Meta-PokéBase Q&A
11 votes


Hello, and welcome to the Avatar tournament, as suggested by MrKijani! Fittingly enough, at the time of writing this, Avatar: The Last Airbender just released on Netflix a couple weeks ago (highly recommend watching/rewatching it if you have the chance to), so now seems like the perfect opportunity to jump into this tournament!


  • The tournament will be conducted in Gen 8 National Dex OU format (see below)
  • There will be 4 tribes based on the classical elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air
  • Tribes will be randomly assigned to players once signups close, with an equal (or as close to equal as possible) distribution of players among the 4 tribes
    • To compensate for this, there will be a 5-day grace period in between the assigning of tribes and the start of the first round, to allow time for teambuilding
  • Each tribe will have a list of 4 types that are assigned to them. Members of a tribe may only use Pokemon that are one or both of their tribe's assigned types
  • The tribes and their types are as follows:
    • Fire: Fire, Electric, Dark, Dragon
    • Water: Water, Ice, Grass, Poison
    • Earth: Ground, Rock, Steel, Fighting
    • Air: Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Fairy
  • Pure Normal type Pokemon may be used by anyone; however, Normal type Pokemon with a secondary typing may only be used by the tribe the secondary type is assigned to (e.g. Ditto may be used by anyone, but Unfezant can only be used by Air tribe members)
  • All Bug type Pokemon may be used by anyone, regardless of secondary typing
  • Members of the same tribe will only face each other should such a matchup be deemed unavoidable
  • The following moves are banned: Camoflauge, Conversion, Conversion 2, Forests Curse, Magic Powder, Reflect Type, Soak, Trick-or-Treat
  • The following Abilities are banned: Color Change, Forecast, Libero, Protean, Mimicry
  • All matches will be best of 3; you may not switch out your team in between two battles of the same match
  • You are not the Avatar. Deal with it

Other Basic Rules:
- Battles will (tentatively) be conducted on the Pokemon DB Showdown server
- Standard Smogon battle clauses and National Dex OU bans apply
- Spectators may not influence a player's decisions, nor can players accept outside help during a battle
- You are not required to have the same team throughout the tournament; you may swap out team members between rounds if you so choose
- Save your replays

Please post all battle replays to the thread here. If a battle between two players is not conducted before the set deadline, then I will decide whether an extension will be granted or if a player will be disqualified for inactivity.

I will be watching each replay to ensure these rules are followed, and should they be broken, the offending player will be disqualified.


Signups are now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Please read sumwun's guidelines for tournament participation before signing up.

For those interested in signing up, please post an answer below. Your answer should include your Pokemon Showdown username, your time zone, and what hours and days you will be available to battle normally. Additionally, there has been some talk about having tournaments conducted in NatDex OU in the past instead of the standard OU format, so please also specify which format you would like to see this tournament conducted in. Whichever format has the most votes by the time sign-ups close will be the format this will be played in, and the thread will be updated to reflect this.

As for an example of how to sign up:

Showdown Username: Finchwidget
Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Generally available all day on weekends, or on weekdays before 2:00 PM and after 9:00 PM
OU or NatDex OU?: Standard OU format

No more than 16 players may sign up. Sign-ups will close on Sunday, June 21th at 12:00 AM EST, at which time tribe assignments will also be posted below. First-round matchups will be posted on Friday, June 26th at 12:00 AM EST

Use a time zone converter to help you decide battle times.

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@ whatever staff member sees this first: please update the tournament suggestions thread to say signups open now because i am but a lowly worm and have no such editing powers (and also jimmy didnt pick up when i tried calling him to do it for me)
While I don’t think I’ll be participating at the moment, this is a really cool concept and idea!  It will likely lead to some interesting battles lol.
Wait, so how do dual types work? Like if it’s NatDex, would Gliscor be viable for both the Air and Earth Tribes?

Also, this is going to be awesome.
I updated the tour suggestion thread.
Yeah, dual typed Pokemon would be viable for either tribe they fit into; the example you said is spot-on.

