Hello, and welcome to the Avatar tournament, as suggested by MrKijani! Fittingly enough, at the time of writing this, Avatar: The Last Airbender just released on Netflix a couple weeks ago (highly recommend watching/rewatching it if you have the chance to), so now seems like the perfect opportunity to jump into this tournament!
- The tournament will be conducted in Gen 8 National Dex OU format (see below)
- There will be 4 tribes based on the classical elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air
- Tribes will be randomly assigned to players once signups close, with an equal (or as close to equal as possible) distribution of players among the 4 tribes
- To compensate for this, there will be a 5-day grace period in between the assigning of tribes and the start of the first round, to allow time for teambuilding
- Each tribe will have a list of 4 types that are assigned to them. Members of a tribe may only use Pokemon that are one or both of their tribe's assigned types
- The tribes and their types are as follows:
- Fire: Fire, Electric, Dark, Dragon
- Water: Water, Ice, Grass, Poison
- Earth: Ground, Rock, Steel, Fighting
- Air: Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Fairy
- Pure Normal type Pokemon may be used by anyone; however, Normal type Pokemon with a secondary typing may only be used by the tribe the secondary type is assigned to (e.g. Ditto may be used by anyone, but Unfezant can only be used by Air tribe members)
- All Bug type Pokemon may be used by anyone, regardless of secondary typing
- Members of the same tribe will only face each other should such a matchup be deemed unavoidable
- The following moves are banned: Camoflauge, Conversion, Conversion 2, Forests Curse, Magic Powder, Reflect Type, Soak, Trick-or-Treat
- The following Abilities are banned: Color Change, Forecast, Libero, Protean, Mimicry
- All matches will be best of 3; you may not switch out your team in between two battles of the same match
- You are not the Avatar. Deal with it
Other Basic Rules:
- Battles will (tentatively) be conducted on the Pokemon DB Showdown server
- Standard Smogon battle clauses and National Dex OU bans apply
- Spectators may not influence a player's decisions, nor can players accept outside help during a battle
- You are not required to have the same team throughout the tournament; you may swap out team members between rounds if you so choose
- Save your replays
Please post all battle replays to the thread here. If a battle between two players is not conducted before the set deadline, then I will decide whether an extension will be granted or if a player will be disqualified for inactivity.
I will be watching each replay to ensure these rules are followed, and should they be broken, the offending player will be disqualified.
Signups are now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Please read sumwun's guidelines for tournament participation before signing up.
For those interested in signing up, please post an answer below. Your answer should include your Pokemon Showdown username, your time zone, and what hours and days you will be available to battle normally. Additionally, there has been some talk about having tournaments conducted in NatDex OU in the past instead of the standard OU format, so please also specify which format you would like to see this tournament conducted in. Whichever format has the most votes by the time sign-ups close will be the format this will be played in, and the thread will be updated to reflect this.
As for an example of how to sign up:
Showdown Username: Finchwidget
Time Zone: GMT -4 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Generally available all day on weekends, or on weekdays before 2:00 PM and after 9:00 PM
OU or NatDex OU?: Standard OU format
No more than 16 players may sign up. Sign-ups will close on Sunday, June 21th at 12:00 AM EST, at which time tribe assignments will also be posted below. First-round matchups will be posted on Friday, June 26th at 12:00 AM EST
Use a time zone converter to help you decide battle times.