Flare Blitz before the end of the game, and Earthquake is postgame exclusive. You can replace them with Flamethrower, Strength, or Rock Slide.

* If you don't want to grind Blue Shards for Superpower, use Hammer Arm.

* No need to use Choice items in-game. Replace them with type-boosting items like SilverPowder and Soft Sand. The difference is more noticeable in-game than in competitive.

* Stone Edge is postgame exclusive. Use Rock Slide.

* Brick Break has more PP than Close Combat and is overall better at clearing out routes.

* The best Ground STAB Flygon gets before the postgame is Earth Power. Earthquake is postgame exclusive.

* Outrage requires grinding Green Shards, but the only other options are Dragon Claw at Level 55 or DragonBreath at Level 35. Usually, just waiting for Dragon Claw is the best bet.

* You can use Flamethrower instead of Fire Punch if you'd like to use your 10 Red Shards on something else. Note that it comes much later in the game.

* No need to grind for a Life Orb in-game.

* Focus Sashes are one-time items and difficult to obtain. Use the Magnet or another type-boosting item.

* It's a lot better to go mixed on Eelektross so you don't need to invest so much time in it. Thunderbolt > Wild Charge and Flamethrower > Drain Punch. Aqua Tail is fine, but a lack of Shards might make you consider Rock Slide or U-turn instead.

* Metagross is not a great choice due to how hard it is to catch and how late it comes. Use it if you want, but Excadrill is a better Steel type and a Psychic type isn't particularly crucial at this stage of the game -- Marshal can be covered by Flygon.
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Tepig as starter: Emboar, Crobat, Excadrill, Haxorus, Jellicent, Gothitelle/Reuniculus,

I just swap Lucky Eggs and Amulet Coins among my Pokemon, so I'm not going to list the items. Before you get the pre-evos of the Pokemon I'm listing, carry around an army of Pickup Lillipups to get you items. Also have a Pokemon that can use Surf before you get Jellicent. The moves are pre-Elite 4, so TMs such as Earthquake are not there.

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Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch / Flare Blitz
- Low Kick
- Bulldoze
- ThunderPunch

The best of the starters is the worst of the starters. Like any paradox, once you think about that statement, you realize it's truth. Emboar is outclassed completely by the powerful Darmanitan. And having Emboar means you can't have two of the best Pokemon in the game, Volcarona and Lucario, without doubling up on your types, which is something I never enjoy doing for ingame. Because of these facts, Emboar is the worst of the starters. Now, this Emboar can still do some damage. No Speed EVs, as eventually you'll get to the point where the base speed of your opponent outspeeds Emboar's full speed. So the focus is on HP and Attack, with an Adamant nature. Fire Punch you can get from the tutor and is Emboar's most reliable attack. You can use Flare Blitz however if you either don't mind the recoil or have a large supply of healing items. Low Kick becomes useful later on, getting STAB and doing solid damage to heavy foes you face. Bulldoze and Thunderpunch provide coverage, with Bulldoze even slowing down the foe so Emboar can outspeed slower opponents.

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Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Wing Attack

Your Flying type. You get it pretty early on, in Castelia Sewers. You can easily evolve it into a Golbat, and probably a Crobat after your next level up. Crobat's main job is to Fly you around. With good stats, this is the best Pokemon to do that for Emboar. Cross Poison is STAB. X-Scissor hits Psychic types hard. Wing Attack is a STAB move you can use when you don't want to use Fly, which I find is often. It also has a whopping 35 PP, so you can go quite some time without a Pokemon Center or Doctor before needing to replenish Crobat's PP. With 31 Speed IVs you hit 327 Speed, enough to outrun any Accelegor. It's a good number to aim for, just so Crobat is faster than everything you face. Then we have Attack and bulk.

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Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Strength

The choice of your Ground type is a hard one. There are many good Ground types in BW2. In addition to Excadrill you have Krookodile, Mamoswine, and Golurk as the ones of note. I won't blame you for choosing any of those three instead of Excadrill, as they're all great Pokemon. However, I find that Excadrill's Attack and Speed give it an advantage over the others. Plus, you get it earliest. Drillbur can be found in Relic Passage Dust Clouds. It soon proves itself handy vs Elesa. Earthquake just tears apart everything in the game. Iron Head also hits hard. And Rock Slide takes down Flying types. Strength is a useful HM for ingame. The Speed EVs allow you to outspeed Zebstrika among other things. Then we have full out Attack and some bulk.