Also thank you fizz :)
Ok cool *crosses fingers* cmon I now need to be in the Air/Earth tribe.
I need earth or air so freaking badly it isn't funny
water tribe isn't bad either
I want to be in fire tribe but deep down in my heart I know that water has Toxapex.
Hot dang, are we actually going to hit the player cap of 16 on the first day?
wow maybe
If we do end up hitting the player cap, I'll probably end up starting the tour and posing tribe assignments a lot sooner than the 26th, since there's not really much point to me keeping signups open that long when no one else can join
I think it might actually hit the cap today/tomorrow. It’s gotten a lot of attention today :D
I think it would be good to add that if we reach the 16 player cap, others can still sign up as alternates in case some of the original 16 become inactive. Or we can just use the usual rule of giving the win to the more active player, and have signups close once we hit 16.
Oh yeaaaaah, I forgot about having alternate players. I'll probably end up doing that then, just because I think most people here would rather win a battle based on their own merits and not by default
Are the rules like no Baton Pass for NatDex OU in effect for the tournament?
The normal rules for the format will apply when possible. If natdex ou bans something then it's banned unless specified otherwise.
Does anyone know why this tournament is getting so many more signups than earlier tournaments?
a lot of new users are interested in battling
Yup. Also, some of the people participating saw people chatting about it :P
July first seems really far away, is there a reason it can't start sooner?
Not really. We've already got a pretty decent amount of people so I'll probably start it a little sooner. Not sure when, I'll update the thread tonight probably
Was this advertised on Discord or the chat room or something?
It was mentioned like twice prior to sign ups going live on Discord. I can't speak for chat, but I imagine it spread through word of mouth via the new users that are always on there
Generally, an advertisement for the tournament is posted on the other two sections, and then hidden when signups close.
Yeah, I had meant to get around to doing that a bit later on
“via new users that are always on there.” You caught me, Felix XD
Oh dang it. I’m going to be on vacation the whole time and I’m not allowed to be on my electronics :(((
How are you allowed to be on vacation when everyone's sick?
Oh my parents are taking me and my sis to a lake really far away from the 20-25th, coincidentally.
BTW, there's a prize for the winner?
...prize? I mean no, the prize is being the tour champ and being o nthe hall of fame. I could try and make the winner a custom graphic design or something?  No promises on that
Winner gets one upvote and permabanned.
oooh, cool!
Wow my dream has always been to get permabanned again :D

(To be clear, it wasn’t this site.)
Tournament start date has been pushed back by 1 day to allow just a little bit more time for signups, especially now that advertisements are going up soon on the main site and RMT. Sorry for the incovenience
Signups full. Do we wait or begin?
We'll wait. There's still technically one slot open since someone offered to step down and become an alternate if someone else wanted to sign up, and plus the Showdown server is still on the fritz, so that's an extra day that gives PM to hopefully find and fix the issue
Man this will be good. Do u guys always make tournaments with show themes?

I hope the replays will be good
so i i get the fire tribe and use cinderace can i have libero?
Shoot, I completely forgot about type changing moves/abilities. I'm gonna say no, since that would basically make you the Avatar within the rules of this tournament, which is already against the rules :P. I'll update the rules
Oh dang it RIP Greninja and Cinderace for Fire tribe... though BB Greninja is still around.

Well, for NatDex of course.
So... I'm going to be on vacation from June 27-July 1st. Will there be any battles during that time frame? I'm not allowed to bring my tablet out of my house.
There probably will be, but the first round usually lasts a week or so, so you'll still have a bit of time to battle when you get back
can we PLEASE make this best of 3
The move Metronome should be banned because if a Clefable were to use the move, it can land on a move like Soak.
Theres literally like a 0.01% chance that Metronome would end up landing on one of the banned moves, so I'm not too worried about it. If by some fluke it does happen to land on one of the banned moves though, I won't count it against the person who used it.

Also @melcakes, the original post stated it would be 1 match only, but if you can make a case for why you think it should be best of 3, I'm willing to reconsider
How does Castform work? Suppose someone from the Fire tribe sends out Castform and the opponent used Hail. Will it be counted against one of the opponents?
To be honest I really don't anticipate anyone using Castform at all. But yeah, you make a good point; I'll add Forecast to the banned abilities
I cant wait! This is my first tournament actually hosted by someone.
best of 3 makes the whole thing a lot less reliant on luck, also makes the tour more fun bc youre playing more battles, if you lose r1 you only got to play one game in this tour

could toss in a rule like must use the same team
Yeah ok I can vibe with that. Will update the rules; any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace
what does reflect type mean?
so i heard there was a ruling made on megas that is not stated in the rules here that i do not like and that is that yu cannot use megas whose typings dont fit your tribe, for example air tribe cannot use mega gyara
also that no one but earth tribe can use mega lopunny even tho regular lopunny is pure normal type

just bringing this to people's attention, i think it should be CHANGED and that any pokemon who qualifies for a tribe in team preview should be allowed as that's how the ruling is applied to all metagames where youre restricted to a certain type, like in monotype you can use mono flying with mega gyarados bc gyarados is flying in the team preview
Pure normal is allowed on any tribe :P
Yes so lopunny and it’s mega should be allowed on every team
Also I stand corrected in mono only mono water can use mega gyara (dumb) so take erase what I said about that <:L
Wrong again.