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Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Bulldoze
- Dragon Claw
- False Swipe

You thought Excadrill and Emboar hit hard. Haxorus makes them look like Metapod using Tackle. Outrage just pulverizes the opponent. And since this is inmgame, you can switch out once you take down the foe, meaning you don't get trapped in Outrage as easily as in competitive. Bulldoze offers coverage, and is nice along with Mold Breaker, especially in getting past that damn Boldore Sturdy. Since you'll mostly just crush everything using Outrage, Dragon Claw is there to provide more PP to your STAB. False Swipe is for use in catching Pokemon. The EVs give you nice Speed, great Attack, and some bulk.

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Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Waterfall

Your Water type. There aren't really many good Water type options. Jellicent is the best one in my opinion. It has great typing with multiple resistances and three immunities with help from Water Absorb. While you get it later in the game, a bit before getting to the 7th Gym Leader, you get it at a nice level 40. So it doesn't hold your team back when you get it. The main purpose of it is to use Surf, the best ingame move ever. Shadow Ball is STAB. Ice Beam is coverage. Waterfall is another HM. EVs give bulk and offense.

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Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Thunder Wave

You use this gal for Black 2. You get it around the 4th Gym, which is nice. I prefer Reuniculus, but that isn't an option for some people. Gothitelle is good also. Solid Special Attack and nice bulk. Frisk is cool, showing you what Pokemon to catch because they have items on them. Psychic is STAB. Thunderbolt and Signal Beam are coverage. Thunder Wave helps in catching wild Pokemon. EVs give bulk and power. It is a nice support Pokemon (support as in helping catch and know what to catch) as it has some power behind it.


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Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Thunder Wave

For use with White 2. Easily better than Gothitelle. This thing hits incredibly hard. And it's bulky to boot. Slowest thing on the field, but so worth it. Magic Guard is a great ability also. Psychic is STAB. Shadow and Energy Ball are coverage. Thunder Wave is to help in catching Pokemon. EVs give power and bulk.

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I really like this team. I'm currently using it in Black 2.
try out metagross, he's has very high attack and he learns the move meteor mash or something like that
why both wing attack and fly in the same pokemon? Also with cross poison who is effective against the same type as the other two moves? Strenght in the excadrill? You have to split the pokemons you will use to fight and the ones you will use to do another tasks, like HM especialist.
* You only get 10 Red Shards easily, so you should only use ThunderPunch on Emboar. If you don't like Flare Blitz's recoil, go for Flamethrower instead.

* Hammer Arm is a better Fighting move than Low Kick if you don't want to grind Shards or BP.

* Wing Attack is strictly worse than Aerial Ace, so use the latter for Flying STAB instead.

* You're unlikely to get Outrage before the postgame unless you grind Shards. If you don't want to do that, use something like Shadow Claw instead -- this team doesn't have a good answer to Shauntal otherwise.
0 votes

I'm not sure if you would use this for competitive purposes, but ingame this works well.

Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Revenge

Surf because it has a good base power and gets a STAB due to it being a Water type move.
Ice Beam to combat any Grass types that might appear and is good against Flying and Dragon types as well.
Hydro Pump as it only attacks one Pokemon, whereas Surf hits everyone, so if in a double battle, you don't hit your partner, plus a STAB due to it being a Water move.
Revenge to hit any Steel type Pokemon, and if damaged before, the power becomes 120.

Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Psychic
- Bone Rush

Close Combat as it has a high base power and with the additional STAB, makes for a pretty good move. Defence does fall but shouldn't be a problem if you keep speed up.
Swords Dance as it will further heighten Lucario's already decent Attack.
Psychic to deal with any Poison types as, though they can't hit you, still need to be taken care of.
Bone Rush to deal with any Fire type Pokemon, as Fire is a weakness to Lucario.

Ability: Static
- Discharge
- Signal Beam
- Confuse Ray
- Power Gem

Discharge - Ampharos specializes in Special Attack, and with the added STAB and the fact Discharge has a high base power, it can make for a good move. It hits everyone though, so be careful using it in double battles.
Signal Beam - A Bug type special move, it can take care of any Grass types you encounter, and has a pretty good base power as well.
Confuse Ray - Because it's fun watching the enemy hit themselves from time to time, and plus may give you a few free turns to take out your opponent.
Power Gem - A Rock type move with good base power, good against any Fire types and good to mix up some move types.

Ability: Super Luck
- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Roost / Return
- U-turn

Fly - Not only good in battle, but useful on the field as well. Has good base power and gains STAB due to it being a Flying type move.
Steel Wing - Hits Rock and Ice types well, so that covers weaknesses, and has pretty good base power.
Roost - Mainly to recover health. If you don't want Roost, use Return, good base power if your Pokemon love you.
U-turn - Ideal to inflict damage and switch out to a stronger Pokemon if needs be.

Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Wild Charge
- Toxic

Flare Blitz as not only is a powerful move, but you also get a STAB due to it being a Fire type move. Highly recommend this move.
Extreme Speed has a priority of +2, and hits hard, so good for dealing that surefire last hit.
Wild Charge as it is an Electric type move, working well against any Water types, and it has a good base power.
Toxic to poison the opponent and deal a lot of damage over time.

Ability: Chlorophyll / Own Tempo
- Energy Ball
- Sleep Powder
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Giga Drain

Energy Ball is a great special move, with a high base power and STAB from it being a Grass type.
Sleep Powder because putting the foe to sleep is always cool.
Hidden Power [Fire] Because you need to have something other than Grass type moves, otherwise an Oddish could probably take you out.
Giga Drain to recover your own health while taking away theirs.

Any criticism welcome, as I said, I'm not sure about online battling but this team hasn't failed me yet.

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* Hydro Pump isn't good due to its low accuracy and lack of PP. If you really want another Water move, go for Aqua Tail or Aqua Jet, but that's unnecessary -- Strength is better for HM purposes and Ice Beam is better for coverage.

* You should use Aura Sphere (without Swords Dance) or Force Palm (with SD) instead of Close Combat, due to their higher PP.

* If you really want Close Combat, use it instead of Swords Dance. Boosting isn't often necessary in-game. If you don't want either, try something like Rock Slide or Shadow Claw/Ball.

* Bulldoze/Dig will do more consistent damage than Bone Rush.

* Swap Discharge for Thunderbolt -- the extra damage is always worth sacrificing the paralysis.

* Confuse Ray is gimmicky and unreliable. Consider Volt Switch if you're playing on set mode, or Strength for its overworld utility.

* Flamethrower is more than acceptable if you don't like Flare Blitz's recoil.

* In-game, Toxic is generally always inferior to Iron Head (covers Rock), and even other random coverage moves like Bulldoze and Aerial Ace. Essentially, anything that immediately does damage is better for Arcanine than Toxic.

* Energy Ball + Giga Drain is redundant. Keep Energy Ball -- it's stronger and Giga Drain's recovery doesn't matter when you have healing items.

* Replace Giga Drain with Quiver Dance. Setup is usually unnecessary, but Lilligant has an incredibly shallow movepool.

* It's unreasonable to expect players to hunt for a specific Hidden Power. As Lilligant has practically zero good moves, just use Cut for bonus items in the overworld.
0 votes

Samurott @ Mystic Water
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Razor Shell
- Megahorn

You need Surf to do most of the game so teach it to your Samurott. You can get Ice Beam in the Giant Chasm and is a strong move. Megahorn is a powerful move and Razor Shell is a physical move, which Samurott needs.

Ampharos @ Magnet
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Power Gem / Signal Beam
- Electro Ball

Keep Thunder Wave from the start so you can paralyze Pokemon. Thunderbolt and Electro Ball will become a little stronger with the Thunder Wave. Power Gem is a good move but you can also take away Power Gem for Signal Beam.

Lucario @ Fighting Gem
- Aura Sphere
- Psychic
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake

You should have Psychic and Swords Dance because it will be helpful to have. Aura Sphere is a really powerful move and so is Earthquake.

Crobat @ Poison Barb
- Fly
- Sludge Bomb
- Confuse Ray
- Bite

Fly is important to have and Confuse Ray is helpful just like Thunder Wave. Bite can take down the 1st and 3rd Elite Four members. Sludge Bomb is useful against Grass Pokemon.

Flareon @ Charcoal
- Flamethrower
- Quick Attack
- Shadow Ball
- Dig

Flamethrower is found at a house by Victory Road. Keep Quick Attack (It is useful to hit speedy Pokemon). Shadow Ball is found by the Strange House by Lentimas Town and Dig is found in Route 4. It's a strong moveset.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
- Grass Knot
- Sludge Bomb / Venoshock
- Energy Ball
- Toxic

You can get Grass Knot at Pinwheel Forest but you can trade your Roserade to a Pokemon White 1 Game. Teach Sludge Bomb with the same TM used to teach Crobat. Energy Ball can be found at Aspertia City by your house at the end of the lake so you need to use Surf (On your Samurott)
Toxic is found at Seaside Cave which is also good to have when you teach Roserade Venoshock (You might want to do that) and is useful like as Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray.

Hope this helped! Comments and opinions are accepted, just remember that 2 Pokemon are weak against Psychic. Good luck! -Oshawott100

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* Razor Shell isn't needed when you have Surf. Use Strength, as you need it to complete the game.

* If low accuracy troubles you, replace Megahorn with X-Scissor.

* Electro Ball will usually be worse than Thunderbolt, so get rid of it and use both Power Gem and Signal Beam.

* Gems are annoying to farm and not a good long-term item choice. Consider the TwistedSpoon or another type-boosting item.