“Pure Normal type Pokemon may be used by anyone; however, Normal type Pokemon with a secondary typing may only be used by the tribe the secondary type is assigned to (e.g. Ditto may be used by anyone, but Unfezant can only be used by Air tribe members)”

Mega Lopunny can only be used by Earth tribe XDXDXD
i understand that man

im saying that LOPPUNY is normal type and should be allowed on every team
and that you should be allowed to mega it even it if does turn to a fighting type just bc it passes in team preview BUT i dont expect this to get overturned
Oh I completely misunderstood you. I’m really sorry.
its ok man i was dead wrong about them being allowed in certain monotypes, i just wanna use mega lopunny so i dont get messed up by earth tribe lol
XD then it’s all good. Mega Lopunny is worth fighting for XDXDXD
If you use Mega Gyarados would that be allowed in a fire tribe team?
Yes it would
I:> that is news to me
It's Dark type, so it's cool. However, Mega Gyarados wouldn't be ok on an air tribe team, bc it no longer has its Flying type

18 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

NebbyY of the Earth Tribe is our tour winner!

Thanks to everyone that signed up! This has probably been one of our biggest tours in a while, and I'm grateful for that; hope that trend continues with our future tours! Special thanks to nebs and krlw for letting me pick their brains on competitive and hosting related stuff when I needed help :) It's been nice hosting this tour, and see you all for the next one!
Past Battles:
Finals: KirbyKing vs. NebbyY
Semifinals: melcakes vs. NebbyY, KirbyKing vs. ~MegaCharizardY~
Quarterfinals: PX ™ vs. KirbyKing (no replay), Dawkwai_Z vs. ~MegaCharizardY~, Mega-Blade X vs. melcakes, Codeine Kiss vs. NebbyY
First Round: PX ™ vs. Rayquaza2753 (inactivity win), ForretressExplosion vs. KirbyKing (inactivity win), Dawkwai_Z vs. ItsYaBoiFlareon, FoxyTire vs. ~MegaCharizardY~, stateside_heavy vs. melcakes, KRLW890 vs. Mega-Blade X, Codeine Kiss vs. HailDuggee, PorygonZangoose vs. NebbyY
Tribe Assignments:

Fire: PX ™, PorygonZangoose, melcakes, ~MegaCharizardY~
Water: Dawkwai_Z, HailDuggee, Rayquaza2753, Mega-Blade X
Earth: NebbyY, ForretressExplosion, ItsYaBoiFlareon, stateside_heavy
Air: Codeine Kiss, KirbyKing, KRLW890, FoxyTire

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Nice, gg. I'll update the thread in a little bit; if a staff member wants to update the Hall of Fame, please do
I'll do the hall
i thought you wouldn't lead with exca after round 2
Congrats to NebbyY!
1 vote

Showdown Username: Codeine Kiss
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Any day in the evening, can make any time work though.
NatDex OU

Sorry I didn’t see this until now. I probably would have been ready at that time, but I still won’t be home until tomorrow
It's fine, I can wait
Today's a Tuesday so would you like to play today morning (for you)?
I can play, yes
Sure let's play now my name is Ooftello2
0 votes

I’m not very good at this stuff but I love to battle so....

Username: VoltBolt55

Time zone: Apparently GMT-6 idk let’s hope Google doesn’t lie :P (Mountain Daylight Time, if that helps)

Availability: Not really any specific times, I can jump on at about 10 pm my time, and other than that.... it’s really random.

Format: I’d say just standard OU.

So.... yeah that’s it I’m super excited but I’m also terrified (runs to teambuilder).

0 votes

Showdown!: PerhapsFlareon (dont expect me to get far)

Time: 9-11am Pacific Standard or 2-4pm Pacific Standard on Weekdays, a bit more on Weekends

PS. Thanks for reminding me about the rewatch :P

Good luck everyone!

oh yeah natdex

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Dang it NatDex is gonna win.
0 votes

Username: KirbyCuteKing
Timezone: AEST +10
Availability: anytime on weekends, limited on weekdays
Format: NationalDex OU
Good luck everyone!

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0 votes

Sure lmao. I'm gonna get yeeted out on the first round as sumwun will inevitably get the water tribe and stall me with Toxapex so that won't be fun
Username: Literally Grass
Timezone: UTC +0 or GMT +1 whichever one you read.
Availability: Pretty much any time if I remember.
Format: Toxapex will be in both so Natdex AG.

GG in advance to whoever gets water tribe and beats me with mono water stall. I'll have an absolutely champion time fighting you.