* Earthquake is postgame exclusive. Use Dig or Bulldoze if you want a Ground type move, or Rock Slide/Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball for an easier time dealing with the Elite 4.

* Swords Dance is often unneeded. If you find that you're not using it much, replace it with whichever of Rock Slide/Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball you didn't already choose.

* Confuse Ray is unreliable. Use Acrobatics or Aerial Ace, so you don't have to rely on the inefficient Fly as your Flying STAB.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame exclusive. Use X-Scissor to help against Grimsley.

* Just because Bite is helpful early doesn't mean you should keep it the entire game. Return will often do more damage, especially since Golbat evolves via high Friendship.

* Grass Knot is postgame exclusive, so replace it with Shadow Ball.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame exclusive.

* Toxic takes too long to KO opponents, so replace it with Cut in order to obtain vaguely helpful items throughout the game.
0 votes

My team for White 2:

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Megahorn
- Dig
- Scald

Eelektross @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
- Volt Switch / Wild Charge
- Thunder / Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave

Flareon @ Flame Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Fang
- Toxic

Altaria @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Natural Cure
- Dragon Dance / Fly
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Dragon Pulse

Mienshao @ Focus Band
Ability: Regenerator
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
- Jump Kick
- Aura Sphere / Payback

Lilligant @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Own Tempo
- Petal Dance
- Quiver Dance / Sunny Day
- Energy Ball
- Solar Beam

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Sorry, no huge images in team/moveset answers. You can use sprites if you like.
Also, please edit your answer so it's not all uppercase, thanks.
* Surf + Scald is unnecessary. Replace Scald with Aqua Jet to conserve PP, especially on Sturdy Pokemon.

* Wild Charge is almost never a good choice when you're running Thunder(bolt) on the same moveset.

* Flame Orb is useless on Flareon -- use something generic like a Charcoal if you have nothing else.

* Replace Fire Fang with Strength because it's a lot more helpful than doubling up on STAB.

* Earthquake is postgame. Use Bulldoze if you really want a Ground move, but otherwise go with Return to take better advantage of Dragon Dance.

* Stone Edge is postgame (and not a good choice anyways). Use Fake Out for free chip, particularly on Colress' Magneton and Magnezone.

* High Jump Kick loses 5 accuracy but gains 30 BP over Jump Kick, so I think it's worth it -- though that's up to personal preference.

* Neither Aura Sphere nor Payback are particularly amazing. Itemless Acrobatics is probably the best thing you can do with the last moveslot.

* Petal Dance, Energy Ball, and Solar Beam? Replace Solar Beam with Cut and remove Sunny Day as an option. Lilligant has such a shallow movepool that you might not find anything better than Energy Ball, unfortunately.
0 votes

Cinccino @ Any Item
enter image description here
Ability: Skill Link (Moves will always hit 5 times)
- Sing
- Rock Blast
- Tail Slap
- Wake-Up Slap

I know this is an unusual Pokemon to pick, but its not weak. Mine KO'd Black Kyurem with Rock Blast. It has good type coverage, and you can get one with an ability Skill Link in a Hidden Grotto. STAB Tail Slap, Wake-Up Slap Steel, Rock, Ground, and Dark types, Sing is for Wake-Up Slap, Rock Blast for Flying and Electric types. Overall good type coverage.

Excadrill @ Soft Sand / Air Balloon
enter image description here
Ability: Sand Force (Boosts Steel, Rock and Ground type moves during a Sandstorm)
- Sandstorm
- Drill Run
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Good sweeper, fast, but not that fast. Sandstorm is to activate the ability. Drill Run and Earthquake are STAB. Stone Edge is for coverage. It has good attack and average speed, so it is a deadly sweeper.

Magnezone @ Magnet
enter image description here
Ability: Sturdy
- Discharge
- Thunder Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Protect

Good Wall and Crippler. Discharge is STAB, Flash Cannon too, Protect is for coverage, and Thunder Wave is for paralysis. Magnezone is a good wall and staller. It has good defenses, plus the Ability Sturdy means that it can't be knocked out with one hit. Overall good addition for your team.

Lucario @ Any Item
enter image description here
Ability: Inner Focus / Steadfast
- Iron Tail
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance

Swords Dance is for raising your attack and compliments ExtremeSpeed and Close Combat. Close Combat is for STAB, Extreme Speed is deadly with a maxed out Attack. Iron Tail is STAB and deadly with Swords Dance.

Lilligant @ Miracle Seed
enter image description here
Ability: Own Tempo
- Petal Dance
- Synthesis
- Leech Seed
- Giga Drain

Lilligant is simply the best. With Petal Dance and its ability Own Tempo, it rules the field. Miracle Seed boosts the power of its attacks, and its health sucking attacks will leave you with a chance to regenerate any time. Petal Dance and Giga Drain are STAB, and Leech Seed is for health. Synthesis is for recovery too.

Hydreigon @ Any Item
enter image description here
Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Pulse / Draco Meteor
- Work Up
- Rock Slide
- Dark Pulse

A Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, this is one of the best Pokemon out there. It has well rounded Attack and Special Attack, and a great movepool, so it's a deadly addition to your team. Rock Slide is coverage, Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse are STAB, Dark Pulse is STAB too, and Work Up is to prepare/recharge after Draco Meteor.

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Two fighting types and three steel types?
Airika, there is only one fighting type.
* Drill Run is redundant with Earthquake, Stone Edge is postgame, and Sandstorm is needless in-game. Excadrill has a wide movepool -- viable options include Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, and Poison Jab.

* Discharge has no meaningful advantages over Thunderbolt.

* Protect does nothing for Magnezone and should be replaced with Signal Beam or Tri Attack, depending on how willing you are to spend Shards.

* Inaccurate Steel STAB is unnecessary on Lucario. Use Shadow Claw to answer Caitlin and Shauntal.

* Close Combat has low PP, so you could consider using Force Palm instead.

* You will not get ExtremeSpeed before the postgame. Use Return, because Lucario evoles with high Friendship; Quick Attack is also viable if you want priority.

* I'm a strong advocate for Cut Lilligant's overworld utility purely because it doesn't exactly have a lot of options. If you're playing with healing items, take off Synthesis and put on Cut. You're also missing Quiver Dance, which is practically mandatory on Lilligant -- perhaps swap out Leech Seed if you find you lack meaningful damage.

* Hydreigon is unobtainable before the postgame without significant overlevelling. Zweilous is fine, but Haxorus would probably be a better Dragon type.
0 votes


  • Surf (HM)
  • Waterfall (HM)
  • Megahorn (Move Tutor)
  • Ice Beam / Blizzard (TM)

Special attacker.


  • Force Palm (Lower Levels) / Aura Sphere (Lv. 51)
  • Strength (HM)
  • Dig or Earthquake (TM)
  • Shadow Claw / Psychic / Ice Punch / any other good move. (Depends)

An interesting type and a variety of moves when evolved from Riolu.


  • Psychic (TM)
  • Fly (HM)
  • Signal Beam (Move Tutor)
  • Energy Ball (TM)

Its evolution may be delayed but it's pretty good when fighting Burgh, Clay and Marlon with its interesting moveset.


  • Overheat (TM)
  • Energy Ball (TM)
  • Shadow Ball (TM)
  • Psychic (TM)

If you don't like Overheat dropping Special Attack, use Flame Charge or Fire Blast instead.

Galvantula: Must have Compound Eyes (Boosts accuracy of Thunder)

  • Bug Buzz (Lv. 60) / Bug Bite (Learns faster)
  • Signal Beam (Move Tutor or Lv.34)
  • Discharge (Lv. 54) / Thunderbolt (TM)
  • Thunder (TM)

Krookodile: Moxie!
enter image description here

  • Bite (Should already have it if caught)
  • Dig / Earthquake (TM)
  • Dragon Claw (TM) / Outrage (Learnt at a high level or Move Tutor)
  • Cut (HM) or Rock Slide (TM)

Physical Attacker.

Need Cut early in the game? Purrloin is a perfect slave.

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* X-Scissor is a more accurate alternative to Megahorn.

* Earthquake is postgame exclusive.

* Air Slash works well with Swoobat's Special Attack. If Energy Ball isn't clicked very often, consider replacing it.

* Flamethrower is a much more consistent option than any of the other Fire moves Chandelure gets. Before you obtain the TM, the best Fire move to use is Flame Burst.

* Galvantula gets Signal Beam by level-up, which is a much better move than Bug Bite. No need to dedicate two moveslots to Bug STAB. Use Energy Ball in one slot instead.

* There's no reason to use Bite over Crunch.

* Earthquake is postgame exclusive. Use Bulldoze.

* Dragon Claw is postgame exclusive, and Strength is usually better than a Dragon move anyways.
0 votes

Ability: Overgrow
- Coil: set up move
- Leaf Blade: powered by Coil and STAB
- Giga Drain: for recovery
- Dragon Tail: powered by Coil

Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
- Flamethrower
- Wild Charge for coverage
- Solar Beam: for coverage
- Crunch: for Elite 4

Ability: Illusion
- Flamethrower: coverage
- Foul Play: powerful STAB
- Focus Blast: coverage
- Night Slash: STAB and high critical hit

Ability: Clear Body
- Zen Headbutt: powerful STAB
- Meteor Mash: STAB chance to boost Attack
- Earthquake: Powerful Move and coverage
- Ice Punch: coverage

Ability: Levitate
- Fly: flyer of the team
- Dragon Claw: STAB
- Ston Edge: coverage
- Earthquake: well it's a STAB earthquake what do you expect

Ability: Damp / Cloud Nine
- Surf: STAB and surfer of the team
- Psychic: powerful move and for Fighting and Poison types
- Focus Blast: coverage
- Ice Beam: coverage

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golurk should not be special
Golduck, not Golurk.
Golurk can either not learn Focus Blast, not Surf, Psychic or Ice Beam.
* Giga Drain isn't boosted by Coil and you have Leaf Blade, so you should use Strength, Return, or Leech Seed instead.