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oh no...
I surprised this has been up for 10 hours and sumwun hasn't done anything about that S.
0 votes


Username: NebbyY☆

Timezone: EST

Availability: Basically any time, but Friday is awkward for me

Format: Standard OU

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Yay a person who agrees that Standard OU should be the format!
wrong (Filler)
i agree... that it should be natdex
0 votes

Rayquazachu is my username.

GMT 1? According to GMT website.
3:30 probably

National Dex OU.

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when can you fight
1:00. Tommorow.
0 votes

Showdown username: KRLW890
Time zone: American central
Availability: I’m free weekends, Mondays, and Friday afternoons.
Standard OU

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Are you able to battle now?
Didn’t even realize you commented here until 30 minutes after I commented on yours :P
Yeah, I can battle anytime today.
Sorry I didn't respond yesterday. My bad. When can you battle today? Does around now work?
Starting from about 1:00 your time, I’ll be keeping an eye on the Database’s server pretty much all day. I have an extension that’ll ping me whenever somebody joins, so just join when you’re ready.
0 votes

Ok sure I'll do it. I'm sorry in advanced to my team mates lol

Fresher Than You
I'll ban you if you beat me

Standard OU

it was a comment, actually.
Oh yeah I'll ban you lol
Noooooo! Second Chance. Plz. XD
when you wanna battle?
Rest In Peace me lmao
0 votes

I'm interested. I think I will give it a go.
Username: Zangoose373
Time Zone: GMT-4
Availability: 12:30 am to 3 am, 7 am to 10 pm.
Format: NatDex OU

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Is NatDex the National Pokedex?
Yup. (filler)
NatDex contains only the pokemon found in the National Park in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and Soulsilver and their evolutions. Hardcore fans use only the 'mons found and not their evolutions.
@Flareon. Not true. Natdex does indeed mean every Pokémon. You were probably just saying it as a joke, but it looks like PorygonZangoose might have taken you seriously.
oh it was a joke lol. sorry for the confusion.
0 votes

I want to sing up
Time zone: GMT -3
Username in showndown: FoxyTire
I'm able to battle at Mondays to Fridays at 13:10 to 18:00
Format: national dex is fine to me :D

When do you have time to battle? I’m not really sure what time it would be over there compared to here :/
0 votes

Eh, might as well give it a shot.

Username: XScipio

My time zone is Eastern Standard Time.

I'm usually available around 12:00 to 2:00 EST. That's not always the case, though.

Standard OU, I suppose.

Good luck to all!

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When can you battle?
0 votes

6-11pm weekdays, whenever i feel like weekends

im screwed
melcakes, would Wednesday at 6 work for you?
ye man
When are you available to battle?
any day 6-11
Gotcha. I might be able to battle a bit later.
0 votes

Idk if i will be able to but i'd love to join

Time zone GMT -5 or Eastern Daylight time
I should be on a lot usually later in the day
natdex ou

I need to watch the series

by signing up you are battling guaranteed
i can probably battle on the weekends, what about you?
i can do tomorrow at 1pm your time, i think thats the right time. it would be 10am for me if that helps?
im ready rn if u are
dude i got on just for you to not ;-;
Let’s gooooo ur my next competition.
When can you battle?
0 votes

This is a great idea for a tournament. I understand that by posting an answer, I'm signing up, but may I be considered as an alternate? I simply don't want to exclude anyone who really wants to do this who just happened to miss out on the chance to sign up due to time zone differences, life, etc.

Showdown username: bluemilkfarms
Time zone: American central
Availability: I’m available most Saturdays and most evenings. Sunday is a no-go. I suspect the battles I take part in will be over quickly.
Standard OU

Again, this is a really fun idea.

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As of right now you'll still be able to participate, since we're at exactly the max amount of people signed up. But yeah, if anyone else joins, they'll take your slot and you'll become an alternate instead of them, if that's what you would like
Log on to the DB server ( and we’ll coordinate where we’ll play
0 votes

Showdown User: Ri Unite
Time Zone: PST
Availability: Every day 4-5 PM PT
Standard OU

you have discord?
you ready yet?
its 4pt you ready
you ready?
i have school next week so its today or not
Dude, chill, there's no need to spam him. You've still got a good five days left to battle, plus I can always grant an extension if you aren't able to do it by then.
yeah problem is i have school at like 3pm pst
are you ready? its 5pm come on
0 votes

Username: Ooftello2
Time zone: GMT 5:30 +
I’m available on weekends, and Tuesday, Thursday Afternoons in my Time zone of course.
Standard OU

I am joining because stateside_heavy decided to substitute if somebody joins. I can’t wait for this tournament!

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