* SolarBeam is postgame. Consider ExtremeSpeed -- though it has low PP, it's good for finishing off Sturdy Pokemon like Marlon's Carracosta and Colress' Magnezone.

* Foul Play + Night Slash is redundant. You should keep Night Slash and replace Foul Play with U-turn.

* Focus Blast is postgame. Shadow Ball is okay if you want a special almost-Dark-but-not-really move, or just use something generic like Return.

Earthquake is postgame. Bulldoze is another Ground option, or you could go with Bullet Punch for priority.

* Rock Slide is a valid way to hit Flying types if you somehow spent your free Shards on something other than Ice Punch.

* Stone Edge is postgame, so you should use Rock Slide because Flygon gets it by level-up.

* Earthquake is postgame, so you should use Earth Power (level-up), Dig (TM), or Bulldoze (TM) for Ground STAB.

* Focus Blast is postgame, so you should use Strength or Waterfall for their overworld utility.
0 votes

This is for the Black 2 players:

First up is the starters. I personally recommend Oshawott because he is a destroyer.

Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Ice Beam (destroys Grass types)
- Megahorn (same as above)
- Hydro Pump (critical battle helper)


Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade (STAB + reliability)
- Giga Drain (recovers + destroys)
- Dragon Pulse (helps destroy those wicked monsters)
- Aqua Tail (kicks Fire types back into their Pokeballs)

Ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
- Flamethrower (the iconic move of Fire types)
- Energy Ball(weakness coverage)
- Psychic (a good move for Chandelure)
- Dark Pulse (it destroys Ghost types)

Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Earthquake (STAB)
- Giga Drain (health recovery)
- Stone Edge / Fly (both are good in their own ways)

Ability: Inner Focus / Steadfast
- Aura Sphere (iconic + STAB + reliable)
- Psychic (coverage)
- Dark Pulse(coverage)
- Dragon Pulse (helps a lot)

Ability: Illusion
- Night Slash (STAB)
- Dark Pulse (helps with the Elite Four)
- Flamethrower (coverage)
- Focus Blast (coverage)

Haxorus @ Persim Berry
- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Outrage (destroyer)
- Earthquake (coverage)
- X-Scissor (STAB)

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Um you do know that Chandelure IS A GHOST TYPE right?
* Hydro Pump is redundant with Surf (and you're unlikely to learn it before the postgame). Aqua Jet is a good priority move, while Return does nicely as a reliable neutral option.

* Giga Drain + Leaf Blade is redundant. Choose one (I prefer Leaf Blade) and replace the other with Strength.

* If you don't like grinding Shards, use Strength for overworld utility and either Cut or Coil depending on how much you care about optional items.

* As a Ghost type, Chandelure should always have Shadow Ball over Dark Pulse.

* Earthquake is postgame. Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze are your Ground STAB options.

* Stone Edge is postgame. Use Rock Slide.

* Replace Giga Drain with Fly. It's a stronger and more convenient move when the rest of the moveset is physical.

* Dark Pulse's Shard requirement is a waste of time. Shadow Ball will usually achieve the same results.

* Unless you intend to spend an hour or more grinding Shards, Dragon Pulse isn't often obtainable before the postgame. Use Calm Mind if you want to trivialize certain fights like Ghetsis.

* Dark Pulse is redundant, so you should use U-turn for momentum if you play on set mode (or Cut if you like optional items).

* Focus Blast is postgame, so make your Zoroark mixed and use Return or another generic filler move.

* Outrage isn't happening before postgame. Use Dragon Dance if you're confident that you can find sweeping opportunities. Otherwise, Rock Slide is an asset against Trainers like Skyla and Iris.

* Earthquake is postgame. If you don't like Dig or Bulldoze, Shadow Claw is moderately effective against Shauntal and Caitlin, while Strength is helpful in the overworld.
0 votes

Samurott @ Mystic Water
enter image description here
Ability: Torrent
Adamant Nature
- Razor Shell / Waterfall
- Swords Dance
- Megahorn
- Surf / Dig / Ice Beam

I'd choose physical attacks for this Pokemon. Your main attack is Razor Shell or Waterfall. I'd prefer Razor Shell because of its secondary effect - 50% chance of lowering target's defense. Next is Swords Dance. It's a good attack-boosting move. Now - Megahorn - a very powerful coverage move - covers Grass-type weakness. The last move is a filler - Surf - I know, it's Special move, but you MUST have it. If you don't want Surf, you can choose Dig to cover Electric-type weakness or Ice Beam to defeat the badass Dragons.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
enter image description here
Ability: Inner Focus
Timid Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Roost / Giga Drain / Air Slash
- Nasty Plot

Now you'll probably ask: "Why Special Attacker? Crobat is physical sweeper!" It's not true! Crobat has very nice Special Attack stat! I'll think, Special sweeper is better for Crobat, because most of the best Poison-type moves are Special moves. So... Sludge Bomb is your main powerful attack. It has nice chance of poisoning the target. Next is Shadow Ball, a nice coverage move, that covers your Psychic-type weakness. Now you must choose between Roost, Giga Drain or Air Slash. I'd go with Air Slash because of the 30% chance to flinch the target. And your main Special Attack boosting move is Nasty Plot.

Volcarona @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Ability: Flame Body
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower / Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain

Why Volcarona instead of Arcanine? Because you will NEED Bug-type Pokemon for covering some weakness. Volcarona is IMHO the best. A rare typing - Bug/Fire and a very strong Special Attack stat. You can catch Volcarona in Relic Passage. So... your main STAB is Flamethrower or Fiery Dance. You know, Volcarona learn Fiery Dance at Level 100, so you'd better go with Flamethrower. Your next STAB is Bug Buzz - a powerful Bug-type move. Next, your boosting move is Quiver Dance. IMO, it is one of best stats-boosting moves. The last move is your coverage for Water and Rock-type weakness- Giga Drain - which also heals Volcarona.

Magnezone @ Magnet
enter image description here
Ability: Sturdy
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Magnet Rise
- Flash Cannon / Tri Attack

So yeah, Magnezone - In my opinion, one of the best Electric-type Pokemon. Very strong with Special Attack. Thunderbolt is your main attack. It's powerful, but it has small chance of paralyzing the target, so I'd give it also Thunder Wave. Next is Magnet Rise, your main protect for your Ground-type weakness. The last move you must choose between Flash Cannon or Tri Attack. Flash Cannon is a good STAB, but it's weak for Ground-type Pokemon, so I'd give it Tri Attack, which is neutral and has nice secondary effects. You can get Tri Attack as Magneton.

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
enter image description here
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Adamant / Brave (I'd prefer Brave)
- Power Whip / Seed Bomb
- Gyro Ball
- Leech Seed
- Stealth Rock

Now Ferrothorn. I like this Pokemon. So... I'd choose Brave Nature (because Ferrothorn already has as poor Speed as you will never attack first. Your main STAB is Power Whip (Very strong but has bad acc.) or Seed Bomb (Not strong as Power Whip but has 100% acc.), so you must choose. Next is your 2nd STAB, Gyro Ball, one of my favourite moves. You know, Ferrothorn has VERY poor speed stat, so Gyro Ball is perfect for it! Next is Leech Seed, which heals Ferrothorn. The last move is Stealth Rock. Don't ask why, it's a standard move for it.

Flygon @ Muscle Band
enter image description here
Ability: Levitate
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Fly
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide

And finally, your last Pokemon is Flygon. I'd choose it as my flier. Your main STAB move is Earthquake (You shouldn't be surprised). Next move that you should choose is Outrage or Dragon Claw. I'd prefer Outrage. It's very strong, but confuses Flygon at the end. Next is Fly. You don't want to travel by foot, do you? It's also a very good attack. Finally, the last move is Stone Edge or Rock Slide for coverage - covers your 4x Ice weakness. I'd prefer Stone Edge, because it's stronger, but it has poor acc. and only 5 PP, so if you don't want it, give Flygon Rock Slide.

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* Sludge Bomb is postgame. If you want to stay fully special, you have to use Venoshock. Otherwise, Cross Poison will suffice.

* Giga Drain and Roost are Move Tutor moves, so Air Slash is pretty much your only option unless you want to spend your free Shards on Uproar for some reason.

* Nasty Plot is an Egg Move, which is highly inefficient in-game. Use Fly for the convenience of fast travel.

* Please do not recommend a move that Volcarona learns at Level 100.

* Bug Buzz is learned at Level 70, so you'll probably want to use your free Shards to teach Volcarona Signal Beam.

* Giga Drain costs Shards, so Psychic is a viable alternative.

* Magnet Rise is unnecessary most of the time. Just use both Tri Attack and Flash Cannon.

* Iron Head is usually better than Gyro Ball thanks to adequate BP and higher PP.

* Both Leech Seed and Stealth Rock are Egg Moves. Strength, Bulldoze, and Cut are viable replacements.

* Earthquake is postgame. Your choices are Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze.

* Outrage will not be obtained before postgame.

* If you put Fly on Crobat, consider U-turn or Return instead of Fly on Flygon.

* Stone Edge is postgame.
0 votes

Samurott @ Quick Claw / Mystic Water / Shell Bell
Ability: Torrent
- Surf / Scald
- Ice Beam
- Return / Retaliate
- Megahorn / Dig

Surf is to get around in routes and Scald is to wear down the opponents HP (STAB). Return because Samurott's friendship to you will blow out the roof since you traveled with him/her your whole adventure, Retaliate if your opponent has KOed 1 of your Pokemon. Ice Beam for Grass, Ground, etc. Megahorn / Dig for Samurott's weaknesses.

Lucario @ Expert Belt / Scope Lens / King's Rock
Ability: Inner Focus / Steadfast
- Aura Sphere / Close Combat
- Psychic
- Earthquake / Ice Punch
- Calm Mind / Swords Dance

Aura Sphere and Close Combat because a Fighting type wouldn't be a Fighting type without Fighting type moves. Psychic for Fighting types. Earthquake for Fire types and Ice Punch for Ground types. Calm Mind to strengthen Aura Sphere and Psychic, Swords Dance for Close Combat and Earthquake/Ice Punch.

Arcanine @ Choice Band / Muscle Band
Ability: Intimidate
- Thunder Fang / Wild Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Crunch / Outrage

Thunder Fang and Wild Charge for Water types. Flare Blitz... Isn't it obvious? Extreme Speed for opponents who could outspeed Arcanine. Crunch/Outrage to finish opponents without using Flare Blitz/Wild Charge.

Krookodile @ Black Glasses / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
- Crunch
- Earthquake / Dig
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Brick Break

Crunch is to lower Defenses. Earthquake/Dig are for STAB. Stone Edge/Rock Slide for Bug types. Brick Break to get past Reflect and Light Screen (Coverage).

Roserade @ Big Root / Choice Specs
Ability: Natural Cure / Poison Point
- Sludge Bomb / Venoshock
- Petal Dance / Giga Drain
- Shadow Ball
- Attract / Toxic Spikes / Toxic

Sludge Bomb as an attack and poison and Venoshock if the opponent is poisoned. Shadow Ball for Psychic types. Petal Dance as a strong Grass type move and Giga Drain to recover during battles. Attract to stop the opponents from attacking you and Toxic/Toxic Spikes to poison and wear down your opponent.

Braviary @ Leftovers / Scope Lens / Choice Scarf
Ability: Keen Eye / Sheer Force
- Fly / Brave Bird
- Return / Crush Claw / Strength
- Superpower
- Bulk Up / Roost

Fly is to get you places and Brave Bird is like Flare Blitz but its a Flying type move. Return as a friendly and awesome move, Strength to push boulders and good attack, and Crush Claw to lower your opponents Defense (STAB) Superpower to wreck Rock types and others. Bulk Up is to Bulk Up, obviously (For Superpower) and Roost to recover.


Mandibuzz @ Leftovers / Scope Lens / Choice Scarf
Ability: Big Pecks / Overcoat
- Fly / Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt / Roost / Toxic
- Dark Pulse

Fly/Brave Bird is the same as Braviary. U-turn to switch out since Mandibuzz isn't really an offensive Pokemon. Taunt is to speed (if Mandibuzz has Weak Armor as its ability), Roost to recover, Toxic to wear down your opponent. Dark Pulse to make your opponent flinch.

Hope you guys like it ^_^

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* Earthquake is postgame. Your options are Bone Rush, Dig, or Bulldoze.

* For anyone looking to use this Arcanine moveset: Growlithe may only be evolved after Level 45, so it can get Outrage and Flare Blitz.

* Stone Edge is postgame.

* Strength is better than Brick Break because the Brick Break TM costs PP and STAB Earthquake will usually do more damage than Brick Break. Strength, conversely, is necessary to beat the game.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame.

* It's better to use Energy Ball instead of Petal Dance/Giga Drain because that lets you evolve Roselia earlier.

* Attract and Toxic are both pretty useless in-game, so you should use Cut because you can get random items with that.

* Brave Bird isn't obtainable until the postgame. The Fly alternative is Aerial Ace. (Applicable to both Braviary and Mandibuzz)

* Bulk Up is postgame and Roost costs Shards, so you could use Shadow Claw or U-turn instead.

* Roost costs Shards, and Taunt/Toxic are fairly useless in-game. U-turn allows you to keep momentum if you're playing on set mode; Return is a consistent neutral option; Cut lets you get vaguely helpful items.